We're Close To Your Last Day To Prepare For The Coronavirus


How about tossing masks, clothes, shoes, etc. into the clothes dryer on high heat? Wouldn’t that kill off the virus, easy peasy?

"They really believe they stopped a pandemic. They still really only think there are 60 cases in the US."
I have a hard time thinking they're this stupid. I think it's more likely that they've concluded the health of corporations and of the stock market is more important than the health of the people. So the game plan is to black out news of the progression of the pandemic, giving the people a false impression that this is a minor problem and they should continue with business-as-usual. The ultimate price of this policy could be a 2,000,000+ deaths, but it appears to me they view this is as an acceptable loss -- just the price that must be paid to maintain stock prices and economic activity. The number of deaths can be suppressed just as easily as can information about the spread of the disease. It will be up to historians to try to establish the true extent of the pandemic, at least here in the US.

Regarding UV sanitization of masks - here are a few links to papers on the subject. I am using a UV light sanitizer to zap the contents of my purse (keys, glasses, cash, credit cards, etc.) and will zap masks if no other option…
UV sanitization of N95 mask – study of effectiveness
UV sanitization of rooms


This approach is guaranteed to grow the pandemic. And guaranteed to leave the public unprepared. Is this obvious to everyone?
No, it's not obvious to everyone. That's the whole point of the approach they're taking. It's the "ignorance is bliss" strategy. Sure, many more people will suffer and die, but the economic impact will be less if people can be lulled into a false sense of security and continue with business-as-usual, at least in the short run. Trump & Co. are betting they can just bullshit their way through this like they have many times before, which they can only do if hard news about the spread of the virus and its mortality is suppressed. In the end, it's just a business decision.

Boggles the mind.

Factories not producing stuff the rest of the world uses and people not getting out to use transportation.

I believe the above are culpable in causing grave harm and death to americans. It is clear that they censored media - that should be available to our public as granted by law. They have no responsibility to warrant their services, but when extra steps are taken to eliminate information people need that causes harm and death, because they think there are some scammers - which there are, but people are smart and can decide for themselves what they want to take as fact… I do believe these companies have harmed americans - the people have grown dependent on their services to be informed and communicate with others. these services were disrupted for intents that were only to harm and cause loss to their users with no real legal need or requirement or per any terms of agreement with the their users.

Liners yes. Seems the article confirms this. I have a wee bit of knowledge here since I recently planned my burial. Liners are a legal requirement in most places to prevent ground shift. In my area they are concrete. I’d say this topic is done. But off topic, if the virus is slowing considerably in Wuhan why did I read recently that they are building 19 more “hospitals” for the infected? We’ve learned to watch what they do and not what they say, right? Something’s not adding up.

This approach is guaranteed to grow the pandemic. And guaranteed to leave the public unprepared. Is this obvious to everyone?
No, it’s not obvious to everyone. That’s why they’re taking this approach. It’s the “ignorance is bliss” strategy. Sure, many more people will suffer and die, but the economic impact will be less if people can be lulled into a false sense of security, at least in the short run. Trump & Co. are betting they can just bullshit their way through this like they have many times before. It’s a business decision. And perhaps a political decision. Anyone care to wager/speculate the political hysteria over postponing the election. That would not be possible in a, life is normal, society. Lastly, you are forgetting that you and your family are commodities. You should not question, complain or second guess. Remember censoring is for your benefit so you will seek out the “approved” narrative. Your obedience is demanded your consent is not necessary. Trust don’t verify.  


Water troughs don't have lids, and who stock piles 500,000 of them?

I think it’s the opposite, I believe it lives longer on hard surfaces.

I echo sandman’s comparison in US v Singapore. This virus needed early detection to stop asymptomatic transmission. The worlds economies were held in higher value than peoples lives so we will have huge outbreaks in US vs Singapore. I have talked my husband into staying home now, regardless of the difficulties or repercussions that may bring. We are in Houston, Tx with a huge 4 week long rodeo currently just beginning. It is like a massive fair with food, rides and a concert every night for 4 weeks and lots of public restrooms (the big green kind). TONS of people daily. The massive explosion we will see here in 4 weeks will be insane. I do believe medical martial law will be instituted when needed, it will be impossible for the govt to manage with the level of sick and chaos that will ensue in these large cities with very govt dependent people.
Iran: there was aleaked video on twitter showing a doctor discussing patient images. The doctor described the lungs as “bleeding” whereas previously we all know its been discussed as inflammation, groun glass opacities etc… The doctor said there were 594 cases with similar images and he said they all needed to be admitted to the hospital. He said testing was a problem, partially due to sampling error (need back of throat swabs vs side of mouth and tongue). I have been reviewing all the case studies I can find, and maybe I missed, but I have not seen “bleeding” mentioned previously in review of the lung images. I did screen shot the entire video which had subtitles so maybe there was an interpretation difference.
But, for doctors in the states… Abnormal chest imaging with w/wo lymphopenia seem to be the early “symptoms” in the case studies… then comes the dry cough and fever, fever is listed as 100.4 which must USA clinicians will rule out due to not being >101.
Censoring: my usual Dr John Campbell on YouTube is eerily absent today. I have been waking up to his videos daily since early on in February. Very odd.

It seems many people here are misinformed about the heat requited to kill the coronavirus pathogen, as they are failing to note the difference between Fahrenheit and Celsius scales.
If you think 86 Fahrenheit will neutralize the coronavirus, think again. Do you cook your chicken to an internal temperature of 86 F degrees? I didn’t think so.
One should apply at least 186.5 F degrees for 10 minutes in order to neutralize this virus.
If you wish to neutralize the possible virus upon a used mask, which is still moist from your breath, you CAN use your microwave oven, which will act to dry the mask…and as it does…also vibrate certain molecules within a virus, which will cause it to inactivate it. The hot water vapor released by microwaving a moist mask, will also reduce the ability of the virus to transmit its internal heat, caused by the microwaves, to the fibers of the mask, upon which it is stuck.
No need to saturate the mask with water…it can just be damp.
While this is not the approved way to sterilize a mask, which most authorities simply tell you to toss after one use…it will definitely result in “cleaner” mask.
You see, the standard frequency of the home microwave will neutralize a virus, IF the virus cannot shed its internal heat build up to the surface it is in contact with. So, floating virus can be killed, and virus with only slight contact with a surface can be killed, and a virus…which is in solid contact with a surface can be killed…IF the surface is hot enough to disallow heat dissipation from the hot virus. So, the steam, at plus 186.5 degrees, aids to remove thermal insulation for the virus.
One can also place used masks in a PRESSURE COOKER, on your stove. This autoclave for the home will provide both the required pressure and heat needed to kill the virus completely. A PRESSURE CANNING pot is ideal. Place the mask inside a quart size canning jar, seal…and put them in the canning pot. Pressure cook at 10-15 psi for about 10 minutes…done. The jar, when cooled, will contain a sterile mask in a sealed vacuum. The canning jar may then be handled safely, and reused.

I keep meaning to say this:
I am very weary of utilizing Tylenol cold and flu products for this virus. I keep seeing eleavated AST/ ALT/ Total Bili in the case studies, not sure if that is side effects of meds or otherwise. I will be letting fever ride and using non-pharm methods and increasing hydration to offset fever in my crew. Considering adding milk thistle to the line up just in case but something to note about Tylenols effects on liver.

The symptoms you describe match the mystery not-flu illness that led my friend in Washington State to be put on a ventilator.

If you know a new pandemic will likely infect 70% of Americans over the course of its run, and the 20% of those infected will need hospitalization…and 3% of these hospitalized patients will probably die. And, you know the “cured” are still shedding virus and are still subject to re-infection, or new infection by another virus, or bacteria. You may safely assume your medical resources will be completely overwhelmed, the death rate will drastically climb, and social paralysis will ensue…as people isolate themselves, refuse to go to work, and the economy shuts down.
So, in order to cause less of a disruption for a pandemic which cannot be guarded against, the government begins to censor and lie to the lay public…so society glides into the disaster as best it can…instead of flying directly into a mountain.
The most highly armed citizenry on Earth, whose members include some pretty uneducated and emotionally unstable people, have to be managed, as best it may be managed,…to try and reduce social chaos. It may seem outrageous, but lies, meant to calm, are also meant to save lives from threats other than viral pneumonia.

Maybe some of my disgust at the refusal to test is misplaced.
Scott Gottlieb, MD, on Face the Nation yesterday says an alliance of academic centers and industry should have 10,000 kits / day available by the end of next week.

Several people mentioned a run on hand sanitizer. I ran across this article on how to make your own. Seems like a pretty good cottage industry at the moment.