Your Children Are Under Attack (Informed Consent, Pt. 1, Replay Available)

Failing (us) Education System

On one Dark Horse podcast last fall, Heather Heying recommended multiple “must reads” including Weapons of Mass Instruction (John Taylor Gatto). Really opened up my eyes.
A short, but more recent video looks at the issues of our failing institutions along with how society is shaping its males and females (scary spoiler: the AMA recently made the change to take a child’s gender off their birth certificate):
I’m glad we started home schooling our kids this past year (although they are not sold on it). With all that is changing in our world, we’re hoping to build more practical learning into their education, and pull back from more traditional models.

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This smacks of a semi-covert introduction to a longer essay possibly entitled “We Should Teach the Bible and Only the Bible in School”.
Your parents and grandparents were likely as upset as you are over the changes in society when you were growing up. I think that most of this hysteria is driven by media, but not in the way you think. It is driven by access to media and the content that makes media thrive.
You seem to believe that children are all confused and suicidal because they don’t have the firm moral code dictated by Jesus ( I am guessing here but am pretty sure I am right). But you base that anecdotal information from the media. One suicide is picked up and relayed across the nation; you are then convinced it’s a national plague. Unfounded “research” by some right-wing Christian groups claims that teens today do more drugs, have more sex and are more suicidal because the left-wing government has removed Jesus from schools.
Try funding education and teaching science. Ban creationism and other voodoo from any and all curricula. Double the pay and training of teachers. Cancel the 2nd amendment so students don’t have to worry about being killed in algebra class. Create a home environment which fosters curiosity, tolerance and learning instead of dogma, xenophobia and ignorance.
Americans are just killing themselves and whining that it is everyone else’s fault.

LOL. I love how you refer to “religious training” rather than education. It is very evocative of the reality of religious brain-washing that we subject children to. Much as we train animals, we train children to be religious.
How do you reconcile learning with religion? Religion is about ignorance and faith while education is about curiosity and knowledge.

The data on the site is laughable…anecdotal at best. I suppose you would have stopped the smallpox vaccination campaign on the grounds that the needle was pointy and sometimes hurt?