What Comes Next?

Mr. Corsi is a professional disinformant who has promoted a variety of BS for a very long time. Swift Boats. Limits to growth don’t exist (on a finite planet), the opposite view of what Chris has discussed for a long time. Partisan hack is a polite description.
As this board has attracted attention there has not been an associated fact checking effort. Anyone can post anything, whether real, fake or in between.
I long ago abandoned particular partisan perspectives, not a R nor a D and not even a Green. But Mr. Corsi is a liar on so many other topics that trusting him on this is a mistake.
“Just because someone says the government is lying does not mean they are telling the truth.”

Thank you for your comment, as I was reading it I thought about the connection between our immune system and the good bacteria in our stomach… Voila, you talked about it.

”I long ago abandoned particular partisan perspectives, not a R nor a D and not even a Green. But Mr. Corsi is a liar on so many other topics that trusting him on this is a mistake.”
I never heard of the guy until I saw him on PP. But I’m willing to keep an open mind. What are your specific problems with the material and guests he has presented concerning COVID ? I get that you don’t trust or like him but unless you can provide evidence that he’s untruthful about what he and his physician guests are presenting I will ignore your blanket condemnation. I can think for myself.

Can’t get Hydroxychloroquine without a prescription? Why wouldn’t quinine work in a pinch? A low content source of quinine is tonic water.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonic_water Medicinal tonic water originally contained only carbonated water and a large amount of quinine. However, most tonic water today contains less quinine and is used mostly for its flavor. As a result of the lower quinine content, it is less bitter, and is also usually sweetened, often with high-fructose corn syrup or sugar. Some manufacturers also produce diet (or slimline) tonic water, which may contain artificial sweeteners such as aspartame. Traditional-style tonic water with little more than quinine and carbonated water is less common but may be preferred by those who desire the bitter flavor. In the United States, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) limits the quinine content in tonic water to 83 ppm[3] (83 mg per liter if calculated by mass)
What good is tonic water without ice, some gin, and a squeezed lime (vitamin C)? Add some Brazil nuts (source of zinc) and you've got the makings for a covid-19 cocktail (no prescription required.) We're all supposed to be self-isolating. Here's some music to accompany your "alone time." To your health! Grover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E9ydw_aDMg  


Great idea to refresh yourself with tonic water! But there is more: Hydrochloroquine and chloroquine are the synthetic equivalents of quinine. What I understand is that these substances act as zinc “ionophores”, i.e., they make it easy for zinc to enter a cell.
There are many more, much safer ionophores:

  1. Green tea contains EGCG
  2. EGCG is an over the counter supplement
  3. Quercitin is another over the counter ionosphere.
The nice thing is: if you know how to make green tea (boil the water, let it cool to 80degrees celcius) you get both of these compounds. Unions and apples are rich in quercetin. Actually, there are a lot of dietary ways to load up on ionophores. so maybe this can be added to the normal dietary arsenal. (Combined with zinc of course). take care!

Anyone who has spent multiple decades as a disinformant is not someone I’m going to bother watching now, even if a few true points are mixed in with the dog food. There are so many better options for expertise than partisan hacks who specialize in smearing their political opponents. With CV, those with medical expertise are likely more accurate. Those who have expertise in exponential growth, energy and ecological limits, regenerative agriculture, cooperative approaches, moving beyond partisanship, permaculture, etc. are where I am focused.
I first came across Peak Prosperity from the Crash Course about a decade ago, which is the opposite of what Mr. Corsi promotes. No sale.

Wow… I was going to stay out of this, even though I am obviously the source of the low quality posts on this here website, and even though I use words like, “alliteration” correctly, which I think of as pretty high quality for the interweb. In any event, we are at war with a virus, there is an efficacious treatment at hand, and Mark2 is shooting the messenger. Indeed, free speech is practiced here, and Mark2 can say what he wants.
I just want to remind everyone once more of one of my low quality posts from earlier today, whereby I tried to convey what we are up against by showing you what the sheeple in the UK are being told via their prestigious medical journal, realizing that HCQ is not allowed for ANY use against Covid-19… not even in hospitals. If you are old and unwell in the UK and you get the virus, just die already, OK? For convenience, I have highlighted the BIG LIE below;

https://www.bmj.com/content/369/bmj.m1432 We sorely need an effective treatment for covid-19, but prevention by a vaccine or treatment with drugs that target specific structures in the virus are more likely to succeed than old drugs that may work in the laboratory but lack data supporting clinical use. No intervention should be assumed to be efficacious. Even drugs initially supported by evidence of effectiveness may later prove to be more harmful than beneficial. Too many medicines have been withdrawn because of adverse reactions after showing clinical promise.29 We need better, properly powered, randomised controlled trials of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine. For now, except for supportive measures, infection with SARS-CoV-2 is “essentially untreatable.”  

How do you determine when it would be appropriate to reduce the level of self-isolation? What’s your exit criteria, in terms of specific metrics?
A few may include:

  1. Widespread adoption of PPE and good hygiene practices.
  2. A flattened curve
  3. Available, proven treatment
  4. Available health care (staff, ICU beds, ventilators, etc.)
However, I would reassess my risk tolerance given heightened economic, criminal, or government risk. I'd be more willing under these circumstances to risk my health. More broadly, analyzing the current situation in terms of metrics would give us an idea of when the proper time would be to lift a quarantine. Many people already face extreme economic hardship, with no income or savings and dependent on charity for food for tomorrow, and lifting the quarantine would allow them to get back to some sort of income, or to reopen their business. So the tradeoff between health and economic pain (which definitely implies a secondary health risk) could be balanced, or at least more transparent, if specific metrics were presented. That's one big failure of leadership in this crisis: I've not seen a clear justification for the duration of quarantine, isolation, and other measures. I'd think a good leader would communicate to people: "We impose this quarantine until criteria X, Y, and Z are met, and then we'll transition to the next phase, consisting of specifics 1, 2, and 3." That is a clear plan for managing the situation. Absence of a response plan can prolong a crisis. So the related question here is: what would a proper leader do? What exit criteria would he lay out, and why? I'm curious what Chris, Adam, and others think about this. Thanks.

On the show “War Room” Pandemic with Steve Bannon they were talking about how the metric of 60 deaths per million people was being discussed as a guide for unlocking the country. Don’t know if thats official.
The evening news spends more time tugging on the heart strings and intensely trying to stir up emotion rather than provide quality information.
Good question.

Jim H,
“…essentially untreatable”. WTF!!! That’s a whopper! Helluva of a doozy. The word big is, well not big enough of an adjective im my opinion. Criminal. Outrageous…

This sounds promising based on very early patient data. Being used against Covid-19 at UCLA.


The Next Generation of Monoclonal Antibody Therapy

CytoDyn is committed to enhancing the lives of patients through target specific medicine. Our team is focused on developing Leronlimab, a monoclonal antibody CCR5 receptor antagonist, to be used as a platform drug for a variety of indications.
Here is a report describing one seemingly successful use in saving a 55 year old woman on a vent. Notice that the reporter casts no shade on Leronlimab.. no questions about side effects.. no comments about how, "anecdotal" this is. Refreshing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwS_YSDH5Ok

Would you please make a video where you discuss the following:
“After shooting this video, the group agreed that fertile future territory includes the housing market, retirement/pensions, which big cartels are most vulnerable to today’s disruption (e.g., education, health care, pharma, finance) and what benefits would emerge from breaking their industry strangleholds.”

Thanks gents for a great discussion, I’d love for you to dive deeper into a couple of questions:

  1. What are the chances this new round of stimulus reflates the asset bubble and sends us on another 10yr bull run? The answer to this question in 2008 would have been “very low”…but then we went on a record 10yr bull run. What are the chances now? And if “very low”, then what’s different this time?
  2. If we end up going into the “Ka-Poom” scenario, walk us through what the path to hyperinflation looks like. How many stages and low long (roughly) from deflation to hyperinflation? For people holding cash, what signals should they look for to determine when they should purchase real tangible assets with that cash before losing the value of those dollars to hyperinflation?
    The Ka-POOM Survival Guide article illustrates this scenario but makes it seem like we go from deflation to Zimbabwe and leaves me wanting for more detail on the stages of how inflation plays out and, more importantly, what are the points of no return in terms of preserving your financial assets.
    Thank you!

Hi Kunga,
If I recall correctly (didn’t google this) glyphosate’s original use was as an industrial pipe cleaner of corrosion metals and wherever it leaked out of pipes the plants died around the area of the leak…regardless, it is another example of how an original usage intent of a product gets abandoned after it has been used out in the field of operation and a better usage is accidentally discovered. Many drugs intended for treating a certain human ailment end up being used to treat a totally different ailment after being rolled out to the public when it is found out that the drug does something totally different then intended. Surprise, surprise surprise! Ha ha


Update to my question above - I came across this article (which is the most in-depth analysis of the deflation v inflation argument I’ve seen yet) that says money velocity is an important variable and it is now relatively low meaning deflation may win out - https://seekingalpha.com/article/4340323-inflation-vs-deflation-tug-of-war
The article makes a good case for deflation as the ultimate outcome of our current scenario and I’d love your and your expert network’s thoughts on this.

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