Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

Yes you can. Most LEO snipers are regular Police first and SWAT Team members 2nd. Hell, Butler and Beaver Counties ESU are made up with members from all the local departments in their Counties. It is large organizations that may have full time members for specialized jobs. Even a large department like LAPD’s SWAT Team members are part time. Most the time they are regular PoPo.

I need the sniper to sit and wait. I need the undercover cop to sit down and talk to the stranger mfer at the picnic table. I need the secret service to take Trump off the stage before shots are fired.

lol…i did have to laugh at that one…

Sgt Raven,
I meant thst you can’t do both at once. You cant be a cop arresting people on the ground but at the same time they can’t ask you to fixate on a target from a nest. I wasn’t saying a cop wasn’t capable of being a sniper. I was just saying the two jobs are inherently different and you can’t do them both at the same time. It’s like you can’t be a pitcher and a catcher in baseball on the same pitch,

its a good job Nicol didnt sit and wait…because he would never have seen Crooks with a range finder, or photographed him sitting on the wall…he could never have seen Nicol on the roof even if he hadnt left his post…and Crooks would have been free to take his time and get the kill shot.

In case you haven’t looked GN up yet, his LinkedIn account, which he scrubbed to the bare necessities in the last few days, states he is a Police Sergeant with the Monaca PA police department. His photo shows him in a Police K-9 uniform, a job experience he had posted in his account until recently.

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did you check wayback machine to see if someone copied his linkedin page…before he scrubbed it…

The thing I will never understand is if your job is to be a sniper then who makes the call to you to make you leave your post at the most critical time of being a sniper? We can all pretend that everything happened as it did…somehow the kid walked onto the roof as if he were invisible. Pretend everything checks out and nobody was positioned to stop him…then this is a hole in coverage. Even if the local snipers couldnt see him, the most outrageous part of this whole situation is why the local snipers left their post ever. What commumication allowed them to leave their post…?

I may have a screen shot of it, but there was not much there other than a few past job experiences and the two organizations he belongs to which have been covered elsewhere. Interestingly, it had no posts. I wondered if he deleted them all after the event or just never used the account.

Sorry, I didn’t save that screenshot.

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Yep the TMZ video I’ve been thinking the same. It confuses me beyond belief. It’s like he’s closer to that side of bldg by tree and the other is on the other side of bldg. the hair is totally different and honestly it doesn’t look like the person in the picture of the guy sitting down on concrete wall below window.

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i think that reflection is from the camera moving, and the reflection of something bright is moving across the small door window

Thank you, Phase, for the diagram and for addressing two of the trajectories that closely pass through two known points, Trump’s ear and the top railing of the far bleacher near the corner.

For the sake of transparency, would you please share the estimated elevation of three points?

  • barrel of rifle over the ridge of the roof
  • barrel of the rifle between ceiling and roof, as drawn
  • far corner of the railings in the far bleacher

Thank you!


I think the photo of the bullet trace must be from the second bullet. It doesn’t line up with his ear and the hand is already going towards the ear. He wouldn’t have had time to react before the bullet was way past as we must be talking thousands of a second.
If you take that as the second bullet can you work out where it hit in the bleachers?

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I saved Greg Nicol’s LinkedIn info two days after I learned of him in the BeaverCountian.com, afraid the profile would be altered or erased.

Here are a screenshot of his LinkedIn (jpg) and a printout (pdf) from July 28.

In general, I try to save any info that seems especially valuable - like to Greg Smith BBC interview, I saved it right away.


This is smart, thank you. I save stuff before I announce it here.

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I agree with you 100%

Higgins says he THINKS this is the case, but is uncertain. Lets be clear.

Maybe he brushed his hair to keep it out of eyes.

This might have been obvious to everyone, but I don’t know anything about all these police and pseudo-military groups, so I’m still figuring out who’s who.

This guy is apparently Ryan Slack, with Butler ESU (from Cranberry Township Staff Directory • Police Department)

It helps me to know how members of different groups look. If we take notes about the Butler people we see outside in uniform, it may help us know who to focus on.

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Why did you mention that he spoke with Crooks? Wouldn’t this also work if they had pre-organised a time?