Who's Involved in the Trump Assassination Attempt

Please paste any information relevant to the answer the question of who is behind or involved in Trump’s assassination attempt.

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From Rick20K:

Please compare the photo of the dead shooter with photos of Mathew Crooks, and post your results. I swear it is NOT the same guy! This info really needs to be spread far and wide.

The dead shooter is Maxwell Yearick. He’s a perfect match of the dead guy. Same flared nostrils, while Crooks had a button nose. Same ear with an ear gauge hole and a distinctive shape of ear. The was no known ear gauge on Crooks. The dead guy does not have the protruding under bite like Crooks.
Yearick had a large online footprint that is disappearing rapidly! But many photos have been saved.

Maxwell Yearick Was Under FBI Radar Before He Shot Trump

I tried to post comments several times and they were all deleted instantly, even a test comment with nothing controversial… They’re all gone from comment history too. This is freakin scary.

If I’m wrong, I’ll need a really good explanation how. It’s not Crooks.


From Eamerine:




I don’t know exactly who was pulling the strings… but I believe some alt. communication channels are being used at present between Trump and the deep state;


This is thought provoking. Cross posted from the IT outage thread.




See the link for the whole tweet - lots of info!


Please consider the possibility that the deep state may have staged Trump’s assassination attempt to reinforce the position of their front-running candidate: Nostr.Band: Trending people on Nostr

I think the deep state is involved in this operation but the case I’ll be making below is that we can’t exclude that this operation is a staged assassination attempt.

Indeed, many of us in the “truther” community came to the conclusion that Trump, to the same extent as Biden, is a deep state asset. If this is true, it would then be difficult to explain why the deep state would want to assassinate their front-running candidate.

You may find ridiculous the idea that Trump is a deep state asset when the narrative that Trump is fighting the deep state is broadly accepted. However, did you know that Trump has numerous deep state ties including with the Rothschild, Epstein and Soros? Also, how to explain the involvement of Trump in the deep state Qanon psyop (through the Qproofs) if Trump is going after the deep state? In 2016, Trump got elected on the promise that he will drain the swamp but instead of draining it, he appointed the swamp to his administration (Barr, Ross, Acosta who were all associates of Epstein). Don’t believe me? I recommend you watched these two mirrored videos from Jake Morphonios (most of his research had been taken off the internet):

If it is a false flag, then how can we explain that the deep state would have taken the risk to kill Trump by aiming at his ear? It seems like a very dangerous stunt even for a skilled shooter. To this my response is, what evidence do we have that a bullet grazed Trump’s ear? We have:

  1. photographic evidence:

Bullet passing by Trump:

Blood on Trump’s right hand after touching his ear:

  1. ballistic sound analysis evidence (source: youtu.be/LouUbMYb7Bc)

Are these evidences indisputable proofs that a bullet grazed Trump’s ear? As of now, I would say no and here is why.

First regarding the photographic evidence. It’s important to note that these photos were taken by Doug Mills who is a renowned photographer but also part of the “mockingbird media sphere”. Interesting fact, did you know that he’s the photographer who took the photo of Bush in a classroom when being notified that the 9/11 attacks just happened? (source: www.politico.com…os-226744/ / www.tampabay.com…11-attack/ ). Since Doug Mills has been following many Presidents it’s not necessarily improbable that he was with Bush on 9/11, however what are the chances that he would be covering a small Trump’s rally? Has Doug Mills covered other Trump’s rallies? If not, he’s for sure very lucky to have been attending this one.

Also, I’m not an expert in photo forensic but until we have the confirmation from multiple independent experts that these photos haven’t been tampered with, I wouldn’t consider these photographic evidences as definitive evidence. What if the bullet and blood would have been added to the originals? I’ve looked at the video of the shooting and while the resolution is not as good, I couldn’t see any trace of blood on Trump’s right hand. This element is certainly worth investigating further.

Screenshots from the video showing no apparent trace of blood:

Second, regarding the ballistic sound analysis evidence the hypothesis is that some bullets are passing by Trump’s microphone which leads us to conclude that the first three shots are composed of a supersonic bullet sound followed by the crack of the gun. However, in the hypothesis in which no bullet were aimed at Trump, could we come to a different but still coherent conclusion? For instance, it could be possible that the first 6 sounds (3 supersonic and 3 cracks) are actually coming from 2 different guns shooting in a synchronized manner to appear as they were shot from a single gun shooting three bullets at Trump. The video analysis from John Cullen seems to be supporting this hypothesis (although he’s not discussing the hypothesis that the event could have been staged) as he claims that the first shot couldn’t have been aimed at Trump. Source: rumble.com/v57df…empt-.html

In conclusion, I don’t think we have yet any evidence allowing us to indisputably conclude that any shot was aimed at Trump.

If the scenario of an assassination attempt can’t be confirmed yet, what evidences do we have to support the scenario of a staged assassination? First, we should remind ourselves that the deep state had executed several more complex false flag operations before. So saying “it couldn’t have been done” is ignoring a core expertise of the deep state. To be clear, I don’t think we have any definitive evidence for this scenario either but here some elements that weights towards it:

  • Despite the presence of 2 or 3 shooters (1 or 2 with military equipment) and having only one (maybe two) shooter being neutralized, they failed their alleged assassination mission.
  • All shooters missed their target and shot at the crowd. According to John Cullen, one shooter wasn’t aiming at Trump but allegedly at a secret service sniper however, why would they have aimed at only one unit of SS sniper when several were present? Wouldn’t it have been more effective to aim directly at Trump to reach their assassination mission?
  • If we had multiple shooters and only Crooks was neutralized, how to explain that the second and potential third shooters didn’t attempt to assassinate Trump again when he got up on his feet and was directed to his car?
  • The presence of the “mockingbird” photograph Doug Mills needs further investigation. How many Trump’s rallies was Doug Mills present at? Why would he have chosen this one which was a small rally?
  • The timing of the shooting is interesting. The shooting happened as Trump was commenting a chart (it would be interesting to know how often Trump has commented a chart before in his rallies). As a magician on stage, Trump could have been using the power of attention and misdirection to successfully divert the attention of the crowd off of him. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that Trump said “take a look” five times (and pointed at the chart) to direct the attention of the public to the chart just before the shots started. Maybe this explains why we still don’t have any footage from crowd that was behind Trump. Maybe all eyes were focused on the chart. That’s too bad because it may have help us settling the question as to whether or not a bullet grazed Trump’s ear.
  • Why did the FBI clean the roof on which Crooks was located. Did we search for any evidence of gun powder? What evidence do we have that Crook even fire a single shot? There were many professional snipers that day and Crook wasn’t one of them. He may have been killed before firing even a single shot.
  • In the end, this event strongly solidify the posture of Trump as a national Hero victim of dark deep state forces. The sequence of events aligns perfectly to benefit the Trump camp (right before the RNC). Overall, it almost seems too perfect for Trump (and maybe scripted) than organic chaos.
  • The recount of the shooting by Trump (during the RNC) is not authentic and seems scripted (he says that as he was still on the ground, the crowd was pointing at the shooter and people could see all the blood, source: youtu.be/4MVep85ykg4) reinforcing the narrative that Trump is not in control and people are pulling strings behind him.
  • There are numerous past evidences that Trump is owned by some elements of the deep state hence, why would they want to kill him unless the deep state is divided in multiple factions of divergent interests.

What would be the motives for a false flag/staged assassination attempt?

  • Discredit the narrative that Trump is a deep state asset
  • Counter the rise of RFK (non-controlled opposition) currently polling at 19%
  • Prop up Trump as a national Hero and broadening his support in preparation of a potential involvement in WW3 (or other major event requiring the mobilization of the whole population)
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From Robert:

I was listening to a YouTube presentation by Judge Napolitano entitled “Did the NSA or other agencies know?”
I took a screenshot of a statement that read as follows. “My name is Jonathan Willis. I am the officer in the famous photo of the two snipers on the roof at Trump’s rally. I came here to inform the public that I had the assassin in my sights for at least 3 minutes, but the head of the secret service refused to give the order to take out the perp. 100% the top brass prevented me from killing the assassin before he took the shots at president Trump.”

Judge Napolitano questioned the truth / accuracy of the statement.




My purely subjective intuition makes me believe that Israel was ultimately behind this.


From Larry Johnson’s site:

As promised, my old friend J. Lawrence (Larry) Cunningham agreed to do a Zoom interview with me today to discuss the latest developments on the attempt to murder Donald Trump last Saturday. Larry Cunningham did twenty years with Secret Service as an agent, in the training division, and as a supervisor responsible for safeguarding Ronald Reagan, among others. (Note — Larry headed up the Reagan detail one year after John Hinkley tried to kill Reagan.)

Brother Cunningham and I, in the immediate aftermath of the shooting last Saturday, took a cautious approach and were reluctant to suggest this was a sanctioned assassination plot. That was then. We now believe something more sinister was afoot — a specific plot to kill Trump facilitated by persons associated with the U.S. Government.

Here is the list of major red flags

First, Trump’s regular Secret Service detail was put on vacation or reassigned. Someone from the Secret Service Field Office in Pittsburgh was the agent in charge. The head of that office is Kevin P. Rojek. According to his bio,

Rojek was serving as chief of staff for the bureau’s Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch. Rojek joined the FBI in 2002, when he was assigned to the Norfolk Field Office to investigate counterintelligence issues. In 2010, Rojek became supervisory special agent of the Norfolk Field Office’s cyber and global counterintelligence squad.

In other words, ZERO experience running protective details. Maybe he had some that is not noted in his bio, but I think that is unlikely. A Secret Service agent with experience running details normally is proud about listing his or her experience.

Second, the Secret Service failed to conduct a full advance inspection of the site.

Third, the Secret Service failed to lockdown the buildings that were used by the shooter to attack Donald Trump.

Fourth, the Secret Service failed to have a “color-of-the-day” to distinguish friend from foe.

Fifth, the Secret Service failed to deploy a drone to provide overwatch of the event site. Such a drone could have provided live video feed and would have showed an unauthorized person on the roof.

Sixth, Crooks was identified as a person of concern at least 45 minutes before Donald Trump took the stage. Secret Service failed to keep Trump in a secure location until the nature of the threat posed by Crooks was sorted out and neutralized.

Cunningham Interview


Maybe it’s not a phone. Maybe it is a device pointed at Trump that transmits his exact coordinates.


Are you guys censoring this thread? I’ve seen a few posts disappear. I, for one, pointed out that, coincidentally, Trump picked a “vaxxer” for his running mate shortly after the event.

Which community guidelines did I violate?

From Lisa:

Dear Dr. Martenson,

I watched your video demonstrating the likelihood that there were two shooters. It is very convincing. Thank you for your courage and hard work on this.

I just want to mention one possibility that should not be overlooked: That Crooks was not actually working with the second shooter, and that he was there entirely of his own accord (i.e. not recruited by anyone).

At some point, as more video and anecdotes emerge, the datapoints may no longer line up if we are forced to accept the premise that all shooters present at the event that day were conspiring and working together. In fact, already some things about Crooks as ostensibly a recruited patsy do not make sense, including the fact that he was wandering around for hours, acting suspicious, and being noticed by many rallygoers. After apparently scouting the site for several days leading up to the event, he didn’t seem to arrive that day with a clear plan of action. At the very least this strongly suggests that he was not working with the feds, who would not have let him go in there so underprepared.

Many, many people both within and outside the government have fantasized about killing Trump. It would not be a stretch to think that more than one of these people could have shown up simultaneously at a rally with the goal of killing Trump, with no prior knowledge of each other’s presence and intentions.

If, for example, some members of Trump’s makeshift detail that day, who apparently were on loan from the “investigative unit” at DHS, had conspired to use this unexpected opportunity to take out Trump, it seems possible that they did not know that Crooks was going show up with the same intention. Initially, it may have appeared to them that Crooks could in fact serve as a perfect distraction. Thus, they let him do his thing, all the while not counting on him to be successful. This could explain why the first three shots were extremely accurate and seem not to have come from Crooks, while some or all of the next five shots were poorly aimed; those shots likely were from Crooks.

It could also explain the changing stories from Cheatle about why there were no snipers guarding the roof from which Crooks fired. It’s possible, even probable, that she was not directly in on the plan and is now being forced to try to cover for those who were. First, she said there was no one up there because the roof was too sloped, which everyone immediately knew was nonsense. Then came word that the snipers were there but had gone inside the building because of the heat – another ridiculous excuse.

If the snipers were not working with Crooks, they would not have known that he was going to end up on that roof. Their own shots from lower positions would have looked like they had come from somewhere on the ground, within the crowd, and no one might even have asked afterward why no snipers were positioned on that roof. Crooks inadvertently might have drawn everyone’s attention to that unmanned roof, forcing Cheatle to invent and excuse afterward for why it was not fortified.

As you continue this citizen-led investigation (great idea!), please do not rule out the possibility that there were multiple shooters present that day but with no coordination between them.

Thank you again!
Lisa Lewis


From Paul:

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Jill Biden
Means Motive and Opportunity

I will start with motive. Jill Biden knows Joe’s usefulness is over, it is clear. It is also clear that Joe and Jill want to remain in power. So that is a motivation. Another motivation is that after the Biden’s went after Trump, Trump may not stop the law from prosecuting Biden. Trump did prevent Hillary from being legally held responsible for russiagate and Hillary selling of US uranium to Russia. Another motivation would be to curry favour with the DNC elite to try and keep Joe in place.


Jill Biden was responsible for Kim Cheatle’s appointment. Kim calls Jill a friend. Kim Cheatle had the means to make the assassination happen.

There . Jill created the poor quality of agents at the site by running a rally in pittsburgh. She only set this rally up the Wednesday before the assassination attempt.


Then, First Lady Dr. Jill Biden will be in Pittsburgh with the White House announcing on Wednesday she will speak at an Italian Sons and Daughters dinner. That will also be at 5 p.m. She’s expected to arrive at Pittsburgh International Airport an hour before the event.


From John:

Found your second shooter

Local officer fired shot at Trump shooter, Butler DA confirms – WPXI

Update 9:08 p.m. Wednesday:

A local police sniper fired a shot at Crooks, Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger confirms. Goldinger said that it’s his understanding the shot that killed Crooks was fired by the Secret Service.

The local officer is now on administrative leave, which is standard protocol, the DA confirmed.

[To my ear, 1 to 3 are Crooks, 4 to N-1 are rapid counter fire (this guy? ineffective?), and N is the kill shot. But TDOA is better than my ear.]

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From Sedley:

Larissa Knapp may be located directly behind Trump on bleachers. She is FBI Asst Executive director specializing in Assassination investigations. Suspicious lady in white shirt, blue hat. Starts filming instantly at first shot. This is while everyone else is trying to figure out what is happening. Matching features: nose, neck, jawline, height, hair color and length.


Proof that Trump has already participated in a deep state psyop in the past making credible the hypothesis that this assassination attempt was staged by the deep state.

If you believe that Trump fights for the people and is against the deep state, then you need to make sense of the following:

Trump was an active participant in the Qanon operation. Indeed, initially the Qanon narrative gained a lot of credibility through the Qproofs which were proofs that Trump and Q were coordinating through “cryptic messages”.

While some people still believe the Qanon narrative, many came to the conclusion that Qanon was a deep state psyop aiming to misdirect and discredit the pedogate/pizzagate research which originated from some Wikileaks documents. The operation had been quite successful as most people now believe that the pizzagate narrative originated from Qanon whereas the primary materials actually came from Wikileaks (Podesta and DNC emails).

So considering that Qanon is a deep state psyop and Trump was actively participating in it. How can you make sense of the narrative that Trump isn’t a deep state asset and fights for the people?

So far, no one had been able to resolve this contradiction. That’s one reason that leads me to believe that Trump is a deep state asset and as such it would be unlikely that the deep state would have wanted to assassinate him.

From Jay:

@ 1:56 to 2:02