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So, that doesn't mean it never happens. It just means that it doesn't always happen.
Another person I trust has run this on his family. Result? 3/5 have magnetic injection sites. Once we learn more, we will discover either that this is a benign or a worrisome sign. Further, that some people have this reaction for reasons x, y and z. In other words, we don't know jack yet. For now, I have this registered as a curiosity and a puzzle, and I like medical puzzles. To be perfectly clear, I don't have any indication that it's anything other than a benign curiosity. Of course, if I lived in a healthy and intact culture, there would already be evidence of a massive data-gathering program to track the largest ever Phase II clinical trial ever conducted. As far as I know, there's no such program in place. VAERS is a joke of underrerporting. Nobody is following up with anybody. No baseline parameters were gathered prior to injection. I also have to say the speed with which magnetic injection sites was "debunked" by the MSM is indicative of their generally ignorant, anti-science position. Frustrating and eye-rollingly boring. Next up; the MSM saying "yeah, we've always known this and it's...it's...a sign that the vaccines are working! Yeah, that's the ticket!"  

Jane B, Dave might have read I’d here:

That’s right. I saw it in a video - him testifying before Congress. Don’t recall the video.
But one would assume if the NIH staff thought the vax was all that and a bag of chips, they’d be 99.99% vaxxed - pushing each other out of the way to assure their place in line.
Turns out - not so much. According to Fauci the Infallible.
Duckduckgo: “fauci 50% NIH staff unvaccinated”

Thank you

This is something that can be measured! A whether a magnet sticks will depend on it’s strength and it’s weight. Magnet related and patient related. Must be able to be measured and mapped, suspect it’s universal when measured sensitively enough!
How convenient if that conjecture proves true, they won’t even need a passport because the “nanoparticles” are your passport, funny because humans having been recording all sort of information on ferromagnetic particles for a long time now, I’m old enough to remember computer programs on tape and music cassettes! My hard drive still uses the same technology, just refined. The next step would be to see if there is data in that magnetic signal. It would be interesting if one was found.

FWIW, a friend of mine recently had a CT Scan two days after being vaxxed (Pfizer I believe). The uptake of the radiocontrast agent used to enhance the scan was massive at the vax site. He doesn’t know what the enhancing material was, but it was probably iodine.
Although it is not relevant in this case, some enhancing agents used in MRI scans (not CT) use gadolinium which is the most paramagnetic element at body temperature.
Other than gadolinium, I have absolutely no idea what could possibly cause a concentration of ferromagnetic material at the injection site.
I have hereditary hemochromatosis which causes my blood to be high in ferritin. I can assure you that I do not deflect compasses.
The whole thing is very weird.

I ran a search on “debunking magnetic vaccine sites” and found a ton of articles.
Here is one from the BBC:
Here is one from Newsweek:
There were lots of other articles.
The BBC article was really off-topic. They barely addressed the claim of magnetism, but set up a bunch of straw man topics (implanting of microchips) and attacked them.
Both of the linked articles cited “experts” who said that there was nothing to the allegations, including the straw-man allegations.
One would think that an actual journalist would enlist dozens of vaccinees and test the hypothesis. They didn’t. Newsweek simply cited a single Twitter post from one person saying that it did not happen to them.
But much to Newsweek’s chagrin someone posted this in the comment section:

"Ok, but WHY then is my arm magnetic after the vaccine when it wasn’t before? Sure, the vaccine itself isn’t magnetic nor does it contain magnetic material. And the needle may be magnetic. But the needles not here. Why do I have a magnet sticking to my arm! ?"
And another person asked the obvious question. Why didn't Newsweek look into it themselves:
"My friend just sent me her video and YES 2 different magnets are sticking at the injection site BUT not on her other arm. Newsweek, go ahead and try it yourselves before you try to debunk something."
I remember when Business Insider had a problem with people in the comment section debunking Business Insider articles. To solve the problem, BI eliminated comment sections. Maybe Newsweek has a choice ahead of them. Either start doing journalism or delete the comments section.  

This paper from 2014 would seem to relevant…

Mike, I was inspired by your post to go and leave a comment at NewsWeak [sic].

There’s a whole rabbit hole to fall down in that article, not least of which is their “Healthguard” extension which ranks website content based on a 9-point assessment process.
Which is a hoot because if Newsweak followed their own ranking process this debunking article would be a clear strike against themselves. Two strikes if they don’t publicly correct their error soon.

Don’t let’s forget to distinguish some important concepts here.
Just like we would distinguish Covid-19 (the disease) from Sars-Cov2 (the virus).
Some things ARE magnets. Some things are ATTRACTED to magnets.
Some of these are transitory. Some are not.
HERE is a nice source.
– Chuck

The interesting thing about the comments section was this. Virtually no one was buying the story Newsweek was trying to sell.
It reminds me of a post I saw on another site where someone noted this about the MSM:

"They know that a lot of you don't believe them and they don't really care."
That might change if the feces really hits the proverbial fan.

So what is the half life of these nanoparticals? Do they “the mRNA vaccine producers” even know?
What will happen if everyone who has ever gotten an mRNA vaccine can’t safety get MRIs, or they set off metal detectors? I wonder if these vaccines show up on the TSA scanners. I would guess we’d have already heard about that if they do.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31100837/ Magnetoferritin: Process, Prospects, and Their Biomedical Applications ....According to the distribution within the human body, ferritin is divided into intracellular and extracellular ferritin [1]. In most tissues, ferritins are mainly located in cytosol with a minor fraction in nucleus and a different type in mitochondria. In addition, ferritins are involved in iron storage and iron homeostasis in vivo. Ferritin can also protect mitochondria and DNA from oxidative damage and iron toxicity [1,12]. The heavy subunit of ferritin plays a role in cell proliferation, angiogenesis, and stem cell expansion [13]. It has previously been reported that the ferritin heavy chain is involved in controlling cancer cell growth [14]. Recently, it was demonstrated that the ferritin heavy chain impacted cell viability by regulating the expression of miRNAs [13,15,16]. .....Magnetite nanoparticles were found inside pathological tissues involving neurodegenerative diseases [35]. The core of native ferritin might turn from ferrihydrite to magnetite, thereby forming biogenic magnetoferritin [19].
That highlighted portion above is interesting. Let's look into that more;
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26037721/ MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression by altering the translation efficiency and/or stability of targeted mRNAs. In vertebrates, more than 50% of all protein-coding RNAs are assumed to be subject to miRNA-mediated control
So what do we know? Ferritin is generally non-magnetic, and exists in our cells. There is some prior evidence of a natural route for conversion of this to magneto-ferritin, i.e. biogenically, through some oxidative pathway. Finally, there is evidence tying ferritin to the regulation of micro-RNA's, that themselves play a role in mRNA transcription. Since we are talking about a biogenic process here, i.e. that would be mediated by your bodies reaction to the vax... it could lead to the kind of variability that we think we are seeing across those receiving the vax.

Also, I’m inclined to agree with CM, that any magnetic effects are not necessarily nefarious, or hazardous to health under “normal” circumstances – whatever those are.
However, I would not discount the idea of the Vaxx being something that can be measured externally, with sensors, but this time for more nefarious purposes.
At the moment, that’s my take.
We need 666 times more data.
– Chuck

Next up; the MSM saying "yeah, we've always known this and it's...it's...a sign that the vaccines are working! Yeah, that's the ticket!"
  I just found this out but didn't know where to put it. So my mom who is 74 didn't really want to get the jab but I think she caved to pressure from my sister (who is a nurse) and also "so the gov't wouldn't bother me". She's an adult able to make her own decision so I support it either way although I thought she should put it off until more is known like I am. She wanted the J&J option but I think they were just going into the "pause" when she got her first dose so she got one of the mRNA ones. She got her 2nd dose on April 30 with not much side effect either time. Great, I thought. Well, yesterday she informed me she got a big red itchy and burning rash not just on her arm but neck and all the way down her back. She didn't know what it was and thought maybe she picked up something feeding stray cats behind the ALDI (that's another story). She said it was incredibly painful and worrisome so she went to urgent care clinic. They said it was an allergic reaction to something and asked the usual questions - did her shampoo or soap change? Did she change laundry detergents? Has she been somewhere or eaten something out of the norm lately? Does she garden or is she having any work with chemicals done around her house recently? Answer to no on all those. They told her to bathe with Aveeno, prescribed prednisone and a special (expensive) cream. She is feeling a little better today. Before she even finished telling me the saga, I said I bet it's a delayed reaction to the vax even thought it's been about 2 weeks. They didn't even ask her if she had gotten the shot at the clinic. Anyway, if I were a betting person I would put $$ on it and she thinks I'm right although there's probably no way to prove it. per the CDC website :
CDC has learned of reports that some people have experienced a red, itchy, swollen, or painful rash where they got the shot. These rashes can start a few days to more than a week after the first shot and are sometimes quite large. These rashes are also known as “COVID arm.” If you experience “COVID arm” after getting the first shot, you should still get the second shot at the recommended interval if the vaccine you got needs a second shot. Tell your vaccination provider that you experienced a rash or “COVID arm” after the first shot. Your vaccination provider may recommend that you get the second shot in the opposite arm. If the rash is itchy, you can take an antihistamine. If it is painful, you can take a pain medication like acetaminophen or a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).
Hmmmm .....

On November 30, I posted:
“A good friend of mine, male, 67, with several health problems, had the J&J ‘vaccine’ four days ago.
He spent last night at the local hospital being treated for blood clots in his leg.
The attending physician has reported the incident to VAERS.”
I just spoke with him today. He is still in pain and has occluded veins in both legs. He told me that his physicians are 90% certain the blood clots, and an associated attack of gout, were the result of him being injected with the J&J genetic potion.

One of my neighbors has a friend in the same situation.
He got the vax, ended up in the hospital with blood clots.

My friend’s husband has developed Bell’s palsy in one side of his face, seven weeks after receiving the Pfizer vax. One side of face drooping but not twitching. She was fine. They asked their doctor if it could have been a side effect of the vax and he said no. They asked him if her husband should get the second shot and the doctor said yes. Absolutely zero attempt by the doctor to investigate.

I have a fairly small social circle & personally know of 5 adverse events associated with the mRNA experimental treatments: 3 strokes all after the second shot (1 very serious resulting in weeks of hospital and rehab time, 2 less serious but both leaving some permanent disability (vision & hearing problems)), one reduction in kidney function (along with severe pain that landed him in ER) with the first shot, one seizures in late 20’s female (landed her in ER & ordered not to drive for a year), and one extreme nausea in a 50 year old female that landed her in the ER. I am 100% certain at least 4 of these were not submitted to VAERS. The kidney problem might have been… I am not sure.
I know of about the same number of people that had the virus and all except one were asymptomatic. The symptomatic person was not hospitalized and is struggling a bit with long covid. I suggested she consult with https://covidlonghaulers.com/. This is a group of doctors, I believe with affiliation to the FLCCC, that are treating patients with Long Covid. My understanding is they are able to order labs for you and based on your test results, create a custom treatment protocol to help you get better.

In a nutshell, this;

https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/post-acute/unvaccinated-nursing-home-employee-sparks-breakthrough-covid-19-infections-cdc-finds.html An unvaccinated employee at a Kentucky skilled nursing facility sparked an outbreak that infected 18 residents who were fully vaccinated, according to the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report published April 21. The unvaccinated employee's infection was detected March 1, according to the report. A total of 26 facility residents and 20 healthcare personnel were infected during the outbreak. Of those, 18 residents and four employees had received their second dose of Pfizer's vaccine more than two weeks before the outbreak began. At the time of the outbreak, the facility had 83 residents and 116 healthcare personnel employees.
How the hell do they actually know what the spark was for these infections? If the vaccinated can get infected, then they can infect each other just as easily as they can become infected from the non-vaccinated, right? In fact, as least with the non-vaccinated, you (or they) have some chance to avoid contact due to obvious symptoms if they exist. Blah. As an unvaccinated individual, it appears to me that I am going to need to choose a form of fully strong prophylaxis, i.e. one that includes either HCQ or IVM. This then would go on top of everything else I take, including the Zinc, Selenium, D3, B3 (flush niacin), Quercetin + Bromelain, Mg, etc. I may actually choose HCQ in this case as my sense is that there is more precedent for very long term (years and years) use for treatment of RA and lupus. This is an important conversation we need to have going forward. At some point soon if not already, the majority of people in the US will be vaccinated. They will be easily swayed to bring out their pitchforks if you get sick and test positive. We need to hone our protocols, beyond even FLCCC. We need to bring together ALL angles on prophylaxis, i.e. revisit the Flush Niacin question (I am fully sold on the many health benefits - we just need more data specific to Covid-19), talk more about mushroom-source anti-virals like Chaga, and various agents that can be nebulized like Iota-carrageenan.