Will We See A New Covid-19 Spike Soon?

Very well written as well.
It is the end of empire and the looting which started in 08 is picking up speed.
I think I am going to start writing a play. Some of the founding fathers are sitting around a table and an interviewer/moderator is reading out things like the news and current laws, etc. " Well gentlemen we now in 2020 have a private bank issuing the nations currency. Mr. Jefferson we will start with you. " Are you shitting me?" Moderator; Thank you Mr Jefferson. Moderator; “In the intervening years since the start of this country there have been an astounding number of inventions. We now have what are called airplanes which can take hundreds of people across the entire country in a matter of hours. To get on the plane all your personal belongings as well as your person must be searched. " The entire group; “Are you shitting us” Moderator “The supreme court recently ruled that the government can pass laws prohibiting the free exercise of religion” James Madison; " You mean there was a constitutional convention repealing the 1st Amendment? " Moderator; Uh no just a ruling by the supreme court” Group; “Are you shitting us?”
I think it has real potential. Anyway I didn’t mean to digress. Jan I used to vacillate just as you do thinking yeah real systemic change is possible. Then i realized I was simply projecting my desires on reality. That never seems to work out.
This country’s history can be written as the battle of the people against the banks. Hamilton sold everyone out with the first bank of the US. That meant that though we defeated the British king we lost immediately to the Bank of England. The people of the 19th century understood this perfectly. By 1913 the bank was able to take complete control and the US as a sovereign nation ceased to exist. Those banksters and their corporate allies are now in complete control. The change game is over. It is now the Resilience game. They are way ahead of anybody. They have all the resources at their disposal. Huxley and Orwell saw it decades ago.
So the best we can do is grow a garden and kvetch

I concur, Mohammed, and thanks for your kind words. And your play would be most excellent, for those who get it. It might be a small box office though…
I noticed something really cool while sitting on my deck last night: while watching my birds I noticed the Juncos zero in on the container planted with broccoli. With deft dexterity, they plucked leaf eating, rascally larvae of all sizes off the tender 6” plants, consuming them gleefully as if they were at the all you can eat buffet! Sweet!
Such simple pleasures help me forget the rest of the world exists - at least for a few moments. Now if only I could train the Juncos to eradicate the rascally bugs that indiscriminately chew up the best of this world… I’d start by directing their attention to the central bank worms & slugs - no question there will be a bountiful feast there!!

I’m not defending Mr. Chauvin’s actions however reports of complaints against him differ, Apparently there were 17 complaints against Mr. Chauvin over a 19 year period. Without knowing specifics it would be impossible to know how many were warranted. I would think it possible some of these complaints were made by those being arrested while breaking the law. I am very skeptical of most of what I read in the MSM. It is usually agenda driven.
Edit to add: If those protesting and rioting worked as hard at building relationships as tearing them down, they could change the world.

This is an account of the complaints against Chauvin. I have no idea if that is a lot of complaints in a 19 year career or not. He received a reprimand for 2 of them. The police dept is not releasing what the nature of the complaints are.
On another note his wife has filed for divorce.

“If those protesting and rioting worked as hard at building relationships as tearing them down, they could change the world.” On the other hand their Mom says how can they run the world if they can’t even organize their own bedroom.


"I do wrestle with the idea that it is too late, and that it is inevitable that this Fourth Turning will unfold in keeping with perceived historical turning cycles. In optimistic moments I retain a small measure of hope we can avoid any such supposed elitist agenda with an effective, organized, counter propaganda movement that can/will QUICKLY arise, spread, and get the necessary & united buy in & support on a scale sufficient to stop the nefarious evil. In pessimistic moments, I think can anyone realistically see that actually happening?"
Your perception is understandable and relatable. However, how it looks isn't really a very relevant factor. The ultimate secret is that it's not about what anyone else does; it's about YOU shifting yourself to a parallel reality already populated by people of like vibration: Consciousness Mechanics: The Movie {2016} What you (as your physical mind) put out is what you get back (from your higher self). You are the universe, literally; you've (we've) just created an illusion of separation (Maya), an idea/definition/belief of "self" and "not-self". Metaphysics is the ultimate secret. We're each souls incarnated here to remember who and what we are, to re-discover that from a new perspective, after temporarily forgetting between birth and the first few years as our brains (in theta state) receive programming from the culture and the control system, as part of the Earth game. There is no peril though; you (re-)discover this either during the incarnation or at the moment it's over.

We are all bits of Existence, trying to comprehend Existence. In effect, we are all aspects of the same thing.
There is no “outside” to Existence. There is no “beyond” Existence. There is only what Is…and nothing else. Existence cannot be comprehended from without, but only from within, as Existence is where everything IS. Any attempt to contemplate anything “outside” of Existence is an attempt to contemplate a non-place, where everything is NOT.
No matter how many dimensions you postulate. No matter how many Universes you postulate. You cannot “escape” to a place where Identity is not, where Space is not, or, where Time is not.
Consciousness itself is entirely dependent upon Exist existing, and Existence is NOT dependent upon your ability to fathom it, but YOU are dependent on your ability to fathom Existence. If your intellect cannot, or will not, come to identify Existence, Existence will simply remove your intellect from it. If you attempt to erase Existence with the power of your mind, Existence will erase you, instead.
Imagine an eternal life of utter stagnation, where growth is impossible to you, as your intellect has achieved omniscience.
What does an Omniscient Mind think about? Nothing. “Thinking” implies the existence of unknowns to ponder and evaluate, and an Omniscient Mind has no unknowns. What is a mind, which does not think?
Imagine an eternity of just watching the same episode of “Gilligan’s Island” over an over.
My fellow bits, ALL Gods struggle to die. Struggle to escape the torments of stagnation and non-growth.
And, when they succeed…
We are the result.