Who's Involved in the Trump Assassination Attempt

Hi Team,

Just making sure you have this data
Twitter channel @OversightPR showing 9 cellphones from the Crooks home and place of work.

I linked to this video from Legally Armed America cause I don’t use Twitter.

Thank you.


I haven’t listened to your video yet, as it’s showing a MIME error on the site… but excited to listen as I have been working with the hypothesis that of the 5 clustered shots are actually 2 different shooters.
4,5,7 - one shooter
6,8 - another.

With each of their failures and attempted explanation of what happened, the tentacles of the Rot becomes more visible.
Make no mistake, all meaningful branches of the US government are part of that Rot. This is about an Empire of corruption, evil, and hate trying to protect itself in its final days.
I always knew the FBI was on the side of empire/evil unless it was putting on a show for the public perceptions… however, the SS always seemed like a pretty uncorrupted branch, as they always protected their charge… now it’s obvious they are part of the Rot too.


You can play from my dropbox.

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Chris and Team,

Thanks for all of the great digging you’re doing!

I don’t think either of the two grey-suited people pointed out in today’s video is the one. Here is a post on x.com that shows the grey suited man:


Notice he has a black collar, and he has hair. The one in the PeakProsperity video that has hair, has a white collar.

Here is another video that might be of interest. Testimony saying that there were 3 other suspicious people.


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Video indicated Crooks went to same gun club where DHS trained.

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That photo looks fake

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UPDATE: Did Trump assassin visit with the Secrete Service?

Mobile data reveals someone who regularly visited Thomas crooks.

The Oversight Project identified nine devices linked to AD-IDs that were located at Crooks’ home and work within the last year.
In particular, they found that a device that regularly visited both Crooks’ home and work also visited D.C. within hundreds of yards from both FBI and USSS headquarters.

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Crooks said in a video from high school
“I go to Stanford University and i have a ten i ch penis.” Stanford University or Stanford Research Institute?

Stanford Research Institute famously worked or works with cia in mk ultra type projects.
No one else has caught this utterance or the implications of that possible connection. Combine that with the Heritage foundation group and their ad data showing someone traveling from crooks house to a location in dc very near fbi office several timessince 2023, very curious.



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@gsliva After looking at this video carefully, I noticed that there was no brass visible in the video. Also, there were no visible evidence markers next to things you might expect to photograph for evidence.

Seems odd to have a bunch of guys standing up there just chatting away as they stand on a crime scene.

The lack of these things aren’t necessarily proof, but they do contribute to the peculiar nature of the “official” narrative.


Looks like Senator Ron Johnson’s staff found the man in the grey suit.


“UPDATE: Senator Ron Johnson’s staff talked to the unknown man in a grey suit who received the crime scene photos from police. He claimed to be a member of ATF but has ghosted the Senator’s staff at this point”.


I agree.

Well done. That makes it really clear. Thank you for going to the trouble to clean up the audio and upload it!

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What does his shadow reveal?

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Some before and after frames would be helpful. Is that a pistol? Is he SS?

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