Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

It’s curious that at 4:20 of this promotional video the presenter calls sand “silicon oxide”, even though on his slide it is clear marked “SiO2” (= silicon dioxide)!


Greg Smith has a diagram on his X page with an arrow clearly pointing to the two windows on the east side of the two-story AGR building. “The second story had windows overlooking the roof….i’ve been telling people that from the beginning….we saw the team in there….i am bbc interview guy”


See also: x.com



Please someone with an X account get in touch with him and have him explain how he could see the east side of the building from the west side. Perhaps he moved around to the south?? In any case, he is testifying that he saw people - that’s more than one person such as the Butler Co. sniper! - on the 2nd floor during the shooting.

Note also that he says he is shadowbanned.


As you point out, the fact one sniper (Greg Nicol) did take a picture of Crooks on the retaining wall right at the base of the building proves this sniper was, at that moment, standing right at the window, rather than sitting behind his rifle.

This suggests over-watch was more about being close to the windows and taking in a wider angle, rather than suffering a terribly narrow field from behind the rifle, but staying ready to rush behind the rifle.

So was that picture just a moment of sniper’s diligence luckily timed with Crooks happening to be just then and there, in an otherwise long time of hours of slacking by the sniper? That’s too much luck to believe. The story stinks!


If a sniper had shot Crooks from the East-facing window, he’d close it right away, well before LEOs would have a chance to get on the roof. The fact that this footage of that window taken once LEOs reached the roof shows it is closed does not imply anything about whether it had been closed or open a few minutes earlier.

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Excellent point! Why, after getting fragged by shot #9, would Crooks sit up and look West 8-9 seconds later?

Screenshot from 5:27-28 in Mike Bell’s video.

If - this is the big “if” here - before getting fragged by #9 Crooks thought he might get shot at (e.g. by SS snipers), then once he got fragged, the ensuing 8-9 seconds were an eternity for him to process the increased level of risk and to protect himself better than just staying prone (which is how he was in D Stewart video). So to have this eternity to process and then do the opposite, sit up and look away from SS snipers cased earlier, is inconceivable! So the premise must be false.

The implication must be just your point @bumblebeeez. When Crooks got fragged by shot #9, he was not expecting to be shot at. Even 8-9 seconds later, given his riskier positioning, he still did not expect to be shot at, because otherwise why would he then sit up and expose himself further … despite shot #9 being old history. This does strongly suggest total confusion.

Ok, so Crooks was not expecting to be shot at, got surprised… here’s the curious aspect of what happened 8-9 seconds later when he sat up … he also looked West toward crowd. He turned up and West at that severe moment of danger and confusion, this suggests that Crooks was trying to find someone in the crowd on the western side of AGR 6!

As in, “Hey you over there! This is not how it was supposed to happen, how you told me it would go! What’s going on?”

If this is what prompted Crooks to sit up and look West - to find someone on the western grounds who could guide him in his confusion - then who might that person(s) be, around that tree?


Why is everyone so fixated on details that the conspirators are feeding you… Where is the body cam footage of the interactions and decisions occurring on the west side where they ignored opportunity to engage the shooter via a safe assault vector at the retaining wall & AC… They didnt even stand on the wall to look for the threat… That wall’s added height, of two feet, would have given clear view and provided and back-up position as tactical made use of the low causeway and the AC unit to get into position, next to the overhang, to call out and respond or duck to an agressive response… Then the back-up drops him… Very simpley they had time and opportunity, and they blew it off to give the shooter time…
That was willful negligence which resulted in a homicide…



The first person to reach Crook’s body could also have reached the roof of Building 6 through this window.

Is it now known who reached Crook’s body first?

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If the “shooter” on the roof was surprised at getting shot at, and if we are not 100% sure that the initial shots were actually fired by that person, and if in addition had a controller (for an explosive device) that was (allegedly) inoperative, this strongly suggests that perhaps he thought he was performing in a DRILL or some kind of sanctioned testing of security.


Why isn’t there anyone grabbing a big ladder and setting it up where Trump was standing when the shots were fired? From there a laser pointer could be used to find out where the shots might have been fired from.

That’s no longer possible because the Farm Show property is now gated off and patrolled by security. I was among the last to access it, if not the last. I did drive a stake into the ground (approximately) where Trump was standing, but this does not account for the stage height or Trump’s height.

I have stood up against the fence along the AGR property and from just eyeballing it, I don’t think the windows will clear the fences either, but I’ll wait for those completing the lines of fire analysis to chime in.

Drone shot from the stake.


Totally agree, and the timing is too perfect—shots start very soon after she passes Dave Stewart. It makes sense that the people involved might not even know they’re playing a part in the larger plan. It’s a classic “need to know” strategy, keeping everything compartmentalized. You wouldn’t notice it unless it was your cue or sign.


Is anyone listening to the words of the officer past the 6min point, realizng that this is supposedly 10 minutes after, and with this side of the fence vacated, he’s still talking like the crowd on the other side is some kind of threat… WOW, They were so casual while the threat was active and vulnerable to getting neutralized from this area, and now he’s talking as if the active shooter is still active and there’s an ongoing concern about the crowd… This is strrange…
Where are the coms & vid from this side during the opportunity to neutralize, that they ignored/avoided…

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When 4th LEO with BC gets on roof via same method as previous three (Boost up to X-Over b/t buildings, 1 muny LEO first on is to side of Crooks and Camo LEO is at his feet rifle pointed at crooks and third guy is still walking up. Guns been moved only at this point which is caught in BC video over by Barns.

A drone with a laser pointer might also work.

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Can you tell from this bodycam video if these 3 had bodycams themselves?

Being closed at time roof was accessed by LEOs from ground is just a fact. Being open 20 minutes later is a Question that deserves addressing.

It could have been open and closed many times prior to LEOs accessing roof 4 minutes afterwards.

Again Snipers Job in 2nd story post should have put eyes on Crooks first and kept on him, while communicating status to LEO’s on ground so they could get on roof safely because of cover snipers provided.

Many questions are in Window Gate post.

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Trying to figure out what LEO’s on ground where thinking or speculating after fact is not very practical. Evaluating their actions does have some value in overall process / picture of what’s happening though.

Note that commenting of what a trained sniper should be doing on 2nd story, prime position to see and act from is a whole different story and what they didn’t do and should have done tells a story. LIHOP maybe?

I got a chuckle out of that one. :joy: I can’t remember how many times I nodded off during school and when I came to immediately started reading or writing to make it look like I didn’t doze off.

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Thanks for the flowers Doug.
I think you’re mixing something up here. The helicopter footage, where you can see an open window, is probably taken well after 8pm (no sun/no shadows).
As you can see in the timestamp of the bodycam photos, the windows were closed when one of the first officers approached the roof at 6:17pm.
In another video released by Grassley you can see that the windows are closed at 7pm.
I don’t know if there is evidence when exactly and by whom this window was opened (one time or several times). They could’ve been opened/closed anytime we don’t have them in sight of a camera.
For sure it would have been smart to use that window to get on the roof, instead of the improvised ladder (wooden pallet) ontop that shaky plastic garden shed

Maybe I missed it, but from which video is the screenshot, with the light blue arrows pointing at the windows, you added in a recent post?