What Comes Next?

Absolutely, millions do. And many down a fifth, smoke a joint, score some heroine, torment their family and then settle back and watch porn and Netflix. I suspect demoralization may be the reason for the need of 12 step programs like AA.
Just speculating.

the French President is visiting the Professeur Raoult at Marseille.
Hi to JimH
The doctors at IHU Méditerranée Infection all signed a charter on March 22 2020 - that they couldn’t in all good conscience conduct such a test leading inevitably to the death of the placebo patient.
Can we get the stocks - will Sanofi provide the doses? Why was HCQ placed under the designation as “venimeuse”?
Actually this is live so maybe the link will not work for you?

Hladini, Like you, I avoid feeding the beast. I have been retired for almost 15 years and already practice most of what you preach. But it doesn’t feel like it’s enough.
I am fighting mad about the way my hard-earned savings are being stolen out of my wallet by Wall Street and the Fed. I am appalled that, despite overwhelming evidence of demolition, we have never had a proper investigation of 9/11. I am incensed by the way the coronavirus pandemic is being used as yet another excuse by our statist ‘leaders’ to take away even more of our liberties.
Now we have trillions (trillions!!!) of dollars being handed to the Fed for them to distribute to their cronies with zero accountability. If we are prevented from traveling unless we can produce an ‘ausweis’ proving we have been tested negative for COVID-19 and/or vaccinated by Big Pharma, for me that will be the last straw.
It is obvious (to me at least) that none of these outrages can be fixed at the ballot box. The Republic is broken. Our grotesquely bloated government is nothing but corrupt middle management for the shadowy group who really run the country. We the people have been manipulated and propagandized into impotence by the rigged two-party system which has us at each other’s throats instead of working together to defeat the real villains.
Our schools are nothing more than government propaganda indoctrination camps turning out a watered-down version of real citizens who have no clue about the rights they are guaranteed by the Constitution.
It is past time for another revolution. I can hear Jefferson, Paine and Franklin yelling from their graves “What the hell are you waiting for?”.
If I was thirty years younger, I might have a crack at starting a revolution myself. But, while my spirit is chomping at the bit, my body is, alas, no longer adequate to the task. Nevertheless, I’m fervently hoping that somebody gets a revolution going before its too late for me to join up and bring my pitchfork to the fray. There is nobody more dangerous than a pissed-off old guy with nothing to lose.

Not so funny any more.
Travel state to state without any papers! Who knew?

While it could be argued that rats are indeed among those things that “come next” in a devolving society, it seems a bit off-topic here, so I’ve started a forum on the subject at https://peakprosperity.com/forum-topic/rats/.
Thanks to umaperegrina, Guvnor, and Mohammed Mast who have replied to my first post. To Mohammed - yes, ceramics or glass do definitely stop rats from eating your supplies, but it doesn’t stop them from living in the vicinity and pooping all over everything, so it’s a good but partial solution. Guvnor - if the paint buckets are metal, that’ll slow them down for sure, although it wouldn’t be easy to make them food safe after paint. But as with anything else, they’ll still try, and live in the vicinity, and poop. And we have cats too, but as the rats were only slightly smaller than the cats, and my cats are gentrified souls who get bored (or scared off) easily, it didn’t help. What you need is a ratter with OCD, like a Jack Russell terrier.
To those who might be interested in the story but don’t have the problem (yet), I’ve linked the magazine article I wrote when it was all (for the moment) over:

Like you I am disgusted.
I have been watching a ratio trade for decades waiting for it to bust:
I explain - in my opinion April 1st 2009 the Central Banks met in Ireland. I feel that they targeted a ratio trade : buying stocks (futures) selling a like quantity of Gold futures.
They have done very well until recently where things have started to go against them.
Today is an important day as Gold (and Silver) are on a tear - up 3.88% on the futures
and SP500 future is up 2.68%
Not a big difference for the moment - but this in face of Them buying EVERYTHING!
The race is on - They have to get stocks moving up faster than Gold.
Your Pension is riding on their trade. Again in my humble opinion.
I have not listened to the podcast yet - been busy today.

Here’s a great example of how the covid-19 lockdown is breeding new forms of social engagement.
My neighbors are in a band that now meets for virtual jam sessions. Each musician first records their own track at home and then everything is combined together.
This clip of their cover of “Let It Be” by the Beatles was featured on NBC this morning in the Bay Area:

(My friends are two of the singers: the guy who sings/plays guitar & sax, and the woman with the kick-ass voice)

Compared to the ‘virtual jamming’ above, the Fed has now engaged in actual jamming of the “”“”“markets”“”“”
There’s no longer any reason to be long - the fundamentals are lousy! - an no reason to be short (can’t fight the relentless printing press operators).
In short, free markets are now completely dead.
The Fed has utterly ruined everything that once made the US an awesome place to live. And the captive politicians and even-more-captive press is not up to the ultra simple job of asking the most basic of questions.

  • Why are you buying distressed assets from gigantic hedge funds and Wall Street banks for above-market rates?
  • Why are you giving money to Citadel to make them whole on their broken basis trades while only providing more loans to smaller businesses and households?
  • Don't they deserve free money too?
  • By far most of the benefit of today's new $2.5 trillion in programs flows to the very largest of companies and already wealthiest individuals. Why?
  • If/when all these new loans go bad, who is on the hook for those losses. that's the US taxpayer right? Either directly or via lowered interest payment returns to the US Treasury. Correct?
  • All you your policies over the last 12 years have served to make the wealth gap wider than it ever has been throughout history. Today's actions double down (literally) on that premise. How far is too far? When the 1% own 80% of all assets? When they own 95%? When the 0.1% owns 99.99% of everything? Please tell us, where's your line?

Ankle monitor and prisoner release at 11:00 minutes. Wow! We are in trouble with logic like that.

So it sounds like Chris and Adam are wanting to take a victory lap. Everything they have been saying has been preparing for this day. So I wonder if now Chris and Adam are going to move on from Peakprosperity and do something different.
I did feel it was pretty idealistic to say now that the unsustainable system has collapsed we will go back to a time where we embrace community and all of our “first world problems” will go away. Yes these first world problems will go away but I think we are going to wish we had them back after we go through years of suffering the world is going to experience. It is going from> the breakdown of community because everyone is on social media to> there are people in my community that are starving and crime is rampant. Well at least no one is on facebook anymore…

But are you really surprised? I’ve always assumed that TPTB would do everything possible to maintain the status quo – or a reasonable facsimile – for as long as possible. So it’s another $2 Trillion here, another $2 Trillion there (“and pretty soon you’re talking about real money”), and whatever the long-term result may be, they (TPTB) figure they can live with that better than they could live with any real change right now. The vested interests are very heavily (in)vested! And they hold most of the power.
So I am not surprised at all. (Getting killed on my SH position – should have sold it when I had the chance. But it’s a tiny position, because I knew I couldn’t count on the market doing what it “should” be doing.)
We live in interesting times…

So I wonder if now Chris and Adam are going to move on from Peakprosperity and do something different.
Your new here so please allow me to provide my insight. Chris and Adam are involved in a lot of different activities and ventures. Peak Prosperity is just one of them and it’s been around for a long time. I anticipate it will continue. At least I/we hope so.
Yes these first world problems will go away but I think we are going to wish we had them back after we go through years of suffering the world is going to experience.
That's called life, the only constant in life is change. Looking back is regret and looking forward is fear. Best get busy and deal with the here and now and plan for a future of uncertainty, change and struggle. The one thing in life you ALWAYS get to choose - your attitude. Yes this Pandemic sucks so find a purpose, make a difference. We have opportunities. Where do you see opportunities to learn and grow and contribute! AKHrannyWGrit

Wow, just wow?.
is there a YouTube link? I want to share this with a few friends!

I need to get busy but wanted to share/ask one more thing.
Have been listening to Malcolm Gladwell’s book Talking To Strangers. In the book he tells about a Cuban spy who defects to America. The spy reveals that a lot of the CIA’s spy’s are actually double agents. The book is about how we think we can evaluate people and situations but often times we as people are not very good at it. Thus the CIA people were astounded to learn, that for years their spy’s were actually double agents. Duh, they were duped.
It’s hard to tell if the craziness is just incompetence, lack of imagination, too much complexity or some true evil at work or a combination. Lately I am thinking incompetence and lack of deep thought.
What do you think?

There is no victory for anyone…Only the beginning of hard work to build the new paradigm. I am building local alliances and focusing on anticipated needs 2 to 3 months out. Gardens are expanding…baby chicks are growing…repairs to fences and water systems…searching for an apprentice to help with our gardens…Living like folks in the 1920’s seems much more sane than the 2020 culture that has just died a sudden death.

Dear AKGrannyWGrit: all of the above.
and, what did I win?

This is really cool:

Someday, when someone asks what you did during the COVID-19 pandemic, most of us will have unimpressive answers: watched Netflix, practiced cooking, took up guitar, survived. A few, though, will have some amazing stories, such as the doctors and nurses who are fighting a war to save lives. And then there are the scientists who can't get into their labs and have taken up some astounding side projects. That's the case for Cristiano Galbiati, a physicist at Princeton University, who, with help from over 100 scientists from Italy, France, Canada and the U.S., prototyped a ventilator that can be put together relatively easily with mostly off-the-shelf parts. The device costs just hundreds of dollars versus the tens of thousands such a device usually costs, and plans are underway to produce it in volume.

Hi Hulva2006,
I find your remark quite negative. PP feels like an oasis in a desert: well informed, critical, rational yet sensitive. Apart from that, what I like most about it, is the spiritual depth: spirituality has nothing to do with incense, karma, yoga etc, but anything to do with sharing, caring and daring.
They, like many others, have forwarned us. But unlike most, they openly put their deeds where their mouths are.
take care!


Here you, DaveDD: