A Special Thank You Message To My Supporters

Hi Hans,
I’ve lived through the USSR collapse as a young child. Here are some things that can help you imagine how the life is from “somebody who experienced the hyperinflation”.
Imagine you are 9y.o. and your parent is sending you to the store to buy some food. “Loaf of bread was 9000 last week. Here is 30000. Buy some bread and whatever else you see there”. You know, there is no point in doing a shopping list, as most shops will have only few items.
Or you are coming back from a school event and see a truck selling chicken and eggs, your mother says : “Oh look, they are selling eggs. Stand in line here and I’ll run home to bring money”. You know it will take at least an hour for your mother to walk home and back, but you are not worried, because the line is huge, it will be at least 2 hours before you get anywhere near the truck. Unless, of course they run out of eggs by that time. You know you don’t have enough money for the chicken.
Your parents are engineers, but their salary is hardly enough for food, utilities and second-hand clothes. You are lucky though, because during privatization they spent their government provided voucher on the apartment where your family lives (no rent!) and because their company gave about 1000 sq ft pieces of land to their employees (not sure what the ownership for this one was). You spend all weekends there growing as much food as you can.
I’ve lived in the US for almost 7 years now. When I look around, I am appalled. Censorship? Check. Propaganda? Check. Aggressive armed police? Check. Aggressive foreign policy? Check. Widespread poverty? Got it. Unlivable pensions/social security? Check. Expensive medical care? Check… Seems to me like I’m back in USSR and it gives me vertigo sometimes.
My question to Chris is - Do you think is it likely that US will break into pieces like USSR did?

I had been following your China Covid updates in Jan/Feb ‘20 and I thought to myself, “this sounds awful and it’s only matter of time before it gets here”...so I beat the rush at the local grocery stores as I stocked up on staples and then proceeded to build the large pantry in our basement I’d always intended to and stocked it floor to ceiling. While everyone was panic buying in March we were set and that’s partial thanks to you (my wife was just amazed that I’d had the foresight to do it...”How did you know?” Lol, well...there’s this guy on the internet ive been following).
Ha, ha - this sounds familiar only I was the wife in this story. I wasn't sure if my husband was a crackpot or what but I went with it. Of course, as a good college librarian I had to check his source (one of the early YouTube videos) and it sounded so credible to me and proved to be so. Though he's dropped off a bit, I still follow. Speaking of spidey sense, we bought our house in 2011 and had always been trying to aggressively pay down the mortgage in under 15 years. We had the urgent sense last summer that we needed to pay it off before the November election and so we borrowed (just a bit) from 401(k) savings and did it. If the markets really take a crap, at least the house is fully ours now. We also have the sense to start stocking up again as best we can. I have more thoughts but this is it for now. My membership is good until mid-June and will definitely be re-upping.

I have missed your commentary and perspective on COVID particularly. Thankfully the FLCCCA has filled that gap admirably.
There is so much going on right now, it feels like we are moving into crunch time and nothing will be the same. the geopolitical situation is spinning out of control, the concerted narrative control is working overtime, and the 4th turning is upon us. exciting and unnerving times we are living in.
Thanks for providing a space of clarity.
I’ve been following you since the mid 2000’s and am grateful for the resources and clarity you provide

I am not sure if this subject is covered elsewhere on this site but I just thought of this subject and I’d like to hear your thoughts on this hypothesis as a series, subject you cover on the site etc.
welcome back

Can we assume HSA is no longer trusted? If so, can account assets be changed to another provider without breaking the chain of custody?

Thank goodness! Mind those spidey senses! Mine told me all was good on the home front and to hang in. Although I did take a bit of a sabbatical myself from daily reading and posting.
Need your excellent read and advice on events more than ever. Looking forward to the changes.

If you want good prices on almost any drug, including ivm, use a coupon from GoodRx.com. My scripts have been about $30 for a 3 months supply at my local CVS.

I have been subscribed (for the first time) long enough to read through the article above & the comments that followed. I have followed Chris, with some interest, for a number of years. PP has been a bookmark I have had, but viewed more from the financial side of things. The Covid-19 coverage changed all that for me. It was simply amazing! We spent much of 2020 looking forward to the, at first daily, then later, twice weekly, videos… often watching the over the evening meal. Such excellent presentations of complex scientific concepts. I come from a background in toxicology. I appreciate the effort and skill it takes to break down complex subjects into easily understandable concepts.
As the newest of newbies a couple of questions/comments/ideas:

  • Because I am commenting on an article in the 'Premium' portion of the site, I am assuming that these comments are behind the paywall and the other commenters are also premium members? I guess this question points to other folks ideas to make this distinction more clear.
  • I keep thinking that between the Kory-heads (FLCCC), the CoolBeens (Dr Mobeen's followers) and the members of this site (likely some overlap there, too), we might be able to collectively launch some kind of all out assault to get out the message that the WHO/CDC/Other Health "Authorities" are literally murdering people world wide by ignoring/downplaying/suppressing the fact that this freaking (honey badger) virus is TREATABLE!!! You don't have to be sent home, told to stay hydrated & take Tylenol and "call us only if you can't breathe". Suppression of lifesaving treatment for the benefit of large pharmaceutical corporations, with the active assistance of our government... we are near the crimes against humanity stage! I am not sure what this looks like... coordinated letters to the editor (would anything get published?), coordinated phone calls to health authorities, marches, pitchforks? I guess what I am really saying is I want to DO SOMETHING to improve this situation, so... Chris, think about how to mobilize us into a force that requires them to reckon with us. I am not advocating violins, but we need to awaken people to one of the greatest deceptions in history.
  • And... overpopulation. Let's talk about that in the context of EVERYTHING that has happened over the last couple of years.
Anyway... thank you CM for your efforts over the last year and a half. It sounds like your absence was unavoidable, but oh man it could not have come at a worse time. Welcome back. I am fully on board and willing to put my back into this!

I’d love to know if there are good alternatives.
I tried Goldmoney - it’s a mess IMO. GoldSilver is way too expensive (high premiums). Forget about “allocated” accounts like Perth Mint.
And I’m not looking to store at home.

Good to see you re-invigorated and diving into what you do best.

Where do you stand on getting the Covid vaccines either mRNA or otherwise? I already got my first dose of Moderna, and am getting 2nd soon. There seems to be a lot of skepticism around the vaccines on this board, but I don’t remember you commenting on the vaccines, so not sure where that skepticism is coming from. I don’t see any conflict in thinking Ivermectin is an effective treatment and that vaccines are useful for preventing infection/serious covid disease.

I’m in Canada and have been using SilverGoldBull.com for awhile. They’ll also organize storage for you.
Not sure how their rates compare with GoldSilver.com

Do you think it would work with deer? My garden was raided last night. My lovely sweet potato patch, pepper patch and several Galapagos tomato plants were “taste tested” by Bambi. I hate to think about installing electric wire. Anyone else having issues with deer? Summerville, SC. So happy you are back Dr. Chris.


Might take a look at the Miles Franklin website. I emailed Andy Schectman, the CEO with a question once. He sent me back quite a lengthy reply. I’ve never done any business with them. Just consume their free information. So thought it was nice that he took the time to answer my question which had nothing to do with buying anything from them.
Good luck. Its hard to know who to trust. I went with Hard Asset Alliance few years before I emailed Andy. Mainly because they were recommended by this site. If I had to do it over again I might change my mind. Getting a reply from someone that high up in the company really makes a difference. At least it made an impression on me.

As things continue to move faster it’s nice to know you are back to provide your analysis and “spidey sense”. It seems like almost everyday something fairly significant happens and a person goes down another path trying to figure out the significance. It’s been great to have many people here providing info on these happenings!! But it’s really great to have you back to possibly put it all together and maybe makes some sense out if it all, if that’s possible. As you mentioned I also look forward to you talking about ideas/solutions for the road ahead.

Chris, keep rocking the ball cap, man! Don’t cave in to the demands of them city-slickers telling you go hat-less or sport a yuppie sun hat from Old Navy.
You just need to break in your cap some more like the farmer you are, not like you just pulled it out of the box. You need to roll the bill up some so the sides are near vertical, sun bleach it some more, and then tip it back and up so you look like you just came in from bucking hay all afternoon and are letting the perspiration on your forehead air off.
But what would be really cool is a new PP hat with ‘Honey Badger Acres’ on it, and an image of Stoffle in his dance pose. With “Na-na, can’t pen me in!” on the back. And make it available in tractor colors like red, green, blue, orange, and yellow. (I’m not a fan of black).
Seriously, I’d dig a PP ‘Stoffle’ hat. And only sell it at your PP in-person events like PolyFarms.
Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Welcome back! What a relief. So grateful for your integrity. We’re refusing the vaccine until we hear from you; we just don’t trust anyone else…not just your integrity but your professionalism and sleuthing skills, and your ability to explain even very complex things in a way that is enlightening. You were born for such a time as this. Did someone find you in the bulrushes as a baby?
You might want to interview Dr Mike Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who is very passionately arguing against taking the vaccines, which he refuses to call “vaccines”. Boy, is he angry.
I second the earlier requests for content about the vaccines, and especially if you could arm us with pithy quotes/questions for relatives who are considering getting their children “vaccinated”.
Thank you for taking this stand.

I’m having the challenge of trying to get the height right to pick up the fox in the motion sensor.

I am assuming you aren’t running out to get an Anthrax vaccine, why? Are you a vaccine skeptic? It is available and it works.
I think it is disingenuous (and intentionally so by the media/big pharma) to claim there is vaccine skepticism. I think in all of this everyone should weigh the risks for themselves. If I were 65+ I’d be far more likely to get the J&J. A 25 yo male should wait for better options or natural immunity. For a 45 yo female with comorbidities an mRNA vaccine might make sense. Being an educated consumer and trying to find the data to become educated doesn’t make me a vaccine skeptic.
I don’t buy a car in the first model year. It takes a year to get the kinks out. I don’t have car skepticism.