What's Happening Is Breathtaking

Originally published at: https://peakprosperity.com/whats-happening-is-breathtaking/

These are extraordinary times, and I mean that in every literal and historical sense I can muster.

Trump has started a revolution, it’s underway, and I am 100% here for it.

The short story is this is seismic. None of us have lived through what’s unfolding. Trump’s team is operating as if they are battling an internal foe that has taken over America and which seeks its destruction. If this is the case, then my view is they have correctly diagnosed the disease.

Things are breaking very quickly, but fortunately drinking from a firehose is my specialty. As I did during Covid, I will do my best to both catalog and explain the enormous impacts of what we’re currently experiencing.

Consider the issues we faced that nobody seemed to know what to do about, or how to even begin fixing.

  • The US has the least healthy, shortest-lived population out of every developed country.
  • The US spends the most, by roughly a factor of 2x more than all other developed countries on its health care, more accurately called sickcare.
  • US public high school students test out extremely poorly compared to other developed countries in math and reading.
  • The US government taxes heavily yet still slips $2 trillion deeper in the hole every year, and is more than $36 trillion debt.
  • Every year on an accrual basis the Social Security and Medicare/caid liabilities expand by many trillions and now total somewhere north of $200 trillion.

In other words, the US is broke, stupid, and fat. And it was getting worse with every passing year.

This is what the last election was actually about. A majority of people said, “Enough!” and voted for real change. Along the way the people who like the system exactly the way it is got nervous about Trump’s chances and tried to kill him in Butler PA on July 13th, 2024.

They missed.

And now the wrecking crew has arrived and is dismantling that sordid, pathetic, anti-American deep state apparatus. That’s what’s actually happening right now. You are living through an extraordinary time.

It’s going to be quite chaotic, possibly very expensive, and may well be have to go through an extensive period of dismantling before we can even begin to rebuild and repair all that has to be torn down.

Let’s consider the case of just the USAID entity. Started by Executive Order by John F. Kennedy, the idea was to dedicate some US funds to helping other countries get ahead. As with all things run by the US government, this noble beginning quickly morphed into a murky amalgam of CIA-run color revolutions, extensive funding of shadowy NGOs with bland names but dark objectives, and the usual fare of DC insider kickbacks and grifts.’

I’m sure it managed to do some helpful things too, but it mainly operated in stick vs carrot mode as it enforced US interests abroad.

A simple idea became a 10,000-person organization with a $40 billion budget.

Enter Trump and Elon Musk. This is the most astonishing of all possible headlines and stories to wake up to:

WASHINGTON—The U.S. Agency for International Development closed its headquarters to agency personnel on Monday following moves by Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency to exert control over the foreign-aid organization.


An email to USAID personnel said that the move was taken by “Agency leadership.” The message said that replies should be directed to an email address that appears to be associated with Gavin Kliger, whose LinkedIn profile identifies him as a special adviser to the director of the Office of Personnel Management and who works for DOGE.

“At the direction of Agency leadership, the USAID headquarters at the Ronald Reagan building in Washington, D.C. will be closed to Agency personnel on Monday, February 3, 2025,” the email states.

Kliger and DOGE didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.



If you are worried that there’s fraud in an accounting department, you have security march in, and tell everyone to stand up and leave the room because you don’t want to give the fraudsters the chance to clean the files. This is Trump & Elon’s way of saying that they think there’s some real dirt here which they want exposed.

Okay, that means it’s Game On!

The Deep State has been identified and USAID was like the left ventricle of that beating rotten heart.

Continuing with the WSJ article above, nobody was willing to go on record so the WSJ fell back on the old “unnamed officials” mode of weak-assed journalism that we’ve all grown to hate:

“It’s a coup,” said a current USAID official. It was unclear when, if ever, the agency would be up and running again, the official added.

From my perspective, the coup happened when JFK was shot and nobody was held to account, and ever since it’s been one long unbroken string of DC swamp creatures doing unspeakable things for fun and profit.

So, yes, there’s been a coup, but it’s not the one the “unnamed official” is complaining about.

As a reminder, the government is supposed to serve THE PUBLIC and be both responsible and accountable to the public. The USAID folks are aghast that suddenly the public might take a peek at what they’ve actually been up to.

The early results are not pretty.

USAID gave money lavishly to support violent mobs all over the globe, in this case Mike Benz revealing that Africa was a routine target:

If you’re wondering what that must have been like for those poor African nations suddenly beset with mob violence, look no further than various US cities during the 2020 BLM astroturf riots:

I will bet a large pile of money that we’re going to discover that somehow USAID money flowed into these riots. That’s a pretty safe bet given all the other things we’ve already learned including the fact that a FOIA document dump in August of 2024 revealed that USAID has been a hot bed of funding child sex trafficking, labor abuse, and social media threats:


Full stop; this is morally repugnant.


From the same WSJ article already linked above, we have this totally appropriate quote by Elon Musk:

Musk said earlier Monday that Trump agreed with him that USAID should be closed, telling a live audience on his social-media site, X, that he “went over it with him in detail and he agreed that we should shut it down.”

Musk, during that same appearance, said that the administration was closing the agency because “as we dug into USAID, it became apparent that what we have here is not an apple with a worm in it, but we have actually just a ball of worms.”

“There is no apple. And when there is no apple, you just got to basically get rid of the whole thing, that’s why it has to go, it’s beyond repair,” he said

There is no apple. There is only a ball of worms.

In the real world, sometimes it’s just way faster and cheaper to start over. You don’t try and make something that is beyond repair better by pouring more into it. You have to burn it down and start over.

So if I were a USAID staffer, I’d be spiffing up my C.V. while thinking of Elon’s first arrival in the Twitter lobby after purchasing it:

Do we really doubt that the man who wrestled Twitter back from being an overt tool of Deep State censorship and ended up firing 80% of the existing staff while keeping the whole thing running smoothly is going to be any different while tearing apart USAID?

This is exactly what a majority of people voted for in 2024.

But Elizabeth Warren sure hasn’t managed to figure that out:

Yes, Liz, we did elect Elon too. That was part of the deal. We knew exactly who and what we were voting for.

If you are suddenly worried about unelected people doing things that might cause harm to people, then why were you (and continue to be) completely silent about the fact that USAID funneled tens of millions of dollars of direct monetary support to a Chinese research scientist working on coronaviruses who ended up being Patient Zero?


Kind of weird, right? You’d think something that was blamed for killing 1,000,000 Americans would somehow make your radar screen, but not old Liz Warren! No sir!

She’s worried that Elon might poke around in the USAID pile and discover that some of her pet disbursement schemes come under public scrutiny.

There’s a LOT more to unpack here, but the point is this. There’s a revolution underway and Trump is running it, and various odious DC swamp creatures are now scurrying like cockroaches after the kitchen light has been flicked on.

The Covid debacle ties back to 2014 which, coincidentally, is the year to which Team Biden backdated Fauci and Hunter’s pardons. That’s the same year, again coincidentally, that USAID began funneling money to Wuhan and Ukraine’s biolabs opened up.

It’s a ball of worms, and it’s about to have an entire box of salt dumped on it.

All of which is to ask, have you planted a garden? By which I mean are you ready? Because this is going to get really bumpy. The economy and financial systems may well crash or seize up.

And that’s if things go well. If the neocon/Deep State raccoons feel like they need to detonate something to survive, trust me, they will. That’s the wild card in all this, and why I continually beg, plead, and cajole people to consider taking steps to build their personal resilience.

In part II, for subscribers, I take this down the path of asking and answering, “What happens if…?”


Ever wonder why Chris Murphy of CT is such a huge TDS sufferer? Probably because he didn’t get a pardon backdated to 2014:

He’s up to his slimy eyeballs into the Deep State activities. Not saying he directs them, but he’s certainly got all of his bread buttered on one side.




Im happy USAID is dismantled. Im not even US citizen but here and basically every western country, with or without left leaning government, they have giant structures funneling NGO money in same way… to left side of spectrum. This creates most of all, IMHO, worst effect: huge western/american/european hubris, which is self rolling hamster wheel and self argues why more interventions in africa should be done, when whole corrupt machinery benefits both from coups and “aid”.
It makes everyone bitter,angry and poor. Not to mention unfathomable crimes that happen under that umbrella. It also makes africans or whoever gains that aid entitled, just like in US some groups, which is very very bad thing.
(Do you remember just before Trump election result was announced, many countries demanded “reparations” and “compensations” from mostly european countries, but also US and UK… from 200 year old alleged wrongdoings… straight cold hard cash… Germany was among those sort of guilt tripped, and no that was not about holocaust… and that is learned behaviour, that was spreading due to it was handsomely rewarded)


African continent:

As you see, it is not just one country, but multiple joining in choir. Namibia was colony of germany long ago, Burundi wasnt(at least I cant connect these dots).

Many african countries have socialist/soviet past which explains this attitude. We see in USAID example how it never works, makes problems worse and soon money is spent and some more in debt.
This is of course linked in casual coups caused by black ops of US and allies in this continent.

All of this needs “adults in room” on all sides. Tall order nowadays perhaps.


Had a colleague down in Arizona mention during the “peaceful protesting” his buddy was a body builder and had the right look unexpectedly got approached at his gym and offered $1,000 cash per night to peacefully protest…

times that by some % of # protestors…1k X night…man thats some deep pockets…


I expected Trump to be breath of fresh air, but he has turned out to be more like a force 8 gale of pure oxygen.


On a side note, but related to Trump’s determination.
Here in Canada, it’s been like 3 days of an Orwellian TWO MINUTES OF HATE.
It’s like being in Covid all over again.
The hate is seething from otherwise mild, passive, low info citizens.
US liquor removed off the shelves. Avoiding any US products. Cancelling US holidays. Verbal diarrhea all over FB. Fellow Canadians are as manipulated as they were during Covid.
This is a population that detests Trudeau, yet, is somehow rallying around his anti-American propaganda.
I don’t know what country I’m living in, Canada or Oceania. It has been surreal to watch a nation be deranged and triggered with Trump Derangement Syndrome, and being completely smug about it.


in some ways similar here in the US… got a liberal aunt posting on speed dial on facebook all the illegal crimes Musk and Trump are doing to America in the last 2 weeks and pleading with our local senator who grilled RFK after taking 1.5 million from Pharma to stand up and stop them and Save USAID… no Canada hate though


Hey at least we know now who paid for all those random pallets of bricks during the summer of love.


If USAID was created to help the US people, how does it help them by sending so much taxpayer money overseas?
And no, congress doesn’t control the US money supply - the privately owned reserve bank does.
(I couldn’t listen to him past that point, sorry)


I love what Trump and Elon are doing to USAID. I wish Australia had someone in authority of Trump’s calibre. Trump has achieved an extraordinary amount in less than two weeks but I have reservations (even if Elizabeth Warren is “off hers”). The announcement with Ellison of funding for AI mRNA individual cancer vaccines was disturbing to say the least. The following also suggested the purchase of further COVID vaccines. Is this misguided or is this a real thing? Someone needs to explain to Trump what these vaccines actually do to peoples health and the mechanisms. They are an integral part of the NWO that must be exposed. Trump has to wake up on this topic.


If anybody following this discussion has Republican representatives or senators, I think it would be a good idea to send them an e-mail saying that you as one of their constituents support President Trump’s reform efforts and that you hope they will as well. There’s a lot of weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth on social media (which, I must admit, the less noble part of me is rather enjoying) about the reforms from the usual handmaidens of the big-city Professional-Managerial Class and their Administrative-Class hangers on. That’s why I think it’s important that Republican senators and congressman hear from their constituents who support these reforms.


It’s great that they’re breaking up USAID (and getting rid of scumbags’ intelligence access and security detail, etc.). But I wish I could share your confidence that this seems to be the breaking up of the deep state. To me it all rather whiffs of one faction of those holding the real reins of global power getting one over on the other faction.

Chris, I really hope your enthusiasm turns out to be well-founded, and that the deep state/blob/OCGFC/whatever-you-want-to-call-it really is being dismantled, but I still have in my head what Whitney Webb and Ryan Christian have been repeatedly saying, and I’m skeptical that ridding the world of this blight ain’t gonna be nearly so easy (and once it’s done, we’ll have to very jealously guard against its followers-on).

I’ll be watching this very carefully, but for the moment, I for one will be withholding my judgement on it all (crossed fingers, hoping for the best)!


I somehow feel compelled to remind people that previous PP guest Michael Yon was emphatically, unequivocally adamant before the election that it was IRRELEVANT! (all-caps screaming his) because Trump is just another puppet actor blah blah blah blah. I’m sure Whitney Webb and many others concur.

I just went to search for Michael’s tweet on this from early November but it’s mysteriously missing now. I’m 99.9% confident in my memory of it though.


What’s the difference between “Vengeance” (or to avenge) and Revenge?

Many on the left during the election and after said the (now) President Trump will take Revenge on his “enemies”. IMO those that tried him, lied, and attempted to kill him.

Through his actions he is not taking Revenge but he is inflicting Vengeance.

Vengeance or to Avenge:

When such infliction proceeds from a mere love of justice, and the necessity of punishing offenders for the support of the laws, it is vengeance and is warrantable and just. In this case, vengeance is a just retribution, recompense or punishment. Websters Dictionary 1828


According to modern usage, to inflict pain deliberately and maliciously, contrary to the laws of justice and humanity, in return for injury, pain or evil received; Websters Dictionary 1828

The American people deserve Vengeance for the crimes committed-to us- these last 8 years.

Thanks for listening.

Tgese are thoughts I had after reading and pondering Psalm 94.


You can bet they had a hand in the going’s on at the Darien Gap.


51 years ago, when I was 10 years old, my family moved to Ibadan Nigeria, my dad was an agronomy professor and he took a job with the Rockefeller foundation teaching at the university of Ibadan. At that time there were 3 main US organizations there, Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation and USAID. I went to an international school and I had friends from countries all over the world. My first crush was on a cute blond British girl, still remember her name today. These organizations did a lot of good back in the day, clearly that narrative is lost today. My best friend the last year we were there was the son of the US Ambassador, we used to take our slingshots and shoot lizards off the walls of their rather lavish home.
I have no doubt even back then the US was there in part due to Nigeria’s natural resources, oil. We lived there for 3 years, I hated it at the time, but it was the most memorable experience of my life. We as well as all US citizens left the country in 1966 when the Biafran War broke out. There were 3 main tribes in the country, the largest being Muslim. The most educated and the smallest tribe was Christian, which was the ruling class in the country at the time. They became the Biafran’s.
it was a bloody coup, they took over the airport at Lagos, we were delayed a day in leaving until the military retook control of the airport and the foreigners that wanted to leave did. One of the other Professors at the university stayed a couple days longer than we did, he told my dad in a phone conversation that there were decapitated bodies lying all over sections of Ibadan, it was literally hand to hand combat with Machetes.


The last two weeks have been three decades long, so the woke madness is retreating into a fuzzy bad dream. Lest we forget what we escaped, here is footage from the recent DNC Chair Forum.


The next to go should be the National Endowment for Democracy.

It is really the National Endowment for Color Revolutions.

It is time to get rid of that nasty, deceitful, hypocritical organization.