Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?

I’m just saying.


If you have taken my previous statement against you, that is not the intent BTW. Your slides are on point. Just frustrated by the overall fuzziness of the situation, but on the other hand the public has far more information about this shooting than any other historical event of this nature, so I guess we are fortunate in that regard.

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I did not get that impression at all. I was making a mockery of the AAR writer. I don’t know if the multiple errors on the maps are intentional or just not paying arrention to detail. In one they have GN in building 2 and at door 9. They probably just forgot to remove a graphic on that one.

If people still believe in the two shooter theory, the fact that GN was written down somewhere in the northern part of AGR would thrill them. :smiley:

Here’s a great question:

If this is a matter of national security:

Do the FBI and other federal agencies have the ability to cover up what really happened in the name of national interest?

Meaning, if there were multiple shooters involved, but it also involved a foreign entity, are there laws in place that permit agencies to conceal that information as a mattery of national security??

It would explain why their actions are bizarre. Or…could a bad actor be using that capability as a cover story for a conspiracy?

The same has been said for the Vegas shooting, that it might have involved a foreign entity.

There are reasons in those types of situations, as far as national security interest, not to further reveal weaknesses or in order to avoid military responses, etc…

Everyone; someone who wishes to remain anonymous managed to receive information that the second sniper with an “M” was named Murcko. They reached out to tell me this.

Searching out Murcko’s picture, this is the guy I fingered as the probable second sniper due to his location outside bldg6, with the sniper binoculars and being familiar/chummy with Nicol. 100% match.

This is the guy:

To me, this is now in the green category. Another mystery resolved.


Great and thanks for letting us know. God bless the whistleblowers.

Some other interesting observings:
When checking dashcam M500-010482 (used timestamps as in the video, didn’t correct by +1sec) I also noticed that GN seems to have locked himself out (again?). After he opens the door and steps outside (timestamp 18:13:23), he’s walking around for 1m49s. Then he wants to go inside Door 9 again at 18:15:02, he pulls but the door doesn’t open. Then he wait a few seconds in front of the door before walking southwards for a few yards. At 18:15:22 a Cop approaches the door and opens it, looks like he had to pull hard (didn’t GN pull hard enough before or was he even pushing instead of pulling?). GN sees that the door is open and immediately turns around and disapears inside at 18:15:28 (with 4 other Cops, but they all waiting until he’s inside).

Other times somebody goes in or out Door 9:

  • at 18:17:33, 11 Cops in a bunch and 1 Cop a little later on, so 12 in total going in - Agent Smith holding the door open the whole time
  • at 18:25:28, 3 out and 1 in
  • at 18:27:40, 1 Cop with Michel Vasiladiotis-Nicol and the Beaver County ESU guy whose bodycam was released. Curious though, he seems to knock the door and waits until somebody from inside opens the door and let them in. They all go out again at 18:28:24, together with 4 who already have been inside before.
    An important side finding here. I’m finally able to determine the deviation of the Beaver County ESU bodycam. His shows 18:29:21, the dashcam of M500-010482 at the same moment 18:27:40. Take the 1sec of the car dashcam into account, the Beaver County ESU bodycam is 1m40s ahead of time.
  • At 18:28:33, 1 Cop seems to be very eager not to let the door close. He tries to prevent the door from swinging back with a plastic chair. Since that doesn’t work another Cop helps him out using the portable ashtray.
  • 18:31:13, 1 Cop in
  • From here on I didn’t check the in/out movements any further yet.

So for me the big question here: Can Door 9, if closed, being opened from the outside (without keycard or so)?


Interesting point.
My question would be, who defines (what’s in) the nations best interest?

The only thing defined in D.C. is what’s in their (politicians’) best interest, not the nations.

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I thought the people in this thread already decided that this guy with the uniform is not the sniper guy?

How reliable is the source that the name was Murcko? Can we put this in yellow for now until we confirm it without a doubt? Facial recognition software or something?

I’m finishing up a slide deck to answer common questions, clear up confusion, and address the inaccuracies in the Butler County Detail Plan, Counter-Snipers Positions, and After Action Report. It should address any other points you’ve that I haven’t responded to yet. ETA an hour or so.

The FBI recently released a photo of the trunk of Crooks’ car.

I can’t tell from the trunk itself whether this is a Hyundai Sonata or an Elantra, but the cargo nets of these two models seem to be slightly different.

All of the Sonata models have a single central tab

while all of the Elantra models seem to have double tabs.

Ergo Crooks’ car was an Elantra, which is what we see parked near the greenhouses across the street from the AGR complex.


Here’s the source with high res pictures.
Butler Investigation Evidence Photos — FBI


Color could be matching, couldn’t it?

Crooks car?

If that’s really Crooks car, than shame on the press saying he drove a Hyundai Sonata :face_vomiting:


This is great! Thanks for sharing. Did you see this yet @sorey" Haha. I guess you did.

It’s obvious that pic was taken at night with a flash. So the color is going to be ‘washed’ out in it.

If it turns out this was Crooks’ car, I’m not going to eat my hat. It perfectly explains his direction of travel, both onto and back off of the AGR property. It kept him well hidden from CS team and officers on the ground due to trees and buildings. But most of all, there’s room in the trunk for a rifle and backpack. :joy: I went with Sheetz based on the AP article, but did state that if the evidence shows otherwise I was going with that. And I made allowance for the car being an Elantra due to improper model recognition in early reporting. So I’m not having hat for dinner! :sunglasses:


Good on you, I think a proper steak for dinner is anyway more tasty than a hut and would be well deserved after all your investigating efforts! This also gives you enough energy to adapt all this new info into your slides.

But generally I wouldn’t put the car in the green zone yet, it might be likely Crooks car but that’s not confirmed yet (as far as I know).


To me it looks kind of blueish, maybe some car paint flashlight expert can help out here, anyone?

I guess they didn’t even imagine that morning that each their steps will be intensively discussed in the following 50 years.