Who's Involved in the Trump Assassination Attempt

First post here, so, apologies if this is not the correct location. In the ZH article below there is this paragraph about half way down…
" Apparently, someone was making frequent trips between the home of the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks ’ and a building in Washington DC that’s located near an FBI office. This revelation was based on a Heritage Foundation analysis of metadata of 9 pertinent smartphone devices."

ABC reported - obtaining (highly selective excerpted) bodycam footage [1:13 minutes] . . . supposedly showing extemporaneous investigation of the crime scene/Crooks shooting/death position on July 13, 2024, on the roof of AGR Building #6.

Video Link: x.com. The earlier report from MSM that law enforcement bodycams were all turned off that day – was apparently false! The goal posts keep moving.

  • [Minute 0:05] . . . ABC comment during webcam footage”. . . showing moments law enforcement raced to that roof . . . .”
  • [Minute 0:28] . . . ABC comment during webcam footage “. . . there appears to be a small device next to the shooter that was not seen before . . . . [What? Ok, when?, Who? – I thought this was being billed by ABC as a first impression on the crime scene - the first time – “moments law enforcement raced to the roof” – I guess someone else was at the crime scene before the crew featured in the highly excerpted webcam video]
  • [Minute 0:45] . . . ABC comment during webcam footage “police seen counting shell casings . . . .” [again the intended suggestion is that the crime scene has not been tampered with] [Right – this does not exactly fit with - no one was at the crime scene before this webcam footage]
  • [Minute 0:48] . . . webcam audio - officer “Looks like what, about eight? . . . ooone, twooo, three, four, five, six seven, eight . . .at least eight.” [Ok – case closed - clear untampered with first impression (/NOT) of evidence on a secured crime scene - showing that there are a total of eight shell casings and the ABC report intending that folks conclude that Crooks fired the eight shots at Trump]

It is still possible that in view of other mounting evidence – that inquiring minds will still consider whether - the DS sponsored the failed plot to assassinate Trump - by using a rogue tactical team stationed in Building #3 - to fire the first three shots through one or two windows in a second story room, and at the same time of the shooting then allowed (planned for) the set-up Crooks-patsy on the near-by roof of Building #6 to then take his follow-up rapid fire shots (shot count 4 – 8) before one of the tactical shooters leaned out the window and executed Crooks by putting a bullet (9th shot in the count) in his head from close range. And finally then having someone who was there and could do basic math - go on scene (under the color of law investigation) and drop a few (three) more shell casings next to Crook’s dead body before - a team arrived on scene with their webcams turned-on (for the theatrical event that would be released later) - to make it look like Crooks took all eight shots at Trump – so that Crooks would be blamed in accordance with the lone-shooter narrative.

Question – were one or more of the tactical team that rushed to the roof of Building #6 part of the tactical team stationed on the second floor of Building #3? Obviously, there are many other questions.


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Once again, we see SS leadership working to insure that there was going to be some level of plausible deniability for the roof being unwatched…


First witness interview of the Red Haired Man. He stated he saw the shooter firing all 5 shots, the BBC interviewer asked again - all 5 shots - answer = YES. It seems neither of them heard the first three shots.

Same grey man again. Tim Burke ?

Who is Tim Burke?
He is the Secret Service Special Agent in Charge at Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylavania.

This time same grey man is standing in front of ambulance near/overlooking the injured area.

Hope no gag order placed on those injured.

Day of rally - July 13, 2024
See time stamp 18:27:10

Taken from the video link below. Grey man can be seen 9 sec in onwards.

Possible evidence - Claimed account of Crooks on Gab

In case it’s removed before you view it, or do not want to create a Gab account, I attached a PDF.

I can’t tell who posted it first, but I see many redacted claims showing the posts claiming this is his. Example:

epicMicrowave - Comments - Gab Social.pdf (251.6 KB)

Officer in black appears to keep stepping on evidence 15:53. Also, a officer is said to possibly need stitches. Is it possible that when wound is treated the method of cleaning the wound area may destroy evidence of gun powder residue on the hand? Is it possible?

Just amazing… finished watching the whole video and at 25:08 a SS appears to step on Crooks rifle! Is this the same agent in previous pre-rally planning video? If so, he will be the third pre-rally planning agent I have identified present during Trumps attempted assassination attempt. All three have questionable demeanor associated with this rally.

4:28 Where is the first ladder? It was there before they got on the roof.


Sorry for the question and your efford by drawing it in case it’s you, but may I know what this family tree bring valulable to the case?

@ Knit, you are right on point on the bald male’s demeanor as I identified the same of him, the fumbling female during the attempt and the bald man on the roof looking over deceased Crooks. Here is the video link to the alleged Pre-Rally Planning Team:

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The metal canopied roofed bleachers in the background should have been thoroughly analyzed before and after the rally. Look, I see opportunity here for risk exposure. The canopy, structure and the darkness provides cover. Previously someone on Youtube posted about a photo allegedly by an unidentified person whom circulated the surprising questionable photo. I’ll find the video and attach it as a reply here.

I asked Chat GPT if there was a shooter in the water tower at the Trump Rally. Interesting response. Did Trump have a rally on 7-6-24?

ChatGPT’s knowledge only goes through a certain date, and even the most recent model would not include July 13, 2024. ChatGPT is merely a text prediction tool, so it’s only going to give you what it thinks is the most likely answer given the input provided.

Suspisious for me is when one of the black uniform officer passed the tree said " what about that" pointing on the ladder behind the tree. If there would be no ladder, what he would ask for if they were planning to climb on the roof?
If that long ladder were already there I believe used for the tatoo guy with two others spotted when they were on the roof earlier where I saw one of them if keeping Crooks hand and for me he moved him to the left, how is that possible that the long ladder were situated on that position just after the shoots? Nobody I think believe they just organize long ladder which wont fit into the jeep as it doesnt look like the black one which is extendable?
That long ladder position in my opinion was before the shoots started and were used by Crooks but we are manipulated by officials. I’m reffereing to video which most of you already saw today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRGiw0kzz3o

Sorry for my english, living over 4000 miles away of that place and still practising english

Did you all heard latest anouncement? Donald Trump is planning to make again rally in Buttler, the place where he almost lost his life. Brave man

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I hope this belongs here.

The first three shots sound different than the next volley of five, then shot eight different again.

What if its same shooter different rifle?

Who is the least likely “suspect” if it wasn’t Crooks that shot PDJT?
The (ESU?) sniper in tall building who shot Crooks first. Who also has the perfect position to shoot at podium from the window.

“They” would have had a contingency plan if “they” missed the target, and that would be to obfuscate and sow confusion. First shot missed, attempted two then three. Realized they screwed up - switched rifle and sprayed the next 5 shots.

THEN LEANED OUT of window and shot Crooks. Plenty of time to now take 8 casings onto roof near Crooks body.

Witness sees two military snipers in around the wooden bleachers.

Candace Owens spoke to Greg Smith, the witness in the red cap who spoke to the BBC on the day of the shooting. Greg claims he saw an agent with a gun and a tattoo-sleeve enter the building behind the shooter roof, and stand at a window overlooking the roof, during the shooting. I don’t know if it’s useful or not. It;s in the first five minutes of this video. I haven’t seen this information anywhere else.

Best of luck and thank you,