Who's Involved in the Trump Assassination Attempt

She says she knows that Pensylvannia governor was on it.


Concerning Maxwell Yearick, Yearick Armory in Arizona (van plates were AZ):
YearickArmory.com website is down for ‘maintenance’ - however, their Instagram page is still up. I made a screenshot - no doubt this will be removed also.
Someone posted that the FBI was keeping everything close to the vest, – NOT completely true. Immediately after the attempt there were many stories claiming that Maxwell Yearick was NOT the shooter. Obviously, that would conflict with a ‘lone gunman.’ If it were my operation I would have Yearick at the gymnasium … with a straight shot at the ‘useful idiot’ Crooks. That is why I am wondering where the gymnasium is in relation to the Arizona van and Yearick. Niscee.Social video pointed out that they were all in a line … AGR building, Water Tower and the gymnasium (closed for the summer.)
And finally, no employment info on Yearick. His family sells guns.
The following is a story Reuters ran claiming shooting has no connection with Yearick posted on 7/15/24 !!

So, thinking about shots 1-3 from a pro sniper/assassin. (S)he misses once- a grazing shot, totally misses on second shot. Trump moving on 3rd shot so a tough shot. All told, a miss. Seems weird if death was the goal.

Perhaps my post from other post in “other forensics” should have gone here. Just 8m case here it is (Sorry I am not trying to doublr-post):

Leaked Messages from Trump Countersnipers Moments Before Assassination Attempt Released

Via The Gateway Pundit:

Chilling leaked messages from Trump counter snipers have surfaced, detailing the moments leading up to the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13.

On Saturday, July 13th, there was a “colossal failure” of security, according to the former Director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle.

The ‘colossal failure’ resulted in an alleged sniper, Thomas M. Crooks, taking shots at President Trump from the rooftop of the AGR Building in Butler, Pennsylvania.

The Gateway Pundit has published exclusive reports indicating the assembled group yelling, which included local patriot Greg Smith. The group could see the sniper team on the second floor. Smith could also see that the second-floor sniper team was watching Crooks for a half hour prior to the shooting, doing nothing.

Recall that Rep. Ron Johnson (R-WI) released his 13-page preliminary findings on the investigation into the attempted assassination of President Trump.

Below is the preliminary timeline on the day of the assassination attempt, based on information uncovered by Senator Johnson’s office:


  • Butler ESU holds a briefing for local SWAT and Sniper units from Butler County, Beaver County, and Washington County.
    • A 46-page slide deck is provided, outlining:
      • Areas of responsibility for each local unit.
      • Staging locations, including sniper positions for local units and the Secret Service.
    • Attendees note the absence of Secret Service or other federal law enforcement at the briefing.
    • Initially, Secret Service had no plans for sniper units but later changed their decision.


  • Thomas Matthew Crooks, the alleged shooter, enters a Home Depot in Bethel Park, PA.
    • CCTV footage shows him entering alone.


  • Crooks purchases a 5.5 FT Aluminum Dual Platform ladder.


  • Crooks exits Home Depot.
    • CCTV footage captures him leaving the parking lot, though the vehicle make/model is unidentifiable.


  • Two local law enforcement snipers position themselves on the second floor inside the American Glass Research (AGR) building.


  • Crooks is first observed by AGR sniper 1 at the AGR building.

  • AGR sniper 1 takes a photo of a bicycle and two bags near the AGR building.

    • The whereabouts of the bicycle and bags post-event remain unclear.

Source: Preliminary findings/Ron Johnson


  • AGR sniper 1 spots Crooks using his phone and a rangefinder.


  • AGR sniper 1 messages the “Sniper Group” about Crooks.


  • AGR sniper 1 is instructed to call command regarding Crooks.


  • AGR sniper 1 provides a description of Crooks and the rangefinder to command.


  • Photos of Crooks are sent to Butler ESU Command.


  • Butler ESU Command confirms receipt and relays the photos.


  • Butler ESU Command inquires about Crooks’ direction of travel.
    • Initially, AGR sniper 1 is unsure.


  • AGR sniper 1 later reports Crooks moving northeast towards Sheetz with a backpack.


  • AGR sniper 1 moves to the ground floor to meet local law enforcement to alert them about Crooks.

Approx. 6:11pm

  • Crooks begins shooting.
    • Secret Service reportedly returns fire, killing Crooks.


  • Beaver County SWAT confirms Crooks’ death on the roof.
    • Local law enforcement and a Secret Service agent are present.


  • Crooks is patted down, revealing a transmitter device, phone, and rangefinder.


  • At Allegheny Bomb Squad’s request, local law enforcement texts pictures of Crooks and nearby items to an ATF agent’s phone for facial recognition analysis.

Now, chilling texts, which were obtained by the New York Times from local law enforcement, detail the frantic communications of countersnipers who were tasked with protecting Trump during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

One of the countersnipers sent a message to his colleagues indicating that his shift was ending. At approximately 4:26 PM, he observed a suspicious individual—later identified as the assailant, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks—sitting on a picnic table just 50 yards from the exit.

“Guys I am out. Be safe,” the sniper wrote. “Someone followed our lead and snuck in and parked by our cars just so you know. I’m just letting you know because you see me go out with my rifle and put it in my car so he knows you guys are up there.”

He added that Crooks was “sitting to the direct right on a picnic table about 50 yards from the exit” in a message sent at 4:27 PM, a little over 90 minutes before the gunman fired. The two other countersnipers responded with a thumbs-up emoji and a “Roger that.”

Another screenshot, timed at around 5:38 PM, shows Crooks beneath the countersnipers, who had positioned themselves in a nearby warehouse. One of the remaining snipers photographed Crooks multiple times and texted the pictures to the group chat.

“Kid learning around building we are in,” one wrote. “I did see him with a range finder looking towards stage. FYI. If you wanna notify SS snipers to look out. I lost sight of him.”

Witnesses later reported seeing Crooks crawling onto the roof of the American Glass Research building. At 5:40 PM, one of the countersnipers suggested calling in the report of Crooks. Within the next half hour, the gunman would be dead, and Trump would be photographed with blood coming from the area around his ear.

New York Times reported:

Taken together, the text messages provide the most detailed picture yet of the hours before the assassination attempt. They reveal that the gunman, later identified as Thomas Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pa., aroused police suspicion more than 90 minutes before the shooting, rather than about 60 minutes, as has been previously discussed in congressional hearings.

The messages also add to the evidence that the would-be assassin was often one step ahead of security forces, and in particular the Secret Service.

Mr. Crooks scoped out the rally site a day before the Secret Service did. He used a drone to survey the site while the Secret Service did not seek permission to use one for the rally. He researched how far Lee Harvey Oswald was from John F. Kennedy when he fatally shot the president in 1963 — the answer is about 265 feet — and managed to climb onto a roof that was about 400 feet from Mr. Trump at its closest point. The Secret Service left that roof unmanned.

And while countersnipers were assigned to surveil the rally, Mr. Crooks was also in a position to watch them.

Even after the episode ended, the police seemed confused about what Mr. Crooks had done and how.


And this is what I stated previously that concerned me the most in the above timeline and texts


This part is what concerns me the most and makes no sense, explain why the ONE sniper, with eyes-on Crooks, leaves his position to go to the ground to talk to local LEO and help search for Crooks?. No, this makes ZERO sense .

From the full official timeline above:


  • AGR sniper 1 later reports Crooks moving northeast towards Sheetz with a backpack.


  • AGR sniper 1 moves to the ground floor to meet local law enforcement to alert them about Crooks.

Approx. 6:11pm

  • Crooks begins shooting.
    • Secret Service reportedly returns fire, killing Crooks.

Why was he not able to radio to people he had a threat in his sights? Instead he goes to ground level to talk to local LEOs?

From the above Sniper group text (…why not radio? Why were the SNIPERS TEXTING EACH OTHER WHILE guarding trump and looking for threats?!)

He added that Crooks was “sitting to the direct right on a picnic table about 50 yards from the exit” in a message sent at 4:27 PM, a little over 90 minutes before the gunman fired. The two other countersnipers responded with a thumbs-up emoji and a “Roger that.”


Thomas Crooks cellphone number was pulled from the PA Voter Roll - this is the number he provided when he registered to vote.

Oddly, this area code is registered to Eastern PA, and he lived in Western PA.

Using an online service SpyDialer, it is able to playback his voicemail message, which confirms his name… here’s the audio it provided:

Can someone explain the somewhat sudden aggressive actions taken by the Camo guy at the 2:16 mark in this video? He seems to have gotten a radio call just prior… I recall thinking it was pretty strange behavior when I first saw it on the NBC newsfeed on July 13th…

Hi @cmartenson,

I tried posting the following comment on your YT video, “Stewart film blows the official narrative out of the water - Peak Prosperity”, but the YT comment-gods deemed it unworthy – probably due to the nature of the discussion, and maybe cuz it’s a bit long-ish – and it seems it has been shadow-blocked, as far as I can tell when checking in a separate browser.

So, I hope you don’t mind me sending it to you via email. I think it’s a topic worthy of general consideration (fleshing out H0), even if you don’t agree with my particular take on the specifics.


Here’s the comment in question:

Hi Chris, appreciate what you’re doing here. 👍 I’d like to offer a bit of constructive ‘brainstorming’ critique that might make it more difficult to dismiss the null hypothesis (Crooks shot #1-#8). My critique is specifically that you’ve fleshed out H1 (with alternatives H1a and H1b), but you haven’t given as much attention to fleshing out the possibilities for H0.

And one possible proposal to flesh out H0 is quite simple/basic: Crooks simply changed his ‘shooting posture’ (for lack of a better technical term) in between shots #1-#3 and shots #4-#8.

What was the exact change? I have no idea. But, if we are operating under the hypothesis of H0, that he took all eight shots, then clearly ‘something’ changed between 1-3 and 4-8. And we know this is true even before looking at the audio waveforms: The cadence between shots 1-3 is slower than between shots 4-8, and also there’s a significant delay between 1-3 and 4-8.

So, ‘something’ changed in between. Perhaps after 1-3, he realized his original plan failed and so he decided to make ‘one last ditch attempt’ to shoot a quick volley in hopes he might get a ‘lucky’ shot off. Or perhaps he had some other thinking; whatever it was, he changed his plan. And this change in plan may have spurred him to change his physical posture on the roof, perhaps including also a change in how and where he held the rifle in relation to the physical rooftop, and in particular in relation to the ridge of the roof. Perhaps such a change in ‘posture’ can account for the change in the acoustics between 1-3 and 4-8.

For example, a very simple change my have significantly affected the reflection of the sound off of the roof: If he took one set of shots with the barrel ‘forward’, with the ridge underneath the barrel, and the muzzle ahead, then the sound from the muzzle may have reflected mainly off of the south roof. And if he took the other set with the barrel ‘back’ from the ridge, then the sounds may have mainly reflected off of the north roof. Although the slope of the roof is minor, it’s not actually flat horizontal, so such different reflections of the sound waves could perhaps significantly change the apparent ‘character’ of the audio recordings, making the two sets of shots seem to be from different weapons.

As another example, even just lowering or raising the muzzle closer to or further from the surface of the roof could have significantly changed how much of the sound was reflected up into the sky versus how much of the sound was able to reach the various microphones recording the events. This kind of change could perhaps account for changes in the various frequencies of sounds got recorded between 1-3 and 4-8. Different frequencies of sound can ‘bend’ or refract in the air differently. For instance, high frequencies refract less (travel more straight) and low frequencies refract more (can bend around corners more).

Also might have to account for sound absorption from the roof depending on how far the muzzle is from it. Low frequency sounds tend to travel through solid objects more, whereas high frequency sounds tend to get absorbed more (depends on the material, though). This is why you tend to hear the muffled lower frequencies of someone talking when they’re behind a door or in another room, but can’t make out the more distinct higher frequencies.

A posture change that could have changed the acoustics of the situation like this, could easily have occurred within the ~3 second time gap between shots #3 and #4.

Thus, I don’t think it’s so easy to put H0 into the ‘red’ category yet. I think at a minimum you might want to amend your hypotheses to include an H0a (Crooks 1-8, no posture change) and H0b (Crooks 1-8, but posture change between 3 and 4).

Also, I think it’s reasonable – within H0 – to assign shot #9 to someone other than Crooks. If the local police report that one officer fired a shot towards Crooks is accurate, then that shot would have come from ground level. The dual/double audio signature of it may be due to its sound reflecting off a nearby building wall nearby the shooter. Different from Crooks’ audio signature simply because shot from ground level.

H0 allows for the possibility that Crooks was actually hit by shot #9, but even if he wasn’t, he may have simply realized someone was shooting back, and he may have tried to take cover or perhaps even start retreating at this point. In any case, this may explain why he did not take any other shots after that point. He may not have been deceased at that point, he may just have shifted to self-preservation mode.

Anyway, I’m glad you’ve taken up investigating this and especially with getting the evidence out there for the public to see before it gets buried or ‘lost’.


I think a wardrobe change in the middle of an assassination attempt does not pass Occams Razor sniff test. Also Maxwell Yearick has Gauge holes sewn shut, shooter pic shows apparent gauge holes sewn shut. Crooks never had gauges. Look at the pics with an open mind and I think you may begin to see Yearick’s face dead and bloody the roof. Just supposin’

Suite guy says: Our guy was just up here & says the guy was detained up here. (so he was dead when other guy was up there).
!st army guy says 'We’ve been up here so I don’t know …2nd army makes the correction of: We just hauled ass & got up here.

Obvious GEC

Hi Chris –

After listening to your podcasts I did some research on additional evidence videos, and I found this

I am not a sky Daddy believer, but I thought you would study this aspect of the event, so I am sending it to you.

Don’t work too much on this, otherwise your wife might leave you.

Kind regards,

Brigitte de Roch

Search Rumble with this “Multiple Shooters? John Cullen & Clay Martin”

Just letting you know that at least two posts of mine have been removed by Youutube allegedly for “hate speech,” but I assure you there was no hate speech. Additionally I was given a 24 hour suspension from posting each time a post was removed… In the first post, I simply stated that I believed Crooks may have been a distraction from the actual shooters. and in the second post I just referenced Judy Vary Baker’s book on Lee Oswald titled “Me and Lee”. She stated that Lee was getting separate checks from the CIA, the FBi, and ATF.

Why is Youtube so desperate to remove comments like mine? Do they have information that I don’t? What is the basis of their authority?


Good Evening, Chris.

I noticed a detail from the video with Gary at Paramount Tactical that I had not seen before which possibly changes the scenario as it currently sits.

Looking at the point where Crooks is called out on the roof, he is seen getting into the prone position from the bottom edge of the building. I realize there many be some distortions in the video however, being at the bottom edge of the building seconds before shots are fired makes no sense considering where the the body placement is shown when SS and Beaver County are on the roof where ‘Crooks’ is lying dead. Also, Crooks body seems further down the buiding at the peak of the roof, where the individual being called out appears closer to the people video recording, and Crooks dead body cannot be seen from the ground where the public were videoing from Crooks far right.

Is it possible there were two people on the roof, one down by the edge, and Crooks further down the building and up at the peak? This would also possible support the report signatures and the echo, echo originating from the potential second person down at the edge closer to the second story building, and the flat report originating from the other - ‘Crooks’ up at the top shooting from over the peak where the body was found? Additionally, seeing thar Crooks was found laying on his left side, could a second person, (down at the bottom edge and to Crooks’ right) have shot Crooks (smaller caliber, less crainial damage) then hopped off the roof? Possibly a local PD offficer? Possibly the PD officer who was supposedly ‘peeking’ up at Crooks? Could that individual also be the source of the blood found in the same building in the sink that the officer at the entrance was telling the medic about that incurred cuts needing sutures on his hands? Lots more holes, and many more questions without answers, I apologize. Hopefully, what I have outlined is coherent and understood.

Just another angle on this from a new observation. Please let me know your take on this.



“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” – Barack Obama

I think one of the morals of this whole J13 saga (indeed, the whole Biden Presidency since at least as early as 2020, and even from the late-80s; his declining health cover-up as well that I’m happy to provide more info on too) is that NOTHING is random. There are NO coincidences. You need to follow events carefully and soberly, focusing on events that are especially statistically improbable, and put those in a general timeline; that is, in their CONTEXT.

I want to just make a note of something that stood out to me on J13: J0e Blden was in church on the day–indeed AT THE MOMENT OF the ass’ss’n. I remember turning on MSDNC after hearing about it and Jen Psaki mentioned he was praying in Delaware at a church… No bone in my body believes J0e has said a legitimate prayer since (at least as early as) Beau’s death…

It is also not random that Blden, on July 7, 2024– just mere days before the attempted assassination in Butler, PA–campaigned in Philadelphia Pennsylvania at Mt. Airy Church of God (and there appeared visibly decrepit).


Again, I believe it is not a coincidence that Blden was in church on the evening of July 13 (a Saturday–not Sunday!), when the attempted assassination of Trump occurred. Biden seen leaving mass minutes after Trump shooting | Fox News.

Blden is the second Catholic U.S. President, after John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1963. Blden has also long openly touted his Catholic faith. [I’m not a Catholic – do Catholics go to church on Saturday evenings typically?]

Although it has not been discussed what exactly President Blden was doing that day, other than Psaki claiming he was praying as he is purportedly a man of faith, I believe it is likely the President could have been confessing and/or “washing his hands” (akin to Pontius Pilate in Matthew 27:24) of any responsibility for the attempted assassination happening at that moment.

Matthew 27:24
When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “It is your responsibility!”

Had the unthinkable act been done, being at a church would have been a very obvious place (safe haven) to be at, PR-wise. This administration thinks in PR terms always (almost unhealthily so).

Consider also that Blden supposedly got C0vid a few days after (seen without a mask afterwards) and then bunkered down for DAYS after, with no one seeing him until he mysteriously dropped out on that Sunday—despite telling the People for weeks he was in the race to win it. (I have many thoughts on why he did that specifically on that date).

Glaringly absent from Blden’s Oval Office Address was any mention of his Catholic faith, despite years of touting it. In my opinion, the President, like he does with his “alleged” stutter (which he supposedly got rid of in the 80’s/90’s) to counter his widely reported mental decline (which I can provide much more context on), uses his religion to counter any notion that he could have been involved in one of the worst attempted acts of ass’ss’n on his leading political rival, DJT. (Let us not forget who Cheatle’s friend is. One of America’s most famous doctors…).

Why should we care about any Blden involvement if he’s on his way out? Bc he can be tied to K@mala directly.

NOTE: This is not meant to blame anyone directly or indirectly. These are just my opinions. I’m simply pointing out some observations that I noticed on J13 and in the following weeks.

(Edits for clarity)

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I want to be clear – my post is meant to remind us of events that happened so we can consider a bigger picture. I have a totally open mind and am willing to be proven wrong. I just want to make sure that’s understood. Thx

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Art Vizthum - Second shooter? ABC Camera man missing since rally, dead?

Seems there is a case to be made for an ABC Cameraman to have been killed by the Secret service, speculated to be a second shooter.
Multiple witnesses, interesting.
