A Step-By-Step Analysis Of The Copenhaver Film

Three other gunshot victims, one of whom died…

Nobody sane would agree to any of what you’ve suggested.


Look. I respect your opinion. This is the ONLY way that
folks will come together and resolve issues or problems together.

  1. The most important fact AGAINST your Theory is…the wounded, the bloody soaked wounded and the dead !

  2. I am of the total belief that 10mph winds forced the shot to miss by one half an inch over 407 feet say. One click on the scope.

  3. Professionals do not injure or murder innocent folks x

4 Your Para “The 1st 3 shots were by the decent shooter(who dissappeared immediately after 3) , the 5 fast shots, could be done by the patsy, (who didnt hit ANY of the agents in a giant pile on Trump?). I think he was shooting into the air far above everyone”

— Yes IF these shots came from 427 feet away going towards the stage (which i seem to remember the CBS mic. confirmed this direction.) In fact, hitting the Crane was
a much better target for a red dot glass on a 15year old AK15 used by an Amateur.

2nd Shooter/Watcher Body
For info, the 2nd body (that had fallen off something after getting killed) was normal build (not heavy build) white and around 5 foot 7 / 5 foot 8 tall.

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An hour before the Speakers began, the FLAG had to be taken down and untangled because the wind was so strong that afternoon, the crane had to be lowered so The FLAG could be reset.

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I absolutely think and know that our FBI or NSA or both have access to something extremely horrible that causes a person who is not stauchly against an idea to make him or her to act…like mind control. The feds can do it to anybody and I believe it to be cellular based activity like audio just outside your active hearing based. It is a real thing. The NSA has a patent on the concept. If your cellphone is online then you can be a target of basic mind control. I really believe Matthew Crooks was a victim of it.


Or even this

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flashes happen after the 9th shot rang out.

DJS video 5:00(his timecode) is where 8th shot finish. 5:01 is 9th shot. 5:04 is the 1st frame of flash on the window and lasts 20frames. Then 5:11 is when the 10th shot is heard.

So unless DJS or FBI manipulated the video - which is least likely coz a lot of other things syncs well, those flashes are some reflections from something else.

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To me they look like a LEO is checking the room with a flashlight, which makes sense. Perhaps he did so after hearing shots fired in that vicinity, a speculation. If the assassin was in the ceiling, that would make sense. It looks far more like a flashlight than a reflection to me, anyways.


True. I agree its a plausible scenario.

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On the bodycam footage you can see two officers walking back in the corridor.

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Yes, but I wonder how the timing aligns. The bodycam footage is 18 minutes after the last shot, and those two look to be moving pretty slow. Could be, though.

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Need someone to take a peek frame by frame on this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toQ1YYbOjfo&t=30s About 2:52 someone is running at the bottom of the water tower and along the treeline and I lose track of them because the cops arm is in the way of his bodycam but think he went into the parking lot and behind the building. Seems quite interesting someone running like that when all the cops standing around. Also I think I see the drone when the cop first pulls himself up to the roof just before he falls back down - the drone that got the photo of the shooter on the roof with no cops in sight and his gun is several feet away from his body. Also unrelated to this video but interesting - I saw a photo posted on social media of the roof body’s tshirt and it doesn’t match the tshirt of the photo taken when he was crawling on the retaining wall - the graphic is two different sizes. Too many questions. Thank you Chris for what you are doing - I just discovered you about a week ago, and I absolutely cannot wait to see your next video every day - love your methodical and logical approach. Can’t wait to get more details before all the information gets somehow buried like it always does! Sure glad I found ya!


Just watch the video from Ray here, there is a lot of evidence. From which source did you reach this conclusion? It seems strange that there are still people believing in this narrative.

To believe in Trump fake it you to believe that:
1 - He put some device on his ear to fake that blood.
2 - That photos and videos are fake or all manipulated.
3 - That injured people were part of a conspiration.
4 - That the people that helped the victims were part of a conspiration.
5 - That the deceased victim is fake.
6 - That they put devices on that lift to make it loose hydraulic oil.
7 - That all of this was coordinated in seconds.
8 - That Crooks is not dead. All fake blood.

Or part of it was real, part not, like:
1 - That Trump himself or the conspirators risk his life for the photo op.
2 – That they kill and injured people for the photo op.
3 - That they had make the photo op stand in the news until the elections, to make it worth the shot. There is not one MSM talking about it.


I found another video that have the view of the roof from the south bleacher.
This is a good reference for photo matching because the elevation and position could be known with better accuracy.
The camera elevation is almost at the middle of the side rail. 3 seconds later it has the view of the Stage.
By the stair position at 80s I could pin point (right image) his position in the bleacher.
It is almost at the same camera view point of James Copenhaver but much lower.
The camera elevation at 90s
The stage view at 93s

After going one step down in the bleacher he zooms the stage at 183s:
Zoomed Stage view at 183s

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This is why we need EVERY second of body cam video!

Every person involved is guilty of treason! This is why every scrap of evidence is vital!

Those vents are suspicious in my mind. Has anyone inspected them?

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Need pressure on FBI by congress to release all the rally footage they have collected.

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Pretty clean area around his head pics if he got shot in his head, no entry, exit, brains around. On face, blood dripping forward from rear wound. Maybe was stabbed in the back, or silencer shot in back or abdomen and that pooling blood seems darker flow from below to his neck, not top to bottom. He had a bleeding out trail from other roof pic. JM2C

Do we have everybody’s bodycam to rule out LEO being on the roof with Crooks/Yearick BEFORE he was shot?

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240809 d
All you always think about guns and gunshots.
240809 a
240809 b

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