A Step-By-Step Analysis Of The Copenhaver Film

I find difficult to believe:

1 - The flinch was predictable, everyone was listing to him. That was not the right time if it was the case (2nd Shotter).

2 – If that is the case, the 2nd shooter got Trump ears and David Dutch? That is very unlikely due to the trajectory that goes directly to Crooks position.

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Any reason you are pushing Cullen so much when Chris has made it clear he’s not a good source of data?

If you believe his work, might be best to share the jist of the evidence here, not asking people to go watch a whole video - spending time watching someone like Cullen on this topic, who seems to be muddying the water, isn’t time well spent.


Cullen is definitely wild. He jumps on theories and starts spinning them fast.

However, I think there is space for people like that in these discussions. Very much so. They think outside the box and they hyper focus on areas of interest. Having said that, some of his claims are immediately disproved by other solid evidence and he doesn’t seem to retract them fast enough.

Example: he claims Crooks was killed while walking across the roof. That didn’t happen. Other videos clearly show Crooks alive and getting into position after having walked across the roof, and then of course, he is killed. Either by a ESU officer or the last shot that was made by a Secret Service sniper.

Is it possible Crooks acted alone or was helped by the security to do what he did? Both could be possible.

Does other evidence point to there possibly being other shooters? Of course. Audio, that back bleacher row, vatious other oddities…

Does other evidence point to incompetence at best and treason at worst by someone involved in the security situation? Of course.


@joshwartz To me, it looks like those snipers responded to the sudden shooting by pulling back. Play the video in 0.25x speed. You will notice that at the time of the shot, the sniper on the left pulls his gun back, the barrel points down as the second shot fires. The sniper on the right starts to lay down and his rifle aims up.

My assessment is they reacted and took cover.


Everybody is focussed on the shooter moving into firing position on Copenhaver’s video. But, have you noticed movement in the upper left of the video. Is that an individual, or something else?

I went directly from a hyperlink here on Prosperity. Can’t tell you exactly where, but I did find it one time after I watched it. I don’t know if it is posted anywhere else, but EVERYBODY in this community NEEDS to watch it. I simply use “ Multiple Shooters? John Cullen & Clay Martin” in the search bar on Rumble and it takes me right to it.

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It lines up perfectly with the infamous first floor window🧐

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it did, lots of 3D models going around.

Why is nobody talking about AGR?
Most businesses have video cameras and door electronic logs. Where are the internal video cameras??? Where is the loading dock or door access video cameras?


can you post a link

I don’t suppose there was an autopsy on the apparent shooter’s body?

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The US Military M193 ammo standard was set in 1963 and was designed for the M16 rifle with a 20" 1/12 twist barrel.

The M193 may be a lot older than the M855 but it still performs well in modern builds with carbine uppers

Crazy that they haven’t even issued a responsive external press release. (Or not so crazy if you consider their connections).


Provide some proof of a casement window that swings inward. I have never seen one and it would have to be for a special purpose because it eats up space inside a room. All the pictures that clearly show an open window, show a casement window that swings out, not in.

@cmartenson At what point were the hole(s) made in his knee?

Think about what AGR does and who owns them. The new CEO used to work for Raytheon. What kind of technology could have been used on the first floor window? We do not know, but consider that there are definite anomalies in that window and that is the apparent location Trump was shot from.

How many supersonic and sub-supersonic suppressed or non-suppressed rounds were fired from this location. Why was that area being cleared out by LEO just before shooting happened?

Why isn’t anybody on this platform talking about the suppressed subsonic shots taken at the counter snipers? We have that directly from one of the counter snipers.

Nobody here is discussing the bullet video caught in flight to the “Crooks” location, the presumed kill shot? Heavy looking bullet, probably subsonic.

How come the LEO bandwidth failed?

Who examined the water tower? It’s shaped like a donut inside and I am told you get to the top via an internal ladder. Was somebody shot on the tower as witnesses claim?

Has anybody traced the paths of shots fired from the trees at SS counter snipers and looked for evidence of a sling harness? Perhaps some missing bark.

Why are ALL the people shot not being included in reporting?

How many bullets have been recovered?

What is on each and every bodycam? What is on every phone there? Can’t somebody track movements of every single cell phone there, like was done on people at J6.

Please shut me up by at least trying to get answers to these and many more questions.

My curiosity catalyst has been activated and like the JFK Assassination I will never cease until the truth Is revealed and the responsible parties brought to justice.

I despise the lying dissemblers wreaking havoc on the good honest people of this planet.

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What do they do?

John Cullen had Will Cain undisputed top tier sniper, using available data, testimony, dynamic modeling, precise measurements, deductive and inductive reasoning, real life experience and much more in a 2 hour podcast. It’s on Rumble.

If you are talking about who ordered this assassination you must take many long drives down umpteen rabbit holes like The City of London, Chabad Lubavitch, Committee of 300, The Five Elders, DARPA, DOD and many, many more malign groups and you will begin to understand the war being waged against us. I have spent literally thousands of hours studying all this and I have barely scratched the surface.

I agree