A Step-By-Step Analysis Of The Copenhaver Film

no brains splattered. Maybe crooks/yearick was stabbed from behind by someone else on roof. LEO or other involved. No head shot crooks for certain per pics. Do the bodycam search please, but likely was more covert and no cam.

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yes, see the blood pool on roof by his upper back and trail down

probably not uniformed with bodycam, but the triator was there for sure

The way we get pressure on the FBI is to show the up with as much irrefutable evidence contradicting their false narratives and spread out so far and wide that the pressure comes from the massive will of the people, but if we continue to have the apathy that is growing in the public at large we have an uphill battle with small results for our collectively massive efforts.


Treason has a very specific definition in US Law. About 87% of the time I see it used, it does not meet the definition of the Law.


Since there is much to this subject about what is the definition of treason and what is the definition of war that I believe the Supreme Court would need to clarify much. As such it is a much deeper rabbit hole than I had realized and as a result of my quick review I will refrain from any further such assertions and depend on those truly qualified to deal with such serious matters. Thank you for pointing that out.

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You’re welcome, the words Treason & Murder are misused so much.
I try to be factually correct about things. It takes away one angle others can attack my hypothesis.

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Actually, the POUS free election process is a constitutional law for the republic. Murder of a candidate and done for the sole purpose of removing a choice away from the people is bordering as an act against this constitutional law. Way more details needed to say that deep state did Tyranny and against the republic.


This is from a good vantage point. If the last shot was from one of the snipers that are way back and to the right, that would be pretty close to you, and it should be noticeably earlier than in other videos when lined up

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To me it appears just like other light flashes in the tree, caused by the wind blowing the branches around and exposing the sky behind the tree.

Does the link to bodycam videos in this post help?

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The difference is about 3 inches.

For a bullet traveling 0.1728 seconds (approx time to podium), the bullet falls .478 feet from a straight line. For a bullet traveling .2128 seconds (approx time from building 6 to back of bleachers) the bullet would fall .7245 feet. The difference is .2495 feet, or about 3 inches.

Pardon my inconsistent rounding.

Regarding post 232 - It’s just too hard to tell, I think. The guy is crouching down when Trump and the secret service are on the stage, and then when he is standing there is no one at the podium, and even then we don’t know how much lower he is than David Dutch and/or the back railing.

Interesting video though. Good one to have access to.

I put out a new substack which covers a lot of things related to these conspiracy theories. Consider that the Secret Service, the FBI and all the mainstream media would have to be complicit in this. The Secret Service would have to be “all in” - they have totally trashed their reputation, and the director had to resign. What did the Secret Service have to gain by gutting their protection that day?

I have a nice picture in my post straight from the NY Times showing Trump just after he took his hand down from his ear - with blood on it. I also have the famous picture from the NY Times that actually shows the bullet. Why would the NY Times be in on it, not even questioning if Trump did the blood packet bit? They hate Trump.

In retrospect it would have been nice if Trump had shown up at the RNC with a scab showing, but he didn’t, and even if he did it wouldn’t have satisfied you guys. As for the healed ear, two weeks is enough time for a flesh wound to heal if it’s not deep and the person is not a candidate for a nursing home - and if the person doesn’t pick at the scab.

About Trump asking about his shoes and doing the fist pump

  1. he was rattled, and may not have been thinking too clearly
  2. at that point he and the detail had been told “shooter is down”

It was the SECRET SERVICE DETAIL’S JOB to ignore what he said and rush him off the stage ASAP. They should dragged him off if necessary. And why don’t they keep a ballistic shield handy?


(1/6) Hi guys I will present my model of the first shoot that hit Trump ears.

The satellite image used on Goole Earth is from 11/05/21 (this was the sharpest image for me). The height amplifier is 0.01 (flat).

For the photo matching I used 4 photos from drones. For matching I used 3 light poles (green), the roads (blue) and the east side of the small house (red). The point considered is where the shadow meets the object.

(2/6) Here are the 4 images:

The offset of the position of the trump stage was around 3 feet. I considered the geometric medium of the positions as the actual one. This is important because after I will correct that error based on other the data.

After measuring dimensions and height achieved values very close to Roger’s model.

VT, I greatly appreciate your well thought out, truly logical reply.

It is no exaggeration to say that I have been on this journey since the day I was home from school sick, watching TV, when for the first time in history the screen went black, immediately followed First, over a black screen , Walter Cronkite’s voice announces: Here is a bulletin from CBS News. In Dallas, Texas, three shots were fired……

I have read every scrap, watched every movie, documentary, interview, book, etc. And just this year, 6o+ years later last month I finally feel confident in the fact that the truth of what happened and the identity of the shooter that pulled the trigger on that fatal shot that irrevocably changed the course of history.

This event is of equal or greater importance for reasons I will not delve into here and is in my well founded opinion that the same “players” at it again perpetrating or attempting to perpetrate probably an even more heinous act this time when taken in the greater context of the current state of the world.


(3/6) One trick part is satellite image angle. It is possible to see the east side of the building so I considered the start on blue line but for dimensions I used the roof (red). The offset measured is 1.5 yards to the east. This is the most correct way to do, because all measured are made in the same elevation (the ground level).

After that I extract the positions of building, Trump stage, and the south bleacher. Exported in the Mercator projection to excel, then after defining the line of fire as horizontal from Crooks to Trump by rotating the coordinates.

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(4/6) Since we don’t heve enough accuracy of height and the position of objects, I proposed to use the James Copenhaver footage and footage of James Copenhaver using his camera.

Some people might consider that to be not accurate but if we consider the margin of error from Goggle Earth of 0.5 feet, these assumptions are more accurate eve if we consider the possible change in height and position of James camera.

After calculating the James Copenhaver camera elevation from thew rail and using the line of sight from the top of Trump’s head and project that in the building 6 and measured the height and horizontal distance from the side of the building. This way we can calibrate the elevation and position of the north bleacher.

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(5/6) Here are the results:

The top view of line of fire and the side cut view A-A (on the line of fire).

The line of fire come from 1.2 inches above the rail and 3.9 inches to the West of David Dutch center line.

(edit) As a disclaimer the side view is not proportional, the elevation is amplified.