When The Market Unravels There Will Be "No Place To Hide"

“Circle movie”? Huh? You mean the 4 hour plus video exposition outlining the exponential function and its relationship to ecological carrying capacity and monetary systems?
With all due respect, I get the feeling you didn’t watch it. You come across as someone who wandered into the middle of a movie and has no idea of what’s going on. I suggest you need to brush up on your research.
We can suggest a very long reading list, I’m sure…which includes Prosper! And the countless of online threads dedicated to actionable resilience skills located on this site.
What concentration interests you most?

Explains a lot about where we are going.imho.Unfortunately.
You do not have to be a wizard at quantum physics to understand the basics of economics, life,and people.Just a good observer.
Facebook,twitter,people with their faces jammed into cell phones 24/7?
Sometimes ,life is far less (cloak and dagger),then what one wants it to be.
I am glad I am old.
The superiority complexes that run rampant these days,are legendary.
Putting others down, to promote ones own worth and status ,is well?
Just not how I am wired.
Good Luck with that in life.
Life can be a cruel Head Master.
Really,watch the movie,if you have not done so.
What I have observed with the younger generations inability to grasp what life is really about,is sad.
Old or Young,we can all learn from each other,if you feel superior then others?imho,you miss the whole point.

I recently saw a homeowner reject a full-price offer for his property...
Sellers/Realtors know that there will be a bidding war for most homes and are not too concerned with the asking price. They list the property and over the next 3-4 days rake in the offers and pick the highest. Go to Zillow and enter 99205. Check out the number of homes that are for sale -- very few -- and then check out recent sales. Although the neighborhood is full of for sale signs, the properties are pulled from Zillow in 3-4 days.
Looking at whats important?,or losing ourselves in political/conspiracy Bullcrap? How about The important stuff. Spouses,(good and Bad),Kids,Great!(only Bad if you screw it up)(and keep screwing it up),out of selfishness.
You see folks.. it's an either/or. You can't both love your family AND think these conspiratorial thoughts that you do. This poster has an agenda. It's targeted very precisely at the kind of thoughtful folks that come here. The posting intensity suggests a mission is at hand. This is my opinion. Now for some science... a very incisive new post by Denninger going into the nature of natural immunity vs vax - here is an excerpt;
https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=242205 Note that when you get the shot the first thing you get is antibodies; you may get a T-cell reaction. This pre-existing knowledge, from SARS (CoV-1) entirely explains why people who just got vaccinated often get hammered by the virus and frequently end up in the hospital or die. It marks the premise of attempting to vaccinate out of a pandemic where transmission is actively occurring as stupid. You go get the shot. Five days later you get the virus. You have not yet developed immunity and the partial expression makes it worse. You would have been better off, by far, taking the same infection straight up front. It likely would have harmed you less. This generally applies, by the way, to all vaccines and all viruses. The government and researchers know this. They've known this for decades. It's fact. It's why you don't wait until the measles is raging around you to get a measles vaccine and the same is true for the flu shot; you get it before the flu season starts for this very reason. Attempting to vaccinate out of a raging infection does not work and in fact kills people. Yeah, if you don't get infected during that latent period you get protection. But if you do get infected you're screwed and all of the two-dose shots have a roughly four week window during which you get hosed instead of protected. Israel's data, by the way, proves this is real; Berenson has been reporting on it since the beginning of the year and I've noted it as well. If you remember I've also pointed out that multiple studies have shown that somewhere between 30-50% of the population is T-cell reactive to Covid-19 despite never having had it, nor SARS or MERS, its alleged "precursors." But those studies were non-specific; that is, they looked for T-cell reactivity but never tried to identify the specific protein sequences and their part of the whole that was involved. This study does, and it finally puts light on basically the entire reason that what we've done is not only wrong it's criminally stupid. These folks did what we should have done originally -- they isolated a panel of 120 peptides that comprised roughly 10% of the entire virus, containing 57% and 1% of the nucleocapsid and spike proteins. Note that while the "spike" facilitates entry into the cell there is evidence that it is, standing alone, pathological -- that is, it causes disease in the human body without the rest of the virus. The nucleocapsid portion, on the other hand, is the part that is responsible for replication; if it is tagged and the cell containing it is destroyed then viral replication is prevented even though penetration of the cell has occurred.

Helix said in #55:

Real estate?. Ditto. I recently saw a homeowner reject a full-price offer for his property -- something I have never seen before -- and add $54,000 to his asking price.
Here in Victoria BC a friend recently sold her home for a 250,000.00 over asking. Insanity does not begin to cover this. Our average single family home price is now over $1 million. The methods real estate agents are using now is list a place for a week and say they will take blind bids on Saturday. You just have to go in and make an offer with no idea what you are competing against. And forget putting any conditions on your offer. In the above mention sale there were 8 offers and I think she said all were over asking. Rationality has left. This kind of thing is taking place all across the country as FOMO creates hysteria, and work from home has seen folks move en masse to smaller cities outside of major urban areas. Many small cities and towns have seen real estate prices double in short order. It is truly, truly nuts - all the more so for happening in the middle of a pandemic. Like, WTF?!? My take: TPTB are printing like crazy and doing whatever they want because it is part of the engineered collapse and transition to central bank digital currencies and the Great Reset. Everything they do now is going to be written off so it is all meaningless in so far as the existing financial system goes. They do it knowing it does not matter. I do foresee a financial system take down via a cyber attack or other means as this is necessary to birth the new system. They cannot implement what they want to do as long as the existing system is in place. And as long as the existing system is in place, the more they will print and throw money to the wind since they know it is all essentially dead money walking. Ditto for the population and our future - the pandemic, the jabs (I am refusing to use the v word). This is depopulation and preparing the survivors for what comes next. The Canadian Liberal Party (J Trudeau et al) approved UBI at their recently policy convention. The recent federal budget did nothing to cool the housing market insanity. It is almost a who cares, let it happen kind of mindset IMHO. And I think this is because they know it is all going to be moot when the next phase of the Great Reset is unleashed on us. We know they are planning a Cyber attack simulation in June-July. We have seen this playbook before.... I foresee, perhaps this fall, what they will next name Covid 21, will be released in conjunction with some kind of a Cyber take down from which we will later (weeks or months) emerge with a new digital financial system under which we will be well on our way to the new rental system that goes by the maxim 'you will own nothing and be happy', solidifying, clarifying our status as feudal serfs. It will take time of course to loop us all in but I do believe that is where we are heading.


Over the years here, I've seen members create new identities in order to express an opinion that is not popular in this community. Often, they will change their writing style in an effort to hide their true identity. I ASS-U-ME(d) that might be the case with you, but I'm probably wrong.
I have seen this same thing also. I find myself agreeing with you, even though - amusingly - you are not even agreeing with yourself. Ah, the irony. The amount of energy put into this effort is a clue. The first few posts, no big deal. But after a dozen? Still, our new friend does provide a bit of practice. He really does embody the CNN narrative pretty well. I get to hear CNN summarized, without having to wade through it myself. "Be really, really scared, the virus will kill us all, all the "covid-non-believers" will burn, and boy will they deserve it (does that just feel like the Evangelicals of old or what?), God will be replaced with the Greys..." - what did I miss? I have to say, the Oligarchy really are pretty slick. They manipulate the narrative on both sides so that the plebes hate one another, so they can continue their harvesting operation completely unmolested. Sickcare at 20% of GDP is just one example. Sure has worked so far. Is "intheor" part of this manipulation? Definitely. I just can't tell if he is an agent provocateur, or a useful idiot.
"I just can't tell if he is an agent provocateur, or a useful idiot."
Im going with provocateur right now based on Jim H's very astute observation of the rhetoric employed. Seems like posing as a kind of clueless but well intentioned 'regular guy'. Not trying to pick on anyone for the grammar thing, but we all learned how to write in full sentences in 8th grade. If anything, their cartoonish imitation of a regular guy shows you the contempt.
Perhaps I did not express myself clearly. The point of no return is reached when the cost of servicing the federal debt -- that is, the interest on the debt -- exceeds tax revenues
Oh I see. Yes I agree, or at least, in any sane reality it would.

“Everything they do now is going to be written off so it is all meaningless in so far as the existing financial system goes. They do it knowing it does not matter.”
This. So THIS… I don’t want to hijack this thread too much but the CFTC guys who regulate the Silver markets have given interviews recently about how silly the WallStreetSilver movement is to claim manipulation. But in those interviews they casually admit to even more than they are accused of.
The Sprott fund now has considerably more Silver than the Comex Registered inventory. And the Sprott ETF Silver could be purchased by anyone (and even delivered) at a moments notice. So why does Comex have pricing power and why does the price Comex dictates never move no matter how much physical is drained away from them?
Ive said before that the Fed is Americas third Central Bank and its failure will be resolved with the establishment of it’s fourth central bank. Obviously new tech and international developments may make that technically wrong, but the point is it will be a case of “The Kind Is Dead, Long Live The King!”
Dave F has said that the one advantage that we small fry have is that of being nimble. Lets all be nimble (about all sorts of things) for the next little while shall we?

Lowtech ultimately wins every time :slight_smile:

Sorry to offend you sir,
But,I do get it.
Most here are anti-vax.Most here are against government getting too involved in their business.
Most here have a sincere distrust of the western medical system.
Most here are VERY conspiracy minded.
I do not share these phobias.
I have found,over many years that life is short,and sure, life IS a puzzle to figure out,but cruel behaviors,to others,are just that.
Unfortunately,what I have found here,is a pompus disregard,for alternative opinions.
The “bully” behavior to new posters,is a bit more telling,of actual character flaw,then ones grammar,in my book.
Calling people IDIOTS,for simply sharing their outlook,shows a lack of maturity.
Should I allow a person that deploys such behaviors to run me off?
I think NOT.
Being called a “USEFUL,Idiot”?,
This really tells another story.
It tells me there is a lack of self confidence,in ones self.
That,I can not help you with sir.
When "regular guys"as I do think of myself as, just want to share some thoughts,and learn a bit,but are met with these behaviors,one has to wonder what this world has come to.

sorry,just a little more trusting .
I guess in some eyes,that finds me wanting.

Sorry to offend you sir, But,I do get it. Most here are anti-vax.Most here are against government getting too involved in their business. Most here have a sincere distrust of the western medical system. Most here are VERY conspiracy minded. I do not share these phobias. I have found,over many years that life is short,and sure, life IS a puzzle to figure out,but cruel behaviors,to others,are just that. Unfortunately,what I have found here,is a pompus disregard,for alternative opinions. The "bully" behavior to new posters,is a bit more telling,of actual character flaw,then ones grammar,in my book. Calling people IDIOTS,for simply sharing their outlook,shows a Should I allow a person that deploys such behaviors to run me off? I think NOT. Being called a "USEFUL,Idiot"?, This really tells another story. It tells me there is a lack of self confidence,in ones self. That,I can not help you with sir. When "regular guys"as I do think of myself as, just want to share some thoughts,and learn a bit,but are met with these behaviors,one has to wonder what this world has come to
Well Ive been listening to you objectively now for several days and havent commented much, mostly because I was waiting to see what you are about. Above I have highlighted the very offensive insults which you have attempted to disguise behind the façade of being victimized. I've been studying your MO buddy and you're not fooling anybody. Calling people bullies, suggesting character flaws, and "cruel" behavior doesnt fly while you are simultaneously insulting people and making fun of their opinions [ which you have done, rather passive-aggressively from the very beginning ]. Your claim of being a 'regular guy' who's here to 'learn and discuss' is just part of your shoddy con. Straight people with honest intentions don't give backhanded insults. If there was anything real about you you'd just come out and say that you despise the people here, and you hold our opinions in contempt. But, of course after that there'd be no more reason for you to be here. Your purpose is to troll the site and insult the members but you're not clever enough to pull it off. You bungled it by being too obvious, now you're trying to fall back on being a victim. That wont work either, you've been exposed. Probably time to disappear and come back under a different name...or better yet find something productive to do with your life.

Things are engineered to a point,but the evolution of the KING dollar,imho,is going to be announced as a beneficial event.
It will be gradual at first,and then pick up speed.
Part of an announced," GLOBAL BASKET OF CURRENCIES"
A new way to value the worlds reserve currency.
Did we F*** it up?Partly,but really its a timeline thing.
The petro-Dollar in decline,needs a shoring up.
The pandemic will be painted as part of the reason,this is happening.
Thats true,to a point,but to think we are at the edge of the cliff,is like waiting for y2k, it will not happen.
What WILL happen is this.
initally,but rebuilt in time with constraints.
Tesla being revalued to a sixth of its value.
Amazon,to half of its current value.
Apple to a third.
and so on,and so on.
Yes, a reaping,but complete collapse? imho?No.
With the NEW basket of currency system…
The market will be hampered to spring back

We bought 86 acres 12 years ago for $3,800 an acre, there was a chunk of property that just sold for 89,000 an acre about 10 miles down the road. Surprise, taxes are going up.
Our little farm and orchard takes up about 2-1/2 acres of the 86.
We are in drought and the price of hay is getting stupid if you can find it, just sold our cow herd. Will the county reclassify our unused land? I guess we will find out.
I am doing some reloading, propellant is not to be found at the old price of $20 a pound, found a bidding site where they have some for $90 a pound. Just a wee bit of inflation going on in these parts.
The cost of new construction is astronomical, there just is no inventory in real estate here.
These do not feel like normal times to me.

What I see going on here,is when someone does not follow,hook line and sinker,the common mantra being told by a few,they are disrespected,and belittled.
Is a person suppose to just crawl away ?
No,thats not how actual truth comes to the surface.
I am sorry my differing thoughts on these topics differ with so many here.
But ,being accused of playing a victim,for responding to disrespect for having another opinion,is just more of the same.
what you consider" VERY OFFENSIVE INSULTS"made by me in the above,imho,is just pointing out fact.
When you abuse someone,they have a right to set the record.
sorry if I offended you.
Being called an Idiot,was just a bit much though.
I get it,you want me gone.
I will go for now.You win.
As far as the topics discussed?
We will see how it all plays out.
sorry to offend anyone,if I did.

“What I see going on here,is when someone does not follow,hook line and sinker,the common mantra being told”
nobody here knows what that feels like! Difference being, we can’t get away from it, I’m pretty sure you’ve got plenty of options.

I do not" despise",anyone.In fact its of benefit.
I value differing opinions myself,it’s how we all form our outlook.
Thank you for your perspectives.
good day.

Nobody has abused you, you started off by insulting and belittling people for having opinions different from YOU. You’re not a victim, you’re a bully but like all bullies you are a coward, and so you try to hide behind victimhood.
You cry out in pain as you strike. Low level trolling. I could at least respect your game if you were good at it.

good day.
So long. See you in your next incarnation.