Who's Involved in the Trump Assassination Attempt

I can’t get it to play. Do you have a link?

I would also add use the Ad tracking location data to see if there is a link to the J6 Capital Police that probably worked that conspiracy to frame Trump Supporters. Sheila Jackson Lee folks add those in. Wonder if any of her staff were at the Butler Rally. Wouldn’t be hard to get.

Thinking is this: anyone with foreknowledge of this would want to be there to witness Trump getting hit by a bullet. Press would be the most likely to want a front row seat. Work this backwards a little. SS shut off the cell towers, wonder who had Satellite Phones to get around the known blackout coming? etc

Edited to add: U.S. Secret Service Recruitment Advertising Campaign | JacobsEye Portfolio

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Who is shown on that picture:? who is this guy in the photo?: wwwwww hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB

What was the point by climbing one of the offcer as he said by grabing the roof both hands to be stable as he was using other office help - if he would have no free hands to react with gun? Does he wanted to say hello to him or just look at someone who they knew is already threat?

Where is the 5ft ladder which he purchased in Home Depot? Picture shown on some helicopter video shown non twin ladder - there is no such one in hope depot , all 5ft are twin and that one one the picture look for me clear like non twin ladder standing on the aircondition unit

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The guy with cap is one of the spectators who alerted the police officer alongside him of someone on the roof.

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Looks like Connelly walking calm as can be in that vid. A real pro. Go to minute 2:10 and check out the alignment between the podium, the harvester, and the 2 AGR buildings. A second harvester might have been helpful…

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Viewing this excerpt video should clarify things about Vance.


Time line:

5:52 pm Crooks was spotted on the roof by the Secret Service
6:12 pm Crocks fires first shots

How is that possible if that was just one guy plan that within 20 minutes since SS has been notified, they didn’t make decision to take him down? Any reasonable answers?

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In the past 35 years of Secret Service protection of Presidents, Vice Presidents, Retired Presidents and Retired Vice Presidents, and their families and, in addtion, major candidates for the office of President etc., there have been no remotely successful penetrations of security.

That is not because these Presidents, etc., are widely respected. These people are often widely hated. Biden had to call out the National Guard to protect his own inauguration and he surrounded that inauguration site with razor wire and armed soldiers to prevent attacks.

There is a simple reason why there were no successful penetrations of security in all those years. The reason is that Secret Service was so remorselessly thorough and so effective at what they do.

Then - after an obviously organized state and federal campaign to ruin Donald Trump through lawfare fails miserably - something changes. Just before Trump is about to obtain the nomination for President, the incredibly effective Secret Service suddenly morphs into the Keystone Cops.

So, as to the facts you raise, as well as a bunch of other anomalies, it is not hard to figure this one out.

The only real question is who was behind it and how did they engineer it?

I am hoping that a Edward Snowden will come forward.


As in the movie Patton, the Germans had fake United States MPs directing traffic, we could’ve had fake sniper team that was embedded in the Pennsylvania police that’s how lax the security was.


As I mentioned before, SS training in 1982 was quite rigorously based on a task analysis, development, testing, and revision model.


Yes, it may very well have been better in the past.

That is why I starting that post by limiting what I was saying to “[i|n the past 35 years of Secret Service protection of Presidents, Vice Presidents…” had been flawless. The point was to establish a baseline and then contrast it to the sudden total clustercoitus of incompetency when Trump was about to get re-nominated.

In other words, a “mistake” might have been explainable.

This multifaceted collapse of competency is not.


I assume you guys have seen the on the roof right after the shooting sequence. Just in case.



Hi Team,

Just making sure you have this data
Twitter channel @OversightPR showing 9 cellphones from the Crooks home and place of work.

I linked to this video from Legally Armed America cause I don’t use Twitter.

Thank you.


I haven’t listened to your video yet, as it’s showing a MIME error on the site… but excited to listen as I have been working with the hypothesis that of the 5 clustered shots are actually 2 different shooters.
4,5,7 - one shooter
6,8 - another.

With each of their failures and attempted explanation of what happened, the tentacles of the Rot becomes more visible.
Make no mistake, all meaningful branches of the US government are part of that Rot. This is about an Empire of corruption, evil, and hate trying to protect itself in its final days.
I always knew the FBI was on the side of empire/evil unless it was putting on a show for the public perceptions… however, the SS always seemed like a pretty uncorrupted branch, as they always protected their charge… now it’s obvious they are part of the Rot too.


You can play from my dropbox.

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Chris and Team,

Thanks for all of the great digging you’re doing!

I don’t think either of the two grey-suited people pointed out in today’s video is the one. Here is a post on x.com that shows the grey suited man:


Notice he has a black collar, and he has hair. The one in the PeakProsperity video that has hair, has a white collar.

Here is another video that might be of interest. Testimony saying that there were 3 other suspicious people.


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Video indicated Crooks went to same gun club where DHS trained.

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