You're Being Abused

I happen to agree with you about the article being inappropriate. Chris lists the various points about the abuse but fails to note the criminal behavior characteristics.
What do we call a governing body which uses taxpayer funds to assist in gain of function research (outlawed in this country) in far off lands and then allow that research to infect the planet. Oh yes, one more thing; the same taxpayer money also used to fund pharmaceutical research for non sterilizing vaccines which when completed, is then sold to the public immediately after getting the government to indemnify any injuries. This is definitely not abusive, it is criminal.
How about a private institution printing money out of thin air at the request of our governing body and ‘lending’ it to our government agencies while charging interest on same that the taxpayers have to pay for. Nope, not abusive 
 criminal. It called taking. They do so because they can.
How about “We have a pandemic but no early treatment for you. Go home and come back to the ER when you are ready to die.” Abusive? No frickin way! It is criminal!
Big Corp (spelled $$) owns the media, the insurance, the energy, the education, the medical and the gov’t. It’s an elite club and we ain’t in it.
There is a chance though that if you squint real hard and think positive thoughts that you may own nothing and be happy!
Just how I see it today.


Great post! Interestingly, if you talk to people on either side of the current Great Divide, most will say that things seem strange, but I guess many do not stop to inquire as to the reason. They simply want things to return to ‘normal’.


A few more characteristics of narcissists:
Image over substance - They strive to look good at at any cost and image is everything to them. This is why their words and actions change so rapidly. They are not being driven by the core principles and values that the rest of us use like a North Star to guide our behavior. In other words: there is no moral compass. Fauci is a classic example: what he says is whatever he thinks makes him look good. It may or may not be true, but it always serves his aggrandized self-image. They don’t believe in much, but they believe fervently in their own nobility.
They have no empathy. They don’t care about the little old lady in the grocery store crying because she can’t buy decent food anymore. They don’t care about desperation in poor couples trying to pay their bills. They don’t care about Maddy or her family.
They are dangerous, and most dangerous when they can’t control you. Most people who are killed in an abusive relationship are killed when they are trying to leave or immediately after.
They become increasingly disordered over time. Our leaders across the world are leaving narcissism behind, but only because they are degenerating into psychopathy and evil. Narcissists usually only want to hurt you sufficiently to get you back under their control, and while they may enjoy it, your pain is not their prime driver. But psychopaths take pleasure in malice and pain: it is it’s own reward. Hitler’s inner circle got crazier and more psychopathic over time, as did the guards at every concentration camp, because the system rewarded that. I feel like this is happening now in most of the leaders of the West. Vaccinating children is psychopathic. Too many of us look at that and say “It doesn’t make sense.” Which from our worldview is entirely accurate: not supported by the data, not ethical, entirely illogical. But they have a different worldview, and we need to understand that.
This video talks about the emotional side of things, and it is a relief to talk about it. As mammals we are furry meaning-seeking, realtionship-building creatures, and we ignore our emotional side at our own peril. I’ll bet that many of us are here because initially we had a nagging feeling that told us something was not right, and we followed it. As a scientist I’d never discount logic and rationality, and often have to put things into spreadsheets to understand them. But the strongest people I know are those who have integrated their emotional and intellectual sides, and understand they are complimentary. And the remaining free people in the world need all the strength that can be harnessed.


I agree, CKessel. But I think the ‘abuse’ poster or model offers something for those who are taken in by the Mainstream Narrative and can’t yet process what’s happening in a sensible way.
How about a poster “It’s Not Just Abuse. It’s Criminal and It’s Your Government” encompassed with all your points?


Part of my way for assessing the truth of a statement is checking it against my lived reality. For instance - “vaccines are safe and effective.” I look around. A bunch of my friends - vaccinated - got COVID. Not so effective. They also had varying degrees of side effects. Much worse than “the flu shot.” Not so safe.
Just today my sister said, “its raining” - she pointed to her phone. Sure enough, a little rain cloud complete with raindrops, right there on the screen. I go outside. I look up. No raindrops. Clouds yes. But no rain. I conclude: its not actually raining.
Based on your description, I suspect I had to deal with a more severe version of NPD, and that’s why I see it as infrequent.
No empathy, desire to dominate and control, desire to push everyone else down below themselves, they are the most important thing in the world, and you really don’t matter. That’s narcissism. That’s also not 30% of the world. In my experience. My experience matches with the 1% incidence.
Then again, its probable that different professions attract different personality types. Are narcs attracted to engineering? Probably not so much. Back when I started, it was not a “high status” job. Sales? I suspect more so. Politics? Yeah. I’m guessing its pretty common in politics.


I don’t think my intent really came across. I thought that the comment about the abuse poster Chris showed being ‘inappropriate’ was somewhat odd in that if you think abuse is bad, what about criminal activity.
It’s way worse than abuse although it is certainly at least that! Our leadership is actively conspiring against the population IMHO. I’m not saying it is necessarily all a big organized activity but it is being promoted by people in administrative positions from the White House to county government who follow the ‘party line’ and implement poorly conceived policies without thought.
And there is the condition of our leadership telling us what they are going to do and then doing something else without any accountability. This is plain and simple lying. It would be different if we were told WHY the former position was being changed such as receiving new information, etc. in a way the public could understand and follow.
I don’t think there is one care in the world about providing honest info, accountability or giving a shit about the populace by a large percentage of the work force. I hope I’m wrong but I’m planning on that being the case.
The son of one of our PP group members did this poster yesterday. Enjoy - that part comes at the end though!


Several of Canada’s largest legacy media companies failed to reveal nearly $2 million worth of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals funding that a leading pediatrics professor from Alberta has received while pushing for vaccination of 5-11-year-olds....
... “In some of our historical data, patients admitted for COVID treatment were categorized as being in ICU when the unit they were on, in fact, had been changed back to a non-ICU unit at that time.”

In other words, the figures were wrong. The entire time that ICU numbers were used as a key point to justify lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and vaccine passports in Alberta, the government intentionally or unintentionally utilized eschewed data, if not outright manipulated data. ...

The following is more of the 'rules for thee but not for me' courtesy NDP leader Jagmit Singh on 2022-01-03 Solidarity Movement of Canada, [2022-01-09 5:39 PM] [Forwarded from Lynn M organ] "We are merely peasants, this makes me sick. My friend's hubby was in the hospital and no one could see him. He ended up dying, they let her in just for his final moments. It's heartbreaking and so wrong that many will die alone."

Steve Kirsch reported on this today in his substack. I live in WA and didn’t find the article he linked to very credible so I went directly to the State of Washington website and read the legislation there. Needless to say, I am horrified. The most chilling part for me is the date of Certification at the bottom document: 10/19/19. My family has been debating if we need to leave Washington. This is our home and we love it here, but this makes me exceedingly nervous. It’s a small step once a person is under quarantine for a court to decide they can suspend the 30 day limit indefinitely.


Isn’t it true that every honest German is ashamed of his government these days? Who among us has any conception of the dimensions of shame that will befall us and our children when one day the veil has fallen from our eyes and the most horrible of crimes—crimes that infinitely outdistance every human measure—reach the light of day?
— 1st leaflet of the White Rose
Since the conquest of Poland, 300,000 Jews have been murdered in this country in the most bestial way 
 The German people slumber on in dull, stupid sleep and encourage the fascist criminals. Each wants to be exonerated of guilt, each one continues on his way with the most placid, calm conscience. But he cannot be exonerated; he is guilty, guilty, guilty!
— 2nd leaflet of the White Rose.
Why do you allow these men who are in power to rob you step by step, openly and in secret, of one domain of your rights after another, until one day nothing, nothing at all will be left but a mechanised state system presided over by criminals and drunks? Is your spirit already so crushed by abuse that you forget it is your right—or rather, your moral duty—to eliminate this system?
— 3rd leaflet of the White Rose
Es lebe die Freiheit! (Let Freedom live!)
— Hans Scholl’s last words before his execution.


So, you reserve the right to die as an unconstrained individual. Fair enough. All the antivaxxers are self selecting as they die out. Governments have no responsibility to help safeguard their people? Why are “socialist” countries (as in Scandinavia) better places to live and overall happier than the USA? Or have I got it all wrong – I couldn’t watch all of Dr Chris’s self-congratulatory rubbish. Here in Australia we had strong governmental responses and have one of the lowest Covid death rates in the world despite now high Covid numbers as new variants roll through the population. The 5 Big Lies: 1. USA is strong and free. 2. USA is the best place to live. 3. People are better off in the USA. 4. Unfettered access to guns give a safer society. 5. Free health care is bad for you.
Bah humbug.


Here at PeakProsperity, as you know, we like having a variety of viewpoints because that has the potential to stimulate discussion and learning. We’ve had plenty of Aussies here who are outraged, embarrassed, and frightened by their government’s actions. It’s good to have you here to have someone praise the actions of Australia’s various governmental bodies and bureaucrats. You mentioned a number of value judgments that I’d rather not discuss. But you did make what seemed like a factual claim that I would like to discuss further. You wrote:

All the antivaxxers are self selecting as they die out.
Are you saying the unvaccinated are dying at a higher rate than the vaccinated? Do you have research data to show that is accurate? Are you in favor of permitting people to refuse the vaccine and then die, or are you of the opinion that all people should be forced or coerced into taking the vaxx and therefore live?

I think it is clear that the unvaxxed are dying at a higher rate OF COVID. But the vaxxed are dying at an even higher rate than the unvaxxed when you consider all cause mortality. All those footballers falling down on the pitch due to heart conditions is representative of this reality.


AEJ, Welcome to the site.
From your post, I get the impression that you may believe that the posters on this site are limited to those who object to the mass vaccination campaign solely on the basis of beliefs in individual liberty and self-determination.
Some, indeed, do take that position.
But the actual scope of discourse here is much, much broader.
It includes:

  1. Questions about vaccine efficacy as claimed, including both relative risk reduction and absolute risk reduction.
  2. Questions about the accuracy of the initial studies which allowed the vaccines to obtain emergency use authorization. This includes not only questions about how the studies were structured and conducted, but also questions which have arisen about the honesty of the reported results.
  3. Questions of the actual performance of the vaccines in terms of actual real world initial efficacy and the duration of efficacy.
  4. Questions about the actual performance of the vaccines in terms of their ability to provide immunity or even limited immunity against variants.
  5. Questions about vaccine failure, i.e. situations where vaccines can actually enhance infectivity and lethality rather than reduce it. This is called antibody dependent enhancement (ADE.) Even Anthony Fauci admitted this was a real possibility with these vaccines. And there is indeed evidence that this is happening with the emergence of negative vaccine efficacy against the Omicron variant in Denmark and Great Britain.
  6. Questions about adverse events. This includes actual reported adverse events from the vaccines and (since everyone on both sides of the question concedes such adverse events are underreported) the actual extent real world vaccine adverse events. This question also includes long term adverse event potential which everyone concedes cannot be known due to the accelerated approvals of the current vaccines. This last question is a very difficult one since the vaccines have only been administered for about one year and one must thus hypothesize long terms trends based upon on partial short term reporting.
  7. Questions of Cost/Benefit analyses when measuring actual and temporal vaccine efficacy against real world short term adverse events and hypothesized long term adverse events.
  8. Questions about the relative efficacy and safety of non-vaccine treatments for Covid 19.
  9. Questions of Cost/Benefit analyses when measuring vaccines against non-vaccine treatments.
  10. Many other questions including the wisdom of vaccinated pregnant women without any safety testing at all, the wisdom of vaccinating children who are virtually immune to the disease, possible damage to the immune system by repeated vaccine injections, the benefits of natural immunity over vaccine induced immunity, how coercive governmental mandates might diminish social cohesion, and so on and so on.
    There is a wealth of data on this site which (with the anticipated launching of a remodeled site) will soon be easily searchable.
    I sincerely hope that you will consider all this with an open mind and understand that there are many sides to the important issue of how to respond to the current pandemic.

Brisbane here. I tend to agree with some of your sentiments. Americans do tend to have some quite large blind spots around the merits of their country. For most people the nation they live in is all they know, and if they’re one of the people in that society for whom it suits - then naturally they will defend and promote it as the best system possible.
Unless you’ve lived and worked in a number of different countries, it’s hard to break the mental boundaries on this. On this I’ve been very fortunate over the past two decades. There really are only a relative handful of nations you would want to live in, Canada, Australia, NZ and the USA are the obvious ones, although I could easily list another dozen.
What most have in common are a strong rule of law govt, a balance of personal liberty and responsibilities, and a strong public sector that underpins education, health, agriculture and infrastructure. The USA is something of an outlier in these respects, but not an outsider, not when compared to say the PRC. These common social features are no accident.
My sense is that these historic, hard-won strengths have been turned against us. You can see it in the march of the woke culture wars through our best institutions, you can see it in the demolition of trust in our media, and the devolution of natural capitalism into a pernicious corporatism.
I agree with Chris on this - totalitarianism is the enemy here. And it’s not just one nation, one group of elites or any cabal in a smokey backroom responsible - it’s feeding on a loss of hope, faith and vision in humanity itself. As one author put it, we’ve been infected with a Malthusian mind-virus that literally tells us our lives are pointless and not worth living. Once that took hold, the rest has been almost inevitable.


I am unvaxxed 
70 years old 
.have had prostate cancer
.just got Covid
Had a very mild case because of D3 and Ivermectin and HCQ, steroids, and all the other supplements. In other words I treated it early and aggressively. I have good friends who are vaxxed who had worse cases than I (after telling me that their vaccine would reduce the severity of their symptoms). This is in my neighborhood. I seriously doubt that my story is unique.
Would I want to live in your country
.No thank you
.I value my freedom. By body my choice
.I have lived a normal life during covid (have you?) and will not let a coercive government steal my freedom. Regarding gun ownership

The Jews had their guns confiscated before their lives were confiscated

All the antivaxxers are self selecting as they die out.
Well, you mean all 0.2% of them, right? Because, being the rationalist that you seem to be, you are of course aware that the infection fatality rate (IFR) of the disease in an untreated form is only 0.2%. But, since reason and science are your strong suits, you sly devil, you stand ready to correct that faulty assertion by pointing out that with early treatment that number can be chopped by at least 90%. So the real and true IFR is in the vicinity of 0.02%. Then, noting that the immunity of those naturally infected is robust, there will be fewer and fewer deaths occurring in the 99.98% surviving cohort in later years with subsequent infections. Now that's clever! Wait...what was your point again?

Well said, Mike from Jersey. I am also Australian and an observer of an extraordinary push by a fearful Federal Government and State Governments to get people vaccinated by means of demonising those who do not want to be vaccinated. I am double vaccinated with the Astra-Zeneca because I am 67 years old but I have my doubts about taking the currently recommended Pfizer booster, especially after hearing what the Pfizer CEO had to say. The push is now on to vaccinate 5-11 year olds which seems to be more about protecting government from teachers unions than anything else. The issue is about workplace health and safety. I see that in the US the idea that a virus could be a workplace health and safety issue was squashed in court as it should be. The idea that unvaccinated kids could be a threat to teachers is yet another display of ignorance given that most of the spreading of the virus has been by vaccinated people. Given that the unvaccinated are not allowed on airplanes, how on earth could Omicron have spread around the world except by vaccinated people?
I really do not understand what is driving the decisions made by our political leaders in Australia but they are hell bent on vaccinating everyone. I am not an antivaxxer but I do wonder if it is the correct course of action for young (say under 40) people now that Omicron is less harmful than previous variants. Would it not be better to get a natural immunity rather than an artificial one which wears out rather quickly?
Our leading newspaper The Australian had a 6 page supplement (sponsored by the Australian Federal government) this weekend full of propaganda aimed at vaccinating 5-11 year olds. It contained such untruthful gems as this:
Will the virus seek out the unvaccinated cohort, in this case, kids under 12?
MD: Yes, that is rightand we don’t know what Omicron will do, if it will be more transmissible, so we just want to reduce kids getting infected in the first place and passing it on.
RB: The virus looks for where it can multiply so it looks for anyone who is unvaccinated.
MD is Margie Danchin - a Pediatrician/Researcher (with the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute) and RB is Professor Robert Booy - an infectious diseases pediatrician and vaccine expert at the University of Sydney.
Unbelievable stuff - viruses that can “seek” out and “look for” their hosts and tell the difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated when, in fact, it has been infecting both. Apparently, they “don’t know what Omicron will do, if it will be more transmissible” when the experience everywhere is that it is more transmissible but less harmful.
That is the Australian government for you. Why News Corp agreed to publish this is bizarre because their coverage of the pandemic has been pretty good. They must have had a gun put to their head.


Dave, I had to laugh upon reading your comment “different professions attract different personality types.” I have migrated from science into law, (and now into engineering) and think of that as almost an understatement.
After being in two graduate programs and working as a scientist for some years, I endured 2.5 years in a highly ranked law school. I was shocked by the disgusting people that made up most of the law students. Couldnt find a worse assemblage of humanity to be around. This got even worse when I worked at a couple of the biggest/top law firms in the country for 8 years afterwards. Just unbelievable. Even the best/most trusted people stab each other in the back and consider it normal. Success comes most to those who lie the most, and most of the lies target the client. People have no idea how varied the professions are and normally live in their little Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/Tooth Fairy bubbles where they only experience like minded others. When I try to tell people how it really is in Washington DC or in lawyerville where the most aggressive sociopaths aggregate the most, they often yell at me for being a conspiracy theorist, so I learned to keep my mouth shut.
I am spending the rest of my life in engineering and the people here are profoundly different. I think this is a genetic thing, evolution has not stopped, and hopefully we can just walk away and let most of the rot burn itself out.
A focus on small community development and the creation of wealth there, while excluding the parasitic sociopaths who almost by definition are incapable of getting their hands dirty is a good solution. I have yet to meet a sociopathic small village farmer and know many in agriculture. lol
We need to rebuild our own medical, education, food, water, energy, elder care etc. systems away from the sociopaths, which self aggregate in places like D.C., Syndney, and London, and let the sociopaths finish each other off in their sterile make believe worlds. They need us but cant even see us because we are poor and stupid, and work with our hands, yet we dont need them. So yeah, “different professions attract different personality types.” No sociopath in his right mind would decide to garden, or build something with his own hands. The worst sociopath I knew as a lawyer bragged that he had no idea (or desire to learn) how to use a screwdriver. Something to be proud of as a sociopath, yet a good diagnostic indicator for us to avoid/find the best people to work with. On the opposite side of this coin, it is surprising to me how many wonderful people who never learned how to use a screw driver or grow a plant, suddenly learn and enjoy becoming a craftsmen and gardener after 30 or 40 years of age. I have many happy examples of that.


One big difference in professions is how close they are to reality. An engineer has to stay very reality focused in order for machines to work. At the other extreme, social activists or lawyers can get away with lies and deceit by getting others to bear the consequences of faking reality. (This is not a blanket condemnation of everyone in these professions.)


I tried to save it in a form I could give to someone but it’s locked. It can’t be downloaded or printed.