Your Children Are Under Attack (Informed Consent, Pt. 1, Replay Available)

How To Thrive In The System?

easy, just think yourself as a cocroach, which survive virtually everything, or a thieve in the system. there are virtually endless possibilities within if you just let you imagination fly and not get caught in the anger, hate and hopelessness that they want cram us in. I see the system as a machine that I can use to fulfill my monetary needs. Since covid the system has been getting stupider and easier to fool FYI

Another Big Bank Worried
It looks like they’re preparing their next bail-out request.
It’s interesting how far Dimon’s analysis of how much time he has left seems so out of step with the crisis on main street.
I think we don’t need a trucker’s convoy. We need a buyer’s strike.
Chris, what would happen if your Unity people called for a week of no medical usage. I know we all just grab the next non-urgent appointment because things are backed up for 6 months. Suppose folks in CA stopped going to any non-mom & pop stores or restaurants for a week AND cancelled medical appointments with the statement that the facility no longer looks after patient interests. No on-line orders for a week.

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The 4 Stage Strategy To Fix Everything


Obesity.:well Duh

i don’t know too much about other countries but the u.s. is full of sugar addicts. wonder why your kids bounce off the walls?
intersting fact: the largest crop by weight on the planet is sugar. it is not corn, rice, whest, or anything else.
sugar makes you fat, fat does not make you fat.
i highly recommend gary taubes" book “the case against sugar”'. it is quite a fascinating study.
a couple of items were pretty interesting. one sugar accesses the same receptors in the brain that cocaine and heroin do. and guess what if you are pregnant and eat sugar your child will likely become an addict as well.
up until the 20th century there was not much lung cancer. one reason being that cigarette smoke was very harsh and difficult to inhale. also mass produced cigarrettes were unheard of. some clever folks figured out that if you sugar cured tobacco it would be easier to inhale. to the point that 40% of the maple syrup production went into curing tobacco.
but i digress. most people don’t know that the sugar lobby is one of the most powerful lobbies in the u.s. the fanjul brothers who fled cuba are among the most influential sugar traders on the planet. as a matter of fact one brother ran the democratic party in fl. and the other the republican party. equal opportunity i guess. many don’t know that the everglades has been polluted by the sugar industry. there has been at least one epa superfund site there.
the bros. were so powerful that while clinton was “in conference” with monica he took a call from them asking if he might be of help with the epa lawsuit.
but again i digress. at the time of the amerikaan revolution the per capita consumption of sugar in the u.s. was less than 5#. it is now well over 150 #.
sugar is in everything. 11 teaspoons in that can of cke you are drinking while you read this. ancel keys and the sugar lobby led the fight against fat and we now have low fat everything. they took out the good stuff and replaced it with sugar.
the cnsequences go far beyond obesity which coincidentally is the #1 comorbidity of sars cov 2. fructose makes vit d bio unavailable in the body . to wit you can sit in the sun all day and supplement with vit d and if you consume large amounts of fructose your vit d levels will be depleted.
it should be noted that the u.s consumes more high fructose corn syrup than any othe country in the world.
sugar = death


as a dad of six kids,I’ll say It’s ok. computer games and tech is exciting and teaching as long as it’s not too much. we limit (or try to) our kids screen time to 2 or 3 hours a day. They have they’re school, daily chores and then screen time. What I’ve learned is that its not good for you or the kids to be too restrictive

Van Den Bossche

Oh wow there is a whole raft of science in this space, I feel so pleased there are people out there that understand the trauma focus now.
Yes- the increase in survived premature births is a contributor to the increase in neurological diversity, I will explain why below.
Women (as in real ones- the ones with gametes), are born with all of their eggs. Those eggs developed inside of their grandmother, therefore they have a genetic impression of their grandmother’s life, this includes her chemical responses to life and environment, trauma may be one of her experiences, this is how intergenerational trauma can be passed through and “programmed”, more on that later. The egg, that the mother is born with carries with it the genetic history of the grandmother, a genetic memory, this is for survival.
The mother then carries this egg around with her as part of her body and the egg experiences life being part of the mother, all the chemical and responses etc. If the egg becomes a fetus developing inside the mother than as the brain and neurological system develops it will develop to ensure the greatest chance of survival when (he or she) is born (survival of the fittest). We as humans are most vulnerable when we are young, more than perhaps any other animal. We can’t feed ourselves, walk etc. our greatest threat is abandonment and we do everything to ensure we are not abandoned. Any possible threat to abandonment in utero will start to wire the brain for “survival”, this also applies to birth order.
First born children are the most in danger as their parents have never been parents before. They must do everything within their power to ensure they are not abandoned. If there has been a lost pregnancy before the first born then the first born will be even more heavily programmed for survival. (I know about this). Survival skills dive right down into all of those things like sensory processing, scanning for threats in the environment (ADHD), olfactory sensitivity etc. Think of it as though one needs to use every aspect of the physiological body to survive. First born children have an innate duty to protect the gene pool, in other words they help to make subsequent children feel safe, despite the “competition” (for food, love etc), protection of the genes wins.
Second born children are less programmed for survival, they are more likely to be risk takers and they are more likely to “leave the cave” and explore. Sex matters too (as in female/male), if you are first born male or female etc.
I feel that all of the modern day “disorders” are perhaps not disorders at all and that they are nature’s way of programing for survival, remember we have ancient brains. If reading is a relatively new skill (which it is in timescale of human development), then it fits that not everyone will read the same, be advanced or have such a high affinity for language. If you lived in a remote part of the country and your parents were less “socialized” then it fits that perhaps it’s not a key survival skill for you to have an instead you may have an enhanced sense of smell or eyesight to be able to live in the wild. And so on and so forth.
The drugging I will never understand, it makes no sense to me. The brain is plastic it can be changed, I know.


Hi Chris- I seem to be locked out of Premium, would it be possible for the PP team to please look at this, I have paid my subs. ? Love your work always.

LOL that newsletter is on Way Back Machine if you search for it. I think someone stuck that in there as a prank.

Oh that’s a relief. I am so over all this insanity, where once you would be skeptical, now it seems anything is possible. Must learn about that Way Back Machine…

“the Boy Crisis”

From a program on Epoch TV with Jan Jekielek, here is the book:
Paraphrase: “All six of the mass shootings in the US which killed more than 10 people were done by 18 year old boys who were dad-deprived.”


This is excellent. I did not know these things about the eggs and that fits perfectly with what I know about epigenetic trauma passage as well as my own pretty involved understanding of developmental trauma.
Fascinating, descriptive and predictive - trauma theory and research have given me a very robust framework for understanding myself and my fellow humans.

It’s a website where you type in any other website and the historical versions come up.

Act Now: Tell The Fda To Say No To Pfizer Jabs For Babies And Toddlers

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Thanks @richcabot; just filled out and sent.

Gut Bacteria Affects Weight And Mood

Regarding the rise in depression and obesity, I suspect the destruction of the gut microbiome in the population at large (through the over-prescribing of antibiotics and poor diet) has contributed. Research has indicated that lack of healthy gut bacteria leads to both conditions.

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WOW Aus. Boy does that all make sense. I think I need to start learning more about this, because I know only a little, and as Chris states he does below, use it for understanding.
Based on what you have written let me provide a real life example:
A grandmother, an unwanted, accidental late child, who was made sure to know this. Never felt loved and grew up emotionally scarred. Married an older man who had PTSD from WWII.
Became pregnant, had a farming accident, and lost the male baby.
Has a female firstborn, who lived with these two emotionally altered adults, til the father passed at age of 14.
Mother and daughter ‘got on with life’ perhaps not dealing with emotions so much as daily tasks of financial survival.
Daughter marries a man, who lost his own father at age of 14 too. This man never processed his emotions over this.
These 2 parents have a female child.
The grandmother is ecstatic and spends so much time helping and advising that there’s a big spat with her son in law, and she is not welcome for 6 months or so. Parents work extremely hard and are poor financially, emotionally, and time poor.
Meanwhile child is fed 4 hourly per 1970’s guidelines, and left in cot til the next feeding interval while mother and father do farm work.
Parents are both emotionally absent, with anger being the father’s most obvious expression, and tears the mother’s.
Child grows up and can not stand the sound of crying babies. Literally wants to throw their own crying baby out the window to stop the sound,and calls CYMHS for help.
Goes to therapist and draws family tree as part of therapy.
Learns the sound of crying is a trigger due to own crying for needs to be met as an infant not responded to in a timely manner.
And also learns that the cries of younger sibling, and inconsolable cries of youngest sibling born with painful condition, would have been additionally traumatising.
Is a very independent adult, driven to achievements that are formally recognised (hello - seeking recognition here - I exist) who does not form close bonds to others (nobody listens and you guys keep re-traumatising me - why should I trust anyone).
Also used to hum to their own baby to try and calm it down while they struggled with the noise of crying.
Of course - the child is me, and those traumatised ancestors are mine.
I have a younger brother, not much younger!, and we have always been fiercly competitive. My much younger sister, of course I get along with no worries, as she is the baby who must be protected.
I read once that the incidence of ADHD is high in Maori communities, and could be linked to increased risk taking and adventure which permitted travel from island to island and ferocity in warfare. Perhaps it’s not so much ADHD as survival traits.
So far as premmies go, they are still small in the uterine space and do not get the same resistive feedback to their developing bodies as large full term babies who are squashed in. One of the down-regulation interventions we use for our son is extremely tight hugs,and when he was smaller we used to squash him right up like a little fetus.
This is all so amazing. It makes me wonder what else there is to know.


Evil And Deadness Breed Depression

We are experiencing the principle of evil called Deadness. Deadness is comprised of materialism and stagnation and results in sadness, lack of purpose, and hopelessness. In deadness, our emotions are suppressed and so is the act of creating.
We end up self-soothing (suppressing) our emotions by material means such as shopping, addictions, entertainment, food, or pills. And we go through the motions of life with no purpose and no meaning.
When joy is sabotaged in this way, we feel it as an existential problem or crisis.
In order to promote deadness, evil must undermine the future, our hope, and the institutions on which dreams are built.
if you are interested in seeing the even bigger picture, such as I have just described, check out the Love & Evil Wheel at

I didn’t know that fructose depletes Vitamin D. Interesting and yet another reason to follow Heather Heying’s weekly parting words on Dark Horse: “Get outside, eat good food, (and be good to the ones you love).”
The book you mentioned is probably better at the ins and outs of sugar, but I recently watched the 2014 Australian documentary, That Sugar Film. The filmmaker experiments on himself for 2 months, visits an Aboriginal region in Australia before heading to the US where he says it’s even harder there to keep his “regimen” because, like you point out joe2, sugar is in everything in the US:

I didn’t know that sugar depletes Vitamin D. Interesting and reminds me of Heather Heying’s weekly parting words: “Eat good food, get outside (and be good to the ones you love).”
Your book suggestion is probably much more thorough, but I recently watched the 2014 Australian documentary, That Sugar Film, where filmmaker Damon looks at an Aboriginal region, before flying to the US where he climbs, like you joe2, that it’s even harder to stick to his regimen because sugar is in absolutely everything here.