A Step-By-Step Analysis Of The Copenhaver Film

If you saw my analysis, you can understand that the building was in lower ground.

The trajectory makes perfect sense to me.

If there was a second shooter (a trained sniper), he would not miss.

Do you have evidence of that radio exchange?

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That is an interesting interpretation of what was happening… I think it needs to be considered.


here is another photo with bullet trajectory. It aligns perfect with Trump ear and David Dutch.

Assuming the pro setup 15 feet inside the building had Trump in his cross hairs and just when the trigger released the hammer, Trump turns his head. A miss.

I wish I had somehow downloaded several YouTube videos.

Very interesting if true…


I believe you have not seen the 2 hour comprehensive video John Cullen did with Will Cain (Sniper Extraordinaire) on Rumble. Watch it, you will get many answers and more questions.

I want to know why the counter snipers and for that matter ALL law enforcement don’t have satellite cell phones in case there are “problems” with their radio band widths🧐


You should really watch the John Cullen with Will Cain (Sniper Extraordinaire) break everything down. Hint: there is an unofficial quote from one of the counter snipers that is quite huge!

It can be found on Rumble with the firing search term; [Multiple Shooters? John Cullen & Clay Martin]

That and a significant (8-12 buffeting 90 degree crosswind)

You make a great point that needs magnification. Watch the John Cullen Will Cain Video on Rumble for the rest of the story.

Winds were 90 Degrees to trajectory, buffeting, and significant 8-12 mph) plus Trump made an exquisitely timed and unexpected flinch. Formula for miss; flinch + significant variable crosswinds = nick on ear and Trump lives

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I especially like the very last part “2nd shooter on the loose.” Have you seen John Cullen and Will Cain on Rumble. You will be astonished and fascinated

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Thanks for posting these images, which are from angles I had not yet seen. The one close up of Trump suggests that Copenhaver was slightly lower than Trump, but I think this may be perspective; the image below strongly suggests that the top rung of Copenhaver’s bleacher was above Trump’s ear:

The SS sniper team 1 turned north at 6:10:00, per a video by Ostroff. This may seem extremely late, but consistent with Senator Ron Johnson’s timeline evidencing that local LEO (who saw Crooks probably 2-3 minutes before on the roof), though communicating to SS “command” and “SS sniper team leader,” was not getting its information passed on the the actual SS snipers.

Those two entities clearly were slowing down and diluting the on-the-field intelligence that ultimately SS snipers were getting. As late as 6:11 (under 33 seconds before Trump shot), the timeline states:

6:11pm—According to Acting Director Rowe, “a member of former President Trump’s protective detail contact[s] their Pittsburgh Field Office to inquire about the radio update that there was an issue local law enforcement was looking into near the perimeter.”

So while SS team 1 had turned around 1 minute before, it seems it still was in the dark, inquiring about “perimeter” when in fact Crooks had been on the roofs of AGR for 3+ minutes.

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Thanks, We need the 3 points (Trump, David Dutch and Crook’s) to prove there were aligned. Its hard to find photos that contain all. Here is another one.

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If it says 6:25 pm, that may mean time of death called by someone who can officially make that call. Not everyone is permitted to legally call/pronounce time of death. It is not unusual for that to be changed later, if needed.


Only on Rumble? Any other platform?

It amazed me how nobody didn’t want to see the obvious and most logical way how Crooks got on the roof and to his final position. From the very beginning it was clear to me that he got on the roof out of the window on the eastern side of the 2-story building that had 6 open windows looking at the podium.
Does it mean he had inside assistance? Of course it does. There are too many evidences to think otherwise. There’s no any doubt that whole thing was planned. This useful idiot was hoping to become hero and famous and he deserved what he got. But his actual role was to distract public attention from real assassins. I’m even not sure he made even one shot. We know his marksman’s skill was very poor. The shot #1 was too well aimed to be his and shots #4…8 are too fast and good for high professional, not for him. So it leaves us to think that all shots 1…3 and 4…8 were made from inside 2nd floor with open windows and looking at podium.
The only one question I couldn’t answer is who killed Crooks? The bullet from counter sniper would explode his scull like watermelon and we know it was not the case. To think it was bullet from handgun of member of SEU - to me not likely: the distance was too big and the target (Crooks head) too small for such perfect shot.
And there’s no any doubt that empty shells were planted.
And the way how “investigation” is going on tells me that “investigators” “investigate” themselves. They are trying just to cover themselves.
It means that with current staff of upper level of USSS and FBI Trump is still in big danger and they will try to eliminate him again and maybe more effectively next time.

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Has anyone seen this video? It really makes it look like the first three shots came from the Secret Service sniper.

Is this real?

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Exellent info Chris. Can you or group advise me, the cell phone photo of Crooks taken from above him just prior to shooting and circulated to all law enformement, secret service

a. where was that photo taken from? (I see a concrete wall Crooks is sitting, kneeling on? Where is this exact spot?

b. did Secret Service receive this photo prior to shooting?


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