Who's Involved in the Trump Assassination Attempt

From Peter:

Hi Chris,

Love your work. I agree with your hypothesis that the second shooters were set up in the building below Crooks… in order to pull that off, they would need a spotter to signal to them that Crooks is set up and ready to fire.

Look for the video with the woman in the black hat behind Trump. It looks like she is the spotter. She clearly watches in that direction, strategically raises her sign and nods just before the first shots.

America first 🇺🇸 on Instagram: "Pay close attention to the woman in the black hat!"

This would add some credibility to this hypothesis for sure.

Be safe my friend. We live in amazing times.



From Carlo:


There is a photo of SWAT members on the roof standing over the deceased
body. In that photo, Crooks is wearing shorts and has his shirt tucked
in with black belt visible. Now juxtapose that with the video of him
crawling on the roof with people shouting. In the video he is wearing
long white pants and shirt is not tucked in. I think the photo is a
green screen image taken later or earlier. In any case it implies a
conspiracy to falsify evidence.



2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Was the Shooting Staged?

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Alex Jones- preliminary SS report to congress “unverified?”- leaker claims at 6:30 minutes in SS had 26 minute stand down and to not cover roof or water tower, also Police ordered to take a break and went to mcdonalds…? seems a little unbelievable take it with a grain of salt



This is an incredible statement from the spokesperson for the Secret Service:

Last Sunday, one day after the Trump assassination attempt, Secret Service spox Anthony Guglielmi insisted that it was an “untrue assertion” that Trump’s campaign was denied additional security resources, calling it “absolutely false.”

“In fact, we added protective resources & technology & capabilities as part of the increased campaign travel tempo,” he continued in a post on X.

That is an incredible admission. It means that the inexplicable failure to neutralize obvious shooting angles cannot be explained by diversion of resources to cover Jill Biden’s campaign speeches. It is tantamount to saying, “yes, there is a extremely large elephant in the room.”

If the security failures cannot be explained by a diversion of resources then one must look for alternative explanations involving those providing security.


Another motive: can anyone find out if/how much Jill is being paid for her nursemaid role?


**Interview with Larry Johnson and Scott Ritter.**

Larry Johnson (former intelligence agent) and Scott Ritter on the Trump assassination attempt (former Marine Corps intelligence official.


Johnson has been preparing for an interview with a previous Secret Service agent. The first time that Johnson talked with the former agent, the agent said “let’s not jump to any conclusions.” In a later call the agent, after looking into the assassination attempt, the agent said, “man, this stinks.”

The regular secret service teams was taken off the protection team. They were replaced an inexperienced agent from Pittsburgh and no 360 degree sweep of the perimeter - which was regular procedure - wasn’t done.

Protocol demands that once a potential threat is found the protectee is pulled out of public view until the threat is resolved. That obviously wasn’t done.

There was no integrated security communications.

There was no protocol for identifying friendly protective agents from potential threats.

There were simply too many “mistakes” at the management level. Could it be a coincidence? Johnson said, “I don’t believe in coincidences.”

Johnson doesn’t believe that there were multiple shooters. His main reason is that the shots stopped when Crooks was killed.


Ritter said that his specialty was not with Secret Service but in other fields. But he has worked with Secret Service and he is sure that Trump was set up to be killed. Normally, Secret Service protocols are “air tight.” There is zero tolerance for error. You simply don’t get away with even making minor errors. Accordingly, the attempt to assassinate Trump was, in his opinion, a desperation move due to the failure of the lawfare plans to eliminate Trump by litigation. One of the dead giveaways is that on one in the chain of command was screaming bloody murder that this should never have happened. Ritter believes that someone in the Secret Service was involved.

The alleged Iran plan to assassinate Trump is a nonsense diversion tactic. The Iranians were furious at the assassination of Soleimani, but there is no way that they would try to assassinate Trump at this time. The would kill an American general in the mideast became an easy target, they would kill him in a heartbeat. But they would not kill an American presidential candidate at this time.

The shooter had three phones with multiple encryption channels with overseas contacts, “what the hell is going on here?”


This is not a logical conclusion. If a second shooter had NOT stopped as soon as Crooks was dead, then he would have outed himself, and the entire plot, immediately. He HAD to stand down. In my view of what happened, the sniper that took out Crooks is a real hero… yeah, it may have been too late to stop Crooks from getting rounds off, but in the end, it shut down the rest of the op.


USSS has now admitted they rejected additional agents


Hi, this guy took a video, I think the morning before the shooting. In it, you can clearly see the water tower and what looks like a police car parked under it. So, the water tower was being guarded/patrolled.



I watched the same interview earlier today along with the other video you mentioned. Their other rationale for not believing the second or third shooter theory is that they could train anyone to shoot in a day. I’m kind of with their opinions. What would be the purpose of other shooters if Crooks was already coerced into killing Trump? And if there was an expert other shooter then why did the bullets randomly shoot off into the crowd vs at Trump? Doesn’t make much sense. If we go with the 2nd shooter theory then we must believe that the expert sniper 2nd shooter had less skills than Crooks.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Was the Shooting Staged?

Cheatel says THEY where neutralized (2 shooters killed). Under the congressional hearing, when asked by Marjorie Taylor Greene, Cheatel says: once the (misspeaks “the”) individual is identified, THEY are neutralised. She actually says it twice, the first time she gets interrupted after the word THEY.

So 2 “shooters” both got killed(?). One on the roof, one in the building.
Technically only one on the roof is killed by “the secret service” (by the sniper).

2 sniper-teams in the building, 2 men in 2 rooms. One room is compromised, with at least one rouge sniper in window close to shooter on the roof. Other sniper-team, that takes the photo of the kid, is not compromised. The second last shot is the killing of the compromised sniper. The very last shot is the secret service sniper killing the boy on the roof.

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If you have not seen this ck this video out >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d035qkoKjNw<

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Everywhere are reports that cellphones linked to Thomas Crooks and connections to the FBI. This was an inside job.

This video from Benny Johnson details it all with the Twitter links. Interestingly there is video from the snipers room on the second floor overlooking the roof where Crooks was positioned.

about 10 minutes. This administration is unraveling quickly. Are you ready for President Kamala?


That video is incredible. It’s not that long. Everyone should look at it.

There were snipers only about 30 or 40 feet behind crooks. They had an open window. They had a clear view of where Crooks had set up to shoot at Trump. They had a clear shot at him to shoot him.

Ron Johnson’s senate report confirms that the snipers had that second floor post in that building. This is not a “conspiracy theory.” See the entry at 10:30 AM on the timeline provided by Ron Johnson. Then read the continuous entries by the snipers from that post going on up to the time of the shooting.

But nobody did anything.


Hi Chris,

Please watch the video. There is some information you will find useful.

All acoustics from my analysis were confined to former president Trumps’ Shure SM57 microphone which was center stage. I deliberately confined my analysis to the one microphone to avoid any confusion. I have a complete breakdown of every Crack, Thump and Echo of every shot fired at the direction of the stage from the point of view of the Shure SM57 microphone. I have uncovered some interesting facts.

The stage mic picks up the Crack / Thump of shots 1,2,3 and 4,5,7. Clearly, two different rifles were used.

The stage mic only records the supersonic crack for shot 6. There is no thump or muzzle “return.”

The stage mic records only a Thump or muzzle sound for shot 8.

The stage mic only records the supersonic crack for shot 9 which you have confirmed as the SS bullet.

There is definitely some weird things going on.

Watch my video.