When The Market Unravels There Will Be "No Place To Hide"

Is the end game. I believe interest rates will never be raised to stop the inevitable inflation. You always hear “they will have to raise interest rates to stop the inflation”. However, no one ever completes that thought; “if they want to save the currency involved”. I don’t believe they do. They will offer central bank digital currencies as the escape route. The trap will be closed.

I guess I threw people for a loop with the term “collapse”.
Ever see Superman III? Imagine all the villains of Superman III competing with each other, rather than cooperating. A pedestrian icon digitally crawls into another street sign and proceeds to beat-up the other pedestrian icon. Nice enough metaphor.
The internet is on, but its not “working”. As safeguards have been dismantled, and “gremlins” are running amok.

" However, no one ever completes that thought; “if they want to save the currency involved”. I don’t believe they do. They will offer central bank digital currencies as the escape route. The trap will be closed."
Sometimes I think people also try to get too fancy with the details. I think a lot about digital central bank currencies as well, but I try to remember that:
The Fed is America’s third central bank (depending on your definition of Central Bank). The first two failed. So the failure of the Fed will result in the construction of America’s fourth central bank. There will be much fanfare about experts and the end of monetary history because “this time its different”. The system will be built in such a way that even those who hate it with every fiber will be compelled to give their energy to it.
Your college educated friends will cheerfully remind you, “Don’t short the Bancor!” (or whatever the popular phrase is) when you bring up the self evident problems with the new system.
And so it goes…
I think it’s gonna be more about where you are than what the system is. People living in Forida/Texas have very different lives than those in New York just on the Covid front alone even though they are all in the US.

Every government sponsored digital currency (including the digital yuan) about which I have read are basically prepaid debit cards that have been registered to a particular person. No blockchain and no limit on the amount that can be created so basically it is the worst of both the digital world and the fiat currency world. The only advantage that I see is the potential to avoid the 2% or so transaction fee from Visa, Mastercard, and the like. However I believe that the government sponsored digital currencies will include the banks as intermediaries (the digital yuan does) in order to avoid upsetting the banks and payment processors.

The herd can’t stampede if the individuals are widely scattered. Whoever “they” are, they know this. It was used on us here in Maine about 18 months ago [or was it 30?] by our electricity supplier after being bought out by a foreign megacorp.
Over that winter, scattered people in rural areas and small towns across the state received huge power bills, including some summer camps that had the power turned completely off for the season. No one but the people affected would have known about it or about the power company’s refusal to inspect the matter if those affected hadn’t connected by internet, because no one else in their area had that problem. There was a strong internet response, but the matter is still unresolved. Scattered people with thousands of dollars of bills are constantly being threatened with disconnection, even when they are trying to pay off what they don’t owe. So the international power conglomerate still has those “assets” on their books and scattered innocent people are still being terrorized. The state’s legal system is trying to remedy the matter, but who do you think has a bigger legal budget, a little state with 1.3 million people or a major international conglomerate? And what if another conglomerate decided to do something else in this manner to another group of scattered people? And another… And there are so many ways to scatter people: location, race, religion, gender, political…Sound familiar? It should.
To come full circle, the big guys know exactly how to pull our lives out from under us without herd rebellion. They’ve done it, they’re doing it, and they will keep on doing it.
Sorry. As usual, I have no solution. I’m just hoping that those big guys hate each other enough that they will end up screwing up by trying to shaft each other.

But that won’t be good for us anytime soon.


Where did I get that information? All over the Internet. History books. Tech articles. I was an IT tech. for 12 years. The Internet was a DARPA-funded project. Go Google it.
I never said “no portion of the Internet” or “not a single backbone router” would go down. I said the Internet is designed for a nuclear war. It’s designed from the ground up for redundancy, and lots of it. I’m not going to explain to everyone here, but if you understand how routing works, you understand it’s a very redundant structure.
Hackers? Hackers will take down the Internet? Come on. Hackers by definition can only have a localized, limited effect or a global but limtied effect. For example, if AWS went down, it could affect users globally, but there are other cloud providers/systems.
And sorry, there is zero evidence that worldwide power outages are a high possibility, except, perhaps, due to an EMP. Rolling blackouts are by definition, localized, at least maybe to a state or province or two. They’re not going to be country-wide unless you live in a small (and probably backwards) country. Not that the power companies are helping, mind you.
Conflating how “useful” the Internet is in terms of usability/interface with how well it will hold up under ingress is meaningless also.

So the best investment advice...and I am giving this out for free... pay attention to the next "destraction" and be ready to put your money in the right place. For 911 it was shorting airlines, insurance, etc. For Covid-19 it was Amazon, Big Pharma, Tech. Be ready to jump when they roll out the next one.
With all this talk about cyber security, and the multiple instances JPow has emphasized it in his public briefings lately, one may conclude this would be “next big thing”. Even DTCC stress test tomorrow has mentioned it.

Look at 1, 2, 3, 16, 17, 20


covid turns ugly, mutates into a stronger killer,People that say its bogus lose all credibility.
bitcoin and most all crypto currencies crash to almost zero… like a (WORLDCOM) event… as banks collectively short, an obvious ponzi, pyramid scheme…that has absolutely no checks or balances,for the good of society.
only for it all to be reformed under govermental worldwide banking rules,and a much more workable alternate,computer world currency.
people finally, wake up,take the virus seriously , after it becomes really deadly for the virus deniers,leading to its gradual extinction…over time…(3 years)…but costing many unfortunate senseless deaths.
Ivermectin ,at first a help to helping with covid symptoms…is outsmarted by the covid disease.Making it almost moot as a medicine.
fear porn,and conspiracy thinking is shunned,by most educated folks ,and people go back to living life.
A completely avoidable police state is sadly formed in what used to be first world countries with tons of freedoms that now are no longer possible… because of government/political/medical system, distrusts.
Folks who instigate rebellion against democratic government and voting procedures and spew hate ,are the new police state targets.
As society has had enough of demonstrations that lead to further hatreds…media stops covering them…that,eventually leads to people going back to just trying to make the best out of their lives.
Covid19 mrna vaccines are found to be the only ticket to freedom from fear of covid,and death,With those who are vaccinated,sadly asking why there was so much distrust in actual science.
Fears of what these vaccines could be and become,are replaced with confidence that its really the only way to survive this disease,if people want to be around as they grow older… especially.
Alien Disclosure is unavoidable as they and our governments,make their planetary presence known.
Organized Religion attendance falters, …as people leave congregations because people come to believe that eternal salvation is more about how we treat each other here on earth ,rather then what faith we demand is correct.

What was the process you used to sift through the incredible complexity in the world to settle on them?

covid turns ugly, mutates into a stronger killer,People that say its bogus lose all credibility.
Well sure, in the past viruses mutate to be less deadly, but more infectious. But This Time Is Different. And - most importantly - the people that are challenging the prevailing narrative (and - secretly now - making me very nervous) - end up looking bad! Yay! Narrative preserved!
bitcoin and most all crypto currencies crash to almost zero... like a (WORLDCOM) event.. as banks collectively short, an obvious ponzi, pyramid scheme..that has absolutely no checks or balances,for the good of society. only for it all to be reformed under govermental worldwide banking rules,and a much more workable alternate,computer world currency.
The banksters come to the rescue, resulting in the common man ending up on top. This always happens when the banksters ride to the rescue. Whew! Narrative preserved again!
people finally, wake up,take the virus seriously , after it becomes really deadly for the virus deniers,leading to its gradual extinction..over time...(3 years)...but costing many unfortunate senseless deaths.
Against all odds, it turns out that the rate of viral infection depends entirely on whether or not people are scared of the virus. The more scared you are, the weaker the virus becomes! I think The Lancet had one of those retrospective n=60 million studies on that very issue. Science tells us that death rates in the really-scared-lockdown-states are half that of the "unfortunate, senseless, death-packed virus denier" states. "Follow the science!" Wait. You say that's not true? Death rates are the same? Not possible. Fear of the virus is our only possible salvation!
Ivermectin ,at first a help to helping with covid symptoms..is outsmarted by the covid disease.Making it almost moot as a medicine.
Man, if Ivermectin actually works, and it really is a generic anti-viral like the in-vitro analysis suggests, I'm going to look and feel really foolish for "following the CNN narrative." I really, really hope that doesn't happen - even if a whole bunch of people have to die so that I don't feel foolish. Feeling foolish sucks.
fear porn,and conspiracy thinking is shunned,by most educated folks ,and people go back to living life.
I look forward to the day when everyone dutifully follows the narrative, because that makes me feel a whole lot better for having followed it myself for all this time.
A completely avoidable police state is sadly formed in what used to be first world countries with tons of freedoms that now are no longer possible.... because of government/political/medical system, distrusts. Folks who instigate rebellion against democratic government and voting procedures and spew hate ,are the new police state targets.
Furthermore, anyone who DOESN'T follow the narrative must be persecuted. Mercilessly. I'm talking jail time here. Folks who even consider proposing we "ask for ID before voting" - well, that's just shameless white supremacist insurrectionist systemic racism. Camps. Re-education camps. "Follow the narrative! Or else punishment will occur!" Because, democracy.
As society has had enough of demonstrations that lead to further hatreds..media stops covering them..that,eventually leads to people going back to just trying to make the best out of their lives.
So - I'm really confused as to why Antifa/BLM are continuing to destroy my cities, which are run by the good, virus-fearing pro-Oligarch mayors. WTF! The Bad Orange Man is gone, there's no need to run this con any longer. I just don't get it. I know. Let's pretend it isn't happening, and it will just stop, all on its own.
Covid19 mrna vaccines are found to be the only ticket to freedom from fear of covid,and death,With those who are vaccinated,sadly asking why there was so much distrust in actual science. Fears of what these vaccines could be and become,are replaced with confidence that its really the only way to survive this disease,if people want to be around as they grow older... especially.
Big Pharma Knows Best. They've always had our backs. Nothing happened to me when I took Vioxx. We need to trust them - and their servants in government - without reservation. Our very lives depend on it. In Pharma We Trust.
Alien Disclosure is unavoidable as they and our governments,make their planetary presence known. Organized Religion attendance falters, ..as people leave congregations because people come to believe that eternal salvation is more about how we treat each other here on earth ,rather then what faith we demand is correct.
So about that "freedom of religion" thing. Its so systemically-racist 1776. Can we get rid of that one already? Please? I know. How about we replace God with a bunch of Greys in a spaceship! Preferably bearing vaccines. --------- "Intheor" I'm so happy you stopped by. It was super helpful seeing the world through your eyes. Last point. Pharma: once a felon, always a felon.
“A completely avoidable police state is sadly formed in what used to be first world countries with tons of freedoms that now are no longer possible.... because of government/political/medical system, distrusts.”~ Intheor
Sounds fun, I love a good prediction challenge! I predict that one year later, ‘ IntheOr’ and other sheep will still be grazing in the CNN, New York Times, Wa Po pastures, uncritically internalizing accepting and propagating the manufactured narratives from the media and their deep state masters and blaming the assigned scapegoats, the White Supremacists, Deniers of all flavors,” Libertarians, Insurrectionists assorted “boogymyn” and of course Bad Vlad and the evil Russians for everything that is wrong.   All while our Socioeconomic collapse continues apace and our Forever Medical Emergency joins the Forever Wars as an institutionalized control tool of the Deep state and the Corruptacracy as they bleed the corpse of our former Democratic Republic dry and finish the controlled demolition already underway. I predict we will spend a gazillion dollars to ”build back better” but nothing will be built and it won’t be better. Instead the money will end up in the pockets of a corrupt elite and virtue signaling Green New Deal projects doomed to fail because they are proposed and promoted by functional morons like AOC who don’t understand the energy density of fossil fuels, thermodynamics, Electrical grids and have conflated these ‘solutions’ with political reformative agendas such as social Justice, Reparations, Socialism, equity etc. I also predict that you and the herd will never recognize or appreciate the irony that we were already living in a Police State and that it was your blind trust in political, medical, governmental, banking and scientific “Authorities” and your finely tuned’ herd instincts that made it possible. I predict that the formerly quaint definition of Science as a methodological process of discovery that involves continuously testing and falsifying a hypothesis using data will continue to be redefined as what the media tell us the ‘authorities say it is Similar to the word truth or the concept of free speech which is dying a similar death. mm    

Common sense,and almost 7 decades of watching how things birth,mature,and end ,here on earth,over and over.
Lots of things get the required minimal lip service only to end up being passed to the back of the list…to be replaced by the next,big thing,that gets attention.
Some,headway is achieved but always not enough for all voices.
Covid19 is a wrench in the works.Not prepared for.
The internet revolution has led to ,Not Only,People waking up and becoming educated,…but the dark side as well ,of turning otherwise good people against each other for minor differences.
Our" Melting Pot" country, has now come full circle ,only to start crumbling with the injections of fear ,and hate, from the shadows ,now bleeding on to main street,causing major disruptions that have no lasting solutions in a country so rebellious and diverse…
we will have to live with it…
change is always rejected ,but this country ,IS,evolving…
Some see it as better,some see it as the end of life as they knew it.
Unproductive false righteousnesses,often cloaked unfortunately in religion ,will be discovered by all for what it is.
The result?
A" Middle Ages ",response,by Police,(think China,)is what the remedy will be.
Society will demand it.
Revolutions that are started on principles that hold weak merit for society as a whole,
always end up coming up short for all parties involved.
What some think is a coming race war,?or a fight for freedom?will end for them as a prison term.
Society demands it.
We live in one of the most wealthy , free countries on earth…Sadly some do not value what they have…until they lose it.
Thats the way I see this one playing out.
Do not shoot me for seeing it as I do.
As one with Icelandic heritage,changing the certainty of demographic shifts is a hard road to travel.
Eventually,America turns into an economy similar to a Mexico type society,of have and have nots.,due to its inability to act as ONE people.

Dave,Big Pharma ,although not perfect,has saved my life multiple times.
When Stroke,Heart problems,various diseases that come to you as you age…come for a visit,have the emt folks rush you over to your naturalpaths house ,For some herbs.
When our leaders in our faith in God ,direct us all into the direction of sacrificing ourselves to a killer disease that can wreak havoc on our health ,if we even survive its initial attack…I Pass.
Your assessment of "Bad Orange Man Gone"is wanting.
Orange man ignited what is happening to our cities,he is far from gone.
He has opened a wound that will take decades to heal again…but most likely never heal ,to the wants of BLM.
Yes its overboard ,I agree.
But Human nature always is always looking for an opportunity.
I myself Back the police 100%.
Its an unforgiving Job,that makes society livable,without it,we do not have a workable model of life.
Alien Life?
Your call…
The world was thought flat by all at one time,who knows?
It is a lab created mix of Sars 2,(hiv)(aids),as well as Ebola type properties all wrapped in a corona( Cold virus) delivery system.
believe what you want ,at your own peril.
Ivermectin will go the way of other sound treatments of the time,as covid19 evolves.
Bank on it.
Crypto that Millenials decide to call the new medium of exchange over night.
because they want it so?really?
I have a bridge to sell you.
you will see,just as others have ,in other ,get rich quick schemes.
count on it.
You live in a controlled world in some aspects…
What you want…is not always what we get.
Everyone does not always follow societys narrative,thats why we have law.
protesting, of ANY kind, that turns ugly,is not protesting anymore,
its lawlessness.
Law is the only thing that makes a society work.
Life and folks are not always perfect.
Demanding that they are,or else…is asking for a bit too much,
BLM, rallys and media that do not address the demographics of violent crime statistics,are telling us only half of the story.
What is being ignored ,is What a cop and his or her family go through every day that their life is on the line at work.
This is not productive at solving anyones needs.
I think new police weaponry that is the next generation of a stun gun,but much more effective ,is what is needed.
It exists…time and a need for a better solution will drive its emergence.
The same device will also be used on supposed Peacefull (Protesters),that carry clubs.

intheor: Common sense,and almost 7 decades of watching how things birth,mature,and end ,here on earth,over and over.
If you are almost 70, why do you write like a teenager? If you want to be taken seriously, use punctuation and structure your thoughts into sentences. Your "writing" is so sloppy that it appears to be done on purpose. I may not agree with DaveF, but at least I can read his thoughts.  

As you can see in the chart below, the number of infections in most of the Oligarchy-run states show very little difference in infection outcomes, in spite of the strict mask rules, lockdowns, the closing of businesses labeled as “non-essential.” Michigan is the sole standout.
It looks as though Alex Berenson is right: “Virus gonna virus” no matter what us puny humans try to do.

Unfortunately, being forbidden by the Governor to take your boat out onto the water didn’t actually translate into fewer deaths for the citizens of Michigan.

And Hiding in the Basement strategy imposed by the Oligarch-factotums didn’t result in a lower case fatality rate either.

And there was this paper by Kaiser Permanente that showed how critical exercise was to avoiding COVID19 infection.
Lockdowns are - best case - ineffective. Worst case, they led to a lot more death and suffering due to less vitamin D, and lowered physical activity.
Follow the science?
– And - uh - JAG, do you have any data that counters any of what I’m saying? Like a compelling chart that shows just how well masking and lockdowns work? Thanks for appreciating my punctuation though. :slight_smile:

intheor writes like a crappy AI program. The programmers need to do a bit more work on him.