A Special Thank You Message To My Supporters

Apparently Ferritin might be a biomarker of cell damage and infection.

We argue here that serum ferritin arises from damaged cells, and is thus a marker of cellular damage. Pubmed.gov

Me, too. I have been a classical pianist/teacher most of my life. I hear in the logic of intonation and gesture, not the logic of the words. I read in the logic of words. I do, however, enjoy the music and drama of Chris videos. But it is a real job for me to get verbal information from it. Transcripts would be helpful.

OK so two members of my family have had the mRNA injections - Pfizer. One tested herself to see if arm magnetic. It was Not magnetic.
Just as a control, I tested my arm, it was not magnetic. So I presume the default human condition is, magnets do not stick to your arm.
Did anyone else test this? Any data points to add?

Wow, this is an interesting observation.
I worked with synthesis and use of magnetic microparticles for some months back in the early 80`s and was familiar with use of them and other particles for anti-cancer therapy (it was cool to do that even back then).

  1. the amount of force from even a humongous amount (say 100mg) of the strongest microparticles would not hold up a magnet like that, also please remember that magnetic force drops off with the cube of the distance between the magnets.
  2. all magnetic particles in use then were very dark. This would require injecting a black solution.
    Were all these magnets refrigerator magnets with a SMOOTH surface?
    The injection site (but not the surrounds) likely was exuding a water solution and while maybe not too noticeable by eye or touch, was wetter than the surrounds and basic chemical stickyness due to the site being wet microscopically would cause that rubberized smooth surface magnet to stick to that exuding surface area.
    I recommend that you wash the entire arm and repeat the experiment. The gauze that is applied to the injection site after injection may have some magic sticky crap on it to help hold it on after the injection.
    The amount of magnetic force from the small number of iron atoms in the body, even if they were arranged as a crystal (which definitely should be visible by eye), would not be enough to hold up such large mass of a magnet, even if they could be sitting on the outside skin surface and overcome the 1/cubed distance force limitation.

It still amazes me that people spend more time shopping for the right dress, headphones or ketchup than they do a vaccine.

I’m having enough trouble trying to convince people to turn off the Large Hadron Collider so all this nonsense stops. Now I have to be heard over all this magnetic vaccine talk And Bill Gates talking to me inside my head?? Enough!!

I realize it isn’t a transcript but in the meantime you can goto the settings can turn on closed captioning which would allow you to read along.
For some it even translates into English. I’ve watched several videos that are in other languages and used the English closed captioning.

I’m putting this behind the firewall…The evidence is impressive. Seems that Fauchi may have lied before Congress.

When you read the first paper I link to, you will know that this is the thing....
I don't think so and here's why. For the magnetism to have been part of the injection it would have to have been quite a lot of material (more than I think those tiny shots could have held) and while it's not necessarily the case, I would expect that it would have been dark if not black in color. Magnetite is black. Iron is very colorful regardless of its form (as far as I know), and I can't think of a different form of magnetic material that would qualify here. A half a milliliter of clear/cloudy white material seems a poor candidate to be creating a durable magnetic patch that's an inch square or more? My best early guess here is that it's a biological process that's drawing upon the body's own iron stores and causing them to accumulate around the injection site. If so, this is one of the many reasons I think vaccines ought to be extensively tested. I *really* liked Kathy's description; One is not a car skeptic simply because they prefer not to buy the first production year of a new model. They are a careful consumer.      

Auto caption on YT is a great feature when enabled but quality is very so so. The many alt sites I follow do not have captioning on videos because the producers are responsible for captioning their work before uploading. Most producers say they cannot afford it… this is a core accessibility issue in need of resolution everywhere not just PP.
PP was enabling auto captions on YouTube - great!! If they switch to an alt site that option will be lost :frowning:

Dear Chris and Evie,
So glad to have you back ‘in public’ though it’s clear you’ve been working behind the scenes for these last months. I’ve been reading PP for a dozen years and it’s been more and more helpful over time. I’m on Ivermectin protocols, safe and well because of you. I have a permaculture garden, chickens and relationships with neighbors at your suggestion.
I’d like to offer my services as a writer, licensed professional counselor (in Pennsylvania) and spiritual mentor (Yoga-based enlightenment traditions and more) to possibly write a column for you if that’s useful. I’d love to answer members’ questions about some clear and simple ways to deal with the psychological and spiritual challenges of the huge changes we’re going through now, as an ongoing gift to the community. If that would be a help to you and the community, please do contact me. I’m Jonathan (Jon) Labman, my website is simplyawake.com and email is available there. Gratitude, love and many blessings to you. Jon

Welcome back Chris!!!
Gotta know your opinion on:

  • vaccine effectiveness
  • vaccine safety
  • your opinion on possible long-term effects
  • ivermectin update
  • did India stop using ivermectin when they got the vaccine?
  • Grand Solar Minimum (ala electroverse.net)
  • Weakening geomagnetic field (why are small solar flares giving us big storms?)
Can't wait to hear it all!!!

Journalist Sharyl Atkisson did a story about vaccine injury. WaPo called her an “anti-vaxxer”. She replies “I also did a story about tires that were delaminating on the road and causing accidents, but that doesn’t make me ‘anti-tire’.”

Chris, happy to support you and your incredible work on the future of the human species.
Please cover the predicament of overpopulation and humane ways to address it.
As the earth is a finite resource, we can have quantity of life or quality of life, but not both.
If we don’t solve this ourselves, nature surely will, and whatever she comes up with will not be pretty.

I got overly excited when I found those papers. Mots post was also very interesting. There is one compound of Iron that could still be suspect as being in the vax, that being clear/white FeCO3, but I can’t find a (natural) route by which that ends up being magnetite, or at least predominantly magnetite (vs lower oxides of Fe). Interestingly, it’s not water soluble, hence it could work with the lipid nanoparticles;
If the source of Iron is endogenous to the human body, then it almost has to be from hemoglobin and/or myoglobin. I guess since the jab is intramuscular, we are talking myoglobin;
An essential element for blood production. About 70 percent of the body’s iron is found in the red blood cells of blood called hemoglobin and in muscle cells called myoglobin.

I second the audio version to videos.

Yeah so I am definitely a “Pharma skeptic.”
After all, this is the same group that killed a bunch of people with Vioxx. And opioids. They lied about this stuff for years. And suddenly we are supposed to trust them when they have a $100 billion annual prize in sight? Sure. Trust a bunch of convicted felons with my health. Because, Science!
Fun fact: a little less than half of Fauci’s Faithful at NIH are “un-vaxxed.” This, from Fauci the Infallible himself.
If the horrid virus had a 10% IFR for my age bracket & overall fitness, I’d line right up, because even with all the coverups about the adverse event rates, the cost/benefit would probably be worth it. Sadly, my math suggests: my base IFR is about 0.4% (see calculator below: BMI=24), chopped in half because I’m meeting my PA guidelines (> 150 minutes moderate exercise/week), perhaps another 30% off for melatonin, another 25% reduction for my HDL-C of 77, and another 50% reduction for my vitamin D sufficiency.
And this is before my early treatment plan, which we all know about here already, provides maybe a further 90% mortality risk reduction.
So all in, the IFR for me is < 1:10,000?
Contrast with cancer rates at around 80:10,000 in my age group. But I’m supposed to run out and get the experimental shot, just in case? Cancer seems maybe 20-30 times more of a threat. But there’s no nightly “death count” for cancer, so no problem. Thanks, Pope Fauci, for putting everything in context for us. “Wear Two Masks! Get the shot! Because, Science!”

Hi All, I spent a few decades working as a doctor specialised in anesthesiology, so this is a subject I can claim some expertise in. In Feb 2020, I had to argue with hospital management to provide me with an N95 Mask to attend a busy clinic in a small poorly ventilated room with families just back from China and Iran and Italy!
After pleading my case to the senior infectious diseases specialist, I was begrudgingly offered a mask, but before I had a chance to use it was sent into home quarantine after a nurse I worked with for half a day had tested positive with the Iranian strain (while I wore a N95), was happy I limited that innoculum.
I have to congratulate Dr Pierre Kory yet again on his straight forward review of masks: “Masks! - clearing up the confusion” on the FLCCC alliance website.
of note:
"So, if we accept that the predominant mode of spread is via the airborne route, what follows is that;

  1. Masks are critical in protecting yourself from COVID-19, but only indoors. It is very difficult, if not nearly impossible, to give the virus to others outdoors via the airborne spread of tiny floating droplets because those droplets are, in most circumstances, quickly dispersed as a result of wind, air, or a person’s movement. Thus, the exhaled particle clouds get quickly diluted to the extent that there is not enough of a concentrated inoculum to infect others nearby. In fact, at the time I wrote the Op-Ed above, there was only one true contact-traced, confirmed, documented outdoor transmission – and that was between two Chinese friends who spoke at close range for over an hour."
I knew last year that well fitted P95 or better masks were a must to prevent infection, but I wondered why the Italian healthcare workers were still getting infected? We got very luck in Australia, and we had time to do "quantitative " fit testing, you know, like they use in industries where if your mask doesn't fit properly - you may die! We had never done this before, ever. What we learn't from this is one generic brand of mask doesn't fit all, and some staff, non of the masks passed and needed industrial grade 3M elastomeric masks. And don't think for a moment those masks with the fancy valve (to make it easier to breathe out - and thus rendering the entire thing useless in preventing you from spreading disease, without significantly reducing your risk). Chris, you were right, it's all about innoculum size!

Of course, I was totally unwilling to even read articles purporting “magnetic attraction” until CM witnessed it for himself. Like others here, I had put that idea into the tinfoil garbage can liner. But when CM saw it, I was wanting to duplicate the results. Since I’m in the Control Group rather than the Experimental Arm, I consulted with a friend and asked him to try it, just for grins. He had his girl friend try it, too.
He had the Astra Zeneca, she had the Moderna. Here’s what I heard back.

I have conducted scrupulously profound and extensive tests on the sites of my 2 inoculation sites of Astra Zeneka shots. I find that there are no residual effects on the week old or the 8 week old sites. Refrigerator magnates display no signs of adhering to the relevant sites. Furthermore, I asked Kim to do a test on the site of a Moderna shot received by her. She had had a quite a severe, adverse reaction to the shot for a period of at least 24 hours. The administration of the prescribed medicine did little to assuage the effects of a 101.5 fever. The resultant test of the application of the said magnet proved to be useless (did not adhere to the site in question).
So, that doesn't mean it never happens. It just means that it doesn't always happen. -- Chuck

Dave, can you post a link for this? I’m not finding anything, thank you
“Fun fact: a little less than half of Fauci’s Faithful at NIH are “un-vaxxed.” This, from Fauci the Infallible himself”