What Comes Next?

[No doubt that the banks will get Federal Reserve approval for short-term commodities ownership and digital cash to shore-up these toxic assets. They’ll relax the rules, provide waivers and bail-out cash directly or indirectly, and extend this “temporary” measure repeatedly until entrenched. And We the (little) People will end-up backstopping the losses. The Fed and other central banks and the TBTF banks are well on their way to owning the world.]
Exclusive: U.S. banks prepare to seize energy assets as shale boom goes bust
“Major U.S. lenders are preparing to become operators of oil and gas fields across the country for the first time in a generation to avoid losses on loans to energy companies that may go bankrupt, sources aware of the plans told Reuters.”
"JPMorgan Chase & Co, Wells Fargo & Co, Bank of America Corp and Citigroup Inc are each in the process of setting up independent companies to own oil and gas assets, said three people who were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly. The banks are also looking to hire executives with relevant expertise to manage them, the sources said. "
“Big banks will need to get regulatory waivers to execute their plans, because of limitations on their involvement with physical commodities, sources said.”
“Banks are hoping their planned ownership time frame of a year or so will pass a Federal Reserve requirement that they do not plan to hold assets for a long time. Because lenders would be stepping in to support part of the economy that is important to any potential rebound, and which has not gotten direct bailouts from the federal government, that might help applications, too.”
“For now, the banks are establishing holding companies that can sit above limited liability companies (LLCs) containing seized assets. The LLCs would be owned proportionally by banks participating in the original secured loan.”

Yesterday the unexpected happened. Macron, our President, went to Marseille to visit Dr Raoult.
There has been much talk about Deep State - and the Fed’s all out assault on the Capitalist system. For the latter I would say that They are in sheer desparation. Deep State, which Macron is a front man is much more subtile - Machiavelian - prince in their nature. They can jump ship at any moment - and that is what has appeared to happen Thursday. The French President was going to address the people Thursday at 8pm - I guess someone told him that the Christians would not appreciate an announce of bad news during the Last Supper festivities - so we are going to wait until Monday for the bad news. But Austria has created a stir that they will end the confinement next week. This was not what Deep State wanted to hear. And to bring us back to a human scale, the daughter of Brigitte Macron from a previous marriage, has caught the dreaded virus and been cured by the HCQ + therapy. All those of you with wives can understand that the ambiance in the Presidential Palace has changed, and that our dear Emmanuel was most certainly encouraged to go see Doctor Didier. So “Wait and See” as we now say in French - for Monday’s speech by President Macron.
All of you who have been pointing to Deep States total control - I basically am in your camp. But this sort of thing, like a fruit which falls out of the Tree, and at PRECISELY the moment of the mass celebrating the Last Supper - call it what you want - serendipity or the hand of God. But I am jumping the gun!! Anyone who goes against this banks - industrial military machine - petro-dollar … will pass a few sleepless nights. Macron is the Rothchild’s fabrication - rising in a flash from nowhere. Inherently insecure - doesn’t like his own parents - no children of his own - these are our leaders. MSM has poisoned the lives of good people who would have been much better leaders - Deep State with MSM - it was not in their interest. And maybe Deep State itself is divided? Not everyone in Europe likes NATO, with the help of America, bothering the Russian Bear ad infinitum.
So maybe starting Monday the wheels start coming off of the machine - earning reports season - a problem in the precious metals market? One thing for sure, Deep State as portrayed by the Rothchilds are like a fencing master seeking their moment, yet leaving an escape route open - to live another day. Not all peoples put up with the Bullsh.T that America imposes - no one finger prints you when you come in France. I was threatened once, with my family, at US customs in the Bahamas - the customs officer asked me if I had any food items. I said “Yes, we’ve got some sandwiches”. To which he yelled “Food”. I was greeted by a lady holding a semi-automatic rifle pointed at me asking me what was in the bag. I said “I’m not sure my Aunt’s butler made us some sandwiches. I think there is a ham sandwich for each of us?” “Is the ham from America?” This went on for a while.

After the visit yesterday mentioned above.
IHU Méditerranée Infection has decided to publish all of their papers on the basis of a “Pre-Print” before official publication. They are in English as well. This is for you if useful - I have taken the attitude that we have to work on this together - you are the spokesman.
Happy Easter

The ugly truth is – we live in a command based structure, where we have all been
programmed by our national Govts’ and their propaganda MSM broadcast machines since
our earliest school years to become docile followers and we are not encouraged to become free-thinking individuals.
We have been conditioned for decades to embrace teams, our tribal herd, and the mass preferential viewpoint only, that, and to suck-up de facto popular opinion – triggered to reject anything different eccentric or that which stands alone.
We are so innately Pavlovian conditioned that all it takes for any official authority or business to prompt us to buy or accept something as ideal - all they simply have to do is repeat a statement more than three or four times, until we readily internalise it and repeat it back ourselves and then follow it as a complete and obvious truth and/or the latest trendiest thing we must own and behold.
This is NLP programming - the frequent repetition of words to trigger the required worldview of how to think, act… what to like or dislike and who to idolise and follow…”
So radiate with the continuing fear bubble – obey your masters.
Smile as you line up for your mandatory citizen vaccine chip.
Delight in your universal basic income pittance.
And be very grateful for your social credit score profile which is of course non-negotiable.

Teapot Dome 21st century style. Well, the banks will be amazed to realize they have been snookered in ND.

This, posted by someone I know on FB yesterday:
My cousin Andrea in Chicago works for a Fortune 100 corporation at the executive management level. She’s been with this company for 14 years and earns a high six-figure salary. She’s worked incredibly hard to get where she is. Yesterday she was notified that they’re reducing her salary by 22%, or $102,300. Take it or leave it. Economies are dynamic and complex. There’s millions of moving parts all driven by praxeology.
As Professor, Kevin Gutzman, rightly said recently, “Many will find that their new employment is less remunerative or otherwise less congenial than their former employment. Family savings will have been consumed, in whole or in part, for the purpose of current consumption. Reduced savings across the economy, thus less investment in plant and equipment, will mean lower production in the future. People with less money will buy fewer/smaller houses, fewer/less expensive automobiles, and fewer/less expensive business plants. Dentists will see fewer patients less often. So will physicians. Attorneys will have fewer real estate closings and give less business advice. There will be fewer new patents than there would have been. An economy isn’t static or linear. Reopening an economy isn’t getting out of bed in the morning. It’s more like ending a war without a winner.”

More than 16,000,000+ people have lost their jobs in the last three weeks. That's just over 10% of the workforce. Yet, there's still some slow learners out there who are mindlessly touting a "contagion apocalypse." As my friend Carl says: "This is going to be very, very difficult to recover from. As I've been saying for years, if you believe the economy is in great shape, you're kidding yourself. And, the effects from creating $6 Trillion out of thin air have not even materialized yet."

I grew up in a Catholic family where we attended Mass faithfully every Sunday. I even attended Catholic school for eight years. Talk about programming! The Catholics have that perfected. I have not been a practicing Catholic for many years. Recently an uncle passed and I attended his funeral Mass. I watched in awe of the programming that occurred to sit, stand, kneel, make gestures and respond at the appropriate times and not only the other people, but ME. The whole process was so ingrained I knew every appropriate answer and gesture. It was scary.

Singlespeak request - can you put this to music?


...the pandemic crisis concerns me much less than an economic collapse, which was an inevitability even before the coronavirus went mainstream. How do we reconcile the government's extreme response to the pandemic with the public's need to function economically? Are we just supposed to sit back and become slaves, dependent and clamoring for a meager UBI check every month? I think not.

So, the question is, what can we do about it? As I have been saying for well over a decade, the solution is to decouple from the system and build our own. But what does this mean specifically?

Step 1: Start Providing Your Own Essentials

Essentials include water, food, shelter and security. Without these four things no human can live for very long. If a person can provide these things for himself, then he will never be beholden to anyone, including a domineering government.

I suggest starting small and expanding. Build a water collection source, or drill a well if you own property. Turn your yard into a garden, even if you live in the suburbs. In fact, your entire neighborhood should be growing gardens right now, and anyone who tries to tell you otherwise should be dissuaded from their attempts to control what you do on your own property. This means establishing neighborhood security and no longer relying on local law enforcement.

It's one thing to store essentials in case of emergency, it's another to become a producer and ensure your survival for the long term.

Step 2: Organize For Mutual Aid And Defense

Each neighborhood or town should be working together for security as the system continues to collapse, which means establishing radio communications and small patrols to ward off looters. In New York alone, major crimes are up 12% as the lockdowns ramped up. In many municipalities in the US, law enforcement is not responding to most calls involving assaults, break-ins and robberies. Organization at this time is paramount; the more organized you are the more of a deterrent you represent to people who would seek to take what you have. Most predators are cowards; when given the choice between a strong target and a weak target, they will invariably choose the weak target.

The common argument against organization is that the “nail that sticks up will be hammered down”. I would remind people that the nails that are willingly hammered down will be stepped on forever. Nobody wants to step on a nail that sticks up. That hurts.

Predators, including predatory and totalitarian governments are, at bottom, weaklings. And their weakness will become apparent the moment they face an opponent that actually refuses to back down due to fear.

Step 3: Establish Barter Markets And Black Markets

As noted in previous articles, the primary goal behind this pandemic is to use it as a rationale for controlling all commerce. If you do not have the proper “green code” from the government indicating you are “free from infection”, then you are not allowed to participate in the economy. No job, no grocery stores, no public gatherings, etc. This is happening right now in places like China and South Korea and according to elitists like Bill Gates and others it is coming to the US soon, make no mistake.

The only way to counter such control is to not need the mainstream system at all. Localized barter markets need to be established, and if they outlaw those, then you need to set up black markets. Trade and production must continue or humanity as we know it will die. It will be replaced with a centralized socialist hive system that will crush all liberty, and this is unacceptable. Localization is the key to our survival.

This means that the public must make and active effort to save themselves through their own innovation instead of waiting around for government to save the day.

Step 4: Accept The Reality That Political Leaders Are Not Going to Save You - They Are Only Going To Make Things Worse

It's funny, but if any of these lockdown measures were being implemented under a Democrat in the White House, conservatives would be enraged. But, since Trump is president, a large number of conservatives have gone limp and docile; proclaiming that he is going to save the day and "cure the virus". It's not going to happen, folks. This is the same guy that was telling us in January that he trusted the data out of China and that everything was under control. Trump is not your savior, he is a long time puppet of the banking elites, as I have outlined and evidenced on numerous occasions.

Trump's job is to oversee the collapse of the US while playing the role of a bumbling "nationalist" and "conservative" villain. To be sure, he's not the only politician in office that is part of this agenda, and the UN and WHO are just as guilty of misleading people about the extent of the pandemic threat, but Trump is the one that conservatives blindly trust the most, and this is a problem. If violations of the constitution continue to escalate, a war is coming, and Trump will NOT be on the side of liberty. Conservatives will eventually have to decide which side of the fight they stand as the lockdowns drag on with only minor periods of relaxed restrictions.

Ultimately, you cannot support economic socialization and big government tyranny just because Trump is president and still call yourself a conservative.

Step 5: Be Ready To Fight And Die For What You Believe In

People always talk about fighting for freedom, but the question is will they actually do it when faced with overwhelming odds? I can only speak for myself, and I will fight, but I do believe that many others out there are ready and willing to do the same. That said, it really does not matter. It's not for us to defend ourselves only if we think we have backup. Be ready to fight alone if you have to; be ready to take risks, otherwise, you have no chance of winning, and thus the people collectively have no chance of winning. If others follow your lead, then so be it, but don't rely on it.

There are many transgressions about to be foisted on the American people well beyond what we have already witnessed. You will know when the line in the sand has been crossed. Do not be surprised if in the next 3-6 months you hear the words “shots fired”. It is not enough to be prepped for the future. It is not enough to simply survive. The world as we know it is being sabotaged for the sake of power. Not money, but POWER. The elites will not be satisfied with anything less than total control. We cannot let them have it.

CHS points out that for currency: “it is only the productive value that counts”
Where are some examples of new local currency according to CHS’s ideas?
I think that this a version of the “Real Goods Doctrine” wherein currency is created in response to efforts for creation of wealth, and has a value according to the reputation and actual creation of wealth by the recipient. The Real Goods Doctrine was all the rage a hundred years ago I have heard, but the Federal Reserve, contrary to theory, did not follow this doctrine, which generally matches the amount of currency with actual wealth being created. But now, because of electronics communications and recordation, each wealth producer can make his/her own currency based on the Real Goods Doctrine. That is, a wealth creator (who needs seed money, if a farmere, or for raw materials/labor for a manufacturer) issues a promissory note currency, which has a value that reflects the communities’ evaluation of the wealth creator…
I hope to see interviews and discussions on this most important emerging issue.

Now that the US Federal reserve IS the market, and owns it lock stock and barrel, it’s past time wondering about whether it was ever wise to allow a small, unelected group of bankers to literally purchase everything using a printing press only they get to operate.
That’s now a done deal, as they say.
Given that, there’s a powerful new entrant in the 2020 election cycle taking the electorate by storm, and using the bold strategy of already claiming to be president.
Here’s his economic platform, sure to be a winner this cycle:

The latest numbers on the Fed’s balance sheet were just released:
Fed balance sheet chart
Took 100 years to get to $800 bil. Then we added $4 Trillion over the past ten years. Now we’ve just added nearly $2 more trillion in just a few weeks.
“Normalization”…what a fantasy.
This is how fiat currency regimes die, folks. It’s so easy to print more, and so very painful/unpopular to shrink the money supply – it just won’t happen in today’s environment, where the elites control our political system and the populace won’t vote for anyone promoting austerity.
That spike in money supply we’re seeing now? It’s just getting started. THAT’S why Chris and I have been such longtime advocates of owning precious metals and other hard/tangible assets. The value of those can’t be inflated away by a printing press like your dollars/euros/yen can.
POOM! phase here we come…

Hey Chris, firstly thank you for the super informative dialog and DATA driven analysis!
We live in WA and saw firsthand the impacts of COVID, but then also the fantastic response from our governor which seems to have flattened our curve unlike many other states still in denial.
A few weeks back, you referenced the virus spread within countries in summer was following a similar growth trajectory as countries in winter. Is that still the case?
We have family in Australia and most Aussies aren’t taking this seriously. With an upcoming flu/winter season, would they expect it to get worse, and/or does summer/humidity give them a false sense of security?

Thank you for narrating the ongoing, eye-opening war between the deep state and hydroxychloroquine, European edition.
In case folks don’t know, in the UK you are not allowed to have this drug for treatment of Covid-19, period. Here’s what the British Medical Journal said two days ago;

https://www.bmj.com/content/369/bmj.m1432 Use of these drugs is premature and potentially harmful We sorely need an effective treatment for covid-19, but prevention by a vaccine or treatment with drugs that target specific structures in the virus are more likely to succeed than old drugs that may work in the laboratory but lack data supporting clinical use. No intervention should be assumed to be efficacious. Even drugs initially supported by evidence of effectiveness may later prove to be more harmful than beneficial. Too many medicines have been withdrawn because of adverse reactions after showing clinical promise.29 We need better, properly powered, randomised controlled trials of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine. For now, except for supportive measures, infection with SARS-CoV-2 is “essentially untreatable.”
I had to include the ending of the article for that one line I highlighted. Please compare and contrast; On the one hand, I have elsewhere on PP.com included an interview from two days ago where Dr. Zelenko of NY, who has now treated 383 high risk patients presenting with the symptoms of Covid-19, with only two dead, now calls efforts to suppress or otherwise limit use of this drug as a, "crime against humanity". On the other hand you have two pharmacologists publishing in the British Journal of Medicine what amounts to ... well.. a crime against humanity. Thank you so much French Connexion for the Raoult reprint link - fantastique! It will be most interesting to learn what happens next in this world wide drama. Oh, I almost forgot.. here's what the American press is saying about the new happenings in France; https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-04-10/malaria-drug-hype-reels-in-macron-as-hope-gets-ahead-of-science

From Le Figaro and translated with Google.

By Le Figaro with AFP
Published on April 8, 2020 at 05:38, updated on April 8, 2020 at 05:59
Pseudo-frostbite, hives, persistent redness: dermatologists alert the population and the medical profession on what they consider to be “cutaneous manifestations” of Covid-19 disease, we learned on Wednesday 8 April.

In a press release, the National Union of Dermatologists-Venereologists (SNDV) explains that it organized a "WhatsApp group of more than 400 dermatologists (liberal and hospital-university)" who "highlighted skin lesions, associated or not with signs of Covid " . "These are acrosyndromes (appearance of pseudo-frostbite of the extremities), sudden appearance of persistent, sometimes painful redness, and lesions of temporary urticaria" , details the SNDV, which considers "important for patients who have problems of this type to consult a dermatologist " , from a distance or not.

"Analysis of the many cases reported to SNDV shows that these manifestations can be associated" with the coronavirus, say dermatologists. "We are alerting the public and the medical profession in order to detect these potentially contagious patients as quickly as possible (without necessarily having respiratory signs)" , they conclude.

Asked about this Tuesday evening, the Director General of Health, Jérôme Salomon, remained elusive. "Not to my knowledge," he replied to the question of whether one could consider certain dermatological problems like hives as new signs of the disease. " But as you know, we are learning about this virus every day and some are describing forms that were not known. But on this dermatological aspect I have not seen any publication, " he said.

Hi, T. Rose, This makes sense to me. I haven’t read much as to skin issues, some TCM mention. However, in Chinese medicine, the organs of lungs, large intestine and skin are closely related.

i dont quite understand the money supply but i dont reckon there will be any inflation. i like to follow jeff snider from alhambra investments. he understands the plumbing of the money system like no one else i’ve read. i think all the reserves above will just sit there and do nothing. if gold goes up it will be because people THINK there will be inflation or it will go up because of a loss of confidence in the value of government actions and government paper (i like john hussmans explanation). i like this explanation best… it would be good if pp could get john hussman on for an interview, thanks

I hope folks understand the gravity of what is going on here in the suppression of hydroxychloroquine truth. It’s really, really simple.
The Raoult pre-preprint article, which was pointed to above by our friend French Connexion ( https://www.mediterranee-infection.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Abstract_Raoult_EarlyTrtCovid19_09042020_vD1v.pdf)
tells the story of the 1061 patients treated early with the HCQ regimen. Zelenko has treated 383 high risk patients early with the HCQ regimen. This is a total of 1,444 patients across two continents. The results?
Raolt death rate: 0.5%
Zelenko death rate (2 lost of 383): 0.52%
Does anyone see a pattern emerging in the data?
What should we compare this death rate to? Pick your poison… from worldometer we can make an example of the UK, where we know that nobody is getting hydroxychloroquine… their current CFR = 13.7%. I know, I know… lots of people who were mild and recovered are not counted, so this is overblowen. The overall, worldometer presumptive CFR, if you do the math today, is 6.1%. Zelenko stated that the death rate in his high risk, early treatment group was, “orders of magnitude” less than otherwise, and I don’t think this is hyperbole when you consider that > 50% of people who go on ventilators die, and the whole concept of early treatment is to stay off a ventilator.
Whether the death rate reduction benefit of early treatment with the HCQ regimen is 10X, or 100X, i.e. 0.5% vs 5%, or 0.5% vs 50%, it’s dramatic either way. Suppression of this treatment, and any lack of expediency in creating more of the chemical precursors (surprise surprise, even for Indian manufacturing they come from China) needed to make more doses, is a crime against humanity.

For those in NY- This is from the order that was sent out.

  • The directive contained in Executive Order 202.10 related to restrictions on dispensing hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for prophylactic purposes is amended as follows:
  • No pharmacist shall dispense hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine except when written: as prescribed for an FDA-approved indication; for an indication supported by one or more citations included or approved for inclusion in the compendia specified in 42 U.S.C. 1396r–8(g)(1)(B)(i); for patients in inpatient settings and acute settings; for residents in a subacute part of a skilled nursing facility; or as part of an study approved by an Institutional Review Board. Any person authorized to prescribe such medications shall denote on the prescription the condition for which the prescription has been issued.

I managed to capture a speculative article from a Chinese herbal website blog, plumbdragonherbs.com , thanks to Clif High posted at gab.ai. I can’t pull up the website right now. The ideas were based on treatment methods of TCM practitioners for Covid-19. The gist of the long article is that the Corona-SARS2 virus is able to infect and hide out in the gram negative bacillus, Prevotella intermedia.
This virus, bacterial symbiosis can explain several unique aspects of the disease, including the biphasic symptoms, inability to detect in patients with symptoms and the long incubation period. It might tell why the combination of Zn ionophore, hydroxychloroquine plus the anti bacterial azithromycin works. (Sorry if I misspelled this.)
To reduce your body load of Prevotella, eat a low carb diet, get off the sugar. There are some herbs also including Berberine that help. Sorry for being a tech klutz that I can’t post article or link. Very worth reading.