Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

The big question is, what type of car was Crooks really driving to the rally. All news-outlets reported it was a Hyundai Sonata but can we be sure about that? After the shooting, in some bodycam video, there was a car seen parked along Whitestown Rd, south end of Brenckle’s Farms & Greenhouses. This location is also only a few steps away from the AGR sign where he was filmed by Jon Malis dashcam at 17:04:50 (dashcam time might be a few seconds + or -). The issue with this car (George Smith wrote on X it might be Crooks car) it is a Hyundai Elantra and not a Sonata. Here it would be amazingly helpful if you could aquire the full length dashcam video from Jon Malis, maybe we could see if this car was already parked there. If it wasn’t it was probably not Crooks car.

Concernig the white Van. From my point of view can be put in the red category. According to comments in the tiktok video and comments by George Smith on X, this was a drunken guys car who didn’t remember where he parked. A tiktok commenter also wrote there wasn’t any explosives found in that car.



Regarding point #4: This is what I refer to as my Timeline Map Analysis Methodology. It combines an event timeline with the supporting evidence in a graphical display to help see the events in a combined manner for further analysis. To be clear, this map is primarily a timeline graphic and is not intended to be actual coordinates. Each dot will eventually have one or more detail pages evaluating all of the evidence surrounding that sighting. That is where I will address the movement in the Copenhaver video. In addition to this timeline map, I have maps for Crooks’ travels before his sighting on the AGR property and his movements while on the property, I will be posting the detail slides from my analysis for discussion one map at a time.

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Rowe testified that this Trump rally was the first one where the SS included snipers - presumably because of the allleged Iranian threat (which wasn’t revealed even to Trump until after the rally). But if so, why wouldn’t the SS also have counter surveillance people at this rally?

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Very helpful. I was relying on the Copenhaver video where he’s moving to the behind the trees position where he apparently shot from. Must have been hot on that tin roof side note. Pretty dedicated shooter. Wonder what the payoff emotionally and monetarily was for him. Very odd. What the hell am I doing here kind of thought pattern. Pretty warped or manipulated if you ask me. Back to 1st principles kind of thing Chris as saying. Very odd for anybody even a nut. And bet there are some conscientious LOE and DHS, CIA, FBI reading all this. Make history and release some data. Your country as you know it depends on this. Release more, no judgement. Leak it.

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Concernig the white Van. From my point of view can be put in the red category. According to comments in the tiktok video and comments by George Smith on X, this was a drunken guys car who didn’t remember where he parked. A tiktok commenter also wrote there wasn’t any explosives found in that car.

If it was a drunken guy’s car a few blocks away from the rally, why did witnesses on that street say that it was discovered already early that evening by a canine team, who were presumably following some scent associated with the shooter?

One story about the explosives is that they were there, but were not assembled in an operative way.

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Looking at maps 2 and 3, I see that Nicol was last documented as being at the NW window at 18:05, which is 3 minutes before the start of the Copenhaver video. It is not unrealistic to speculate that he then went to the east window to converse with Crooks, explaining the perceived west to east travel. If he did, why would he report seeing him from the NW window and jeopardize the operation? On the other hand, if he went to the east window to see if he could spot Crooks going north (not being aware that the path was a dead end), he would have been able to see Crooks walking across the roof. If he was intent on reacquiring Crooks that would be the logical next move for him.

That’s the benefit of my timeline map approach. It helps me to see things like that much easier, so I can reason through them.


That’s the Daily Mail, not really a reliable source.
Is there any photo/video proof of the moment they remove explosives from the Van you could share?

Well, the Daily Mail is quoting Cheyenne Thoma, the wife of Billy Thoma, who filmed the removal of the white van on Saturday evening and was interviewed by Fox on Sunday afternoon. The video is posted here on his TikTok and he alludes to the cops expecting to find explosives.

I don’t see or smell anything unreliable here.

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My understanding from Bongino is there always dispatched as part of the Secret Service detail

I’m aware of all those videos. The only quote from Cheyenne Thoma in the article is:
Local resident Cheyenne Thoma whose husband Billy recorded the scenes told DailyMail.com, ‘We could hear the dogs barking across the fields. They picked up his scent apparently and that’s what led them to the van.’

  • his scent (it doesn’t say anything about who is his, might be Crooks’ might be not)
  • apparently (it is an assumption that they [the dogs] picked up his scent)

I can’t see them removing anything from the Van in the tiktok video. They just open the front doors and have a look inside with their flashlights on. from my point of view it was just a suspicious vehicle and that’s it. Maybe we hear an official statement at one point concerning the white Van. Until then the most credible source in my eyes is Greg Smith.


In the comments to this Tiktok page, “Rosco314Bosco” asks on 7-14: “and apparently the van had explosives in it. not sure if that is true but that’s what’s going around now”

and Cheyenne Marie (Thoma) replies: “Yes it did. Including an IED”

Here is the video that Billy Thoma uploaded on his Tiktok of the white van being towed away. The license plate is almost visible there. Can someone with more talent and better equipment read the number?!

If it merely belonged to a “drunkard”, the local police should be happy to confirm this. Where is the van now? Malinski Towing moved it and a state trooper followed it.


Now please don’t think I believe the van has any connection to Crooks, but…

When I first heard this story, I thought to myself the various ways they would have given the dogs Crooks’ scent to track. That’s easy, his deceased person after it was removed from the roof (timing), his backpack, the door 14 picnic table, or the AC unit he got on the roof from, perhaps. If it wasn’t Crooks’ scent they followed, and some drunk guy instead, how did the dogs get the drunk guy’s scent?

If Crooks did park at Sheetz, as AP reported, and used the field to get to the Farm Show, that would support tracking his sent up the point of Lawrence Ave. Why would the dogs then follow the drunk guy’s scent?

It’s not my intent to debate the issue, just raising the question because my mind is in critical thinking mode addressing Sheetz and its proximity to the van at the moment for my sightings analysis.


A few things. Apparently because the local coroner was out of town, the body was not removed from the roof until 6 am the next morning(!). So more likely to have given the dogs the gun or the backpack to smell.

It makes no sense that the dogs would be given the scent of some random drunk guy. Greg Smith is local but perhaps not all-knowing.

For your timing analysis, you should probably include a note that Billy Thoma said that the white van was there on Lawrence Avenue when he got home “a little bit before 5.”

Someone also filmed a white van under/near the water tower. Does anyone have a time for that observation?

Thanks again for all your good work.

And here again is Billy replying to a skeptic on TikTok:


very easy for anyone to get this footage and post as their own



Billy Thoma · Creator

I was literally on the news. I wish I was lying, there was a van full of explosives outside my house with my newborn and toddler inside.:person_facepalming:t2:

I don’t know how accurate I made this but here is a little map I made.

It is created using the line of sight of both 122111 and the Copenhaver video. By using the same times, 18:08:37, 18:08:42, 18:08:47 and 18:09:51, where the lines cross should be the places where Crooks was at that specific time. A professional guy would probably do it better, but here is a rough draft.


I do not discount all possible connection to the van, since there is still a possibility it was left their for for Crooks for some reason by a handler. I do not include it in my map because it is not a reported or recorded sighting of Crooks. I will introduce it in my detail page for the alleged parking at Sheetz, due to the van’s proximity to it, as well as in elsewhere if it could be connected.

As for the sighting of a van under the water tower, I saw one video clip where someone captured a white van under the tower early in the day. I would probably have a hard time finding it now the way search engines are controlling my searches. I certainly don’t see a van under the tower around the time of the shooting.

Concerning the van. Why would he park it so far away if he was contemplating blowing it up? I say it’s an FBI distraction. IMHO

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Especially why north of the AGR building, behind him. Everybody at the rally and all the LEOs would look straight in his direction when that Van blows up. If he wanted to use a detonation as a distraction to get away unseen from the roof, wouldn’t it make much more sense to place and bomb up that vehicle in the rally parking south of the stage area, to lead the views and the attention away from him.

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