You're Being Abused

Island girl,
You wrote:

The idea that boosters will protect anyone is nonsense. They expose you to a version of the spike protein that is long since extinct. Omicron has 21 mutations in the spike protein. Not the same beast.
A family member who was "boosted" a while back, just caught Omicron. She is recovering, thank god, after a difficult bout with the disease. But that is what is so great about Omicron. It will not only (hopefully) end the pandemic, it will destroy the reputations of the political and public health establishments. With luck, we can rebuild a more sensible political structure and develop more functional health practices which are not controlled by the dysfunctional forces which have wrought so much damage.

They told everyone that if the were jabbed and boosted they could safely gather for the holidays, just keep out the unvaxxed. As the jabs don’t prevent infection or transmission, many of these gatherings became super-spreader events. Lost of our triple-jabbed friends got Omicron over the holidays.
One such example - a friend who was Covid-recovered and double-jabbed asked me if I thought it would help to get boosted. They had planned a month long trip to the Caribbean in January and did not want it to be jeopardized by Omicron. I explained above reason why I thought not and suggested that if they got it, to postpone their trip for a week and use protocol so they could recover quickly and still have three-weeks in the sun. (Notice CDC has now reduced quarantine time to five days, go figure). They got boosted anyhow and the whole family promptly came down with COVID.
They are afraid (even though already recovered once) and feel they need to do something, anything, and this is what the experts are telling them.
Glad she did not take my advice, or I would have been blamed. Taught me a lesson!

The 5 Big Lies: 1. USA is strong and free. 2. USA is the best place to live. 3. People are better off in the USA. 4. Unfettered access to guns give a safer society. 5. Free health care is bad for you
1. The USA is the flagship of western civilization. Remove the USA (an ongoing project) and the Saxon world disappears. Ask Zimbabwe what happens then. 2. What are your criteria for the "best place to live"? Surely Home is the best place to live, and home might be a yurt in Siberia. 3. What are we comparing here? Climate? Zimbabwe has the best climate, (except for October). Flies? Australia has the most flies per capita in the world. Disgusting things, flies. 4. "Guns" as you civilians like to call them. Have you ever considered what Australia will do if, say, China or Indonesia declare Australia Terra Nullius? Just hand over the keys? Beg the USA to come save us? Which part of your family are you going to leave behind when you sail off to say, Chile? 5. Medicine is not free. In fact, having worked as an electrician in Kalgoorlie hospital, I observed that nobody wants to be a nurse. Everybody wants to be an Administrator. Nobody wants to save the taxpayer a single cent. A cent saved is a cent removed from next years budget (taxpayer handout). I could have saved them more than 5 Million dollars a year; Management became hostile because I had shat in their little nest.

Island girl,
You wrote:

Glad she did not take my advice, or I would have been blamed. Taught me a lesson!
That is a good point. I made a point of telling people not to take the vaccine and most certainly not to take the boosters. My relative, got the booster in time to come to my house (with me being a dangerous unvaxxed from which everyone needed protection.) But she got infected by someone back in her home State. It is good that they did not listen to me for two reasons. One, I don't get blamed. Two, some of them might start thinking, "you know, Mike said that the vaccines and boosters were useless. So just maybe, he is not just a crazy old man after all."

Not many people appreciate the amount of work it takes to maintain a civilization, let alone build one. They wouldn’t go around throwing bricks through windows if they did. (Secret fantasy- send miscreants to some place without civilization. Make them beg to come back.)


I’m the mom in a large household. So everybody please take a deep breath and listen to ‘the voice of Mom:’
PP is a good place. Let’s keep it that way. We can say what we think in a way that’s respectful and gives our fellow PP members the benefit of the doubt.
We all screw up. Everyone is somebody’s jerk at one time or another. Make yourself apologize. Build bridges.
I believe in us.


Great analysis. As I have gone through the past 2 years I have never been scared but I have been pissed at having edicts made that make no sense and comments not based on data crammed down my throat. I had never thought of this in terms of an abusive relationship. After listening to your analysis it applies. Great job. Thanks.

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Watch for agents provocateurs. How easy it would be to divide and disrupt a website dedicated to different viewpoints and enlarging everyone’s models.
Dr. Martenson has already observed that if your emotions are triggered, your Beliefs are under attack. It is to my eternal gratitude that only intimates observed my melt-down when I discovered that vaccines were snakeoil.


My son is a seven year veteran been a fantastic soldier rank of sergeant. Back in October he had Pfizer vaccine not slept properly since and is going crazy. Any advice please

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  1. Don’t take mRNA “vaccines.”
  2. Try 10 mg Melatonin 30-60 minutes before bedtime.

Pine needle tea. Find a pine tree and cut the needles up, pour over boiling water. Many cups. Very palatable.
The needles have a chemical whose name I have long forgotten.
Found it. Suramin.
Dr. Judy Mikovits.
Very cryptic on purpose.

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Dr. Mikovits talked about suramin, which can be synthesized using pine needles. Supposedly it is somewhat available in pine needles also (link). Suramin has many uses, it is also an antiviral agent (source).
Pine needle furthermore contains shikimic-acid, which is supposed to be active agains the spikes (link). So yeah, pine needle tea makes good sense to use. Btw, make sure that you really use pine needles, and not needles from, for example, a taxus (yews)
 (link1, link2).
In one of these link is also a link to a video about tea making (link). I use dried needles, and just poor some boiled water over it. It is actually a lovely tea!

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Dr. Judy Mikovits & Dr. mercola also proposed some other things one could do:

  1. Daily intake of TMG (trimethylglycine). A pretty cheap substance, can be easily taken in with a nice sirup.
  2. Daily intake of NAC (600mg or so per day. More isn't better!)
  3. CoQ10
  4. Intermittent fasting. You want to make use of the autophagy process (link), so a fasting period for a males should be around 16 hours. Simple protocol, stop eating after 20:00, skip breakfast, start with a lunch after 12:00.
  5. Sauna. An alternative could be to sun bath for a time, and taking a cool shower afterwards. Maybe skip the really cold shower because the vax is known to be not really kind for ones heart...

Some varieties of pine have needles that are toxic.
The above site recommends White Pine needles for pine needle tea. It also gives a list of varieties to avoid and recommends that you consult an Audubon guide for identifying the right pine varieties.
STUW: Best wishes for your son’s recovery.

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