Who's Involved in the Trump Assassination Attempt

Agreed on the parents. Yep. Keeping the public and the families of the affected victims of the shooting totally in the dark is a shocking lack of transparency. I’m not accusing them of keeping silent (that’s a sacred Fifth Amendment right). I’m just saying the way it’s being done is muddying the waters of justice, accountability and transparency.

(As if those waters haven’t been severely muddied already).

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I guess they’re right to lay low. The August Congressional vacation is only helping everyone BUT the American people and the victims of the crimes of J13. :man_facepalming:

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Interesting how they’re telling the public more about this alleged Pakistani hitman trying to kill Trump in one day than they’ve told us about Crooks in the past month…


RE: the Acoustical Analysis. It appears to indicate the rapid fire shots came from a gun similar to Crook’s weapon, fired from about 37’ from Crooks. It is possible those shots came from the two-story building behind Crooks. The shots may not have been intended to hit anyone, but were simply to draw the attention of the Counter Snipers to Crooks location to assure that he would be killed. Someone could have extended the barrel of a rifle matching Crook’s rifle’s and fired the quick volley into the air from the north side 2nd floor location, and withdrew the weapon (why else fire such quick shots without aiming?). This speculation assumes the plotters wanted Crooks dead no matter if he managed to kill Trump or failed. The white van with explosives would be used to “suicide” Crooks if he was able to attempt to escape in that vehicle. Either way, the “patsy” would be dead.

Senator Ron Johnson’s timeline strongly suggests that local LEOs were diligently, quickly (via radio), and constantly passing specific information about suspects to SS “command” and to “SS sniper team leader” but that the latter two intentionally failed to pass it on to SS snipers. SS command and SS sniper team leader took 8 minutes to relay a key piece of info, did so by EMAIL rather than radio, and only passed a generic info about suspect in perimeter (not specific location and picture of Crooks).

The SS snipers were so in the dark as late as 6:11 (33 seconds before first shot) that they were asking contact at Pittsburgh Field Office for an update on suspect around AGR “perimeter” (they did not know that Crooks had been specifically on roof for 3+ minutes).

SS command and SS sniper team leader are most likely part of the plot, or at least were thwarted by some superior at PFO.

Any attorney worth their pay will advise you to remain silent until you have your attorney there to advise you. Specially when talking to a Federal Agent. Lying to a Fed is a felony. A simple misstatement to a Fed is the same as lying to them.

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Yes, MK-Ultra specific.


Agreed. I didn’t look into the family background much. But @bigtim ‘s post above makes sense. The whole thing is strange and the agencies and legislative bodies we’ve historically entrusted to investigate are not doing their jobs (save for the few Senators and Congressmen that have been supporting whistleblowers, investigating, and putting the agencies’ feet to the fire in hearings, letters and interviews).

We just need some f*ing transparency. :man_facepalming:

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Hi there! I just saw in the latest Chris Martinson video that this forum was here. I have had a question for a while that I hear no one speaking about. There is a post on X that shows the shooter dead on the roof was NOT Crooks. Is this confirmed or false? Thank you to anyone who can share any info.

[Thomas Crooks or Maxwell Yearick?] x.com

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There is a Timeline of Events posted by Washington Post.

Here is the article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2024/08/03/trump-rally-police-radio-transmissions/

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