Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

That is a possibility, having his handler sneak him into the SS security area thus bypassing the wait time standing in a long line with other rally goers. That would be about the only way for all reported and sighted times surrounding that to fit. That is something I’ve considered as a possible scenario.

i dont understand, what info says Crooks was in the SS security area…?

This is one of the detail slides for sighting 4 on my first (green) timeline map. I’m still working on that slide deck.

I think GS mentioned the sniper had a sleeve tattoo.

Yes, he did, and Greg Nicol has sleeve tattoos on both arms. We have not identified the Butler ESU sniper yet, so don’t know if he also has a sleeve tattoo, For now we would have to assume that was Nicol he saw.

I don’t know where @RealJustice got this picture from, but he claims that windows were being replaced at the AGR building after the shooting.

If that is correct, which windows and for what reason?


By the way, Dan Bongino has just mentioned on a podcast a couple days ago that there were no Secret Service counter surveillance teams at the site which he seemed to indicate was absolutely beyond a mere oversight. At a minimum one of those individuals would’ve been stationed near the AGR building, especially along that fence where 50 to 80 people were gathered

As I understand it, the sole purpose of such a team is to be on the lookout for suspicious people such as crooks was

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Secret Service counter surveillance teams would not have been necessary.

A blind man in a wheelchair with a radio on the roof of Building 6 would have sufficed.

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Speaking of Bongino, I ran across this article today. What struck me as odd was this part:

three witnesses: Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service special agent; Erik Prince, a former Navy SEAL officer; and Ben Shaffer, a Washington regional SWAT operator.

Shaffer isn’t just an expert witness on this kind of subject. He is with Washington Regional SWAT and was one of the first people on the roof, if not the first person. The famous photo with a black-clad guy holding Crooks’ arm, that was Shaffer.

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I wouldn’t call them going rogue. Everyone is still working together even if they don’t acknowledge it. Believe me Senate and Congress follow our stuff here, too. They really are serious. There are real good guys in our congress, they have to fight the insanity of an embedded system that has been corrupt for ages.

Just a thought. Maybe it doesn’t work but I keep thinking Crooks sitting at retaining wall, maybe a connection to GN? Could GN have given him his backpack? Gone downstairs had it hidden? Throw everyone off with Sheetz?
Also the guy sitting in the grass by the retaining wall dressed mostly like Crooks, white cap. Why would he even be sitting there? Lots of fishy stuff. Like the lady in light blue dress at fence. Nothing going on at that time. Why was she there and why later with SS?


Great going, everyone! What an excellent investigation we’re conducting.

I have several gaping holes in my understanding that I am focussing on now.

Where was Crooks’ car parked? Also, I assume we can place the van in the red category? Or is there something we need to better understand (possible co-conspirator?)

From when and where did Crooks retrieve his backpack? I’ve seen zero sightings of it anywhere at any time until he tosses it grainily as he passes from the northernmost AGR building across the first breezeway.

Finally, can we account for Crooks’ movements across the AGR building surfaces properly?

Here’s my conundrum:

I cannot get my mental geometry to find a way that someone could be seeing Crooks as both passing in front of the west wall of the main AGR building (#1 in AGR terminology) but then be east of the 4 vent stacks on AGR-6.

Instead, I think it has to be this way:

I think Crooks has to pass to the West of that blue dotted line.

If so, this raises the possibility that he ran right by the window in the overwatch building. Possibly to confer with GN? Maybe to retrieve something from over there that he tossed up earlier?



I guess the point is though that’s all they do. They’re only purpose is to scan the crowd and to find suspicious individuals.

My only thought is that you appear correct that he had to be west of that circle at some point. So, I guess that does not try to conjecture about why except if he somehow observed the LEO in the vehicles coming from the east and diverted towards the overook building for a bit before then coming back to where that cross over bride was to get on AGR 6. Not likely, but possible. He was seen running before this with a backpack so it’s clear he did not go towards the overlook building to get a backpack

Move that circle to the roof he was found dead on. Explains everything, he moved East to get behind the view obstructing Trees. Threat is the Herc sniper teams not the building windows. Raises the level of Butler/Beave Sniper overwatch to new levels. He wasn’t worried about them at all. They were in on it. Could be wrong. Move the circle over to the AGR building Roof, he moved east.

Right, originally when I saw that video of him running along the roofline, I just assumed he was running along AGR 6 and that’s why I couldn’t understand why Hercules 2 wouldn’t have seen him as they were facing that way at the time. So it wouldn’t make any sense that he would go towards the overlook building where that window was facing east without being observed by Hercules 2

Google StreetView Nov 2023

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good catch with Ben Shaffer and Washington Regional SWAT. Do you have some sort of proof that this was the guy on the roof holding crooks arm?

Ben Shaffer – Operator – Washington Regional SWAT | LinkedIn

Here an articel from Oct 28 2019
Trinity K9 wins regional competition - Observer-Reporter


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His drone would have recorded GPS coordinates. Would like to see that in Map View. Camera footage too. Wonder who has that? For all you FBI CIA trolls on here leak it now.