You're Being Abused

I also liked your Tony Rogers substack post, richcabot. In particular, this “thinking point” about “bad takes” resonated with me:

"There are lots and lots of bad takes coming out from our team right now about, ‘this is over, Omicron has saved us, the narrative is changing.’ That's not how this works. This is the crime of the century. The evil doers are not going to just say “oops!” and walk away. They are going to double down and double down and double down until we TAKE power and arrest them. I know we are all exhausted. 2022 is an election year. Primaries are in just a few months. All of our energies most go to elections and street protests. Take power, take power, take power, that’s how this ends." [bold mine]

Now that the failure of the vaccines is becoming irrefutable, will there be a pivot to recognize this and then blame Trump/conservatives for them? Midterms are approaching and if any anger can be refocussed, this is a political win… It would also absolve the bad actors of responsibility. It will be interesting to watch.


Rockefeller’s and Gates families are obviously in play. But the true powers are the 13 Illuminati families, and the Rothschild Zionists.


"This is inappropriate…"Very much a power statement of someone in authority who can define for the rest of us what is allowed.
“[Y]ou have an audience of folks who agree with you…we allow to sway us.” This is an assertion that Dr. Martenson is swayed by a need for popularity, but you give no factual logic for this assumption. But again maybe you don’t need to if you just want to make a power statement that hopefully makes you feel good.

Its hard, because 99% of people we deal with aren't narcissists.
According to narcissism expert Dr. Ramani Durvasula in an interview with the Genius Network, at 13:50 minutes in, she estimates "the prevalence of narcissism in American culture is probably closer to 30%" Though I expect a Machiavellian explanation is probably correct for the recent conciliatory turn toward more truth from the media and government sources, it's also simply what narcissists do as part of the cycle of abuse: they play nice for a while, to defuse the anger and strategize how to retake the moral high ground. From an article by Erin Leonard Ph.D in Psychology Today:
The narcissist disguises his or her emotional abuse by being nice. This may be the narcissist's most effective tool when camouflaging emotional abuse. Suddenly he or she is kind and complimentary, acting as though the fit of rage he or she threw an hour ago never happened. The sudden change in temperament often causes confusion in an emotionally intelligent partner who naturally recognizes the good in people. He or she wonders if the toxic tendencies were exaggerated in his or her own mind. After all, a person is allowed to have a bad day. Now, the emotionally intelligent individual feels foolish for perceiving the narcissist as mean. Someone who does such nice things cannot be a problem. Unfortunately, the nice act is usually a manipulation. A helpful way to gain clarity in this situation is to ask oneself, “Would I ever do what he or she did?” If the answer is “no,” the person may be narcissistic.

“There Will Come Soft Rains” -Sarah Teasdale
There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,
And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;
And frogs in the pools singing at night,
And wild plum-trees in tremulous white;
Robins will wear their feathery fire
Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire;
And not one will know of the war, not one
Will care at last when it is done.
Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree
If mankind perished utterly;
And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn,
Would scarcely know that we were gone.


According to Alex Berenson the WHO is raising the white flag, and starting to distance from vaccine/booster endorsement narratives. If you assume the WHO is a China mouth piece, it does fit with the project veritas release of documents pointing to Fauci et all, as the main culprits, not China. Combine this with the opportunity for the democrats (a small time sensitive window) to blame Trump for the ‘warp speed vaccine failure’, we may (hopefully) be seeing an acceleration of narrative shifting.


I was using the more mainstream numbers for NPD prevalence - although as I look more closely, the range is pretty broad.
The 30% figure just feels too high. We’d all be a lot better at dealing with it, if it were that common. Just looking at people who come to the site - the folks with severe cases of NPD appear to be relatively rare. Given the challenges of diagnosing narcissistic personality disorder, there have been varying reports of prevalence in the United States of America (USA). Prevalence rates from community samples have been from 0.5% to 5% of the US population.[7] However, in clinical settings, NPD appears to be more prevalent. Prevalence rates can be from 1% to 15% of the United States population. NPD may coexist with other mental disorders rendering its diagnosis challenging. Substance use disorders are among the most comorbid conditions.[8] Other personality disorders such as antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, and schizotypal personality disorder are also common in people with NPD.[9]

I edited my post to include a link for the interview of Dr. Ramani explaining the official prevalence estimate vs. her estimate. I think the more you are unconsciously part of that behavior pattern, the less prevalence will be apparent, depending upon where you would place the threshold, for example if you wanted to make a distinction between normal behavior and dysfunctional behavior or if you were trying to fit to a different model, as I have done with the idea of sin that we all struggle with. So I have a different perspective than say, Brandon Smith of, who makes a case that it really is us vs. them, and even Dr. Ramani Durvasula, who has almost no hope that narcissists could ever be whole and complete humans.


All will come again – Rainer Maria Rilke

Posted on August 27, 2015 by new desert
All will come again All will come again into its strength: the fields undivided, the waters undammed, the trees towering and the walls built low. And in the valleys, people as strong and varied as the land. And no churches where God is imprisoned and lamented like a trapped and wounded animal. The houses welcoming all who knock and a sense of boundless offering in all relations, and in you and me. No yearning for an afterlife, no looking beyond, no belittling of death, but only longing for what belongs to us and serving earth, lest we remain unused.
  The first section feels like a vision to live by. The second takes god out of the dogma and into the world.

Thanks for posting.
and Stph, thank you too.


Years ago I worked as editor and associate producer on a documentary film dealing with preventing domestic violence. The profile of domestic violence abusers has been and is well documented by professional healthcare experts for decades. Here is a link for further information on how some states define “abuser/abuse/domestic violence.”
The abuser as a type of individual has certain means and strategies they use to abuse and control an individual - as well as whole populations. Here is a link to a 2.5 hour documentary of Tova Frideman, a WWII death camp survivor discussing what she went through during her capture in Auschwitz.
She became a therapist and describes the tactics used by Nazi’s to destroy the basic unit of civilization - the family, - as well as small, local communities. It is a riveting story and parallels what is going on right now with governmental Covid-19 tactics all over the world.
What Chris presented is very well documented psychological information which we need to take very seriously as what happened in Europe during the 30’s and 40’s is happening again right here and now in this country. The debate of what constitutes “abuse” is long over as the historical records reflect.


If we’re doing poetry, I would offer:

'If' By Rudyard Kipling
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!


I think the more you are unconsciously part of that behavior pattern, the less prevalence will be apparent, depending upon where you would place the threshold...
Well I suppose its always possible that "unconscious narcissists" won't be able to spot other narcissists. And/or "if you can't spot the 30% of society who are narcs, then that's just because you are one." That's one framing, certainly. And a delightfully punishing, self-referential framing to boot. I've seen that sort of approach before. My lived experience: I don't see incidence at 30%. I don't see a lot of people exhibiting the same behaviors that I dealt with in real life. If you don't think I'm looking for it - well, you'd be wrong.

These points are right on target. And it is very powerful to realize the game that is being played. If everyone were educated on patterns of abuse, and how to deal with them, our world would be in a different place now. Spreading this information helps to break the cycles.
And abuse thrives in secrecy (behind closed doors), so let’s keep shedding light.
It’s also so sad that more domestic violence is happening with the isolation that is imposed by the current government policies for isolation and separation of people, and purposeful destruction of community.
For those who would like more resources on domestic violence and abuse, here are some:
The Duluth Model
Lundy Bancroft
Domestic Shelters memes
Let’s keep building community, and supporting each other.


The consequences of the pandemic are terrible. Slope 3 is the game that has helped me no longer be bored during the days of being confined at home when the pandemic broke out

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I am living in Thailand, tested positive for covid 25/12/21 have since recovered which is confirmed by subsequent negative tests. At the same time my wife tested negative. However, to make sure she went on the FLCCC prevention protocol and she continued to test negative throughout the entire period that I was infected and to date. The question in my mind is did she at any stage become infected? I have contacted two leading hospitals here to find out if they do an Antibody test and in both cases they said they did not do Antibody testing, which I find strange. How can I confirm if she has or has not ever been infected with SARS-COV 2 ?

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I agree that there are overwhelming numbers of facts about Covid and scientific information regarding same. It can act as a distancing strategy - always being in one’s head - as opposed to being in one’s emotions on an emergency room table with heart problems from vaccines and/or covid. Quite a different state of reality in the moment as there is no time for thinking while during and being “in” a terrifying experience. You are associated as they say to the experience.
I recall working with a therapist on some unpleasant issue. Unfortunately, at the time, she was rather disconnected from what I was going through in the moment. It angered me and I chided her saying, “You know, the way you look to me right now is someone swirling a martini on some sunny beach waving to me, telling me everything is okay and it’ll be fine! Me, the someone out in the middle of the ocean, clinging to a small shard of a broken branch in the dark, in giant seas trying to drown me! Do you know how you look to me right now?” She was not even close to being in the experience with me in the moment. I felt alone and I felt it was crazy making because where I was, was not where she was!
And that experience reminds me of how things are looking these days, how they look is NOT how it’s feeling - a conflictive state I was able to articulate one day just after a 7.1 quake rattled us to our foundations. It was a beautiful sunny day. Not a cloud in the sky. As we stared out the window still trembling, I mentioned the great weather and how beautiful it looked - but how it didn’t feel that way. Incongruity is part of why many are feeling so distressed and so odd. Things look one way, but they feel another way, or sound very differently. What we think may not be be how we feel about what we think. We can disagree with ourselves.
We can drive around town and it’s all still there with new empty buildings where friends and businesses once stood. Reminders of the truth which many are trying to cover-up and distort. We hear one thing from this expert, then opposite things from others. I make it a point to believe what I can verify in reality by actually going and seeing what’s there for myself. My attempt to resolve the inconsistencies of what someone said was there versus what I can see, hear, feel, taste and smell for myself based on knowledge, which is consistent today as was yesterday. Like when the economy isn’t doing well, even though experts tell us it is, and many of the stores and businesses I frequented are closed for good, or have half of what they used to on the shelves.
The facts and data are important when they reflect truth. But too, what our emotions are saying are equally important, especially now. If you find yourself hearing a news report and afterwards you’re feeling uncomfortable and anxious, you’re probably picking up the incongruity of what was said. This is what lies do and are. They create a conflict within the visual, auditory, kinesthetic representational systems we use to make sense of the world and between the left and right brain, which pay attention to very different criteria. And when the conflicts are not solved, the incongruities pile up to such a degree that we can panic emotionally and feel tremendous anxiety and fear. Some say that is illogical - and they are right because it is not logical. ( left brain) It is the right brain and the emotional side that is now overwhelmed by a need for congruence and structure. Answers that allay the confusion of the incongruities. When what is presented is congruent, it looks like, sounds like and feels like the same set of facts/truths. It all matches within these very different senses and representational systems. The whatever it is - is the same on all 3 - 5 channels of sensory input. Meaning, seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and smelling. There are no incongruities. The known facts about reality match as well.
The right brain is not the word center. It is the nonverbal center and picks up very small pieces of what they call sub-modalities, which when constructed together account for how bright or dull the light was in an experience, how small or large the nose was, the eyes, how far apart they were set, what color they were, how the left side of the face is held, versus the right etc., Very small bits of information we are unaware of in any moment, which when assembled make up a face or field of flowers. As the NLP folks say, its the right brain that flies the plane and drives the car with its expert spatial relations abilities.
With so much willful intent to lie, distort and demonize these days, the intense amount of incongruities are making people feel desperate for truth or information that all adds up congruently. This is the core of the psychological warfare/gaslighting, etc being used now. It is one of their greatest tools to emotionally starve people of structure, order, explanations with resolution that match the left brain/data side and the expert right brain spatial side. And after a while it’s true, no amount of data matters anymore when the emotional needs are left unresolved for so long - Like not telling someone how long their prison term will be. Or not knowing if you’ll ever see a loved one again when they’ve been reported as missing.
Children are mostly emotional beings for quite a while. And they have found that most animals are equivalent to 3-4 year old children emotionally. Unfortunately, western societies have denigrated the emotional side in favor of the logical. Truth is we need a healthy balance of both, to not only be healthy mentally, emotionally but also physically as individuals and communities.


Reading the “Abuse Poster” reminded me of the saying (Lord Acton’s?) that “Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Perhaps a narcissist is someone who just hasn’t been stopped yet, or maybe someone who hasn’t taken some humility to heart, a stranger to mercy.
I’m sure it’s pretty common, the sort of thing we all must check ourselves against by the Golden Rule.


I hadn’t thought much of estimating from my own experiences who may or may not have enough narcissistic behavioral style that I take notice, but I’m not far from Dr. Ramani’s 30%, and if anything I’d go higher.
I’m not married, but well over half of the women who have shown interest have had something like borderline personality disorder, which, after reading a lot of professional opinions, does not seem sufficiently distinct to put it in a separate category except that they are more willing to submit to and be helped by treatment such as dialectical behavior therapy. An important piece of information that I got from David M Allen M.D. was that they know what they are doing. The invalidation and manipulation are conscious and driven by fear of rejection by an intimate partner or caregiver, whereas with NPD there is a broader concern with identity and reputation.
If you start including all the conditions where people present strong identities to cover their shame—and there are several of this sort that are not politically correct enough for me to mention even here—you start to get a broader picture of narcissism, or whatever you want to call it at that broad level. I think Dr. Ramani prefers “antagonistic personality style” and others talk about “D”, the core traits of the dark triad. From my perspective, they have in common that such a person compares himself to others rather than to absolute metrics of performance or morality, which results in not-grounded-in-reality shame and entitlement.