What is the Covid cult? Four signs you need to watch out for...

Good observation!

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I’m not sure why no one has mentioned this, but with a change of perspective, PP meets almost all of the characteristics of a cult that Chris mentions in the video.
A change of viewpoint and examples pop up similar to the ones given as examples of ‘real’ cults.
In particular I have always thought cult when I see the many pictures of Chris displayed on the website. It seemed so odd, a lot of websites I visit have no picture of the 'leader" or a small one at the top.
I mean this doesn’t change his helpful advice and comment, but to not consider PP in that way at all or to not explain why PP is NOT a cult seems to be ignoring the obvious.


The Only Cult You Never See….is The Cult You Are In

Watched Part 1 on YouTube. Excellent like normal. Your work is incredibly important and useful.

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Lol — with Peak Prosperity you are free to leave, or argue, or post comments as you just did. In a real cult, I would not have seen your comment. It would have been censored instantly. (It’s been up more than one hour.)


Best book I have found on this is RAPE OF THE MIND, from 1956. When I visited Desmet at his home in Belgium last year, he had RAPE OF THE MIND in his excellent book collection. Smart dude, Desmet.


Ok, a counter-example. Chris was full on masking early in the pandemic. It would reduce the inoculum, he thought. Maybe it did. Maybe not. But he didn’t feel the need to stick with the mask storyline.
I myself remember wearing one while exercising outside, very early on. I was the first on my block with the N95s. Now I know its silly. My ego is tough enough to remember the silly things I did, and to not do them any more, and not be … stuck with one worldview that can never change. I especially recall spraying bleach on various objects back in Feb/March 2020. My goodness! I didn’t know what I didn’t know.
I don’t have a lot of cult experience, but my sense is - the cultists have a very difficult time letting go of their essentially faith-based catechisms.
It is really interesting. For me, a picture of Chris at the site doesn’t do it for me in terms of cult identification.
In my engineering background - I find myself being wrong all the time, and reality is the teacher. As such, I just correct and correct until I finally get it right. They had a fancy name for that one - iterative development? Something.


We will not be a cult until there are significant numbers of people here calling for a purge of anybody ever vaccinated or masked, and laughing uproariously at everyone who collapses suddenly and saying they got what they deserved. Perpetrators like Fauci and cultists such as Julie Powell deserve justice for what they did, but I didn’t see anybody here taking satisfaction in, say, Damar Hamlin’s collapse. Instead, we are worried about how many more such victims there will be, and if anything can be done about it.


Does it matter where we watch the part one? Does PP get revenue from views on youtube?

You May Be In A Cult…

Was anybody else disappointed that this wasn’t done in the style of a Jeff Foxworthy “You may be a redneck” skit?
If you believed a guy who declared himself the personification of science, you may be in a cult.
If you yelled at people for killing grandmas, but went and bought Andrew Como’s book, you may be in a cult.


A Vote For Charles Eisenstein For Off The Cuff

Eisenstein’s take on the pandemic is largely one of isolation and control – a pattern we’ve been in for a long time but was accelerated. An off the cuff with him could be more (unhelpful) problem definition and wishful thinking but he does offer solutions when prompted. I remember snippets of his talk with you from years ago that stuck with me.


How about store aisles with one-way signs and reminders/warnings over the store speaker system about going against the dictated “traffic pattern”?


The Lying Legacy Media Is The Group Perpetuating Cult Behavior

I got called a sadist for taking glee in watching an LA Weather Newswoman pass out again on camera. My response was that it was the Legacy Media willfully going along lockstep with the the Federal Government, CDC and Tony Fauci.
They had more than ample opportunities to ask tough questions because they have been given the right to look after “We The People”. They are our buffer between our rights/freedoms and the Government. Not only did they drop the ball but they fu#king lied. Not only did they lie but they continue to lie, ignoring the concerning data about vaccine safety while continuing to push more vaccines on children.
So now they are collapsing on stage and it’s what we used to call in NYC, “paybacks a bitch”.
Now the NFL has instituted a CPR policy going into effect this year. Why? Because they don’t need bad press from another Damar Hamlin story next season. In Europe it’s not uncommon to see European Footballers collapsing during a game. Manchester United, Christian Eriksen is one such player.
So the NFL also has its suspicions that it could be the vaccines causing this. Yet instead of asking tough questions they continue to look the other way and encourage the vaccine protocols just like the Legacy Media.
This is a flipped upside down created Cult, where instead of using the Joe and Jane Sixpacks as your Cult members, you use those in authority who are the Cult members.
My hope is to see more celebrities, and athletes drop like flies because one day the torches and pitchforks will crash the castle gates. We live in an upside down civilization where people piss on your head and go out of their way to convince you it’s just rain.


I think that might also include “re-written”.


Thank you for your raw honesty. It takes courage to say something like this, as it seems like it may be a pretty unpopular notion. I for one really appreciate you sharing your perspective.
While I can’t say that I feel PP meets all of the definitions of a cult, I can say that I was corresponding in private messages with select people here in the past who have stated that they see that PP is feeling more and more like a cult (used that exact word), and that many members seem to agree with Chris without question.
Other things some have said to me: there is a group mentality here known as the “tribe”, and some members here are clear that they are the “remnants” - those who will survive after everyone else is gone.
Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just sharing what others have shared with me.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that this is all how I personally feel.
That being said, there is a vibe here sometimes that if one questions anything, then one ‘just hasn’t been here long enough’, or ‘just doesn’t know what PP is really all about and how things are done here’. I’ve seen those replies to others, and have definitely experienced that myself on occasion.
Being the big girl I am, none of this bothers me. It isn’t a cult to me as long as I have the freedom to move on. But that doesn’t mean it’s always the right or best fit for me. Not all members are like this, and I don’t judge anyway for what they say or how they act here. This is where individual freedom comes in. In the end, I stay for various other reasons. If that changes at some point, I’ll leave.
It seems to me that there are pictures of Chris on the website because…well, this is Chris’ business. It’s not a non-profit organization or a cooperative of some kind. A genuine community may have formed around the business - and Chris’ expert knowledge and sincere interest in people are no doubt at the root of that - but this is clearly a business with one person at the helm. I am guessing that most people come here in the first place because of Chris. That doesn’t mean it’s a cult. It’s just the truth. Where it all goes and how people treat one another is what really counts, at least to me.


Chris having pictures of himself on his website.
This is an interesting one. It is one of my main complaints of people “on the other side” (whatever that is). I rarely SEE the people making the decisions. Who is the University President who thinks it is OK for a trans female to win gold medals competing against biological females? Who are the individuals who mandated vaccines? Do you ever SEE these people and hear them answer questions about their decisions? I don’t.
I interpret Chris having his picture on his website as “This is me. I stand behind the statements I make and I can defend them.”


While I can understand the schadenfreude you feel seeing newscasters and athletes keeling over, I do find it distasteful on the basis that they’re just a public face and were not involved in policy decisions. It would be akin to taking delight in harm to bank tellers at major banking institutions. Like other mainstream entertainers, they’re generally empty bobbleheads who will promote whatever they’re told or or is otherwise hip that week. It’s rare to see them going against the grain and I assign them very little legitimacy and very little responsibility. It would generally be foolish to take financial/medical/technical advice from entertainers, especially since they are often disconnected from the regular people and the world.
The people of greater culpability are the policy makers. They are entrusted to make sound decisions impacting millions of people. They are not held accountable when they demonstrate either severe negligence, or outright self-serving behavior. They also tend to offload any harms they might suffer unto others, as with the examples of taxpayers footing the bill for the jab or bank bailouts.
There is a third type of person who I believe makes themselves a target for ridicule. As it became more obvious that the jabs were resulting in injuries and I began tracking this, I made a folder called ‘Vaccine injuries’. In this folder are the children, the athletes, nurses, and so forth who we have a good reason to believe are jab injured. But there is a sub-folder called ‘instant pharma’; in this folder I keep the people who are injured or dead, but stood in public and mocked and lambasted those who either declined or hesitated to take the jab. They shouted their moral superiority from the rooftops and took a fall. I admit to feeling some satisfaction that hubris remains dangerous in our reality.


But I don’t find it distasteful because many of those athletes jeered at players like Kyrie Irving and those who refused to take The Jab. They went so far as to call him out and wanted him punished for not giving in to Tony Fauci’s drug cocktail. However it was the Legacy Media who encouraged that behavior and looked the other way when a player collapsed.
So we have is a complicit Media doing the Government’s bidding and it’s cult followers who happen to be the players who took sides with the Media. The only individuals who I have some sympathy for are those who knew this stuff was risky but were forced to take it.


Paul Craig Roberts calls out the Media as complicit in mass murder. This is why I have ZERO empathy or sympathy when one of these evil people are harmed by the Vax.
“US Media Complicit in Two Mass Murders: Covid Vax”

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Thanks for the private email, Nick. I tried to respond but since I am an info scout not and peak insider.

Typo: I can’t use private messaging.