Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

He talks about the drone at 5:30 in this video. It shouldn’t be too hard to find his contact info from his business web site.

Because the fair grounds have been locked down and no one is allowed on the property.

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No I cannot and even if they were we would have no way of getting BC video’s from them.

In another video released by Grassley you can see that the windows are closed at 7pm.

Not sure of time but the window is shown “Open” in the Grassley provided BC video.


He could be in shock…perhaps the fragged shards did some real damage?

Won’t know without a proper autopsy, of course.


Here’s a thought. Since Crooks’ rifle was to his right while shooting, any fragments that struck him would have come from his right side. It’s possible he associated that with a shooter to his right and sat up to look for him in that direction. If Crooks was in fact pointing his rifle when he sat up, as some eyewitnesses claimed, it could have been to return fire at his believed shooter, and not to shoot into the crowd.


But to sit entirely upright?

He must have thought he was safe from those snipers on the roofs. And maybe he was. Maybe the kill shot came from the local, just like the audio analysis by Greg N. seems to show.

But you know, they don’t want to embarass the nation. It would make us look weak or corrupted. So they lie.

(On the other hand, maybe Greg N. needs to reexamine his data, because if the shots can be confirmed as known locations, that could help his audio analysis overall with other variables and perhaps he can apply some of it to the first 8).

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Remember, Crooks was 40 feet from the east end of building 6, so if he was thinking someone was shooting at him from the west end he would have to sit or otherwise raise up to see them.

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No, he could have turned and would still have had line of sight to all of the west.

100% the elevation there on that roof is still higher than everything to his right.

What are you talking about?

You stay low if you’re taking fire. You don’t pop up like a weasel, ever.

It isn’t a physical move that makes any sense at all. I also don’t believe he aimed at them. I think he turned and looked in their direction. I won’t believe he pointed that rifle at them until there’s video evidence he did.

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And where did Crooks get all of his combat experience that would make him instinctively stay low.

From any modern kid ever that’s played a first person shooter or a war based game.

Uhm, what?

Here you go.


Not only does the vent clear both the fences and first set of bleachers, the top half of the window does too.

That’s based off rough math, but the models should support it too.

Yes, The whole scenario and behavior of two snipers inside the two-story building of the AGR complex stinks.

I have a string of memories on this event, the result of having watched too many hours of video reporting . (I know this to be true as my wife has confirmed this as factual.)
My memory is in pictures (words come later if at all) and have many picture memories brightly flagged as unanswered questions.

One of those questions is: who told the ESU snipers to stay off of the roof. Which raises the question of why they then chose to stay off of the roof when given bad instructions. These ESU snipers appear to be able to follow orders without question. So, “go where you are told and leave when you are told, and keep your mouth shut or bad and worse things will happen to you and your family” kind of guys.
The inside of the far corner of the two-story building is an entirely lousy place to put a sniper team unless their target was the man on the stage. If they are just observers with binoculars and cameras still does not make any sense as there was no way to effectively relay any info to the Secret Service.
My biggest unanswered question is: where is a floor plan (or better, a video walk through) of the second floor of the two-story AGR building? There are several pictures that show open windows in that second-story floor that are closer to Crooks. We know from the Rep. Crane video that the window closest to Crooks was in an enclosed room, as Rep. Crane did a full circle video of the room. How many rooms are there on the second-floor?
And there is a BS timeline and story from Greg Nichol that strongly suggests that neither of the two “official” ESU snipers were even in the second-story floor of their assigned posts during the shooting.
And there are too many ways in and too many ways out of the two-story AGR building to be able to tell who came and went. On-and-on.

It looks obvious to me the whole assassination operation was planned, executed (and botched) by professional Project Managers.
So, for now, I am putting Crooks in the Obvious Patsy category.
I am putting Greg Nichols and his sniper partner into the Obvious Patsy, Red Herring category.
The LEOs were part of the planning to create a Keystone Cop effect, another layer of Obvious Patsy, LEO Incompetence category. (Not saying they are incompetent. Just saying they were set up with instructions and poor communications that would make it look Keystone-Cop-ish later.)
It seems unlikely that we will ever know who the real perps were on July 13.

My original take on the shooting event is that it was another act of divine intervention on behalf of President Trump and the American people. By Monday after the shooting, I realized that millions, maybe billions of other people on the planet were experiencing divine presence as a result of this event. I know I felt divine presence that day. Still do and will continue to pray.

Got to go, I hear destiny calling, she says get out here and work in the garden!
Smiles, Dave Jonathan


Now that the vents have “opened up” so to speak I think it is good to look at suppressed rounds especially when you consider the “Cloud” at the rail. Could a subsonic .30 cal frangible round produce such “cloud”. Any input would be welcome, even critical as I have never seen it heard of what such a round would do upon impacting a steel target such as the rail.

If I remember correctly, there were the picks of his body not blurred out and his right hand was extremely bloody. Was this from 9th shot?

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Is this the far left vent, @phasefive? It sure doesn’t look like it will clear when standing right in front of it. How did you come to this conclusion? It’s possible, I’ve been wrong before. :grinning: I’m sticking to my belief that if the shot came from below Crooks it came from this vent. I’ve said this from the first time I set foot on the property. This belief has nothing to do with anything except my perception and assessing this type of thing for a living before I retired.

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That isn’t how angles work.

All I can tell you is that from the rough math of the possible heights of the window and Trump’s ear, using the elevations from Google Earth for each area…and taking into account the fence heights and their elevation, it seemed to clear from the top half of the window. The vent is 100% for sure, but the window math seemed right as well.

Officer Greg Nicol Suspicious Timeline?