When False Narratives Break

Read the comments. Watch her stunned reactions.


Now that’s funny!


And the next Stupid Humans, Darwin Award goes to?:
Bug apocalypse? SURE, lets eat! Insect genocide. Ender’s Games for real.
and, is Chris doing any insect farming? I mean is he doing anything in the pasture to increase insect populations beyond what Nature and his farming technique (cows) create? (seriously asking, not part of snarkology)


This is what happens when peasants ask for a raise.

It’s also a significant benefit to the shareholders.
Stockholder Stake Total value ($)
The Vanguard Group, Inc. 8.29% 24,515,335,798
SSgA Funds Management, Inc. 4.99% 14,742,829,607
BlackRock Fund Advisors 4.86% 14,361,571,880
Capital Research & Management 4.30% 12,717,303,608
“Whats in your wallet” ;-/

1 Like

Sun Tzu, or somebody.


This is a great rant against her former MSM employer and widely reviled Global News in Canada.
Global News Journalist, Anita Krishna, Fired for Speaking Out - Must Watch


I had not listened to this guy before yesterday. He is unusual to say the least, but I believe his cynical perspectives are worth listening to. He presents a chart showing that the Federal Reserve is insincere in claiming it will taper. It is obvious from what he provides that the Fed’s balance sheet has been rising with a straight up-sloping trend line for well over a year, regardless of their claims of tapering. For those relying on investments, this is may be worth considering.
The chart he provides is here. You need to have the data extending over 1 year which is representative of what has been happening since Aug 2020.
The sense I get from Mannarino is that the Fed can never be trusted and that you are usually better assuming the opposite. When they present one policy they frequently modify it with someone professing something else in a wavering indistinct way. While he doesn’t make the claim directly, it is obviously suggestive of market manipulation.
Mannarino infers that the Fed window-dresses the agenda of the government and that their current goal is to keep the debt-based system going as long as they can (while making money for themselves). He does not believe that interest rates will be allowed to rise significantly and that Ukraine is really about an arms deal and borrowing more money.
WestcoastJan and Stph - I found your entries at 50 and 51 really interesting. Thanks for these. Mannarino is similar in that he believes Ukraine is all about money, but I find it hard to reconcile whether the Brandon camp is pro-USA or pro-WEF, and there seems to be inconsistencies in the model.




A war on two fronts is a losing proposition: I think that Canadians should NOT focus on the link with the WEF. In doing so, one would create a larger front with multiple targets, too many and too powerful.
Best is to create awareness that indeed Trudeau has become a dictator, and Canada has turned into a dictatorship. And, if people believe that the repercursions would stop at detaining and ruining the lives of supporters of the truckers, and the truckers themselves, they should be made aware that this is just the beginning:

“First of all, they came to take the gypsies and I was happy because they pilfered. Then they came to take the Jews and I said nothing, because they were unpleasant to me. Then they came to take homosexuals, and I was relieved, because they were annoying me. Then they came to take the Communists, and I said nothing because I was not a Communist. One day they came to take me, and there was nobody left to protest.” Bertold Brecht
You take your country back by winning the hearts and minds, not by dragging even more powerful adversaries into the battle... Wrt people taking money out of the banks:
  1. Be aware that banks will report this; do not be surprised if you get ransacked by "your" government minions. Or, even worse, if a "hack" will reveal all names and adresses of people that did this. Do not even think for a moment that this cannot happen.
  2. When taking out your monies, do not use safety deposit boxes.
  3. If that's not possible, or if you are limited in resources: please remember that you are at the beginning of an actual, fascist dictatorship. Lie if you can, beg if you must, but stay alive. Don't believe the false heroics spread by years of one-dimensional cinema. There is no shame in "hiding". In the case of war, the goal does justify the means.
  4. Forget you misgivings about something you do not understand yet, crypto. Educate yourself. Once crypto is in cold storage (trezor, paper wallet, wallet), you will always be able to access it from every place in the world with an internet connection. Btw: do not use wallets on mobile phones: useful in times of peace, a losing proposition in times like these...
This is an extraordinary time. Educate yourself in covert, peaceful subversion. Support, the vocal opposition. Voilence is in the air, do not give these crazies an excuse to turn into something wild and ugly.

According to the “Democracy Index 2020. In sickness and in health?”, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are in the top 10 most democratic countries. My my, how things can change…


Yeas Stph I agree with you.
I remember that I saw some 15± years ago a video where D. Rumsfeld (or maybe Brzeziński – sorry I cannot remember anymore) was interviewed and were talking about the US Geo-strategic power. He was convinced that the US is now and for the foreseeable future the world power and nothing will change that.
Then the interviewer asked how about Russia and China? He stated that Russia will definitely not reach an equivalent of influence and China will not reach it at least not for the next decades ahead.
But… then he paused for 2…3 seconds and turned his head slightly right up (a body sign for deeper thinking) and continued… “except, Germany joins Russia. That would change everything”. And with a light nod he continued… “For that we have to keep an eye on Germany”.
This little moment was, within the relative boring interview, striking. It left me thinking for days.


rumble.com /vuxegs-feb.-14.-live-in-ottawa-freedom-convoy-special-interview.html <–if above rumble link doesn’t work
Ever heard of ArriveCAN? This is a Canadian govt spyware app which truckers must carry. The truckers thought it was only something which had to be presented at border crossing. It turns out it actively broadcasts private information, I guess 24/7 or on command.
Approx 17:30 minutes one of the organizers of Ottawa Freedom Truckers mentions how the “QR code” app they are required to show at the border actually is SPYWARE which actively calls out and transmits out full phone information to the greater geographic area.
The interview on the whole is very interesting. Another thing which is covered just before the 17 min mark is how the original Truckers movement ONLY operates in Ottawa and never has included blockades. So the … perhaps hundreds … of different protests and blockades in Canada are organic developments, without central organization of any sort!
It is becoming increasingly obvious, the participating governments of the world (and certainly Canada) are playing for all the marbles, cannot afford to stop, and are going full bloody dictator. You can serve them sooner, or you can fight them later: when they have you on your knees with no money and no possible means of self protection…
What continues to astonish me is how complacent and accepting the overwhelming majority of people are. Even the protestors, in most cases, are overly naive…at least at the beginning.
If Canada goes, the US will darken…indeed, the US deep state must be part and parcel of the Canadian enslavement campaign.



Well, this thread is quite an amalgam of nonsense.
“Just so you know where my sympathies lie, I am 100% in support of the truckers, the people, and wish for nothing less than for their actions to help sweep aside every single defective and broken public “servant” who has been bungling their role these past few years.”
Given the facts that vaccines are effective and relatively save, and that over 80% of Canadian truckers are vaccinated (in line with national statistics generally), does that mean that you are 100% in favor of vaccinations or only 80%? BTW, I haven’t been paying much attention lately. Have you been vaccinated or contracted covid?
Lets see. Is the US and NATO massing troops and holding military exercises on Russia’s borders or is Russia doing the same on Ukraine’s borders? I recognize that many here follow Trump’s bromance with Putin, but he is really an oligarch and KGB thug. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian people have been in a small scale war with Russian separatists and Russia itself since 2014 when they ousted Yanukovych, a Russia backed autocrat, in the populist Maidan revolution. Millions took to the streets until Yanukovych finally slinked away under Russian protection to take up residence in Russia. Now Putin wants to take a sovereign nation into his sphere of influence by force or bluff much against the wishes of the Ukrainian people. IOW, Europe and the US are trying to prevent invasion by a tyrant into a nascent democratic nation. We have no designs on Ukraine except to stymie the westward expansion of Putin style thuggery. This could lead to disaster, but it will be because of Putin’s aggression, not NATO or the US.

Nice to see you back, Doug. And I don’t mean that as sarcasm. We have chatted in the past. I disagree with you on things but you seem like a nice guy.
In any event, on the effectiveness of the vaccines.
A while back a guy came on to the site proclaiming the effectiveness of the vaccines in eliminating Covid in Japan. Below are the most recent statistics from the WHO site relating to Covid infections and deaths in Japan.
The most recent numbers are to the right. As you can see Japan - despite being one of the most heavily vaccinated countries in the world - recently broke its own records for both new cases and deaths.


Doug still can’t wrap his brain around all-cause mortality and what it implies. Someday he will, once CNN and his social group are permitted to talk about it, but now? Its out of society’s Overton Window, so he can’t process it. I’m happy to explain it, but I don’t think it will penetrate. Anything he’s forbidden to think about - he calls “nonsense.”
I think Doug would be a great bureaucrat. “Color within the lines.” Probably not a great inventor. Fortunately, the world needs bureaucrats, and the world also needs inventors. It does take a village.
As for being “in favor of vaccines”, I’m in favor of “vaccine CHOICE.” My body, my choice. No coercion. No mandates. No state-punishment or restriction if you choose not get the shot. They prevent neither infection, nor transmission. Literally every vaccinated person I know got COVID. Every. Single. One.
Regarding the clear neocon thirst for war in “UKRAINE!!” - simple answer - it is out of the US sphere of influence. Not worth American blood and treasure. So was Vietnam. We blew it in Vietnam. We have the opportunity of blowing it here too. But even more excitingly, we could make this blunder in winter. Against Russians. That works out well. Unless you read history, of course. But the gang in charge doesn’t read history. That’s kinda what you would expect from the guy that brought us the Saigon II withdrawal from Afghanistan. “I know, let’s withdraw the military first!” Genius.
America: designed by geniuses, run by idiots & sociopaths.


Every single vaccinated person I know has gotten COVID. No exceptions. None.


Interesting charts. The first thing I noticed were the two peaks followed by quick declines. Shouldn’t surprise anyone. I’m a little surprised that the death rate spiked that much when omicron is supposed to be so mild.
I looked up the death rates for the US and Japan. Japan has a population of nearly 126 million, with nearly 100 million fully vaccinated (almost 80%). Their covid death rate comes out to approximately .016% whereas the US death rate from covid is about .28% (assuming my math is correct). That means that the US death rate (with about 65% fully vaccinated) is more than 17 times as great as Japan’s. Of course, it took the US a longer time to reach 65% than Japan took to reach 80%. Plus, given Japan’s culture, I’m assuming they took precautions like masking and distancing much more seriously than we did. Still, the difference in death rates is striking.

Dave and ao
You guys must run with unusual groups. Nearly everyone in my current group of acquaintances has been fully vaccinated and boosted. Not one of them has come down with covid. Before the vaccines came out, I knew three people who died of covid and few more who survived it.
I’ve listened to a wide range of opinions on Ukraine, some of them by neocons. Not one of them want war in Ukraine. To the degree they have influence on US policy they are working hard to avoid it. No one besides Putin seems to want a European war.
Further, I have heard no one advocating invading Russia. They have read history.