Who's Involved in the Trump Assassination Attempt

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” – Barack Obama

I think one of the morals of this whole J13 saga (indeed, the whole Biden Presidency since at least as early as 2020, and even from the late-80s; his declining health cover-up as well that I’m happy to provide more info on too) is that NOTHING is random. There are NO coincidences. You need to follow events carefully and soberly, focusing on events that are especially statistically improbable, and put those in a general timeline; that is, in their CONTEXT.

I want to just make a note of something that stood out to me on J13: J0e Blden was in church on the day–indeed AT THE MOMENT OF the ass’ss’n. I remember turning on MSDNC after hearing about it and Jen Psaki mentioned he was praying in Delaware at a church… No bone in my body believes J0e has said a legitimate prayer since (at least as early as) Beau’s death…

It is also not random that Blden, on July 7, 2024– just mere days before the attempted assassination in Butler, PA–campaigned in Philadelphia Pennsylvania at Mt. Airy Church of God (and there appeared visibly decrepit).


Again, I believe it is not a coincidence that Blden was in church on the evening of July 13 (a Saturday–not Sunday!), when the attempted assassination of Trump occurred. Biden seen leaving mass minutes after Trump shooting | Fox News.

Blden is the second Catholic U.S. President, after John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1963. Blden has also long openly touted his Catholic faith. [I’m not a Catholic – do Catholics go to church on Saturday evenings typically?]

Although it has not been discussed what exactly President Blden was doing that day, other than Psaki claiming he was praying as he is purportedly a man of faith, I believe it is likely the President could have been confessing and/or “washing his hands” (akin to Pontius Pilate in Matthew 27:24) of any responsibility for the attempted assassination happening at that moment.

Matthew 27:24
When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “It is your responsibility!”

Had the unthinkable act been done, being at a church would have been a very obvious place (safe haven) to be at, PR-wise. This administration thinks in PR terms always (almost unhealthily so).

Consider also that Blden supposedly got C0vid a few days after (seen without a mask afterwards) and then bunkered down for DAYS after, with no one seeing him until he mysteriously dropped out on that Sunday—despite telling the People for weeks he was in the race to win it. (I have many thoughts on why he did that specifically on that date).

Glaringly absent from Blden’s Oval Office Address was any mention of his Catholic faith, despite years of touting it. In my opinion, the President, like he does with his “alleged” stutter (which he supposedly got rid of in the 80’s/90’s) to counter his widely reported mental decline (which I can provide much more context on), uses his religion to counter any notion that he could have been involved in one of the worst attempted acts of ass’ss’n on his leading political rival, DJT. (Let us not forget who Cheatle’s friend is. One of America’s most famous doctors…).

Why should we care about any Blden involvement if he’s on his way out? Bc he can be tied to K@mala directly.

NOTE: This is not meant to blame anyone directly or indirectly. These are just my opinions. I’m simply pointing out some observations that I noticed on J13 and in the following weeks.

(Edits for clarity)

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I want to be clear – my post is meant to remind us of events that happened so we can consider a bigger picture. I have a totally open mind and am willing to be proven wrong. I just want to make sure that’s understood. Thx

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Art Vizthum - Second shooter? ABC Camera man missing since rally, dead?

Seems there is a case to be made for an ABC Cameraman to have been killed by the Secret service, speculated to be a second shooter.
Multiple witnesses, interesting.


I posted a similar thing in another topic, but wanted to add it here. When discussing Crooks’s search history, I thought it was strange (and convenient) that he was searching for typical conspiracy theory, crazy things. It also caught my eye that he allegedly was looking at porn minutes before the attempt. I dismissed it at first as fitting the narrative of convenient search history.

But I heard @cmartenson and/or Benny Johnson (maybe it was Benny, but I could be wrong) say recently that when Crooks got to the event, he did everything he could to BE CAUGHT (openly using range finder, having a rifle bag on his bike, pacing back and forth strangely – so much so that Local law enforcement got him on their radars)… he was visibly shaken… people were commenting that he was pulling his hair… something was eating him from within. Nevertheless, he still got up on the roof to do the deed he went there to do (and did it poorly, thank God).

Considering all of this, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that his last search results were pornographic. Porn, like drugs, cigarettes, etc. gives you momentary comfort in times of stress (that’s why they are vices/addictions). Maybe he was trying to search for something as an impulse to calm him down, ease the tension that was brewing inside him. (On a side note: Could he have not wanted to do it? Was he forced, coerced by someone else to do it?) Just a thought. Again, I believe that no action is a coincidence when you consider the context, circumstances, and timeline in which it’s done.


Trump assassination attempt theory. According to OPA

YOU TUBE channel Opas Place


Red truck guy try’s to make everyone leave the property

Law enforcement arrive at fence and red truck guy leaves

Assuming red truck guy works at AGR he has a key card

There is a door in the section that joins building 1 & 2 at the retaining wall where crooks picture was taken before the counter snipers lost track of him

Red truck guy uses key card to access that door

When counter snipers leave their location (need to know if they were told to leave and by who) crooks (the shooter) enters through door goes upstairs and out window to roof. He could have went in the building and out the window even if the counter snipers were at the other end of building 2.

Red tie guy on the roof said they had the bicycle guy in custody. The local law enforcement on the roof told him the bicycle belonged to the shooter DRT and pointed at the dead shooter. Red tie guy said then we must have the wrong guy in custody. Was the bicycle guy in custody a diversion to draw law enforcement to the other end of the complex?


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Until I have reason to believe otherwise, I take things like this as a Typo.

I’m not ruling anything out. Lol. Mind is open.

Some light-hearted humor for us all, if you haven’t seen it.
Reminder to keep your spirits and morale up, even in the most pressing of times. :slight_smile:



I’d think that the porn site could have been used to communicate with handlers. Someone adds a comment to a video and it’s his cue to move forward.


Love it @pagatherer . Didn’t even consider that, but that would really make sense.

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YouTube should have its section 230 revoked

I postulate and considered this very viable theory as well. His open behavior SCREAMs that he wants to be stopped. In fact, by NOT carrying his ID it would almost guarantee he’d be detained without purposefully trying to get caught/detained. This leads one to the very real conclusion that he was an involuntary participant. Buying gear the day of is also highly suspect of someone doing this involuntarily.

And from that we can surmise someone with a lot of power is leaning on him and the risks/consequences of engaging in this are less than the alternative consequences… So what could those be?

MK-Ultra, or something else sinister like blackmail?

One other theory of his walking around, highly openly, sitting at the picnic table, the retaining wall, etc. is because he was to meet a handler or associate. Perhaps a 2nd shooter. Perhaps the van driver loaded with IEDs. Remember, the van had two IEDs that had a transmitter in the off position found miles away. It seems most plausible that this van was meant to be used as a escape distraction and that only makes sense if the transmitter is in the “on” position and it is at the other side of the event. Parked in a vacant area of a residential neighborhood miles away with the transmitter in the “off” position makes no sense otherwise. Someone else was meant to drive it to the rally, and abandon it with the transmitter switched “on.”

Very early, I think on day 1 or 2 before it was released that he searched for porn, my theory was that Crooks was blackmailed with embarrassing porn or child porn, the latter of which is highly criminal and would be a devastating allegation.

It adds up, especially with his being young, nerdy type, probably a awkward guy and virgin, and his last act being a search for porn, before his attempted assassination?! What a very odd thing to do.

We know that the deep state (e.g. Epstein types) use as a favorite weapon, sex and minors to gain blackmail over others. I speculated then and believe now that porn, perhaps child porn, is a big part of this case and Crooks likely involuntary participation in it.

I had not considered coded messages on porn sites, key words or phrases from his handlers to move forward with the plan. But that makes sense. I understand that video-gamers on servers use this manner to send coded messages.

It all gives a good picture of a solid theory.

  1. Crooks may have been a DS agent, one of endless assets around the country ready to be activated. MK Ultra, or perhaps they nailed him on child porn or planted it on his devices, etc. Remember Crooks was a computer nerd and it makes sense his life would be on his computers.

  2. When Trump’s rally was scheduled for Butler, Crooks was activated, and a plan formulated. He was probably to meet 1 or 2 others at that rally, certainly 1 person to drive and park the IED van. He wandered around conspicuously either trying to locate his contact (a no-show) and/or hoping to get stopped by the Feds and did everything possible to draw attention, even wearing a Demolition Ranch T-shirt and failed to bring his ID which would surely get him detained.

  3. His not getting detained and/or contacts not showing up, he searched his phone and might have gotten an encrypted message to proceed with the plan.

The rest is history and coverup.


Great analysis, @bigtim . All really plausible possibilities… so many things seem to not add up. But the more you consider the TIMING and CONTEXT of what we were told, the more the possibilities add up. The things released around Days 1-3 were telling. Exactly what they’d want us to know.

(The below are just my opinions and possible theories based on a review of easily-verifiable facts)

It was likely, in my eyes, that they’d neutralize the patsy and blame the whole thing on Iran. This would very likely trigger a “hot” war with Iran, which the deep state has been itching for for a long time. I think they’d put Nikki Haley as President in DJTs place – just watch Trump’s visceral reactions to Haley’s cringeworthy speech at the RNC. He was eyeing her up and down like he KNEW exactly what she was up to.

Also, consider that Trump told RFK that Joe called him after the attempt and asked how he knew to turn his head to the right. (See the RFK leaked video of Trump phone call that RFK Jr’s son posted and deleted shortly thereafter). This is something a mafia boss would say when a set up went wrong; he’d want to see who was the rat in his own ranks. From that phone call with Trump, RFK, I believe, KNOWS that the same people behind his dad’s killing were behind the Trump attempt.

Moreover, consider that the Kennedys and Cuomos had a wedding on the Sunday that Joe dropped out!–That very afternoon! The wedding just barely went unnoticed (news reports the next days stated that the wedding was very clandestine). BUT I saw RFK in a news report that evening in Hyannis Port, so I can only surmise he was there too. It’s clear that the Cuomos were screwed over by Biden/Leticia James/CNN. Also, RFKs siblings (who in January this year were celebrating their support of Biden) were at the wedding along with RFK (despite them not being close earlier this year)! – I can expound on this theory much more if you like. I think the whole attempt brought together the feuding Kennedy siblings, the Cuomos, AND Donald Trump. The Bidens realized this that afternoon and this MUST have contributed to the reckless dropping out on Sunday. (This would also explain why Biden didn’t tell us the following Wednesday at the Oval Office–bc the real reason was so dark and twisted, just like his mind).

Joe’s been obsessed with turning his incompetent family into a political dynasty for decades. A dynasty akin to that of the Kennedy and Cuomo families. I read through the Hur Report recently and saw that Joe took great care to horde and preserve troves of documents about the Biden family genealogy. Joe can often be heard supporting his frail arguments with the phrase “You have my word AS A BIDEN!” He groomed his first son to be President (even sent him to war, which ultimately killed him–see, the burn pits Beau worked in). And we all know what’s happening with his second derelict son… Instead, Joe took the VP and President role wanting to do it himself, despite being old and decrepit. This family is chock full of cover-ups and scandals. I think we likely can add J13 to that pile. (Is this too much? Anyone agree?)

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Just to show my sources:

Leaked video of Trump telling RFK that Joe asked him after the attempted ass’n: “How did you choose to turn to the right?!”

Kennedy two siblings endorsing Biden earlier this year:

(Also interesting to note how his sister seems to have the same vocal condition as does RFK. And his brother doesn’t look well…)

Kennedy speaking from the Hyannis Port Kennedy compound on July 21, 2024

(the day of the Cuomo-Kennedy daughter’s wedding and the day Biden dropped out – despite the family’s turmoil, they were ALL together!)

Happy to show my sources also re: Biden admin turning against RFK (RFK testified before the Legislature that on Biden’s second day in office, his administration and the media came after him against his views on vaccines) and turning against the Cuomos.

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Can I also just point out the obvious lie on the part of Cheatle? In her testimony before Congress, she obfuscated the whole time. Except for ONE obvious time.

After barraging Cheatle for almost 6.5 minutes, MTG asked her brilliantly in a quick manner: “Was there a conspiracy to kill Trump?” – Cheatle, without even thinking answered: “ABSOLUTELY NOT.” (Video below). That was the most straight answer Cheatle gave the whole hearing.

An honest USSS director would have answered something like: “The facts as of now do not show this, but we need to complete our investigation and will revert back to you at a later day.” (She gave a similar answer many other times to other questions).

BUT - Cheatle (who we know is dishonest) didn’t say this. Instead, while blinking, she immediately answered, “ABSOLUTELY NOT”… what a strangely direct answer. MTG was clever to not say “Were you involved in a conspiracy to kill Trump?” – she kept the question broad. Words and semantics in Congressional hearings matter more than anywhere else. Once a conspiracy (by anyone–USSS or not) is proven, which in my opinion, is coming soon, she will have demonstrably perjured herself.

Others have pointed out other perjuries such as Luna’s line of questioning on the cell phones. That will be a great one, IF THEY CAN GET THE CELL PHONES (mind you, they still don’t even have the Hur Audio tapes).

If you don’t buy that “Absolutely not” statement was perjury, at the very least it was a ‘tell’ signaling dishonesty and possible culpability. People lie, but their faces do not.


It’s also odd that Crooks’s parents have not yet released a statement, right? They said they’d do so when advised by counsel. (First off, couldn’t they just issue an apology along with that?) Questions: (1) Who is their counsel? (2) Why are they being advised to shut up, like a criminal would be so advised by counsel? (3) Who is the masked-up individual appearing next to the father?

It’s also telling that the father was first spotted buying a big shopping cart full of groceries from a super market. It’s clear their plan is to bunker down at home and avoid any questions.

There could very well be legal criminal theories and penalties applied to the parents, much like the parents in Michigan were charged and convicted for providing a firearm to their child who murdered school classmates.

Both of Crooks parents were mental health professionals, so probably a heightened level of responsibility. They might have prescribed him drugs, more evidence they might have known he was unstable. There might very well be other evidence to suggest or criminalize the providing of the AR15 or access to it without supervision might expose them to criminal or civil liability, which could land them in jail, possible tried under co-conspirator or accomplice or criminal negligence or domestic terrorism theories, sued, lose their home and all assets, bankrupted or both. And/or they could lose their medical licenses if prescribing drugs without justification.

[Total hypothetical, with no basis, to illustrate: Let’s presume one/both parents observed he was mentally ill and prescribed him mood altering drugs. But also allowed him to access the AR15, take it to the range, etc. Perhaps the parents had very strong Anti-Trump feelings that prompted or groomed him. This could be extremely bad for these parents, who could be charged and sued under some possible legal theories of responsibility.]

What do the parents have to gain by making any statement? I’d suggest nothing they say is going to benefit them, and could harm their legal position.

I’d imagine they do want to lay low and out of the spotlight.