What is the Covid cult? Four signs you need to watch out for...

Mask Off

I work at a small private college connected to the large Medical Center in my state. The college hasn’t had required masking in a couple of years now but the medical center has for patients, visitors, healthcare workers, staff, etc. as I suspect most institutions across the US still do. This week they announced in their system news portal that starting April 3rd masks will be optional except for patients/visitors with respiratory illness or if the patient requests it from their healthcare professional. I was pleased to see so many “likes” and positive comments like “Finally!”, “Yay!” and “It’s about time!” but there were a fair number of Covid Cultists freaking out with comments like …

I think that the decision to not test all patients upon admission should be reconsidered ...

The fact the we are potentially allowing asymptomatic covid + patients to walk in the halls without a mask contradicts our core values.

Where can we find the data on this policy decision? Or is this simply peer pressure?

We see ill people, we need protection from them and they need protection from each other. I have had to fight with patients to ensure our masking practices when there have been NO enforcement measures taken. All in order to protect my colleagues and our patients. Now this?

I was proud to work somewhere where the staff put aside their own comfort to take the best care of our most vulnerable. I’m still proud to be here, but I’m sad to say this will just cause hardship for people I care for.

What about the unvaccinated??
Still with the concerns about unvaccinated. ? It's enough to make you want to pull your hair out. Anyway, I thought these were good examples of the brainwashing and the cult mentality from the past 3 years. I have to take heart that there were sooo many more positive comments. I honestly thought they would keep masking in place forever - kind of like taking off your shoes in the airport 20+ years on.

The look of Peak’s website changed dramatically recently. I recall commenting about the new commercial look and how it could change how people saw Chris and Peak. If you change the spirit of something, it is no longer what it was. The presenting image of how something or someone looks matters. It can make or break whatever by losing or liquidating the original essence. As an example, there are many new minds influencing the spirit of Peak and it has indeed changed it’s “vibe” over time. It sometimes feels like I’m playing Where’s Waldo when looking for the Chris I began watching over 3 years ago, when he used to sit in his living room alone with just his computer.
Think one needs to remember these other kinds of influences while looking at whether anything might be a cultish. As an example, a change of image, or presenting image can mislead, convolute, betray, deceive and even kill. People who gather under a cult type umbrella also influence the “vibe.” They can be even more influential than the leadership, thereby changing the groups focus.
As I understand cults they have a very narrow range of what they stand for and find acceptable. They are very rigid and the cult leaders need followers who need to relinquish themselves to cult leaders. And the less formed an individual is within, the more they need external structure and someone to literally run them.
Don’t think Peak is a cult. Chris isn’t threatening to ex-communicate us if we disagree. He isn’t forbidding us from looking at other people’s videos. And we can cancel our membership at any time.


That’s right. What a joke. And stepping on the dots. LOL You can laugh or cry. I’m tired of crying.

I wasn’t going to get into this, because I’m no expert, but I think it needs to be said…I have heard that trauma in conjunction with a command results in an “engram,” or (my understanding), a permanent change in behavior (obedience to the command). You may not even remember the initial trauma and never understand why you are obsessive about this particular thing. This is just what I’ve heard-someone else can take the ball and run with it.

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It’s All Too Fast

What is going on with the calamary clots, did they magically disappear? E.Palestine? What will be the new big thing that takes us completely away from the banking crises? I need to take an off grid vaca to stop spinning. Here’s what I do know. It takes approximately three days alone in the forest and your mind comes to a screaching halt. You start noticing every breeze, the movement of creatures. When you slow down enough to see the stars spinning above you in a clear night sky, that’s the great reset my friends.


Everybody Knows



Hey, the sleve rollers weren’t exactly kind in their wishes towards those who chose not to get the jab, including all-around wonderful Human being Joe Biden…

We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated – for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm.
.. He's as compassionate as he is factually accurate ? How many people were forced to take shots of an experimental gene therapy because of his orders for federal workers?

The reason I left Peak Prosperity was because it checked all the cult boxes.

Stop Wasting Your Time Rehashing Covid Let’s Go After Financial Crime

Sorry, MSM has moved on to the next big lie - that it’s OK to allow rogue bankers to transfer all risk to mainstreet. Silicon Valley billionaires mess up - no problem, the government will make the individual mega-rich investors whole. Meanwhile, Yellen says small banks in OK are not important to her “system” so they won’t be bailed out.
Let’s get on to shining light on the lies about the next crisis-banking. “Banks will pay higher fees to the FDIC”, so no taxpayer money. Banks won’t pass those fees along to their larger toxic customers or to shareholders or executives. So, higher fees for small bank accounts and lower interest rates for mainstreet. Does that mean mainstreet will no longer have to pay taxes?
Meanwhile the Fed raises rates - pretending to fight inflation. Actually, buying toxic bank investments at book value, not market, so huge QE again.
If you want to go a little deeper into the scams that are not being tracked, take a look at this article on how the repo market works.

The part I find even more interesting is that your sense of smell “returns” in about a week

There are times when not being able to hear well has its advantages. This was one of them.
I delighted in purposely going in the wrong direction and not minding the floor dots. The reactions of some people was so over the top. Having a contrarian nature makes rule breaking that much easier. Do not obey must be embedded in the contrarian gene. ?? I am grateful for that.


I used to be a huge fan of Thom. He made a lot of sense for a very long time.
Then came President Trump and I got tired of his holier-than-thou liberalism.
And when COVID hit he became a complete tool for the narrative.
Noam Chomsky also lost me around the exact same time.
It’s as if these intellectual folks lost their identities which I once respected and assimilated 180 degrees opposite of what I used to respect them for.
It’s amazing and scary.
Stay true to yourselves Dr. Chris and all PP’ers.


People Who Disagree With Your Point Of View Aren’t In A Cult.

There is a large enough consensus reality forming around anti-establishment science to create its own morphic field. To say that establishment science believers are steeped in their own morphic field, is true.
But to deny that you are soaking in one yourself is not objective. To equate only establishment science with careerism and commercial interest, is to deny the millions that are being made by the alternative science online podcast community.

Love it.

I sometimes waggishly say, the only decision we’ve got to make these days is to decide which cult we want to join.
But if you go down the list of cult attributes, the ones that stand out combine to promote the idea that the central beliefs of the cult cannot be questioned.
If you do, bad things happen. You might get burned at the stake. You might get excommunicated and banned. You might lose your position or be shunned.
Here at PP, the golden rule is “bring data.”
Other than that, you’re free to discuss or debate anything you like (as long as you don’t constantly try and steer every and any conversation back to your pet idea(s) without regard for the social acceptability of that behavior.

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New Stats On Excess Deaths


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