A Special Thank You Message To My Supporters

The immune system has components which can recognize “non-self” and attack (or summon other parts of the immune system to attack) something that is not consistent with normal human biology. They are called:
Pathogen-associated molecular patterns
That is why the statement in the video that the immune system does not attack vaccine-spike-producing-cells did not make sense to me.

That’s a GREAT answer to those who insist on knowing whether I’ve been vaccinated: “I’m in the control group for the clinical trial.” Not that my medical choices are anyone else’s business, of course.
BTW, my spouse chose to get the Pfizer vaccine. Had a serious side effect of inflammatory arthritis (aka “gout”) in the feet and couldn’t walk for several days – both times. It’s slowly improving, but not completely recovered 45 days after the second dose. He said it was “a small price to pay”. Really?!?
And welcome back, Chris! Thank you for your service. You are valued more than words can say.

Missed your feedback on the news topics and can’t wait to read your new work.

Agreed, it makes no sense. The immune system should attack, kill and dispose of the mRNA infected cells.
I don’t normally follow this YTer, but find it concerning that in post production he would go out of his way to add that graphic.
More of the whole, how do you figure out what are the facts?

I don’t buy a car in the first model year. It takes a year to get the kinks out. I don’t have car skepticism.
I can't stop laughing.. simple and true.

I like the new language they are introducing to soften the “anti vax” label. Vaccine skepticism was a smart play for the people who control the conversation.
People who don’t want the vaccine because it’s new-ish, I get it.
People who don’t want the vaccine because they are part of a community that has been mistreated - I get that too.
I just don’t like hearing from the people who think Bill Gates is trying to kill them.

This is a very timely conversation regarding this very question by evolutionary biologists Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying;

I have thought the same thing.
They use the phrase “Vaccine Hesitant” as if you really “know it is good for you” but you are just “hesitant” to take the “proper step.”
I prefer terms like “Vaccine Skeptical” for those who do a cost / benefit analysis. Or, for those who know the reported (and estimated) number of vaccine related deaths, “Vaccine Terrified” would be a more appropriate description.

When I first joined as a member many years ago, transcripts were made available for the majority of podcasts and videos (or at least it seemed so). Those and original articles from Chris incorporating his invaluable ear-to-the-ground spidey sense and penetrating insights exploring the key subterranean issues driving events today that few others talk about openly were the main reason I came on board. The transcripts have slowed to a trickle over time, though, and I would greatly appreciate them making a “comeback.”
I almost never watch/listen to informational videos/podcasts on the site (or anywhere else on the net), both because I rarely have the large chunks of time required to set aside for them, but also don’t enjoy them all that much in general.
Chris, I do enjoy listening to you specifically and your delivery and style of presentation. However, as a paying member who can process far more information by reading than aurally, and who enjoys it much more, I can’t tell you how frustrating it has been to only have transcripts available for a very few things over the last couple of years or so. (Maybe longer, I’m not sure, because I got frustrated enough at the lack of transcripts, I sort of bailed out of the site and lost touch for a long time, even though I kept paying the $80/quarter to support you.)
For me, not having transcripts available is like a different sort of “paywall” where one is forced to listen laboriously instead of read “freely.” As a self-employed person running three little microbusinesses, I just do not have the extra time that many do to sit back and devote to podcasts when there are so many things in my life that need doing.
For whatever reason, probably like a good chunk of the population, my brain does not “grok” verbal information aurally as well as via the printed word. When I do watch videos or listen to podcasts from any source, I often have to keep rewinding throughout the entire thing because I either spaced out something for a split second or two, or just didn’t grasp what I was hearing like I would if I were reading it, or couldn’t understand something because the sound had gotten inadvertently garbled, or the speaker mumbled and caused a critical word to drop out. All of which can cause a 30-minute podcast, say, to turn into a 40 or 45-minute one, or a 45-minute one to take an hour or more for me to wade through.
I would estimate my reading speed is somewhere between 3x to 5x as fast as I can watch a video or listen to a podcast. All those 45-minute Covid videos in 2020? I might have watched parts of just two or three of them, and then had to bail because I just didn’t have the time or got frustrated at how much slower the verbalizing was than my brain’s processing capacity. All the rest of the videos, I just didn’t have the time or desire. And I stopped coming to the site except briefly every week or two or three to check if I might have missed something, because the videos were almost nothing but Covid, Covid, Covid for weeks and months on end. What about the other important issues that were going unexplored?
Yes, I know it’s easier for the host to simply hit the red “record” button and start talking. And obviously it takes considerable time or expense to create transcripts or to write an article.
Due to the ongoing frustration of being forced to listen to videos/podcasts here and elsewhere, I personally tried looking into the availability of automated transcript software for use myself in converting podcasts/videos on-the-fly. I found there is hardly any such software to begin with, and what was available when I looked in the past was quite costly. What little information was to be had also did not inspire confidence as to its accuracy of transcription.
From what I could gather, it also sounded as if freelancers with court-reporting experience were still the best avenue for converting speech to the written word (not sure about cost-wise). I also know from hard experience as someone who does copyediting and proofreading for part of my living that it’s hard to beat humans in areas like this. And humans cost significant money too. As you say, “I get that.”
To summarize, though, here’s hoping some of my hard-earned and budgeted $80/quarter goes toward more transcripts in the future. I would so much appreciate it. And it would be remiss after this complaint not to reemphasize how much I appreciate your information scouting, incredible spidey sense, and insights, which are so little in evidence today anywhere. Thank you, Chris!

Hi dreinmund, I've been using GoldMoney for about 4 years now and find them quite good. I find their storage fees are low, as are the premium over spot, and the spreads seem reasonable. What problems in particular have you found with them? Also, they are a listed company on the Toronto Stock Exchange and audited by KMPG, so that gives me some comfort in terms of the quality of governance.

Consider planting some Sea Buckthorn. I planted a hedge last year and have yet to harvest a crop of berries, but I think they will be producing by the time I’d want to use it, and that use is primarily for protection and treatment of radiation injury. I don’t expect conditions to worsen to the point of nuclear exchange here in North America, at least for several years, but the berries might have value to those living elsewhere.

Okay, a contact of mine sent me this next video which purports to show that recipients of the mRNA vaccines (either one) have magnetic injection sites.
Yes, you read that right… magnetic.
I have to confess, I found several of the videos very convincing. However, you never know, right?
Lots of internet scammers and such.
So, guess what? A good friend of mine just showed up with his son, and he’d been given the Moderna mRNA shot.
So, experiment time! Empirical data rules!!
And…here’s the result…

Yep. “Magnetic injection site” is 100% a real thing. Confirmed by me on my front porch today using a fridge magnet.
I’m busy trying to figure out the possible mechanisms for this…for now, I would strongly recommend that anybody with an mRNA injection to not get into an MRI machine until the magnetic potential of the site is known or measured.
Be a real pisser to lose a chunk of your upper arm for no good reason.
By the way, the idea that this is because people were ‘chipped’ is not on my list of explanations. Chips are generally speaking not very magnetic being made of silica and all…also the amounts needed to be injected don’t make sense.

Boy Howdy. Yes it certainly IS weird.
Sheer speculation… but we know that their is iron in the blood.
We also know there are several forms of iron, and they do not all respond
to magnetic fields the same way.
For example, soft iron and most steel are attracted to a magnet,
while stainless steel (when done right) is not.
Could this be what’s happening?
Here is a scholarly article I just found.
– Chuck

https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/acscentsci.9b00325 A Magnetic Nanovaccine Enhances Cancer Immunotherapy Magnetic nanoparticles retain cancer vaccine in the lymph node for a much longer time and enhance the vaccination performance against cancer.
and here;
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acscentsci.9b00060 Engineering Magnetosomes for High-Performance Cancer Vaccination A novel cancer vaccine is developed by using Fe3O4 magnetic nanoclusters (MNCs) as the core
Edit: my technical gut is that this is the what and why magnetic material is being used - it's an adjuvant of a sort. When you triangulate the fact that the mRNA's were being developed originally as a cancer therapy, the association is too strong to be happenstance. Second edit: Note that the fact of a magnetic vax site would also serve as a very simple, rapid, and possibly surreptitious means to verify whether one has really been vax'ed. These are super sensitive; https://www.paragraf.com/graphene-hall-effect-sensors/ third edit: These Iron-based nanoparticles may have adjuvant properties over and above their use in magnetic-field directed protocols.  

I had a couple of issues.

  1. Inactivity fees - I hadn’t logged in to my account in a year. Suddenly, GM started assessing crazy fees (like 1% of NAV per month). Thankfully, they reversed the charge as a “one time” courtesy after some back and forth with CS.
  2. Problems with my US bank account. They claimed because my account was in the name of a trust, and my bank account wasn’t. They had no issues drawing money from my US bank account, but they weren’t able to send Monet to it. I don’t have time to deal with KYC crap like that. With US companies, I never had any issues. I had to request special wire transfers at a high fee.
  3. Confusing account structure: they keep changeing definitions of accounts, holdings, personal something etc… It’s never clear WHY you are in what bucket. And different rules and fees apply. Not transparrent.
    I found the overall experience confusing.

This magnetic effect at the injection site may also exist with other vaccination injections such as the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine. I say that on the basis of an informal n=1 “study.” My mother received that vaccine in summer of 2019 and has had injection site pain ever since, but especially when resting in bed. That is significant because both she and I sleep on magnetic mattress pads by Magnetico, the 20-gauss model, and the pain fades when away from home on vacation.
edit: If this is still an unusual side effect for vaccines in general, perhaps it would be a feature and not a bug for those who would want to track who has been vaccinated.

I had refused to read “magnetic vaccination site” articles.
I thought, “this is just tin foil hat stuff.”
Now it turns out vaccination sites are magnetic.
Good Grief!

The same gentleman (thank you D.S.!) who sent me the magnetic injection site video has postulated that it might have something to do with Ferritin and its ability to form magnetite crystals under certain conditions.
Here’s some science:

Ferritin is a spherical iron storage protein composed of 24 subunits and an iron core. Using biomimetic mineralization, magnetic iron oxide can be synthesized in the cavity of ferritin to form magnetoferritin (MFt). MFt, also known as a superparamagnetic protein, is a novel magnetic nanomaterial with good biocompatibility and flexibility for biomedical applications. Recently, it has been demonstrated that MFt had tumor targetability and a peroxidase-like catalytic activity. Thus, MFt, with its many unique properties, provides a powerful platform for tumor diagnosis and therapy. In this review, we discuss the biomimetic synthesis and biomedical applications of MFt. (Source - IJMS)
Okay but what might that have to do with the S-subunit or spike protein which is what the mRNA codes for? There have been a few attempts to bind s-subunits to ferritin to create a vaccine, but I am unaware of any evidence that the spike protein would gather iron or ferritin in such a way as to create a magnetic accumulation. The search continues... At any rate, be prepared for some people to really lose their minds over this finding, especially if/when the media/NIH seek to dismiss it as if it's simply nuts to be worried or curious about this newest mRNA 'feature.'

There are now MSM articles purporting to “debunk” the idea that vaccination sites can end up with magnetic properties.
MSM Site
Interestingly, this site calls itself Fact Check.Org.
Every time I hear a site portray itself as a fact checker, my mind substitutes the word “propaganda” for “fact check.”
In any event Fact Check.Org is emphatically taking the position that “what is happening is not happening.”
Sometimes I think that our nation’s motto should be changed from “E Pluribus Unum” to “what’s happening is not happening” or, in Latin “Quid Est Quod Factum Est Non Fieri.”

When you read the first paper I link to, you will know that this is the thing…