Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

Goop other than the blood? I’m afraid I missed it if it was in the pics I saw.

Interesting observation … so Butler ESU command may have sabotaged security as well?

Dropbox video 1 shows someone leaving Butler Command at about 8:09:02, and walking extremely slowly, with no urgency. By then the local LEOs already had called out on radio about a man on the roof of AGR (6:08:20). I always thought this lethargy was odd - you can see it if you watch the first few minutes. And the guy with Butler Command gets really close to the southern SS snipers yet tells them nothing.

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Sorey, once again you are doing thorough objective reporting on topic.

I really appreciate it.

Very interest find on the time difference but would like to clarify for all that the time difference is an overlay input into BC footage for Grassley video only it appears. All the other BC video with time and ID in a bar across top should be accurate. Those are generated with the camera’s internal clock, not what someone overlaid on video in what is called post processing of video.

The most interesting thing is your find of potential open window.

Though not a 100% certain I believe it is open. It should show white roof reflection unless someone happens to be between the roof reflection and window. At this point the LEO who got directly on Bld. 3 via pallet is in this pick at S edge of roof.

Only GN or M could have closed it!

Just saw this analysis of a video showing the man who shot Crooks:

First part he spends a bit of time talking about how alignment of the videos was complicated by the wrong timestamp and I think a mis-aligned audio. At 5:50 it gets more interesting.



It almost looks like a giant pile of whitish or clear silicone somewhere on the rib or ridge near his body but closer to the ridgeline, maybe slightly to his left??

I just remember it looked out of place and I was like: did he throw up? Is that another bodily fluid?

I’ll try to find it. So many videos. It was definitely one of the body cam videos on the roof shortly after his death. I don’t think awkward FBI guy was there yet.

This whitish goop above the blue arrow.

You may want to check the video below. This guy says that in the bodycam video of BWC2-122104 (BTPD Body Cam footage 7.13.24 – Dropbox) the actual time is 12 seconds behind the time seen in the timestamp.


Yes, just watched it. I didn’t watch the explanation on the time difference yet, just the shot segment. But it is one of the bodycams that Pearson released.

That’s how it seems to me. I’m very ignorant about how this stuff works, but it seems like SS was probably in communication to Butler, and then Butler requested help from Beaver, and Butler made decisions about where people would be. Butler didn’t put its little gun badges on the roof – the way it placed the badges seems like they meant the windows.

Butler also chose to put one of its own snipers in that AGR building, and his identity is still a tightly kept secret, at least from the public. Everyone is wondering how it could be that Greg Nicol left at the critical moment, and we should be very suspicious, but we should be equally suspicious of the unknown guy who stayed in the room and somehow didn’t see either Crooks or the agitated people frantically pointing.

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This might show it better. Silicone looking goop below the arrow on this one. Subtle X marks the spot.

Remember this a guided dog and pony show that purposely shows S windows have great position to have put eyes on Crooks on roof but purposely avoid showing or making any reference to E window which is even better.

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In hindsight, yes, that had a better view. From a planning perspective, though, that would be a more restrictive sniper nest as far as viewing the rally crowd and the area further away. Perhaps it would have been better to have the west, east, and one of the south windows used for nests.

Sniper Map

Time difference bodycams
Please note that at least one of the videos found in the Butler Township PD Dropbox (BTPD Body Cam footage 7.13.24 – Dropbox) has inaccurate timestamp as well (+12s). Well explained at the beginning of this video
9th Shooter Identified! Swat Operator! #thomascrooks #trump #trumprally #update - YouTube

Window gate:
I don’t think there is someone blocking the white roof reflection in the window at this moment. I have pointed out in an earlier post a sequence in a video, there you can see where someone has to be in order to block the reflection. But the guy definitely not standing somewhere close.
If the left window really is open, it could have been opened anytime before 18:16:54 (window open first on cam) and it was closed somewhen between 18:17:00 (window open last on cam) and 18:17:09 (first time window closed on cam)

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This is the only spot that would have been neded as a nest!


That would never do…it’s too slopey. :joy:

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Thanks for confirming it was open at least till 18:17:00. Establishes someone on inside which presumably is 1 of 2 snipers closed it.

The ESU walking on roof had to notice as he is walking across rooftop at that same time clearing area.

Looks to me like it’s simply sealant for an overlapping seam of the roof cap.


Sure, but it’s a really good “shoot from here” marker. Nobody would bat an eye at it. Silicone is supposed to be on many roofs. If you use anything else, it would be suspicious.

4 dollar tube of silicone and you’ve marked the spot for your patsy.


I’m not confirming the window was open but the footage strongly supports that impression.
Would be great to have a bodycam from guy walking around AGR3.

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Greg Nichols is a member on this board making a sound profile.
Greg Nicol is the BC-ESU sniper.

What would make you think anyone here has access to any of the buildings in the AGR complex?


I have difficulty recognizing people, so I’m looking for name tags. Here’s one.

“Gianvito”, back of his helmet.

Now, please look at the big chonker on Gianvito’s right. He has a somewhat distinctive beard. Do we think that this is the same person unidentified in the ABC interview?

I’m pretty sure it’s him based on his beard and tattoos, especially near the elbow.

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