Why The Time To Prepare For The Coronavirus Is *NOW*

You say you are elderly. Therefore, question is what are your underlying medical conditions? Do you have heart or lung issues? Immune system issues? If so, you may be more susceptible to severe reactions based on underlying issues.
Find the BEST ER/hospital based clinic in your area. Rural ERs vary by their capabilities - a lot. Don’t worry about your insurance coverage. Do NOT go to your GP’s office. Do not go to a big city ER, a good local ER will send you to the best specialist hospital if they can’t handle it and you won’t sit in an ER with every kid that has sniffles and the gang-related injuries.
So, how do you find an adequate local ER? You can look at their ratings. You can also call every nurse and CNA and hospice provider you know and ask who they think is best locally. You can also ask your local EMT’s. If you get any sort of consensus be ready to head there. Don’t wait too long.
To go, put on clean clothing and gloves, as well as masks. Don’t wear anything, including coats that you’ve been touching. So keep an emergency set of clothes and blankets washed and ready. Take them out of the washer and dryer with clean clothing, mask and gloves on and put them in a plastic bag.
Drive yourselves if at all possible - you don’t want to contaminate the local ambulance. When you get there insist that they test for the virus and make sure you are in whatever quarantine they have available and the emergency room staff take precautions.


Here’s what US schools are doing in response to the coronavirus

“During the outbreak, we ask any students who have a fever of 100.4 Fahrenheit or greater to be kept home until they have no fever for 24 hours, without fever medication,” superintendent Francisco Escobedo stated in the letter. Others are going even further and asking students who have traveled to the region not to attend classes.

Amid concern over coronavirus outbreak, concerts across Asia are being canceled


Concerts and shows are being canceled, not just in China but across much of Asia, as the coronavirus outbreak that has killed more than 400 people and reached more than 20 countries spooks the entertainment industry.

Performances have been called off or postponed in South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Macao over concern that people could be infected by the virus that first appeared in the central China city of Wuhan.

The Boston Symphony Orchestra called off its Asia tour, and the Hong Kong Philharmonic canceled five concerts.

Oh wow, after we know we’re contagious we’ll go home.
Our local university refused to quarantine, only monitor as they wonder around their dorm, including the cafeteria.
Makes you think that home schooling and on-line universities may be the way of the future.

Russia sets up Siberia quarantine to prepare for potential virus spread

Russia’s consumer health watchdog has told people to wear medical masks on public transport and to change them regularly, but authorities in Russia’s Far East said a sudden spike in demand for masks was threatening to create shortages.

Casinos, factories close across Asia as coronavirus fears spread

Macau, the world's biggest gambling hub, said on Tuesday it had asked all casino operators to suspend operations for two weeks to help curb the spread of the new coronavirus...............Separately, Hyundai Motor Company plans to gradually suspend production at its factories in South Korea from Tuesday, as the virus outbreak in China has disrupted supplies of vehicle components, a Hyundai Motor union official said.  

Sabemenos- I see you’ve already received a lot of well meaning advice on your question. I would add that it is well known that elderly folks frequently do NOT mount a fever despite being gravely ill(this is yet another problem with the current screening measures BTW). As of today I am much more worried about your husband having regular old community acquired pneumonia than nCov but either way he needs to get to a healthcare provider at a higher level of training than the nurse who already evaluated him. Respiratory rate(how many breaths per minute), O2 saturation(finger monitor), temperature, blood pressure, pulse, labs, chest exam, and chest X-ray are all often considered in establishing the possible diagnosis of pneumonia.

https://www.cgtn.com/special/Battling-the-novel-coronavirus-What-we-know-so-far-.html Preventative measures include enlisting a batch of hotels and venues to centrally treat patients with mild illness or observe people who came into close contact with patients, adding another 2,000 medical workers to support Hubei, and dispatching a high-level medical team to take over the hospitals that treat critically ill patients, the group stated.
Wuhan will convert three existing venues, including a gymnasium and an exhibition center, into temporary hospitals to receive patients with the novel coronavirus, and the three makeshift medical facilities will add a total capacity of 3,800 beds.

I think alot can be done with hydration even without IV’s. Constant little sips, you can do an awful lot with your own nursing with a sick person. Have a chart with urine color and amount from teh sick persona dn you can easily see that they are not getting dehydrated. In the hospital, they do not have the time or personnel to do this, for them an IV is easier. And they give medicines thru the IV and some IV’s have some “food” value, ie., ringers solution, but you giving oral hydration will have food value, ie. broths, dilute fruit juice. I would not worry about not having IV’s at home.
Oxygen. You do not buy an oxygen tank to keep at home. At home and in nursing homes what they use is a small unit that concentrates the oxygen from the ambient air. They sell at medical supply houses and on Amazon, and cost about $300. I have sick elderly parents, so have seen these. A hospital does have the ability to give higher concentrations of oxygen, but most often people are just on the lower concentrations that these units supply. I am not advocating you get one, just letting you know that is what it is. This one I am linking is completely arbitrary, just the first one that cam up on amazon to give you an idea, look for one recommended by people wth COPD or emphisema https://www.amazon.com/Vuiluyy-Concentrato-rGenerator-Adjustable-Portable/dp/B081DHL8DM/ref=sr_1_7?keywords=oxygen+machine&qid=1580837118&sr=8-7

From NHK website.
“Japan’s health ministry said on Tuesday that the new coronavirus has been detected in three people whose initial test results were negative.”
An American couple on a Japanese cruise ship reported it took only 45 seconds to test both of them.
Japanese scientists are developing a more effective test.

In one of the videos, Chris said there was conjecture as to why Chinese males may be more vulnerable. I couldn’t find any more discussion. Does anyone know what that might be?

Yes. Boomers are not as well of as their parents were but look at the numbers. Boomers are way more wealthy than Gen X, Mils. adn Gen Z. (as they should be they’ve had more time to acquire wealth).
I take it all back though. China’s total debt is 300% of GDP. America’s is apx 195% there’s plenty of room to deleverage. I have to think about what’s goig to happen when china sells its American debt assests to pay its debt. I have no idea. It’s very complicated. I’m not that good at chess.

This is because they have approx 4 or 5 TIMES more ACE-2 Receptors in the lungs.
Look thru the Comments sections here and you will see links to studies that prove this

Mark, you can see the chart with the various percentage in this comment here:
As you can see Asian males mostly in China and Japan are at the top of the list.

China orders remains of coronavirus patients to be cremated nearby

  BEIJING - Chinese authorities have ordered the remains of patients infected with the novel coronavirus to be cremated close to where they are, and funeral traditions such as a farewell ceremony are banned, Xinhua news agency reported on Sunday (Feb 2).


Image result for spanish flu makeshift hospital

Those photos remind me of the Huston Astrodome after Katrina. Hopefully important lessons were learned in the event that western health care systems become stressed to over whelmed.10 Years Since Katrina: When The Astrodome Was A Mass ...


Coronavirus update: At least 425 deaths, 176 confirmed cases outside of China, S&P predicts outbreak will stabilize in April

Comments so far (Hey Chris...is that you in there at the top?):
  • No...No..No...We had a big rally today it's all good...nothing to see here folks move along....
    1 Like
  • Gaius MariusLeader
    Wall Street is sleeping on the economic fallout from the virus.
    1 Like
  • brent berryLeader
    Iam sure communist china is already preparing to load another 1/2 trillion... What's the going rate to buy yourself out of a worldly pandemic? 1 trillion, 2 trillion 3...
    1 Like
  • Willie MasconiLeader
    Hahahahahaaha. Macau casinos close down for 2 weeks and US Casino operators with huge business in Macau go UP!!!!!! Imagine how much they will go up if they close for 2 months!!!!!
    • Douglas KahnLeader
      Willie Masconi
      The Fed will come to the Rescue of the Stock Market and the US Economy. That is why the Dow is up 450 Points. Wall Street sometimes has a memory lapse about the fact that Death & Supply Chains can end an economic expansion, even if there is an abundance of money.

Yesterday I had to go for a standing doctor appointment and blood work at a large clinic in Modesto, CA. I was shocked to find that I was the ONLY person wearing an N95 mask among about 50 people waiting in the lab, which is immediately adjacent to the oncology/hematology department where another 11 people waited, unmasked. Ditto for the occupational health waiting area, and through the entire first floor lobby, information desk, café and elevator areas.
The majority of the people in these areas appear to be older to elderly and many very frail. There were 2 pregnant women also. None of the health care workers at the intake desks wore masks. I saw one receptionist in the lab cough into her hand and then take/provide paperwork to a patient. I saw a lab technician remove her gloves properly, only to carry them to the reception desk, pick-up paperwork and then dispose of the gloves on her way back to the lab area. There were many people coughing and sneezing.
At my doctor’s office, I told the health tech that I was surprised to see no one wearing masks during this “high flu season” and mentioned the new coronavirus. She said that they advised people to wear masks if they had a fever. (There was no signage stating that, and masks were available at tables, not at reception desks.) She said that call center receptionists were screening people by phone when they made appointments re: fever in general and nCoV specifically, i.e., fever, cough, recent travel to China and related exposures. Since I had a standing appointment, I was never pre-screened. Lab services are provided on a walk-in basis.
The health tech said if the patients met the criteria for possible nCoV then they went through a “whole triage procedure” to keep them out of the general patient population. She said that she and other health care personnel had received a barrage of texts and other communiques over the past few days re: nCoV.
Throughout my visit, I avoided touching anything and stood in the corner as far away from others as possible–ironically near the area marked “infection control”. I kept my mask on and used hand sanitizer frequently, opened doors with tissues, etc.
So I witnessed about 100 people, many obviously elderly and/or health compromised, potentially exposed or infected with nCoV during my limited visit. My takeaway is that this is typical for how US health care systems are “taking precautions” to identify and prevent the spread of nCoV–and it is woefully inadequate.
I fear that nCoV is going to explode across the US, and elsewhere. Prep accordingly.

Hi there, I live in South Africa in Pretoria.
I wanted to firstly say thank you Chris and Peak Prosperity for the video’s. You have been a great source of light in a very dark country for myself and my family.
I wanted to find out if you are wanting to get a bit of an idea of what is going on in Africa and South Africa…
It’s not good for Africa nor South Africa.
I have to get updated info from you guys about the details of what and how bad it is around the world. My government is not telling us anything about this virus and the citizens are unaware of what’s going on. I am not even joking about the details.
I am personally petrified and I have been trying to find out where to get tested for the Novel Coronavirus. There is no public awareness at all.
I can share this with you if you want to see what is going on here. I’m sacred and am very worried that I have the virus already. I work in sales and have helped hundreds of people on a daily basis throughout the Xmas season and this year. Have been around Chinese people.
I tried reaching out to the government to find out what I could do to get tested and nothing. I will continue wearing my masks and make sure that I keep my hands clean and I will be going to my normal GP tomorrow. I will see what she says.
Please keep doing what you are doing and thank you.
? Please keep Africa in your thoughts guys.
We are not going to be okay. It is not good for us. Many people will die SOON, VERY SOON and we are not being informed