Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

It was only a 10 minute walk to the van from the north side of AGR, just under a half mile. Oh, and he didn’t park it. At least I never suggested he did.

Could the “M” be Murphy?

(Chief Hays reftired June 14th. Matthew Pearson was in charge of Butler police on J13)


There were no explosives found in the van. The bomb squad wasn’t seen checking it out.

Look at this video, timestamp 18:18:32, and you’ll briefly see Shaffer’s nametag.


Screenshot I took from this youtube video. I don’t have the video. It is the only time I have seen anything about a van under the tower. Seems kind of sketchy. They said it had msnbc stickers on it.

Maybe, but the problem is that the M could be a lot of people. We don’t have a very good roster of who’s in Butler ESU. They are very secretive compared to Beaver ESU for some reason.

Here was my best attempt to find “M” surnames across the organizations thought to have members in Butler ESU: Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot? - #349 by brian60221

Brian you are awesome.
I also noticed Butler ESU is more secretive. Carry on!

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I don’t believe that is the video I am referring to. Can you past the video link?

This is a valid point you come up with. If the LEOs really were led to the white Van by dogs taking up/following Crook’s scent. But might that part have also been made up by the eyewitness/the news (don’t remember a official/credible source confirming the dog part, but maybe I was missing something here).
Could it also be, that somebody (after the shooting happened) called the cops and informed them about the now suspicious Van in their road (before the shooting it was just a Van some rallygoer parked there)?
Upon that they sent Cops there with dogs. Maybe these dogs were explosives detection dogs, because they had knowledge of the detonator device the shooter had along and was found on the roof. So the dogs didn’t lead the Cops to the car but the other way round. And the dogs then had to sniff that Van for explosives.
USSS definitely has those sort of K9 units: ’ The Canine Explosives Detection Team (K9) is a specialized unit within the U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division that provides full-time explosive detection support to the Presidential Protective Division. On order, K9 will also provide support to designated protectees, protected venues, and National Special Security Events (NSSEs).’

In the comments of the tiktok video Billy and Cheyenne Thoma stated the Van had explosives in it, including an IED. My question here, why should they know this for sure. Do the cops immediately inform the people in the street about their findings, here allegedly explosives/IED?

Anyhow lots of speculation can be done in this white Van topic. Let’s see if we get an update on that at some point. Maybe Chris has to put the white Van in the yellow box as long as there is no clarity.

What’s a fact, is that there was a Cop with a dog walking along Whitestown Rd from west to east (direction to Lawrence Ave, where the Van was found). The time was 19:10:41.


Starts at about 9:46 in. I can’t find the original interview with this melly? woman I initially watched. She had a lot more to say.

Great, thanks a lot. That will be an interesting forum on Monday!

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In the video showing “Crooks” near the AGR sign, the footage is actually from the day after the incident. From the Duke Report, during an interview with George Webb, they mention that David Stewart said it was him in the video, and that he was returning to the facility the next day to retrieve his phone, which had been confiscated by the FBI. The date and time make sense when considering this context.

Without getting conspiratorial, it’s worth noting that everyone in these videos appears to be wearing the exact same outfit and looks very similar from a distance. If David Stewart is now seen in the same outfit that Crooks was wearing the day before, this raises some questions. It’s also peculiar that the person walking at 4:26 doesn’t seem to have the same facial outline as the photo of Crooks taken by Greg Nichols. These details suggest that there might be more to clarify regarding the identities and circumstances in the video.

They discuss this starting at 6:00 minutes into the video: Trump Shooting Update

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This is not the video I was referring to. I can say that in the video I saw the van was far clearer than that photograph.

I see the dog isn’t going crazy over the Elantra.


As the crow flies it was more like a quarter mile (ca. 1440 feet).

Billy Thoma lives in the house at the corner of Lawrence Ave., just south of Sheetz.

okay these are two different videos— disregard my last comment i see your explanation above. but its still odd that the date is incorrect in the mallis dashcam.

Very good catch! If this had been Crooks’ car, however, one would think that the dogs would have reacted and and that other law enforcement officers or a bomb squad would have come, and that this car would eventually have been towed away. But we have no reports of that, right?

On the other hand, do we know for a fact that the bomb squad did not come to the white van? For some reason, the people in the neighborhood thought there were bombs in the van. (Billy Thoma said twice that all the officers jumped back when they first opened the van.)

BTW, on the cop car cam in the AGR building east parking lot one can see several dogs and their handlers going in and out of the building.

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This is what I thought too.
The only thing I know about the dogs is, that they can smell up to 100’000 better than humans. When it comes to this K9 dogs, it would be interesting to know if they only smell things they were trained on (i.e. drugs, corpses or explosive). Are they kind of specialised in only one thing or can one dog be trained to sniff for multiple things (at the same time)?

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If they think it might have a bomb, then they would evacuate the area. If they’re telling you to leave your house, I would ask why.

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True, one would think that. But I don’t know enough about this sniffing dogs, maybe they only sniff when told to. Would be nice somebody with knowledge could enlighten me.
No official reports about the bomb squad checking this Hyundai Elantra as far as I know. There was one bomb squad guy on the roof at some point, so at least one of them was around.

With the white Van it’s not so clear to me. Also no official report as far as I know. But in the tiktok comments somebody stated “Bomb squad was there and they did clear the vehicle.”. This commenter claims her aunt and her best friend live right next to where the Van was found, so it could be he/she has first hand information.

I remember that units with the dogs at door 9/building 6.