What Comes Next?

There do seem to be things we still don’t understand about this virus. Since the referenced bacteria does tend to find a home in the human mouth, it’s not crazy to think this may be the first place the virus finds a home;


Periodontal disease, a chronic bacterial infection of the tissues supporting the teeth, affects approximately forty-nine million people in the United States (5). Prevotella intermedia, a gram-negative anaerobe, has been implicated as a putative periodontal pathogen due to its isolation from lesions of patients with early periodontitis, advanced periodontitis, and acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (see reference 17 for a complete review). Periodontal disease may be a bigger health risk than previously thought, since recent epidemiological data strongly suggest that periodontitis is an important risk factor for coronary heart disease (2, 6, 23).

Invasion of epithelial cells is an important step in the pathogenesis of many infections (13)

This is just sickening! Does this mean that Dr. Zelenko will be unable to Rx the med unless it’s part of his clinical trial? I can’t see him agreeing to that, not that he would have a choice. Most of these trials are designed to fail so that billions can be made off new drugs and vaccines. I am so disgusted.

Zelenko is feeling the pinch. In the most recent interview, in case you didn’t catch it posted elsewhere, he and the MD from Kansas discuss these restrictions, and in particular they discuss the ways that the powers-that-be are surreptitiously playing the pharmacists against the doctors here. I do think Zelenko is still able to get the drug… but many others are not.

Check out this video:
It should start at 7:28. Watch until 15:25. A few minutes after 7:28, it details executive order 202.11 issued March 27 which clearly allows physicians to prescribe and pharmacists to dispense HCQ in an outpatient setting at their discretion for CoViD-19. The lawyer in the video gives a very thorough explanation of how to interpret executive order 202.11 if you take the time to watch.

Corsi has taken up the fight! Dr. Vicki Wooll (MD) suggests that, “people should start asking questions instead of believing what the gov’t tells them”. Amen
Dr. Wooll also tells stories of lives saved by doctors working against the rules imposed by States against prescribing… we are AT WAR and the enemy is not just a virus;

The reason some medics are backing off Hydroxychloroquine as a firstline therapy for Covid-19 infection is:

  1. Side-affects when mixed with exsisting drug regimens, such as Metformin
  2. Hydroxychloroquine & Azithromycin mixed together in some patients can trigger dangerous heart arrhythmogenicity
    Lest we forget Covid-19 attacks heart, lung and gut structures through ACE2 receptors.
    So self-medicating is not without risk, factors such as your own genetics, blood type… lifestyle habits and/or underlying health ticks all contribute to results or pharma efficacies.
    If in doubt don’t.
    It’s useless if the cure is worse than the bug, remember under 60 and fit-n-healthy?
    The odds are greatly in your favour… you’ll make it just fine

Wow, that’s amazing after all those years you experienced that. It also reminds me of Mormons. I grew up non-Mormon in the Mormon capitol of the world, Salt Lake City, in the 70’s. I didn’t understand a lot of what they did, and would ask questions which they were never able to answer… Reminds me of the Matrix movie.

(Gosh, I miss being able to say, “Monsanto is Satan spelled backwards.”) Roundup was initially suppose to be marketed as an antibiotic. Then, when it was found to kill plants, it was applied as a herbacide that subsequently killed the soil bacteria and any poor ruminants that munched down on the roundup treated crops. Just wondering, if there is a virus bacterial association, would glyphosate in the diet kill off beneficial bacteria, unbalancing the system towards the Prevacella species that speculatively aid the Covid-SARS2 virus?

Re: A thought about glyphosate

Apparently, there is. I was just trying to figure out how to start a new topic when I noticed off to the side your new comment… I’m going to put it all here and still try to figure out how to create a new topic:   I know it was late yesterday when this was originally posted by yagasjai in the thread “How We’ll Get Through The Coronavirus Debacle”, and even later/early this morning when I posted a reply. And so far, there’s only been one additional reply. Since I am hoping this gets looked at by either Chris or sand-puppy, someone with a medical background, and didn’t want it to get lost I wanted to start this thread. I’m including all three below. Yagasjai:

Glyphosate and Covid-19

Has anyone looked into this angle on Covid-19? I’ve been quite busy so haven’t been able to keep up with all the recent posts. Not sure if anyone else has passed this along, but in case no one has, here it is: https://jennifermargulis.net/glyphosate-and-covid-19-connection/?fbclid=IwAR2xqZK1Wufrcbci0OxxzLmZt1m8enAAW7MOLUz37-tZL-zVNPv2ck4GCFM     yagasjai, OMG!!!! WOW!!!! That really blew my mind, that was really really interesting, and thanks for posting that.And a lot of it made a whole lot of sense too. Maybe some missing pieces of the puzzle? Could very well be. Hope Chris or someone else can take a look at it later, and I look forward to their input. The sections entitled "A link to waterways, highways, and airports", really the whole section was really interesting; "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease"; "E-cigarettes and vaporized glyphosate"; "Collectins: proteins essential for the innate immune system"; and these paragraphs from the section "A broader perspective on glyphosate and COVID-19": "Is this all just coincidence? I don’t think so. Instead, I strongly suspect that the degree to which a person is susceptible to COVID-19 is proportional to the degree to which they have been exposed to glyphosate. Eating a certified organic diet and staying away from major highways may be among the best tools for protection from an acute reaction to COVID-19. Researchers from Wuhan, China have done a careful study of four patients who suffered from an acute reaction to COVID-19 and ultimately died [34]. These patients all had severe issues with insufficient oxygen supply due to pneumonia. They also exhibited deficiencies in immune function in terms of decreased counts of various types of immune cells." One of the things that occurred to me while reading the article is since glyphosate/Roundup is systemic, so it affects more than just "weeds", it affects the bees and other pollinators, microbial life, and travels up through the food chain, into the groundwater... Maybe, maybe someone's diet has something to do with the degree with which they do or don't get COVID, because if someone eats mostly organic foods, they have less of it in their body... Linda     PaulJam,

Re: Glyphosate and Covid-19

If true, this could be a simple explanation why the young are less susceptible to COVID-19, because they simply have had less exposure to glysophate than older folks.

Also, if true, this a stunning example of how complexity can manifest profoundly damaging unintended consequences. Much attention has been given the Precautionary Principle with respect to managing the COVID-19 pandemic. This glysophate link, if borne out, points to the need to employ the Precautionary Principle when rolling out new technologies and chemicals in ways that would ultimately render them economically infeasible. How much precautionary screening/testing of glysophate would have been needed to identify this effect as a potential problem before the chemical was commercially rolled out? A true predicament.

  Linda   ADDED: I just figured out how, and created a new topic.

Re: Programming, standing alone
" One on God’s side is a majority." --Wendell Phillips, American activist 1811
When they come to chop my head off for not taking the chip, I hope it is quick. It’s not death that bothers me, just the long slow torture beforehand.


I like to think that we are truth seekers all here. I certainly am. In this regard, here is what I have gathered through my consumption of a massive amount of commentary by MD’s on this topic: I agree wholeheartedly with you on your point #1, and I strongly disagree with you on point #2. My disagreement stems not from the argument on a theoretical basis… I don’t question whether long QT is a risk… what I am questioning is the risk vs. benefit equation in the case of Covid-19… The MD’s who are actually prescribing suggest that this risk is being dramatically overplayed in the current scenario.
One of our hero’s of hydroxychloroquine is Dr. Ban Truong, DO, PhD. He has a background in emergency medicine and he has been very vocal about hydroxychloroquine through his youtube channel. Just today he posted a very detailed account of the intricacies of treating diabetic Covid-19 patients, through the lens of a particular diabetic patient that he is treating;
The same Dr. Ban Truong addressed the cardiac risk on March 23, starting at timestamp 9:00, in the following video. I have heard Dr. Zelenko speak to never seeing the problem as well. The cardiac risk is not a good reason to scare sick people away from seeking HQC, and it’s clearly being used as one particular meme in the popular press to frighten folks;

I just read his blog post from today:
I especially liked the first 3 paragraphs, and the bit about uncertainty rang a bell for me, ah…
"In the corkscrewing anguish of the social sequester, with careers, savings, futures, and dreams whirling down the drain, voices rise above the din of conflicting statistics to ask: what is going on here? To some, it looks like a deliberate attempt to demolish what’s left of the economy for political advantage. Clouds of suspicion gather over the two medical superstars of the Daily Briefing show, Doctors Fauci and Birx, as they somewhat sheepishly revise their numbers for contagion and death downward and attempt to “balance” the formula of modeled projections versus mitigation efforts. Was the stay-at-home panic necessary, after all? Will it save the day or kill off modern life as we knew it?
Well, everyplace else in the world was shutting down, weren’t they? Did they all go off their rockers, too? At least a hundred doctors died in Italy heroically tending the stricken, so they say. South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore opted for flat-out medical Gestapo action. Britain, Spain, France, and Germany about the same, but minus testing at the grand scale and tracing of contacts. Honestly, how is it possible the whole planet punked itself?
I certainly don’t know the answer to all this, though readers are twanging on me to declare the whole Covid-19 story “a hoax,” which I’m not ready to do. I do know this: America has become utterly intolerant of uncertainty. And in the absence of certainty, that age-old human cognitive skill called pattern recognition, which has made us such a successful species, kicks into high gear scanning the field-of-view for answers. Any string-of-dots that affords even the slimmest plausibility goes on the table for review, including a lot of stories tagged as “conspiracy theories.”

I think it’s early to pose any really specific pathways by which glyphosate might be acting as a synergist in the case of the corona virus. I had read the account regarding truck traffic, use of biofuels, and resulting exposure to glyphosate by folks in Seattle… and as an analytical chemist with 35 years of troubleshooting experience in semiconductor manufacturing, including the tracing of various contaminants in the process… I found the argument to be a complete stretch of the imagination. Just completely speculative, unsubstantiated, and not really helpful.
Here’s what we do know… and I think it’s enough to make us worry about glyphosate more generally, in the food we eat: It kills our (good) gut bacteria… our microbiome.
Any ND or holistic MD will tell you how important gut health is to overall health and immune function. Here is a recent PhD thesis covering the topic, noting that, “disbiosys” is a term for microbial imbalance;

https://repository.arizona.edu/bitstream/handle/10150/628080/azu_etd_16326_sip1_m.pdf?sequence=1 Especially when the immune system becomes involved, human disease and a dysbiotic state can feed into each other creating a vicious cycle (Berbers, 2017) (Lamont, 2015). Studies have shown that pathological dysbiosis can come about through different ways. Some dysbiotic states are believed to arise from problems with the host’s own biology, as in the case of primary immune deficiency (Oh, 2013), which in turn can exacerbate the issue or cause additional problems downstream of the dysbiosis. Dysbiosis often can result from exposure to certain extrinsic environmental compounds, usually those with antimicrobial capabilities.

The serious breakdowns in food supply systems are becoming more apparent and widespread, and are certain to get worse in the coming weeks and months.
If you haven’t already done so, it is critically important for each of us to fortify our food supplies NOW!
Get any gardening and food preservation supplies or tools you may need now, new or used; stock-up (don’t hoard) where you can to fill-in gaps in your pantry, garden and preservation methods; learn to buy in bulk and prepare food/meals from “scratch”; buy, save or swap seeds (get/save extras if you can); grow a garden, learn to preserve via canning, dehydrating, fermenting, freezing, or freeze drying; secure seeds and beans and sprout your own greens; invest in a freeze dryer yourself or go in on a purchase with family or friends; join a CSA, make friends with other food producers; help out/buy from a farmer, dairy or rancher/livestock producer; raise your own chickens, and/or stealthy, quiet options such as quail, rabbits, or fish/indoor gardening via aquaponics; compost waste and build-up soils; create a worm bin; establish local relationships for barter and food security; learn container gardening, rain water harvesting or other self-reliance techniques described here on the PP site and other sites (literally thousands on YT) to build resilience.
Good luck and stay healthy and safe all!
10,000 families visit San Antonio Food Bank as coronavirus exacerbates food insecurity

Scenarios for the future of Technology and International Development, published back in 2010…
Read the report here PP’ers
P18 may sound strangely familiar, coincidence?
Here’s Harry talking about the ‘plan’ back in 2014….

Thanks Linda, good info.
We certainly should question what we are told. I vividly remember this lie. Some of you may not have been born yet. The lie was scripted, calculated and created at the highest levels. Check it out.

Good one Chris, but maybe it’s time for the quadrennial presidential candidate, Vermin Supreme:
always wanted a free pony, and eventually, they’ll be worth more than a million dollars. They can fertilize your garden, haul you around, if worse comes to worse, I’ve heard they’re delicious. :slight_smile:

Had to have peoples support for the war. Just Lie. Hmmm could we be lied to today about something?

The US government just voted to spend two trillion dollars on the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Bill.
I was trying to get my head around the number two trillion. Being an engineer, I did a little mathematical exercise.
Imagine your car engine is running at 2,000 rev/min. (The crankshaft is turning 33 times per second.)
In top gear, the car is traveling at 60 miles/hr (1 mile/min).
In other words, 2000 revolutions of the engine move the car 1 mile.
It follows that 2 million revolutions will take you 1,000 miles
After 2 billion revolutions you will have travelled 1,000,000 miles (assuming your engine would last that long)
After two trillion revolutions you will have driven 1,000,000,000 (One billion miles or five round trips to the sun and back.)
Conclusion: $2 Trillion is a hell of a lot of money.
There are 10^11 stars in the galaxy. That used to be a huge number. But it's only a hundred billion. It's less than the national deficit! We used to call them astronomical numbers. Now we should call them economical numbers.
~ Richard Feynman, Physicist (1918–1988)