We're Close To Your Last Day To Prepare For The Coronavirus

About fasting. I don’t fast often enough to see a pattern of health benefits, but I understand it has been helpful for otherwise intractable autoimmune diseases such as ulcerative colitis. When I learned that the primary danger with the coronavirus was cytokine storm, an immune system overreaction, I thought fasting might help. A quick search for cytokine storm syndrome turned up a report from Dr. Randy Cron using anakinra, a rheumatoid arthritis drug, and in one case he described it as “magical.” Similarly the more established treatments of corticosteroids and Tocilizumab (an anti-IL6 monoclonal antibody) can also suppress the immune feedback loop. But if such drugs aren’t available, fasting might still help.
Cytokine storm syndrome seems to have been in play with the 1918 influenza pandemic, and in the book “Fasting and Man’s Correct Diet” by R. B. Pearson pages 48-50, Pearson shows the death rates for allopathic (drug) doctors around 14% whereas those employing fasting and enemas had between 0 and 1%. I can’t imagine that’s entirely due to fasting considering the Spanish Flu often killed in less than 24 hours, but I’m clueless about enemas and I’d have to be really sick to consider them.


If 86 is the temp as dtrammel says, pretty easy to kill bugs with one of these.
Lot’s of folks have a steam shower as well. Heat is heat.

Pohzzer, check this article out. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2020-02-28/when-bad-news-good-news-119-people-have-been-quarantined-brothel-spain

The old “climate change” argument! You can squirm and wiggle and cry but I repeat: Stay home. Your sister sounds like a big girl, ever heard of email or telephone? Those with limited gear, if your job won’t provide a reasonable safety solution, is it worth your life to make money to live? I do appreciate your help for the folks, here, and I’m kind of giving you a hard time. But, consider, you really need to shave your head. ??
Peace out.

If the water is off, instead of using drinking water to flush, get a five gallon bucket, line it with two trash bags, buy a few bags of wood shavings in the pet dept. (walmart?), buy a toilet seat (there are ones just for five gallon buckets), do your business, cover with shavings, close the toilet lid. Save your water for drinking.

I believe that I have stopped colds in their tracks more than once by hitting the sauna with lots of hydration and then sleeping for a long time.

I appreciate your response. I liked your post but not sure it shows. I will look up those resources. I’ve been wondering if fasting could help in this situation, so it’s useful to hear what others are thinking about it too.

Nordicjack you are doing what so many people I’ve spoken to do, think that their groceries and supplies come from the magic Amazon or Walmart land, where things are made without human input. Do you know think that some low paying factory making Cambell’s soup is just not going to have their workers get sick? That the cans they package it in don’t come from China. You’re just going to shut your doors and self quarantine without worry? Good luck with that.
I’m reminded of people who have said, “I’ll stay home and just have Walmart deliver what I need.” You don’t think that minimum wage DoorDash employee, who is delivering to dozens of people, not to mention interacting with all those who pack your stuff, isn’t going to get sick? And when they do, good luck getting deliveries.
We develop a deep pantry so that when shortages in the supply chain appear, from shortages of material but especially from disruptions in delivery then we can weather them.

mntnhousepermi, you misunderstood me, I was pointing out that he was doing exactly what he should do, tailor a plan for himself. Not get on him for doing so.

The climate changes all through time when the underlying situation changes. Do you think that the way we live now will go on for all and all times. Its going to do the same this time. This virus will change the way we interact with our fellow humans. Are you implying it won’t? Who needs to shave their head now.
Clearly you don’t have relatives who have health issues or physical issues who require help to do the day to day things people do. Hopefully you never have to deal with a parent who is being cared for at home. You think this virus gets out and established in the community, that $10 an hour health worker is going to show up to give them pills or change their diapers.
I’m sure I misunderstand you in this, so I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt…
I respect the comments you have said up til now and I’m going to chalk this conversation down to a misunderstanding typical of online chat, and go to bed until tomorrow.

You can squirm and wiggle and cry but I repeat: Stay home. Your sister sounds like a big girl, ever heard of email or telephone?
A few years ago my father was in a nursing home for Alzheimer's. Every morning after work, I would go visit with him, share breakfast and try to connect. It didn't happen much because by then he was pretty gone, still yes I would have braved a virus like this one to go there and visit. While my sister doesn't have any health issues that would require me to visit her everyday, like my father did, there a hundreds of thousands of people out there who do have such a situation. No we are not going to just close our doors and let them fend for themselves cause they are "big girls or boys". Few of us have the option to just self quarantine and let the rest just get by on their own. Its called friends and its called family.

From a friend of a friend of a friend.

Last evening dining out with friends, one of their uncles, who's graduated with a master's degree and who worked in Shenzhen Hospital (Guangdong Province, China) sent him the following notes on Coronavirus for guidance: 1. If you have a runny nose and sputum, you have a common cold. 2. Coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough with no runny nose. 3. This new virus is not heat-resistant and will be killed by a temperature of just 26/27 degrees. It hates the sun. 4. If someone sneezes with it, it takes about 10 feet before it drops to the ground and is no longer airborne. 5. If it drops on a metal surface it will live for at least 12 hours - so if you come into contact with any metal surface - wash your hands as soon as you can with a bacterial soap. 6. On fabric it can survive for 6-12 hours. normal laundry detergent will kill it. 7. Drinking warm water is effective for all viruses. Try not to drink liquids with ice. 8. Wash your hands frequently as the virus can only live on your hands for 5-10 minutes, but - a lot can happen during that time - you can rub your eyes, pick your nose unwittingly and so on. 9. You should also gargle as a prevention. A simple solution of salt in warm water will suffice. 10. Can't emphasise enough - drink plenty of water! THE SYMPTOMS 1. It will first infect the throat, so you'll have a sore throat lasting 3/4 days. 2. The virus then blends into a nasal fluid that enters the trachea and then the lungs, causing pneumonia. This takes about 5/6 days further. 3. With the pneumonia comes high fever and difficulty in breathing. 4. The nasal congestion is not like the normal kind. You feel like you're drowning. It's imperative you then seek immediate attention.

From the above post, if the virus is killed by temperatures of 26–27°, then how come it survives in the body at 37° ?
The simplest way to destroy Covid-19 surely would be to heat whatever it’s on or in to a mere 30° for half an hour.
Temperature in Canberra today reached 30° and stayed there for a few hours. Quite pleasant. Allegedly the virus cannot survive in such an environment. I have yet to see anyone in any public place wearing a respirator or mask, with the exception of some of the apparently Chinese students around the ANU.
What happens when winter comes? Maybe the virus will have been killed off by then. On verra, as the French say.

Expect coronavirus pandemic propaganda to be ratcheted-up in the US and other nations in the months ahead. Some of the big US themes were evident in the two Presidential press conferences earlier this week. These themes and talking points will be refined, packaged and rolled-out in a comprehensive communications plan that will be repeated ad nauseam by governmental and MSM talking heads. This messaging will become even more shrill as we get closer to election day. Whether in China or the US, “rulers” will manipulate the messages and resources to save face (i.e. maintain control and power), rather than to save lives.
A fairy tale ending: China’s battle against the epidemic transforms into political slogans
Now, whether US government officials can co-opt our medical and health care personnel in this propaganda effort remains to be seen. These front-line workers have been left hanging without timely, effective guidance and support, appropriate PPE, testing capabilities and other resources necessary to safely diagnose and care for Covid-2019 suspected/infected patients. As a result, many exposed US medical and health care workers will become infected with the coronavirus, and some will die.
Today, 124 UC Davis medical and health care personnel exposed to an infected Covid-2019 patient are quarantined due primarily to federal incompetence, lack of consistent leadership and timely support.
Will the WH, CDC and MSM make reluctant heroes out of these and countless other unfortunate workers whose lives are put needlessly at-risk? Propaganda from our federal spin doctors and MSM will not mitigate the spread and severity of this pandemic.
Turning on the kitsch: doctors star in China’s coronavirus state propaganda

I have been going through the same series of questions, yagasjai and then doing quite a bit of reading to sort through it all. The conclusion I have come to is that masks are pretty much a waste of time except in special circumstances. Even the much discussed N95 mask only screens out 95% of airborne virus droplets but only if its fitted perfectly. So you are still going to get exposure in crowded areas with sick people who are coughing.
These things are hot to wear and make breathing a little bit uncomfortable. I bought a half face respirator with N100 filters and gave it a try experimentally and I do not like the thing. Even the N100 will not give complete protection against aerosolized virus particles since those particles are so tiny compared to what the mask is designed to protect you against. The literature says that virus particles get down to .005 microns which is much smaller than the masks fiber openings.
You might just as well be wearing a spaghetti colander.
To be honest I regret buying the thing since its basically useless in a dangerous setting like a hospital wait room but it could come in handy for welding, sanding and working with some chemicals and smokey environments. Probably the most important reason to own one is to make other people feel better when they know you are sick. It is very doubtful that any Western government would insist citizens wear masks in public.
In the final analysis, it is my opinion that face-masks are not necessary in most situations since they do not give the kind of protection that most buyers believe they are getting. You are better off just avoiding high risk zones where virus particles are floating around while taking steps to keep your hands as clean as possible. Disposable gloves are actually much more important during cool months since there is a virtually certain risk of exposure to contaminated surfaces and it is a risk that we can avoid by good practices.

The virus is showing up in Singapore, but the mean daily maximum temperature there at this time of year is over 30°, and over the entire year is over 30°, more than enough to kill off this here virus.
I don’t understand.

If the super markets are out of food find your nearest Ranch/Farm/Produce/Rural shop, the kind of place where farmers go to buy seed and hay and get tractor parts, and go in and buy 200 pounds of oat seeds. All you need is a coffee grinder to make oat flour, and a pasta maker/roller to make rolled oats.
It’s not a complete nutritional meal but you can use your existing supplies and oats to pad out your supply of food for a long time.
Rye seeds can be done as well but I hate the taste of rye bread, Millet works as well. You are basically buying chicken/horse feed and or unprocessed rolled oats.
The other exceptionally good thing about buying seeds is that if you are self isolating for a year or so, oats grow like a weed, it’s not hard to plant those seeds and get a good harvest for yourself on small bit of land.
You can either buy feed or seed oats, you probably want the feed ones not the seed ones as they will not have been coated with anything that promotes seed growth.

Alot of biology but written very accessable, which is good, because I’m not medical
A worthwhile read

The guidelines probably refer to transmission via droplets or aerosols this falls pretty quickly to (effectively) zero at certain temperature/humidity combinations (you’re probably still vulnerable if an unmasked person coughs right in your face) - see eg study cited in other comment threads https://journals.plos.org/plospathogens/article?id=10.1371/journal.ppat.0030151#ppat-0030151-g003. Other transmission pathways such as droplets on surfaces react differently to a given heat/humidity combination than airborne particles. Virus particles in the body are bathed in fluid, this protects them from normal body temperatures.
People in tropical countries may spend quite a bit of time in air-conditioned environments which are too cool and dry to reduce aerosol and droplet spread much and are notorious for spreading pathogens. Also, there are the other transmission pathways.