You're Being Abused

Rumbl3 links and references are seemingly going to dev/null
I have send a PM to staff (Aaron) a few days ago, but have not gotten an answer.
I hope this is a honest mistake. If PP were to crudely censor, I’d be miffed.

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Thanks Redneck
I agree completely. Your comment is a reminder that progress in solving problems comes when we employ a reality check on our thinking. Facts are more important than feelings or traditions or rules.
I think that many of us come to this blog site because of the truth sifting and the respect for data. On the other hand, there has been much “fiat communication” ie. heresay wherein posters often just pull stuff out of their butt and make assertions that are meant to be self-evident. Fiat communication (heresay/rumoring/conspiracy “theorizing” based on how you feel) is to communication what fiat money is to wealth. Backed by nothing and often printed on nothing. Science is very invasive and reliant on duplication because truth is not obtained by fiat statements or discussions that rely on fiat.
I would like to see all postings on this site considered by the poster as whether based on facts and the poster to make an attempt to not dwell on fiat. Example, are you saying something from a. personal experience, b. learned from someone with deep knowledge of the subject, or c. fiat? I expect to be hated and condemned for wanting to limit fiat arguments and discussions. But that kind of vacuous entertainment is extremely abundant on other web sites, which are filled with fantasies and notions that consume pleasurable internet keyboarding at the expense of solving problems from reality that do not succumb to fiat statements.


Here’s AEJ’s profile showing (s)he joined over five years ago and has never made a post prior to today. Can somebody explain how this is possible? Is the website being hacked? This is not the first instance of this odd behavior that I’ve witnessed. Out of the blue someone who registered multiple years in the past makes a single post and it’s always a type trying to throw a monkey wrench into the works.


Ok Mots, you opened the door, now I’m coming to collect!
Given your experience in the different professions, what’s your estimate of NPD prevalence in the three professions you cited:
scientist (whatever that is)
law firm
The attorneys I’ve worked with haven’t struck me as being particularly egregious, although my experience was (mostly) as a client. Although our in-house patent counsel seemed pretty level-headed. Maybe the patent attorneys are closer to engineers.
Sales people - unsure, but they were great at lying and selling stuff we didn’t have. Not ideal. With marketing somewhere in between. The Dilbert comic strip was very helpful to tell engineers we weren’t crazy after all about demanding schedules be reasonable, and that features can’t be added at the last moment without having to completely redo the schedule.
The closer you get to actually having to get stuff done (the compiler is a harsh mistress - I suspect the soldering iron is as well) the less room there is for crap. Then again - crap != NPD.
There was a lady - a manager at large-unnamed-company - who had a very nasty rep. Putting it together now, she was definitely a narc. The only time I ever had to “manage upward.” But she was relatively rare.
I can’t imagine what the entertainment industry looks like.


Dave: I think you nailed it when you wrote: “the patent attorneys are closer to engineers.” I also point out at the risk of over generalization that in house counsel also live in a very different world from the big firm hired guns. In my opinion many nice experienced attorneys become in house because they are not suited or enjoy the sociopathic large firm pressure cooker. Patent attorneys especially live in totally different worlds. If you are “working with” an attorney and not paying him at least 750$ per hour, and you yourself are not a VP of a corporation or a politician, (or you are referring to something from 20 years ago) then your experience is likely different from what I am commenting about. By the way, Washington DC is not filled to the brim with in-house counsel but instead with hired gun lobbyists and hired gun counsel. Patent attorneys and in house counsel do not run our government for us, except of course when a multinational corporation funds a successful presidential campaign and gets to put its own corporate attorney in charge of the patent office to ensure rule changes in tandem with major changes to the law courtesy of lobbyists and bought off politicians that permanently increase the corporation`s unfair advantages to screw the little inventor and small businesses such as during the Obama years. This reminds me of trying to talk with another foreigner in Japan whos father is a professor at a small agricultural college in a country far away from the US. He labels me a conspiracy theorist when I talk about Fauchi because he “knows” that scientists are good and wholesome. In fact, sociopaths are drawn to the medical school -then- Dr Scientist then government expert-czar politics track just as surely as they are drawn to the biggest law firms. Depends on your particular talents I suppose.


What I do when first starting an internet communication regarding sensitive subjects with an unknown person is to ask that person to state on the record (via return email) that he or she is not directly or indirectly funded by a government or government agency, or if so, explain that relationship.
It is difficult, legally for a troll or other person who induces you to do something that they want to nail you for as illegal, to state clearly and on the record that they are NOT working for the government. Kind of hurts their subsequent court action.
Can AEJ tell us in writing that he/she is not working directly or indirectly for a government agency, or a globalist corporation, or is not a computer program doing the same?
This problem will only get worse as fascism gets up to speed and our blog sites start plugging up with computer generated nonsense. An averment that the joiner is a real person with a specific name and reveal of adverse interests are minimum requirements for truth telling in other forums. Why not here. Dont have to tell everyone, just the manager of the blogsite.


If I were to get the Covid jab, do you think I should have the right to sue the manufacturer for any harm that might result from their product? YES? or NO?


The thing people like you fail to understand is there are always tradeoffs in life, and saving lots of people from dying from Covid comes at a cost. You yourself may not have directly experienced the costs, but many Australians have paid the price (loss of freedom (yes, it has real value!), loss of job, domestic abuse, etc, etc) for saving lives from Covid.
Question is: Has it all been worth it? Any studies done in this regard have arrived at an emphatic NO.
P.S. This is one reason why every single human being should do a basic economics course - so they understand the concept of trade-offs between resources, policy choices, etc. Otherwise you end up with people like this who think fighting a virus at any cost is a good policy choice.


Please excuse this rant but AEJ’s post does exemplify something that one frequently encounters in Australia, which probably comes as something of a surprise or shock to Americans. A few years ago ran into young American academic in Australia (I think she was from Oregon, which can’t be that different from Australia, since Australia is very much like a US blue state), who was having a very difficult time with this condescending attitude Australians have towards America and so Americans. It is very real here.
It is often claimed that Americans are ignorant of the broader world and I dare say the same thing, to the extent that it is true of Americans, is also true of Australians. We’ve had other posts here about the contemporary smugness of Australians, who seem especially ignorant of what is going on regarding covid. The remarkable weakness of our public institutions, which is not really news, is borne out by just how readily they have embraced both medical authoritarianism and nihilism in Australia. As in the US, there is a diversity of responses. NSW is sort of like a rather weak version of Florida (alas the mask mandates have returned) without (more importantly) any early treatment. Who knows how this will turn out, perhaps not well, in which case the epidemic of smugness and its attendant authoritarianism (“strong governmental responses”) may well only be fortified.

The suppression of the voices of medical doctors here, as I have remarked in other posts, has been amazingly complete. The fearless and outspoken Professor Petrovsky is a rare exception. Given the crazy vax mandates, I don’t know that he is currently even allowed onto the campus of Flinders University, SA.
We have had very few covid deaths in Australia due to its very unique, highly urbanised, island continent, location. The vaccination adverse event based death toll is now likely to be in excess of covid deaths, although who knows. There are claims that some states (I think NSW and Qld, both large states) have stopped reporting vaccine related deaths. Quite a while ago, it was being observed that hospitals and emergency services in states in Australia with practically no covid (WA, QLD, Tas) were, nonetheless, being overwhelmed by a mysterious source of illness:
And this could be just the beginning. With it’s, smugness inducing, high rates of vaccination, Australia really is beginning to looking like the poster child for Geert vanden Bossche’s mass vaccination hypothesis, with a vast proportion of our society now (including increasingly children) likely to have vaccine based immune responses very poorly aligned with the actual contemporary state of virus on account of very low levels of natural immunity.
Thanks for continuing to pursue this. I can’t imagine why PP itself would have an interest in doing this but this can be a remarkably difficult website to post to.


Dave, Mots, Redneck Engineer,
That’s a fascinating lense through which we can view behavior of people and groups.
I have worked in Corporate Finance for more than 20 years. Accounting and Finance folks seem to lean more to the engineering side of things. 1+1=2 all the time, the rules of math don’t change.
I have encountered plenty of professionals that struggle with interpersonal issues and relationships due to low EQ; however, very few of them were real jerks or sociopaths at heart.
I don’t have much experience with lawyers, but in general (unfortunately), the way litigiousness is rampant in American society, I can see how it attracts a certain breed of personalities.


Send a pm ?

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I think there is something to the idea that certain personality types are attracted to certain jobs, activities, ways of life. It only makes sense that it would be that way. Ive usually found that ‘hands-on’ type workers…craftsmen, loggers, farmers, laborers, tradesmen, etc do tend, on the whole, to be more honest.
Whether they were that way from the beginning [ and hence were attracted to certain fields ], or whether the nature of their work helps to forge them into sincere people…we may never know. I will say there are lots of exceptions…try to hire a contractor; about 50% of them are liars crooks and thieves. I think it has to do with the almost ‘itinerant’ nature of their work. The staples; farmers, loggers are almost universally of decent fiber.


Where I live, it seems that at least several of the larger plumbing/HVAC firms around here specialized in ripping off the public.
One of them did all of the following to me and my brother with perhaps only 1-2 positive encounters mixed in:

  1. Claimed they couldn't remove my old water heater from a somewhat tight spot in the basement and that they would have to put my new one in a new spot. The result: probably an hour or two of billed plumbing work for them and no disposal costs.
  2. Quoting almost $10K to replace my main sewer line as it travels about 12 feet under the addition to the septic tank. Another honest and reputable outdoor plumbing/excavating company simply went around the addition for just over $2K.
  3. Intentionally lying about the voltage on my brother's AC, claiming it was the full 220 when in reality, the company that installed his solar panels had to disconnect the AC. They accidentally hooked up a hot and a neutral instead of two hots. The intended result: A sale of a new air conditioner. The actual result: My brother and I will never deal with them again and counsel others to do the same.
Another HVAC company uses high pressure sales techniques charges about twice the going rate for a new installation in exchange for some sort of "lifetime guarantee and service plan". The local septic tank pumper overcharges, tries to sell sham tank cleaning/digesting packets and charges absolutely ridiculous rates for their backhoe expertise. So the small guys can do it to, but it's the big ones that seem more prone to it. Maybe that's how they got big.
james the author of ‘living in the long emergency’.

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Get your hands dirty -plus due dilligence.


I agree that narcissists are attracted more to certain professions, but perhaps not as clearly so as Dave and Mots have observed because narcissistic supply (people who give attention and affirmation) will vary in style depending on the community that supplies it. Thus you also have vulnerable narcissists and communal narcissists. Not everyone is grandiose enough to aim for the admiration of huge audiences. They might dream about it, but also have a sense of how far they can push their narratives before those around them start calling B.S.
The internet has opened up many ways for people to have affirming audiences without accountability, whereas it doesn’t work as well to stay in one place and try to convince your neighbors that you are smarter, richer, cooler, nicer, more evolved, or more victimized. Not only are the audiences smaller, but they will figure out if you can be trusted to reciprocate a kindness and hear if you yell at your kids. Lack of accountability perpetuates narcissism, and often a narcissist will move somewhere else entirely rather than deal with the mess they made.
So itinerant professions, as well as professions that require physical or digital travel with shallow relationships, those with large influence over others, and I would also agree that professions in social-construct space rather than reality-accountable science and engineering would all have higher levels of narcissism. But I can think of several scientists, engineers, self-styled empaths, and even an avid gardener who clearly have narcissistic tendencies. It depends on what personality traits you were given at birth and whether you decide to let them be formed by reality or try to skate by and hope appearances suffice.
My personal experiences are not limited by profession as much as most since I’ve dabbled in several professions, and now I live near a small town (yet regional hub) where I have good access to people of nearly every profession. My sample bias is not by profession as much as whether they live near me or go to one of many churches.

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Absolutely not all tradesman. Particularly, I have found those who do contracting work are some of the worst scoundrels around. I had an investment property which needed some repair. Hired a contractor. The agreement was 20k for the work; 7k up front, 7k halfway through and the final 6k at completion.
I made the first two payments as he was working along. Then, suddenly a few days after the second payment, he announces “Im done” and demands the final payment. Anyone who would could look and see that he did not finish the job. I asked him to meet me at the house to discuss my concerns, he refused, demanding payment or he would “put a lien on my house”.
I refused to pay. Note to homeowners; any contractor who works on your house can out a “mechanics lien” on your property and demand more money. They dont have to see a judge or make their case to anyone. They just literally go to the records department and put a lien on your title. How that is allowed, or how it ever came to be is a mystery to me. But they can do it and they need provide no proof.
So this guy went ahead and put a lien on my property, demanding the remaining 6k to take it off. I went to see a lawyer and found out that these ‘mechanic liens’ are used by alot of unsavory contractors to extort money from people. People see a lien, they panic and pay up. However, the reality is the contractor has 6 months to take you to court and ‘exercise’ the lien. My lawyer recommended I sit tight and wait. Of course the crumb never took me to court, he didnt want to have to stand up in front of a judge and lie.
A couple people [ other contractors ] told me that even if he doesnt take me to court the lien shows up on a title search and it could make it problematic to sell the house. However, when it came time to sell the title search showed nothing important and the sale went through without issue.


Where do sociopaths congregate? Your point:

This got even worse when I worked at a couple of the biggest/top law firms in the country for 8 years afterwards. Just unbelievable. Even the best/most trusted people stab each other in the back and consider it normal. Success comes most to those who lie the most, and most of the lies target the client. People have no idea how varied the professions are and normally live in their little Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/Tooth Fairy bubbles where they only experience like minded others. When I try to tell people how it really is in Washington DC or in lawyerville where the most aggressive sociopaths aggregate the most, they often yell at me for being a conspiracy theorist, so I learned to keep my mouth shut.
Reading Lawrence Wright's Pulitzer winning The Looming Tower., it became self-evident that Osama was a sociopath. In Robert Kennedy's latest publication, it seems our national health department leader is also a sociopath. There are probably many more examples of this type. Can someone answer for me: As a general rule do sociopaths tend to rise to the top of a loose organization?

talk about hyperbole.
i happen to have been a tradesman for over 50 years and for you to categorize "50% of people in my profession as crooks is beyond the pale and is beneath the quality of what gets posted on this site.
sorry you had a bad experience with one contractor but there are millions of tradesmen in the world. the ones you describe do not stay in business very long.
this being peak prosperity where data is valued why don’t you provide some to back up your inane assertion?
the other side of the coin of which you are completely ignorant is how often the contractors get screwed and end up having to go to court to collect. there is a very good reason that there are mechanics liens available.
and the whole thing about farmers and loggers etc being honest ? well next time you need your toilet fixed call a logger.
sheesh what a waste of bandwidth


The idea that boosters will protect anyone from Omicron is nonsense. They expose you to a version of the spike protein that is long since extinct.
Omicron has 21 mutations in the spike protein. Not the same beast.
Pushing boosters does help reduce obsolete inventory, though…