When False Narratives Break

My spidy senses have been telling me to get the garden going and stock up on spring materials and luckily the stores have a lot out already. Didn’t grab fertilizer and organic additives yet, but will do that Monday.
Also did a Costco run last week and grabbed some jumbo stuff that was getting low. Probably should have overstocked on toilet paper too.
I’ll add another indicator. FedEx is almost down. The last two winter storms trashed their main hubs and they’ve lost a week or so of shipping. Don’t have package locations scanned. UPS is doing a little better. They are dropping their smaller packages at the nearest US post office in rural areas and they show up in a week or so. Unlike FedEx who has lost stuff for 2 weeks and counting. The last miles of the supply chain are now going down.


Which disease did Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Astra Zeneca prevent?
“The most common and serious vaccine-preventable diseases tracked by the World Health Organization (WHO) are: diphtheria, Haemophilus influenzae serotype b infection, hepatitis B, measles, meningitis, mumps, pertussis, poliomyelitis, rubella, tetanus, tuberculosis, and yellow fever.”

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Play the man, not the ball?

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I just wanted to corroborate that there is definitely increased action within the military.
My husband (former active duty, mid-level officer) was recently called in for AT on short notice (the “two weeks” part you hear about for the Reserves). Literally - hey, get yourself to Norfolk over the weekend, time now. The military hotels (Lodge, Inn) were full so he had to stay in a “normal” hotel. This is not PCS season and he’s had winter AT there before without any trouble securing a room at the Lodge. Last week he got a phone call from a two star’s office specifically asking him for an activation to their office. (Thankfully, it truly was just an offer and he was available to decline at this time.)


I’ve created an account on sovren.media in order to establish a circle for like-minded folks I know. I created the circle but it won’t let me invite anyone in, even though they also created an account on sovren. sovren tech support acknowledged my request for help hasn’t provided anything yet after nearly a week.
Has anyone successfully created a circle and have people join?

Thank your husband for his service. As a 70 yr old non-vet, I know I can’t do this myself, but I will commit to helping my military friends and family to do it.
We know from the vaccination damage that much of the military “leadership” is corrupt. We also know from participation in Jan 6, that there is a group of military that is ready to join the militias. Neither of these groups is our friend.
We need sane voices, like your husband, in the military. Perhaps those retired and subject to recall and those in National Guard units might start looking for places where they could serve as a calming influence on that middle third. Not just taking the most influential offer, but perhaps seeking out the best place for sane influence. We see from research into group think that if one other person questions the group narrative, subjects are willing to speak up.
So military and vets on PP, let us know what we can do to support you. Including asking for a bug-out place for the kids or aging parents from those of us in areas that might be safer.


Thanks for the re-post. That's definitely inspiring.

I understand keeping out the riffraff & trolls, but maybe there should be a way in for those of us who might be valuable to the community in ways other than monetarily?
If there’s anything that important, keep us here on the outside in the loop.


Jim Meehan, MD authored a 133 page monograph entitled “Why Wearing a Mask Makes Healthy People Sick: An Evidence Based Analysis of Why Masks Are Ineffective, Unnecessary and Harmful” but I’m too technically challenged to upload the link provided to me by my wellness practitioner. You’ll find pretty much all the information on the links below, however.


As I wrote in this week’s commentary:

  • Stephane Bancel (MRNA CEO) deleted his twitter account. That’s probably because - Science. It certainly has nothing to do with concern over possible lawsuits coming real soon now.
  • The first traunch of the massive PFE disclosure to FDA, which both FDA and Pfizer were working desperately to keep concealed, is coming out shortly.
  • Pope Fauci has just instructed us all: if you are 30 years old, with no co-morbidities, you’ll probably just need a booster every 5 years. And he also mentioned natural immunity. Pope Fauci is more-than-tiptoeing away from the shots. That’s because he’s a survivor.
    Will the details of all the injury make it through the Wag The Dog/Russia Version distraction attempt? I think so. Too many people have been harmed. Way, way too many people.
    Hints of “the truth” could be found - mid 2021 - in the PFE clinical trial data; the shots killed more people than they saved. And that’s with all the fraud in the trial.
    I’m still waiting for some intrepid Vaccine Church acolyte to explain why, in the middle of a deadly pandemic, more people died in the vaccine group than in the salt water group. In Pfizer’s own trial!
    That’s the FDA/CDC definition of “Safe & Effective!”

This is a good short read that makes a lot of sense. An excerpt:

...Earlier in the week, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki repeatedly said that a “Russian invasion was imminent.” Her comments were followed by State Department flak Nick Price opining that the Intel agencies had provided him with details of an alleged Russian-backed “false flag” operation they expected to take place in the near future in east Ukraine. Price’s warning was followed on Sunday morning by national security advisor Jake Sullivan claiming that a Russian invasion could happen at any time maybe “even tomorrow.” This was just days after Bloomberg News agency had published its sensational and utterly-false headline that “Russia Invades Ukraine”.

Can you see the pattern here? Can you see how these baseless claims were all used to apply pressure to the unsuspecting German chancellor who seemed oblivious to the campaign that was aimed at him?

As one might expect, the final blow was delivered by the American president himself. During the press conference Biden stated emphatically that,

“If Russia invades … there will no longer [be] a Nord Stream 2.. We will bring an end to it.”

So, now Washington sets policy for Germany???

What insufferable arrogance!

The German chancellor was taken aback by Biden’s comments which clearly were not part of the original script. Even so, Scholz never agreed to cancel Nord Stream and refused to even mention the pipeline by name. If Biden thought he could sandbag the leader of the world’s third biggest economy by cornering him in a public forum, he guessed wrong. Germany remains committed to launching Nord Stream regardless of potential flare-ups in far-flung Ukraine. But that could change at any time. After all, who knows what incitements Washington might be planning in the near future? Who knows how many lives they are prepared to sacrifice in order to put a wedge between Germany and Russia? Who knows what risks Biden is willing to take to slow America’s decline and prevent a new “polycentric” world order from emerging? Anything could happen in the weeks ahead. Anything. ...


"Price’s warning was followed on Sunday morning by national security advisor Jake Sullivan claiming that a Russian invasion could happen at any time maybe “even tomorrow.”
Jake Sullivan is now on the cusp of being indicted for high felonies if the above article has any merit at all – and Greenwald (imo the best authentic journalist out there) says there is merit.

Among the reason the media might want to cover the developments in John Durham's criminal probe of the fraudulent Alfa Bank story and the crimes committed to spread it: the Clinton 2016 official at the heart of it is now Biden's National Security Advisor in charge of Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/OpBk4AdDcL

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald)February 13, 2022

Jake Sullivan intentionally sabotaged relations with Russia by pushing a false flag story that his own team fabricated. Now he is National Security Advisor, tasked with advising the president on dealing with Russia. How is that even possible? Where is the media? https://t.co/y5KpjbH2vb

— Hans Mahncke (@HansMahncke)February 13, 2022
  So Jake Sullivan led the criminal Clinton "RussiaGate" enterprise, attempting to subvert an election and a duly elected President.... and is NOW in charge of Ukraine policy with regard to Russia...and WW3? How can this be? And how can it be that the connection isn't making headlines...or, at least, be a hot topic of discussion?  

Unfortunately, even showing that all cause mortality was higher in the trial group doesn’t phase True Believers.
I showed this data to someone (who claims not to be a True Believer, just someone who “follows the science.”) and he explained to me that it’s because the trial was too small and the numbers were statistically significant. I asked how could the all cause mortality difference (1) be insignificant but the Covid death difference (also 1) be the basis for the whole thing? He just told me to go read the CDC publication that claims all cause mortality for anyone taking the tax is lower. (I wonder why they left Covid out of that piece?)


Thank you West Coast Jan for the link to that article. Below I’ve cut & pasted a comment to that article which made sense.

"As quoted above, the strategy of the Biden Administration is to provoke the Russians into attacking first. The Russians have drawn a line. They intend to defend their interests up to this line. I don’t believe they will go beyond it unless they are attacked by our forces. As I’ve said before, Putin is an excellent Judoka. A third degree black belt that he deserves. His form is very relaxed and expert. If the USA thinks they can unbalance him and provoke him into a rash attack, they’re wrong. Here’s Wiki on an essential element of all successful Judo throws. “Kuzushi…is a Japanese term for unbalancing an opponent in the Japanese martial arts. The noun comes from the transitive verb kuzusu…..it refers to not just an unbalancing, but the process of putting an opponent to a position, where stability, and hence the ability to regain uncompromised balance for attacking, is destroyed. In judo, it is considered an essential principle and the first of three stages to a successful throwing technique: kuzushi, tsukuri (fitting or entering) and kake (execution). The methods of effecting kuzushi depend on maai (combative distance) and other circumstances. It can be achieved using tai sabaki (body positioning and weak lines), taking advantage of the opponents actions (push when pulled, pull when pushed)…. There are three primary ways of applying kuzushi in judo: direct action (e.g. pulling or pushing while entering for a throw); inducing opponent’s action (e.g. a feint or combination attack); direct action by opponent (e.g. a counter throw).” Contrary to popular wisdom, Judo doesn’t “use your opponent’s force against him” in a simple way. Rather, A Judoka provokes his opponent into committing himself and then uses his momentum. The key word being “provokes”. A Judoka actively tries to push or pull his opponent in such a manner that the opponent reacts. That reaction becomes the basis for the throw. There’s no waiting for the opponent. The Judoka instigates. I don’t think the West will pull Putin off balance. He is too canny, having been in competition for much of his life.

I’ve long said that, short of violence (which may become inevitable at some point in the future), one of the best ways of dealing with the elite is a general denial of service. We know who these people are. Deny them services. No fixing their plumbing, no fixing their cars, no fixing their computers, no mowing their lawns, no plowing their driveways, no delivery of pizza, no taxi or limo service, no driving their cars, no flying their airplanes, no piloting their yachts … no assistance with any physical task or function whatsoever. If people would stick together, it could be done. Laws and ethics generally preclude denial of such things as mail delivery or medical care but, at some point, strikes could deny them of these services as well.
Let’s see how pleasant their privileged lives are without the peasants at their beck and call.
They know this is a possibility at some point in time. Hence the push for robots, AI, transhumanism, autonomous EVs, etc.


It’s unstoppable and they know it!
Max Igan - 5 minutes worth watching


Private jets do not get maintained and fly themselves. Ditto limos and hired cars. Estates and all their trappings are not self sufficient. Cooking and fine dining at home or in restaurants, any dining, is dependent on so many who deliver and prepare the products.


There’s a reason Westerners (and Easterners) have been flocking to study this Russian martial art, the four pillars of which are breathing, relaxation, posture, and continuous movement … all with the overarching emphasis on overcoming stress and fear.


Yeah Josh Green trotted out this very same excuse. Straight from Pfizer Marketing.

  1. long term side effects are unknown. Risk is effectively unbounded, especially in light of the dismal history of corona virus vaccines.
  2. short term mortality benefit - not proven. If anything, it hints at harm. Cardiac harm.
  3. regarding the CDC’s “data”: I’ll wait for a Gold Standard RCT.
    So let me know when Pfizer runs an RCT that shows a statistically significant mortality benefit for the treatment group. Until that happens, I’m gonna watch from the sidelines. Risk/benefit ratio just isn’t there. Unlimited long term risk, no sign of short term mortality benefit. Why on earth would I say yes?
    This is the company that brought you Vioxx. But at least they’re gonna make $100 billion in revenues this year. That’s a statistically significant benefit. For them. And they’ve convinced a bunch of people to go along.
    Given all that - I’ll happy to wait for that trial.

Rebel news is reporting the RCMP deliberately vandalizing private equipment on private land at Couts Alberta, and admitting it! where does that take us? not good.