A Special Thank You Message To My Supporters

First up, thanks for telling the banksters to GAGF. The overt pushing of investment advice has been a wee bit annoying for some time. It’ll be nice to see you get back to core values, which are a bit broader than making money in uncertain times.
As for an interview, Tom Murphy of the Do The Math blog fame released a text a couple of months ago called “Energy and Human Ambition on a Finite Planet” - free download pdf from the blog, if anyone is interested. I’m gonna be months working my way through this, but so far it’s a cracker. A precis from and chat with the author would be deadset amazing.

Chris, great to have you back. I like your videos but sometimes wish I could just read the content as it’s often faster…All the best, Wilco

Have TPTB determined which mutation infected the MLB Yankees staff? These individuals were all properly vaccinated and beyond the antibody build window. Indian Mutation?

It is not just the Yankees. Same thing with Bill Maher.
Positive Covid
Neither the Yankees nor Maher are reporting symptoms, which is good. But obviously the vaccines do not prevent infections. And since all these people are being prevented from interacting with others, I assume that the possibility of these people infecting others cannot be discounted.
I wonder if any of them are being tested for infectivity. That would seem to be an important issue to resolve. Recently some stores are now letting people come in without masks if they have been “vaccinated.”
Mask Requirements Lifted
Obviously, that makes no sense if “vaccinated people” can transmit the disease to others. This would be especially so since some “breakthrough cases” involving infections of “vaccinated people” are being reported to cause hospitalization and even death.
All this just goes to show the the “official response” to the disease is, at best, poorly thought through. It may be that it is more about narrative control than it is about public health.

If we were following the science TIIC have laid out.
-The asymptomatic spread is where the danger lies.
-The 40 cycle PCR test is the gold standard.
Seems the people I should be most concerned about catching a nasty variant from is someone who is vaccinated. Those who aren’t vaccinated and Covid+ are likely home sick in bed.
And they might be shedding random spike proteins.

I don’t have vaccine skepticism either. I have the need to conduct a risk/reward analysis of taking the vaccine in my own particular circumstances. The conclusion I reach is “no, for me the risks are not worth the alleged reward” but that doesn’t make me a vaccine skeptic or anti-vaxxer. I’m just making a decision based on the information we have (vitamin d, ivermection), aswell as the information we don’t have, of which there is still a lot (vaccine contents, efficacy against variants, long term side effects).
But critical thinking is frowned upon now, it’s been conflated with conspiracy theorising in the minds of those following the MSM.

I don’t BELIEVE anything, just show me the data. The problem I have now is the “sanctity” of the data that is the basis for my opinions. I had assumed, due to what appeared to be more open access to science e.g. my access to open source journals, access to “quality journals” through the Internet, more diverse people (women & minorities) in science, etc. that I would have more access to real facts. I do my best to use the scientific method and to avoid my inherent cognitive biases. However: for example, according to “the news” (who knows the sources of that propaganda) and even other previously respected sources; the COVID-19 vaccines are having good public health outcome, in fact almost too good. (I took a vaccine because even though it was like “Sophie’s Choice”, a choice had to be made; so that may affect my inherent bias.) Here is the bottom line: Thank you for helping us find the data and analysis we need to make better choices for our future.

Transcripts of podcasts are helplful!  Reading/scanning written material enables digestion of more material.  And it facilitates understanding and reflection on key points.

So glad you’re back, Chris.  I’m so looking forward to the “truckloads” of information and insights you have to share with us.

I’m not sure of the designation of the “PCR product” here. Is there a way to isolate the virus from other DNA/RNA strands that came out of the nasal passage? Wouldn’t all the other nucleic material replicate also? The virus implicated in this disease is tiny compared to all the bacteria, nucleic fragments, and the original DNA strands that this “test” duplicates. However, I will admit that I still haven’t a clue what the article is talking about or how it relates to the reliability of the “test”. Maybe I need Chris to explain it.

Welcome back. I have followed your Youtube videos on the Covid topic all of last year. Your clarity of presentation and general rational/scientific approach appealed to me and I have joined Peak Prosperity as a result. I am glad you are reworking your website because I have always found it very difficult to navigate. I am a retired Forest Service scientist that once was the creator and editor of the Southern Forest Science Encyclopedia (www.forestencyclopedia.net). I am interested in working with you to help in any way I can to make a better Peak Prosperity website. As an example of a suggestion I have is to create a User Help section: see http://www.forestencyclopedia.net/h/h0/h4
which is intended to help new users to quickly understand what kind of knowledge can be found here and how to find it. If the user has questions or wishes to make a comment, invite them to use the Feedback link at the top of each page to communicate with the editors of the site. Note that the intent of this section has nothing to do with content, its purpose is to help users understand the site better and faster so that they feel comfortable using it.
In that vein, I currently have no idea how to send messages to Chris or anyone else on this site. There is no “Feedback” or “Message” tab that I can see on the home page.

And can PCR even determine this?

Chris, I am grateful for your return and renewed availability for our cohorts here. I too was wavering regarding my renewal and I have relied on this site for many years.
The future, immediate and long-term, I am afraid, will see us facing challenges both subtle and overt. In rising time and constantly intensifying impacts…
I hope with your taking the helm here again, we can weather these storms together.
A request? Please assist with making it easier to find each other geographically for support?? We tried several approaches in the past and other than a few areas in CA and the East coast, it didn’t seem to gel.
West Texas can be a lonely place these days, with some real infrastructure challenges for a single person.
Virtual hugs all around,
Juli B

Hi Chris,
I am glad you are back and I have enrolled in membership to see the premium content.
I have a couple of concerns related to the “vaccines” and your input would be appreciated.

  1. If I am not vaccinated, and I am in the company of others who are vaccinated, is something from them going to rub off onto me? If so, what is that something?
  2. If someone has been vaccinated, and is suffering, what can they do about it? Just as Ivermectin seems to be a miracle cure for covid-19, is there some way to reverse a vaccine? Or to neutralize it? Some way to delete the operating system that has been injected?
  3. Relative to #1, if I am not vaccinated but others are - should I keep away from vaccinated people, to avoid becoming contaminated with the something that rubs off? If something rubs off onto me - is it just as bad as being vaccinated myself? I suspect not - since nothing is being injected into me - but I have no FACTS about this.
    Thank you.

I think it was from Sandpuppy, but too far back to find. He [whoever it was] responded to vax status questions that he was waiting for the results of Stage 2. When asked what Stage 2 was, he responded with, “You are”. Simple, concise, perfect.

With a half life of 93 years it would cover the earth in a doomsday shroud! Just re watched that classic a few nights ago
anyways. I am also interested to hear any news about nuclear power. As I have heard before, our march to an evermore advanced society has been paralleled by increasing energy density fuels, (wood to coal to oil to fission) and nuclear is the next known denser energy source that has yet to become the dominant form of energy.

Hi Michael,

In that vein, I currently have no idea how to send messages to Chris or anyone else on this site. There is no "Feedback" or "Message" tab that I can see on the home page.
Up in the right corner of each post is a Send PM. Go find one of Chris’s post and send him a PM. Kathy

They seem to think they stay with the mRNA infected cells and then are destroyed by the immune system. How do we know that? Is there a way to take a nasal, blood, lung, whatever sample and test for vaccine produced spike proteins?
And conversely do I have any “good” gut bio micros that have spike proteins that if I were vaccinated my immune system would destroy?

Kathy, I have wondered about that myself.
It would seem that the immune system would destroy cells producing spike proteins after being prompted to produce those spikes by mRNA vaccines (e.g. Pfizer) or DNA vaccines (Johnson and Johnson.) But this pretty technical and specific video says that cells producing the vaccine-spike are not destroyed by the immune system. See video at about the 25:00 point.
Mechanism of vaccine action
Does that mean that those cells produce spike proteins indefinitely? Perhaps they mean that the vaccine-prompted cells are not destroyed until the antibodies are developed - which is not immediate.

The same graphic is at 20:21. This entire time I thought the immune system killed off the mRNA infected cells, in healthy individuals. I figured there were some errors, because none of these things are perfect but if those mRNA infected cells keep floating around with spike proteins until they naturally die off that opens up another whole can of worms.

When I went to PP this morning and saw that you are back, Chris, my heart did a happy pitter-patter. I read that post and this one (never stopped being a member here). I have a great sense of relief that info with integrity is available again.
Guess I am a bit cynical that people will stay out of the private membership who just want to see what’s up here.