What Comes Next?

Hi Hladini:
Not to take anything at all away from the Hare Krishnas…truth is truth no matter who says it or when they said it, but a very similar thought is attributed to William Wordsworth who called for “plain living and high thinking”. It was the intellectual motto of the New England thinkers who had such a profound influence on the founding and early days of the US.
For me, that particular truth is also summed up in the life and teachings of the Man from Galilee, Jesus of Nazareth, whose life, death by torture and resurrection the Christian world celebrates this weekend. That Man said (loosely translated): “a person’s life does not consist of how much stuff he or she piles up.” And He lived it.
Happily, I think this basic idea is one of the chief intellectual foundation stones of PP.

From Daisy Luther on facebook
From an anonymous UPS delivery driver…
5 types of customers since the “rona”:

  1. Steve: He has been waiting for this moment his whole life. He has been drinking boilermakers since 10:00 am in his recliner and his AR is within arms reach. He has 6 months provisions in the basement and a bug out bag due west buried in the woods. Steve demands a handshake as I give him his package. He’s sizing me up as I deliver his ammo. Steve will survive this, and he will kill you if he needs to.
2) Brad: He is standing at his window wearing skinny jeans and a Patagonia t-shirt. He is mad because there were no organic tomatoes at Whole Foods today. He points at the ground where he has taped a 6 ft no go zone line from his porch. I leave his case of Fuji water, organic granola bites, and his new “Bernie Bro” hat at the tape. Brad will not survive. Steve will probably eat him. 3) Nancy: She has sprayed everything with Thieves oil. Bought all the Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, meat, and bread from the local grocery chain. She has quarantined her kids and sprays them with a mixture of thieves, lavender, & mint essential oils daily. She has posted every link known to man about “The Rona” on her social media. She will spray you if you break the 6 ft rule. I will leave her yet another case of toilet paper. She will last longer than Brad, but not Steve. 4) Karen: She has called everybody and read them the latest news on “The Rona”. She asked for the manager at Food Lion, Walmart, Publix, McDonalds, Chi-Fil-A, and Vons all before noon demanding more toilet paper. Karen’s kids are currently faking “The Rona” to avoid her. I’m delivering “Hello kitchen” to her. Karen will not survive longer than Brad. 5) Mary: Is sitting in the swing watching her kids have a water balloon fight in the front yard as she is on her fourth glass of wine. She went to the store and bought 2 cases of pop tarts, 6 boxes of cereal, 8 bags of pizza rolls, And a 6 roll pack of toilet paper. There is a playlist of Bob Marley, Pink Floyd, and Post Malone playing in the background. I’m bringing her second shipment of 15 bottles of wine in 3 days. Mary will survive and marry Steve. Together they will repopulate the earth.

But, remember, no battle plan survives first contact with the enemy.
An prime example is Covid-19. I never saw this coming, or envisioned how massive the overnight changes could be.
Excellent discussion gentlemen.

Kia Ora all,
There have been a number of statements in the media around compulsory vaccinations.
Now I’m not an “anti-vaxxer” as such, but I am very selective in what I agree to take, and when I do take them I ensure a gap of time of around 6 months between them to ensure my body has more opportunity to process the toxins. I think both extremes of taking every vaccination recommended vs refusing all to be extremely dangerous. My usual M.O. with new vaccines is to wait for a couple of years to see how the first people taking it cope with it etc and give myself time and mental space.
There are no words to express how offensive I find the idea of being herded towards a brand new vaccine, with no discussion whatsoever around possible alternatives and no allowance for time to seriously consider consequences either way.
There are a number of announcements that make me feel uneasy that are occurring almost simultaneously with the suggestions of mandatory v’s … for example

  • WHO stating, “we may have to enter homes to remove sick people” (the same people that brought us this mess looking after a loved one of mine?)
  • Fauci saying you may need a vaccine to travel (you mean I can’t travel now? Well you declined vaccination - it’s your choice…)
    Back to my topic request - what options are there besides taking the vaccine? I’m not that great with citing research articles but I there seem to be a number of plants such as mushrooms with antiviral properties. I was thinking how much money vaccines would cost indebted governments vs plants/fungi that could be grown by people taking responsibility for their own health with government limited to communicating recommendations.
    Plus, if there is a legitimate option then it effectively reduces the price of the vaccine due to loss of monopoly.
    Maybe you guys have some ideas.

I would like to see Bill Gates, on stage with all his children, grand children and relatives have some arbitrary nurse show up with a random sample of the vaccine and watch them take it. Next a few Senator’s, their families and the President. I would then be much more trusting. Again, the sample would have to be random, say a local Walgreens, 2,000 miles away. That’s what we get, it should be good enough for them don’t you think.
You know, like an Engineer standing under a bridge he built.

it would be good if pp could illustrate how to covert the money system to a hard money standard and also have a table on the side pricing break, milk, ballbearings etc in terms of gold or satoshi’s. the more the vision of a hard money standard is put in front of people then i think you get closer to the dream. if we want a sutainable future then we cant carry on with a system like this where interest rates in no way signal how much real savings there are. i believe that a us dollar used to be 23.22 grains of gold where i grain = 0.065 grams and at 55dollars/ounce 1 X original us dollar = about US 79dollars

Finally, some warm weather. GI Jane day, in solidarity with Ision, I shaved my head. (Well, tightest cut on the Remington clippers, trust me with nothing sharp.) Brings to mind all those Buddhist monk past lives. Calling it the Covid-19 cut. To town next week before the food runs out. Going with all PPE, even tho supposedly, no confirmed cases in my county, yet. I can’t believe it. Lots to do outside, gotta kick my lazy butt into gear.
Every one have a blessed Resurrection Day, however you see it. What an interesting, challenging time and place to be alive. Thanks PP team.
Stay safe Suzie Gruber!

Thanks for the video AK Granny.

I certainly understand the revulsion at having my body violated by “the state” which is not primarily concerned about my well-being. I suspect that at some point we will have to demonstrate immunity, either by antibody titers or by proof of vaccination.
I personally, would prefer to get the infection than the vaccine. This is my own bias.
But, I’d like to do that in as controlled a setting as possible. Lining up where I will get care, stock piling my OJ and chicken noodle soup, vitamins, chaga tea, etc.
I’d like to get the best possible antivirals I can find. So far that looks like Zelenko’s combination (Zn, HCQ and Azith) with ivermectin (and here), other zinc ionophores (like quercitin) and a backup of other existing medications with anti-coronavirus activity like lopinavir, the HIV drug. [Edit-- The medication chlorpromazine (Brand name thorazine) mentioned in this paper doesn’t reach adequate blood levels at normal PO doses and loperimide (Brand name Imodium AD) isn’t absorbed from the GI tract well enough to offer blood levels that would inhibit CoV replication. So forget them.]

For those wondering where today’s (Thursday) covid-19 daily video update from Chris is, it’s not coming.
But there a happy reason why.
A few hours ago, we learned that Matt Taibbi, of Rolling Stone “vampire squid” fame, was available to speak with us.
As we’ve been pursuing Matt as an interview guest for years, we dropped everything to seize the opportunity.
The interview Chris recorded with him went just great. Matt’s a very nice and articulate guy who’s extremely knowledgeable about Wall Street’s inner workings and how they’re enmeshed with the DC political machine.
Matt exposes how today’s “unfairness economy” continues to reward the bad actors at the expense of the general public. Our leaders are either powerless to stop this abuse, or complicit in it.
We’re in post-production now and should have the interview on the site within the next few days. It’s a very important discussion and we’re excited to bring it to you.

Looking forward that interview!!!
Thanks Adam

Have you researched Stephen Buhners info on corona virus? I would be interested in hearing what you think. Have worked well for me…

I have been reading many posts here over the past months, which have been useful, entertaining, educational, and inspirational to say the least! I spend a good deal of time researching, and today I ran across an interview that I thought would be especially pertinent for those of us who are looking for 1) the best alternative remedies to stay as healthy as possible given we are or may be largely “on our own” or 2) having possibilities for an action plan if and when CV symptoms emerge. I thought this interview was really worthwhile and would love to read feedback from anyone who might have any knowledge or experience with the subject.

Well it was a nice pleasant chat. I kept hearing John Sebastion singing “what a day for a daydream”
It is the end of empire and the rape and pillage is going on right before our eyes. The barbarians have been inside the gates for decades and the plans are now being executed.
Charles I got news for ya bro there aint gonna be no competing currencies. The currency will be what the controllers want it to be. You will use it or perish. They will come for your gold and silver just like they did in 1933. There is no constitution. There is only the law of the jungle. Thinking there will be investment opportunities is ludicrous. These people have been at this for centuries. They are not giving up their money and power. They have survived every war, revolution, pandemic, election etc. Not only have they survived they have thrived at the expense of us serfs
Mandatory vaccination with god knows what, a digital cashless monetary system where every penny is tracked. Hell would not surprise me if everyone will have to take Soma to even be allowed to live in the brave new world.
Yeah it was a nice chat but the elephant in the room is the global neo feudal system being installed. It’s game over. They have not mismanaged anything. They are 100 moves ahead on the chessboard. Does anyone in their right mind think they were not ready for this? I hope the next chat isn’t so "pleasant " and there is at least one mention of a pitchfork at least for moving the mulch in a victory garden . Living in a banana republic would be a step up. I am with you boomer

Maybe those of us who are older can remember the discussions about Bergen-Belsen, Auschwitz and Dachau. Many have little concept of what was and what is possible.
Good comments!

Out of the house for the first time at least seven weeks (husband is sure it’s been seven years). All PPE’d up, got five Brahma banty chicks and four ducks of whatever breed they turn out to be. I really want them for snail demolition. Actual cream for the coffee for a week or so instead of dry milk…WooHoo. I live for the simple pleasures.
The Mama squirrel has taken her nearly grown babies out from under the house–we can replace the hardware cloth in the vent before she is ready for another litter. My neighbor is sharing eggs with us, by the time ours are ready to start laying, hers will be ready to slow down for the fall/winter.
Yes, life is definitely going to be ‘interesting’. Not boring–I was told growing up that only people with small minds and no imagination got bored. Or those who needed a nice hard job to do, like cleaning the bathroom with a toothbrush. Needless to say, my siblings and I were rarely ‘bored’.
It is good to be alive.

Mohammed mentioned that the notion of “investment opportunities” is ludicrous. I didn’t have time to listen to all of the chat but I hope that phrase wasn’t used as it would almost seem like it’s harking back to business as usual before the virus, though Charles did offer the notion of doing things for the benefit of the community rather than for the optimisation of profits.
An advert for the “Prosper” book popped up on this page and, as I closed it, I seemed to see some reference to growing one’s money. I hope I didn’t see that because the thought going back to a money-centric view is abhorrent to me.
Given that this virus isn’t going to evolve our species to another one, it is hard to see how we, as a species, will alter our characteristic species behaviour when (or if) this is all over. So no optimism from me. Governments around the globe are acting to try to get the economy, as we knew it, fired up again as soon as possible, throwing huge sums of money at keeping things going, at a time when very little is going, as though throwing money at businesses that have come to a standstill will somehow get the virus under control sooner. If we do come out of this, how many people will be able to participate in the economy which follows? If unemployment is 20%, 30%, 40% how will that disrupt society? If lockdowns have to continue for months, how will that affect society?
I don’t have answers and I don’t see how we can prepare for an unknown future when so many will be part of a collapse society.

Seven weeks, impressive. Awesome, chickens and ducks. Great pest control and duck eggs are great for baking. My husband is quarantining at our cabin and I with my sewing machine. But we FaceTime so we are both happy. Actually have to get permission to travel but thats not a problem. Crazy, did not see that coming.
Squirrels can be destructive. I agree, wouldn’t want them under the house. And boredom was not part of our family’s vocabulary either.
You must be a happy Mama to chicks, ducks and drinkin real coffee now! Fun but work too!
Yes, it is good to be alive. Have been thinking about “post” pandemic. I think people will behave different. More people will be aware that the unexpected can happen. They may not be so willing to go deep into debt and prepare more for uncertainty. Corporations are probably hoping people will run out and max out their credit cards and spend. Pain and stress will still be on peoples minds and spending habits will change. It will be interesting to see how big corporations handle less profit and less stock repurchases.
Small business owners may have opportunities. We can pop popcorn and watch. Chickens are fun to watch too. We’d collect slugs and throw them all in the coop and watch the kerfluffel.

Vshelford, that poem, To Althea from Prison by Richard Lovelace is something I live by and is my favorite poem. To me, it’s really a prayer. Thanks for quoting it!

A virus arrived just the other day
It went to work while the Who said Nay
There were planes to catch, CEOs to pay
It did its bit turning Growth Decay
And it was walking through the people and as it grew
Said, Bro, it’s Just the Flu, Bro
You know it’s not as bad as Flu
And the cat’s getting covey and the Pills are Blue
Money print taking our debts to the moon
“When you coming Homeland?” “I don’t know when”
We’ll Great Repression then, son.
You know we’ll have Food Line then.
Downing Street, Number 10,the other day
Said the Herd might burn. Woops, the other way!
Will the Dems elect Joe, Bidens brain decay
We got a lot of Food, I guess we’re ok.
While Walking Dead analogies, the debt bubble blew
They were welding doors in Wu-han
On twitter, not on main stream news.
And the cat’s getting covey and the bills are due
People in parks going two by two
“When you coming vaccine?” we don’t know when
We’ll get a reboot then, peeps.
Just the wolves but not the sheeps.
Scomo bends the curve just the other day
So much like Jacinda we just had to say.
Scott’s a Neo Lib, looking Left for a while
Markets shook their heads, Lizard people smiled.
“What we’d really like plebs is to swallow your future”
“See you later! See? Our hands are clean”
And the cat’s getting covey and the till vacuumed
People fall cracks but don’t make the news
When you coming Dow Jones I don’t know when
Trickle-down promised then
No pork, just bird-flu hens.
Returns for Retired and their Health moved away
I called Japan just the other day
We said “We’d like to Be You, if you don’t mind”
“We’ve lived with flat-line growth since 19 99”
“But the carry-trades buggered we don’t know what to do!”
“and we’ll still buy coal from you, Oz”
“Since mining’s all you guys can do”
And as the world thought this rupture just about Covey…
The poor. And Human Greed, man.
The thing that burst was Human Greed.
And the cat’s getting covey and the Pills are Red
Bill Gates predicted this in Pandemic Ted
When will pubs be open, we don’t know when.
We’ll fall asleep again, man.
Older things get New again.