We're Close To Your Last Day To Prepare For The Coronavirus

I saw in your post that you fasted when you were getting sick- I have been wondering about the role of fasting in preventing or lessening an illness like this. Can you say more about fasting as part of your strategy and if there is any information I could read about that?

Here’s my plan. I have several of those large vegetable boxes from Costco with 4" sides. I will number 10 masks 1-10 to be worn on the appropriate date, after wearing take them off carefully outside with proper sanitary conditions including gloves, place them curved side up in the vegetable box and place them in the sun for several hours. Afterward, they will stay in the box in a protected area outside until I need them when their number is up. So on the 3rd I’ll wear mask #3, on the 5th #5, etc.

Yes, if you have enough masks to quarantine the mask as long as the virus is likely to live on the surface and UV will help kill it as well. I am good with that plan. I have been quarantining groceries for standard flu since my daughter was born But flu usually 72hours is enough , though i usually double that. I do have both ozone and UVC in my supplies now for the current situation. I do not need to leave the home for work normally except to pick up shipments ( ugh… I will be ozoning the vehicle regularly and using precautions. I do not need to interact other than delivery drivers… though they could be infected or carrying infection ) I will be using all hazmat precautions to handle my deliveries. Or minimizing - if things get bad - my business will tank, I do not sell items that are necessary. I do not need to interact with individuals … or work with people regulary. I could survive about 9 mos to year without financial issues without additional income or leaving the home.

All we can do here is offer suggestions for each and everyone reading these threads. Present options which you adapt to the situation you personally are in. For some, the option makes sense, while others can’t do a similar plan.
That’s the strength of a community.
Over on the website I run, we call it “disensus”, the idea that there is no one answer, no one right option, no one size fits all approach to a situation. The opposite of consensus.
Some options will work, some options will fail. Its only by coming up with a variety of plans that the one which is right for you will appear.
Take the ideas that all the people here have, evaluate them with your own situation in mind, implement them as best you can, review where they work and change things where they don’t.
Above all survive.

The ultimate mask solution. Why does everyone think they are going to be out and about, running around as usual?? If you have limited PPE gear, stay put. Your life will change from now on. Good luck.
Not everyone is going to have the option to just stay at home kunga. Some will have to go out. They may get by with once a week or they may have to go out repeatedly. I have a sister who i will need to check in on regularly, who herself will need to work and make money to live. This isn't going to be a one off event like a hurricane, that crashes upon our individual shores but more like a change of climate. From temperate mild and gentle Summer to a harsh and chaotic Winter where one moment its mild and sunny and next wildy, snowy, cold, nasty and unkind. Sometimes you just have to put a coat on, go out and gather firewood. What we all can do now while we have some time, is figure out how to be safe in that storm.

Lineman never said that everyone should follow his plan. It is his plan, and stating such is helpful

I do not think the stores are going to run out of food in the near-term - its atleast 2 mos out. I think it will be more likely after this next week, you will need to use PPE to shop. It will be the larger problem. Foods will become a problem after people start dropping, hospitals are over whelmed and many many people are ill. I think you will see certain items be out of stock first, ( we have begun to see this ) all things are shipping and restocking now - hence why to prepare before the supply chain is interrupted… it is mos out. You will not need your deep pantry yet. You will need to PPE to restock or continue … There will come a point where going out to restock will be more hazardous and you will weight the risk with consuming your previsions. You need to stay well and also have provisions for later on. Its a balancing act. But for the most part , i have not seen tons of preppers but I know many people have prepped - and many stores have reported certain items affected.


I only have one.
If I had nine or ten, I could just rotate them. From what I’ve read, corona virus lives a maximum of nine days on a porous surface, like wood or paper, only a few hours on metal, like steel or copper.

Dtrammel, how about a clothes steamer, provides both heat and humidity?
Might be some options on what liquid you steam with? Maybe hydrogen peroxide, or water with bleach, or maybe DIY colloidal silver. I was checking Walmart and a couple of options available at my local store for $20-30nand more with 2 day delivery option. I’m thinking it could sit in a plastic tote with a few vent holes or lid cracked and steam away on low setting until it runs out of water/cleaning solution.
If steaming with diluted cleaning solution then you’d probably want to do it outside or upwind.

Using a hairdryer you will just liberate the virus into the air , makes no sense at all - that is like using an air compressor to clean your mask… yes boiling water much better idea

Confirmed Cases and Deaths by Country, Territory, or Conveyance

The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting 68 countries and territories around the world and 1 international conveyance (the Diamond Princess cruise ship harbored in Yokohama, Japan).
Country, Other Total Cases New Cases Total Deaths New Deaths Active Cases Total Recovered Serious, Critical
China 80,026 +202 2,912 +42 32,594 44,520 7,110
S. Korea 4,212 +1,062 22 +5 4,160 30 9
Italy 1,694 +566 34 +5 1,577 83 140
Iran 978 +385 54 +11 749 175
Diamond Princess 705 7 +1 688 10 36
Japan 256 +15 6 +1 218 32 19
France 130 +30 2 116 12 9
Germany 130 +51 114 16 2

This totally blows the paradigm of only one death possible per pandemic out of the water. This caliber of education is – I guess? – vital to administration supporters?

Would everyone and their grandmother please do this long time PP’er a solid and sign this petition immediately.
Lake Washington School District: Close LWSD Schools Due to COVID-19 Death in Washington and New Cases (Change.Org)
"The novel coronavirus, or COVID-19 started in a wet market in Wuhan, China. This has now spread to over 85,000 people around the globe, and caused at least 3,000 deaths, both totals higher than the SARS and MERS epidemics of the past.

This virus can stay in the body for three weeks or more prior to symptoms exhibiting, during which the infected can easily transmit the virus to others given it's high R0 value and infectious asymptomatic period. Since this virus may lay dormant for several weeks or more in some cases, during passing period, lunch, and other crowded times the virus will inevitably infect people growing the infection rate exponentially and the students will pass the virus on to their parents who will pass it on to their colleagues and so on. Though the CFR for children is currently low the spread of infection places their parents and elderly grandparents (those at highest risk of complications and hospitalization) at increased and unnecessary risk. In the light of the new information that the first US death from COVID was in Washington State, King County, where the LWSD schools are located, and there are three more infections discovered within the Lake Washington School District boundary with more likely to come, we are asking Dr. Jane Stavem, the superintendent of the Lake Washington School District to close schools around the district to prevent unnecessary spreading of this virus and to reduce the risk of a repeat of the experience in Wuhan, China where the local health care system became overwhelmed with patients resulting in unnecessary loss of life. Considering this, we request that Lake Washington School District close all schools and facilities as to slow the COVID-19 infection rate and keep students, their families and their elders safe."
Thank you, much appreciated!

It has not diverged much yet, but cool graphic

Did you catch the part where Azar said “We have the best health care system in the world looking out for them?”
Currently, our health care ranks as the most expensive in the world, but in terms of quality, US health care ranks 37th.

Hi. Might be a stupid question, but is there any reason to think municipal tap water will become unsafe?
I did my costco major stockup today, including much water, but I don’t know why I cared about the water, other than I wanted to get mine before it was gone.
Perhaps for people who normally buy one pack of water per week anyway it makes sense for them to buy four to prepare for a month of lock-down.

The case in Northern California where they had the person suspected of having the illness, that they had them under droplet protection but not aerosol protection, and then there are 100 medical staff workers under quarantine because it is being transmitted by aerosol exposure, that person would have been showing some kind of symptoms, so it seems very clear that people showing symptoms can transmit this by aerosol.
But how do we know if asymptomatic people also transmit it by aerosol? I understand how they could be transmitting it without knowing it by droplets (they speak enthusiastically and droplets fall onto their hands and then touch a grocery cart which you then touch and then touch your face). But I’m having a harder time understanding how an asymptomatic person would spread it by aerosol if they aren’t coughing or sneezing. Are the aerosolized particles evaporated from the droplets produced by coughing or sneezing? Or are they just coming from the person breathing?
For example, is it the case that an asymptomatic person could be walking in front of you in the aisle of the grocery store talking with their friend, and you pass through the invisible cloud of air they breathed out and you aren’t wearing a mask- you can catch it from that? Or are we just assuming that an asymptomatic person is transmitting it by aerosol to be on the safe side? In which case, everyone should be wearing masks all the time, because there’s no way to tell who has it or is spreading it.
Or is it the case that we only have to be worried about aerosol transmission when around someone who is sick? Like if ahead of you in the aisle the person coughs or sneezes not into their sleeve. You might turn around and go down another aisle.
So if it is the case that we need to be concerned about the aerosol transmission with asymptomatic people, are the N95 masks sufficient? I remember reading somewhere that they were not, because you’d also need goggles. But if you also have goggles (and perhaps earplugs) the N95 is enough for stopping aerosol transmission? Would that be high enough to stop incoming particulates or do you need the N100 respirators (plus goggles)?
And I can’t find where I read it but somewhere on these threads there was a post that said if you might have it (and how would any of us know if we are asymptomatic carriers- without testing) that the N95 mask doesn’t protect others from the ventilated air coming back through the plastic thing in the middle, if you have an easy flow valve? So if you might have it, you need to wear the surgical mask, which does not protect you from incoming particles, only protects others from your outgoing particles.
It seems like there might be something I am missing here, so I wanted to ask, but surgical masks stop you from spreading it to others if you are either symptomatic or asymptomatic. And N95 masks stop people from spreading it to you via droplets and/or aerosol if you also have goggles, but does not keep you from spreading it to them via the easy flow valve- is that correct? And the only way to do both at the same time is the N100 mask?
The reason I am asking is because I think there will be a lot of us who were recently sick and never tested for Covid-19, and in order to err on the side of caution in terms of both not wanting to get infected again AND not wanting to infect others, it helps to understand the specific dynamics related to the different masks in relation to aerosol transmission.

Doesn’t have to become unsafe if the workers who man the buildings don’t come in because they are sick.
I recommend people stockpile 10-12 gallons a person because there may be short outages or problems which cut off your supply for a short period of time.
By the same token, you need 20-30 gallons of water, even bad water to flush your toilet in such a case.

I was in the northwest a couple of years ago when the forests were burning and purchased a cloth mask with N95 inserts. It worked very well, was snug around my face and didn’t allow smoke inside. Hot and not the most comfortable for long time wear, but doable. It even filtered out the pollution in Akron OH the next summer. the mask is washable, cotton, but the inserts are not. So…I was wondering if I could cut the filters for my air purifier the right size and use them as inserts?
Any ideas?