Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

[quote=“howdoiknowthisinfo.com, post:364, topic:41719, username:howdoiknowthisinfo”]
what makes my approach different is that I work in full transparency: everybody who wants to give it a go can look at my kml file and play around with it themselves and provide me with feedback.

  1. I wish we had categories to choose from and we could sort shit out

  2. if you are feeling like there is disinterest in your theory it is because of the activity on top of building 6.

  3. your area doesn’t have cops running back and forth etc

  4. someone may have shot bullets 1-3 from your sniper nest for sure, evidence at this time is not pointing to that location

I doubt it.

He was an adult, even if a young one.

Adults are not generally held legally liable for what other adults do.

They are probably going through a very tough time, dealing with grief and confusion over why their quiet and seemingly intelligent, nice kid has done this. They may be afraid of lawsuits, but it is not likely that any attempts wouldn’t be dismissed immediately.


This picture sure is weird and incriminating, this Swat raises his gun after talking on the radio right when they shove DT into armored suburban ish …door is between however what the hell is he doing raising his rifle at this moment for any reason? WTF

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Now we may never no. Shooter’s body has been cremated. Somebody needs to find this Max Yaeger guy, follow up on that and get that tracked down.

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Another idea? Greg Nicols left his post to avoid being blamed for the shooter shooting, that simple. Means what it means, he knew something was going down.

Use these skills and keep thinking.

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yes, this is exactly misdirection in practice: everybody is looking at that roof while the real business happened somewhere else.

it is like a magician: he draws your attention to one hand but does the trick with the other… everybody directs our attention to that roof and what happened to the man who died on that roof.

the same for the law enforcement people on the day of the attack: everybody was primed to hear and expect and see the shots from that roof because everybody was pointing at that roof…

misdirection… the real business did not happen on that roof…

so many people have been primed with bias, prejudice and cognitive dissonance that they lost their ability to look at whatever with an open mind…

example: when I suggest someone might have been shooting from the higher roof behind the man on the lower roof, people immediately assume that he should have been using the same type of rifle and ammunition as what was recovered from the lower roof, but that is by far the relevant… the real shooter may have used whatever rifle and ammunition he found relevant.
in this reply I make the assumption the real shooter was a man, but it can as easily have been a woman :slight_smile:

keeping an open mind, he…

that is exactly the point… the fast buriers of information are not going to draw anyone’s attention to that location…

do you realize how much resistance and hostility I get because I am investigating that option?
how can there be any evidence pointing to that location if everyone (I am not the first on this forum who tried investigating this location, but they surrendered and gave up!) does their utter best to boycott this train of thought?

these are the categories I have now in the kml I am preparing for my next release:

do not hesitate to suggest additional categories or updates…


Just one more thing, given there are no body cameras turned on yet they were.

Judicial Watch needs to ask for the recordings of Secret Service, Grassley, etc. Don’t believe the lie somebody recorded them.

Lets get the answer here not get famous for figuring this out. Clouds your mind and judgement. Motivation is this is the death of our society in real time. Government of the government by the government and for the government. I thought is was people inserted for the word government.


I’ve settled into three possibilities.

  1. Crooks fired all 8 shots. We know he fired at least 1 because the ejecting casing is clearly visible in the TMZ video. (I suspect 4 thru 8)

  2. The shot came from the left vent under Crooks. (My gut tells me this is the most likely.)

  3. Your tall building overlook. (I’m still suspect but could get there)

All of you guys studying angles and echos are going to have to come together and agree on a basic location even if hurts someone’s pride. I do believe there is a 2nd shooter because too much was put into play to rely solely on Crooks. I have no doubt he was green-lighted to get into his position.


yes, I think so too.
I am really looking forward to that zoom call, but I wonder whether it will ever happen…

if that man on that roof ever fired any shots, they must have been the 5 in quick succession…

if that was the case, he may have modified the 2013 DPMS A-15 that was found next to his body such that it could fire in full auto with a magazine containing 5 rounds, because I cannot believe that a mere mortal can shoot 5 AR-15 rounds in less than a second…

I saw Gary from Paramount Tactical show that he can shoot 6 rounds in that same timeframe, and someone else posted a youtube video of a man who used a jitter finger to fire his AR-15 in a similar full auto mode, but I cannot believe that a youngster who has been chased up by a peeping police man and who is being yelled at can have the nerve to jitter 5 rounds out accurately to injure or kill Corey Comperatore (Chris thinks he was killed by bullet 6), James Copenhaver (bullets 3 or any of the rapid fire rounds), David Dutch (bullet 1 or 2) and the nephew of a congressman…

shooting with such a jitter finger is not precisely improving accuracy… the demo was given on about 10 yards, where we are talking here about 100+ yards…


Did GN even have a radio?

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I’ll take a more detailed look at the various perspectives. However, from a logical perspective, if you provide a map showing the zones of coverage for 3 nests, you would most likely provide photos of each of those 3 windows, not 3 views from the same window. If you provided a map with 1 nest and wanted to demonstrate the various angles of view, then you would have reason to provide 3 photos from the same room.

If you compare the zones of coverage on the map with the photos, you see the trees and cell tower buildings in the photos that are in each of those zones.

Sniper Map

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Yup. Agree. Anyway, the plotters have disposed Crooks body by cremation no less. 10 days after the shooting. Allegedly.

Only ashes left. Poof!

No investigating the body. End of story. Nothing to see. Move along. /sarc

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to be fair, i dont think he was aiming at Comperatore/Copenhaver/Dutch, he was just aiming at the bleachers, which is a large target.


The more the Story Changes, the More it Changes?
Now Congress has a report a Butler Sniper shot Crook’s Rile in the Butt, from 100Y? Fragging Crooks face and distracted Him, until the SS Sniper fired the Kill Shot?

Why is this the first report of this Storyline, over a month later?
You’d think the Local Police would have wanted to Honour their Hero Sniper, stopping Crooks emptying his magazine into the Crowd?

In this Video they say the Stock Fragmented? Looking frame by frame, at the end of the 26 minutes of Body Cam, from the Officer that popped up to see Crooks. There doesn’t appear to be any Black plastic fragments around Crooks upper body? The rifle though blurry doesn’t show any damage of being fragmented by being hit?
Does anyone see any wounds or bleeding on Crooks Face, neck consistent with this Scenario?


Thats what started me looking in detail at the pictures, then i got sidetracked on what type of weapon it was, then i got into was the camo folded the same way in each photo, and on it went…same gun, same window…the only difference is the side of the riffle each picture is taken from and hight and distance from window…the photo that could be mistaken as being from the first floor is just at a different zoom level, and hence different lense on the iphone…etc etc etc…and on it went…spent hours on it…and in the process i was educated by Tim on here as to what gun it was, the history behind it…it was great.

and just as a side note…butler hasnt released anything…the after action report is Beaver…complete radio silence from Butler on everything


if you look at the position of the flag, it was almost horizontal, which means that without that heavy wind, the bullet would have passed through a trajectory more towards Trump’s head and he would have died with certainty…

all the other shots were fired in the direction of the rally without carefully aiming


You are 100% correct on guesstimated data points to do analysis with. At best using Google Earth gets to +/- a foot for elevations. To do this right we need survey grade data for geo positioning.

From all the video evidence it would appear the first shot hit the railing of the bleachers. Getting an accurate elevation w/ Lat Long coordinates within 6" maybe would be sufficient to establish 1st point of reference.

Once this is established we evaluate and confirm if Crooks took first shot and if not figure out if alternative locations like vent or possible.

Note that just getting an accurate elevation of bleacher rail hit of first shot may be enough to rule out the vent as it is at least 3’ lower than Crooks would have been.

Simply confirming that Crooks position took first shot can rule out all the 2nd shooter theories.


Greg Smith (the one interviewed by BBC right after the shooting) says the long beard ZZ-Top guy is a friend of him.

Later in a post he shows a text exchange with (assumingly) the ZZ-Top guy, where he confirms to cary a pistol.

However, it isn’t 100% clear that this ZZ-Top guy isn’t a LEO and/or undercover. Since that guy is probably living in the Butler area (like Greg Smith) he might have known some of the Policeman personally. Anyway it was risky business to pull out a weapon in such a situation when there are snipers around that may not know you.
ZZ-Top guy 1

ZZ-Top guy 3

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Without getting into proving the various perspectives, you can tell by the aerial view in the map that the tree shown in window 1 cannot possibly be seen from window 3 because it is around the corner of the building.


I feel pretty sure that ZZ Cop is not actually law enforcement, because he gets banished by the sergeant. Dropbox

“If you’re not law enforcement, go!!!” And ZZ Cop goes.