“Be careful what you wish for, you may just get it.”
This talk about Solar Minimums and Maximums would probably be better in its own thread. It’s going to get lost here and won’t have anywhere near the potential reach that it might deserve. In this thread, it is just useless clutter. Sorry.
Who is the “former RFK team”?
Nicole Shanahan, RFK Jr’s former running mate did a podcast before RFK left the race and signed onto the trump train.
Around the 30 min mark, they get into what to do about the REAL debt problem.
Stealing the 401ks is via great taking. SS is stolen via “reform” and likely comes first, but not until people have had their fill of cookies and raw milk.
You should research her background. She is probably going to run for governor of CA when newsome falls.
I just caught this vid again on youtube.
Outside of revisiting the pulverized horse that was once the climate change scam and with the bullshit climate change troll…er… discussion… pushed to another thread…which has interestingly fallen silent (sigh), I think the points actually made in THIS video are critical to determining a realisitc path forward and so, it deserves a bump, especially considering that I am partly responsible for derailing it.
Btw… apologies to all for getting roped into the distraction…and I agree with @allaninvietnam that the discussion should have been moved. Climate change, real or not, man made or not, had no business in this discussion.
I agree that big changes to the exec branch of the US are underway and that these changes are needed and can ultimately be a net positive for the country.
I also see that these changes can easily be undone with funding merely being shifted to new, more covert, entities. The rational for this move is a logical and necessary step by the elites due to the fact that the masses have caught on to the current avenues of corruption. There are countless historical examples of this but probably the most obvious would be the Church Committee and the infamous MK Ultra program which merely rebranded as the Monarch Program after being exposed.
Considering this historic precident, the excellent research conducted by people like Whitney Webb, the recreation of PROJECT STARGATE, obviously named after another controvercial CIA SPY program, the back story of Elon Musk’s rise to “stardome” and his ties to technocratic ideology, and the fact that Trump’s first term was a disaster, I find it extremely difficult to blindly trust that the course of the country is actually changing for the better.
It seems to me that Trump was put in office at this point in history by the elites for a reason and we are all likely sleepwalking into a trap.
All of these perceived changes can merely be cookies… or cake… for the masses.
Even the opening ceremony of the summer olympics in France was screaming with symbolism of revolution and war…WAY before another Trump presidency was a sure thing.
A staged, preprogrammed, ritualistic look into their plans.
Consider 2 sailboats on different tacks. Each APPEAR to be sailing in completely opposite directions but in reality they are on the same course, headed to the same destination.
I am far beyond bullshit small talk about the benefits of raw milk or the dangers of DEI (another distraction). I am looking for intelligent people who are interested in discussing REAL SOLUTIONS.
It is clear that we are at the tipping point for the republic and while I am hopeful that “this time is different” I see no REAL evidence to support that idea at any significant level of probability and therefore it has NOT been considered for a revision of my world view or in formulating a path forward.
I understand that you have some additional inight that you may not be able or willing to discuss openly, but can you share ANY insight on why you have apparently and suddently been drowned in the trump coolaid?
Without sharing any specific info, do you have evidence to suggest that this time is actually different and that “a revolution” is actually afoot which will bring the US and hopefully the world into a “golden age”?
Or does this video merely reflect hope in the absence of evidence?
A friend of mine in Texas Houston, showed me evidence of the Harris campaign, hiring actors, and “crisis actors“, for things like ads campaigns, and “other pour poses”…
Hey, try to get used to saying it. It’s enemies to the people of the United States of America. United States is the shortened and separated, legal business name and that’s a fact it’s just a thing. But when you don’t know that you can wind yourself up supporting it by accident. Just get . used to saying “of America” at the end if you can
Overall, it’s worth noting that Donald Trump is doing things commence with how the Republican form of government is supposed to operate, for the people under Republican form of government, which includes the common law no joke! I don’t know if he’ll get all the way to that. But those of us who have assembled will help push it over the line if more people join, especially. Please consider checking into the immigration and nationalization act. I think it’s 1946. In there, it clearly states the two forms of citizenship and I strongly recommend everyone look into theirs and find that your nationality has. American has been dropped off. I’d love to have further discussions on this matter as well.
Back to Donald and the Trump administration and what’s happening. It seems apparent to me that in order to spare his life and get where he is he had to make certain deals. It appears as if he still serves two masters, along with himself. But he may and appears to be also strong enough to remediate the effect from the darker Golbalist masters, in favor of the light of the people. I realize that’s a little esoteric and I can’t prove it but that’s the sense I get as I watch what’s happening. Only a Republican form of government that presidents like Andrew Jackson and George Washington preserved, woild dare mention such a thing as abolishing the IRS in favor of international tariffs on others. Just OMG! If he does his job right they’ll be no such thing as an executive order by the end of this term. I highly doubt that will happen, however…
Would love to know anyone else’s thoughts on a matter…
What does this mean? Is it missing some words after “your nationality has…”?
Hey, let me clarify. I’m suggesting that you read the first page or two of that US nationality and immigration act. It’s fully an act in Congress assembled so just google it. Just so you can start to see that there’s a nationality that they can tax and sees and do all these things too. And then there’s an original jurisdiction organic nationality where we started with as just plain Americans. It shouldn’t be that big of a surprise that they would come up with something and not really explain it very well and then we all suffer the consequences slowly but surely overtime. That’s why everything‘s gotten so Lawless. If I haven’t answered your question or you wanna say more Absolutely please do. I’ll keep this window open for a while.
Thanks! I can’t look into it now, but will follow up later. Appreciate it.